Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.
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Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by Joey Smith »

Pretty obvious HYIP scam, but flashy website. I've heard that they claim to have made people Trillionaires. Looks like an Omega rip-off.
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Re: Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by Leftcoaster »

From their FAQ page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is Destiny’s Partners, Inc. and how do I know that you are for real?

Even though we have been around for a couple of years now, we would be greatly surprised if you had heard of us. There are several reasons for this.
I'll bet there are!
First, due to the nature of our program and where we fall within the guidelines of the SEC, we are not allowed to advertise, so the only way that anyone finds out about us is by word of mouth.
do tell...
Second, another stipulation by the SEC allows us to only have a limited number of participants in our program at any given time.
I believe that number to be Zero
Therefore we are very selective about who we approach as potential participants.
Must score 8.5 or better on the Gullibility and Greed Index
Third, we are looking for the seasoned, savvy, knowledgeable investors who know that there is something out there beyond the stock market, mutual funds, options and real estate and they understand and appreciate what it is that we have to offer.
See above
What exactly is it you are offering?

We have a very simple, straightforward program that allows individuals to participate at a level that was previously available only to very wealthy individuals or well funded institutional investors. We have several options that all offer double-digit returns on 3 month, 4 month, 6 month and 1 year contracts.

What type of program are you talking about?
Oh! Oh! Let me guess! Is it Fraud?
They are known as PPTP’s, or Private Placement Trading Platforms (as they grow in popularity they are being referred to simply as Private Placements). There are many types of PPTP’s out there. Most are for a short term and for a specific purpose such as:

-A company may decide to sell some of their debt equity in order to raise capital or offer a percentage of their company to private investors, again to raise capital.

-Some are used specifically to raise large amounts of cash for charities and humanitarian endeavors.

These programs are growing in popularity because they allow for the raising of capital without the tedious, time consuming, drawn out procedure required by the SEC to do an IPO (Initial Public Offering) or stock offering.

Which type does DP employ and how do you make money?

Ours is yet another type of Private Placement, that is multi-faceted and, unlike most of the others, it is ongoing. Our primary vehicle employs cash management activities into the billions of dollars.
Gosh Darn it...Right again!
How can you offer such great returns when no one else does?
Offer and Pay are two dramatically different things.
We don’t know why banks, some dividend paying stocks and other forms of investments pay so little relative to our offering. But you really should ask yourself some questions:

Why are there so many banks?

How can brokerage companies afford to advertise incessantly on television and cable?

Why do the rich get richer, and poor, get poorer?

Indeed, the bankers/investment houses are making a lot of money, off of your money.'re losing me, get back to the good stuff please

Is my investment guaranteed?
Oh! This should be good.
If you’ve bought as few as ten shares of stock, you should know that the word “investment” and “guarantee” cannot be mentioned in the same sentence. This goes for everyone, even the mega traders like Merrill Lynch, Scottrade, Ameritrade, etc.. Every time you make an investment you must acknowledge that you understand the inherent risks in investing, up to and including the loss of your entire investment.
bolding added for clarity
Please ask the person that introduced this program to you, and who has experience with how the program works for more details.
Please ask them to go away and never talk to you again.
Are you registered with the SEC?

Due to the way that our company is structured and due also to the fact that we do not offer or sell any stocks or commodities or make any such offerings we have been advised by council and the SEC not to register with them. It would mean mounds and mounds of unnecessary paperwork and regulations that would gain us nothing. This, by the way, is primarily why Private Placements have become so popular. Please visit our website and look under News and Events on our home page, to check out the articles on which explain this even further.
Well at least they're honest when they say they're not selling any stocks or commodities
Do I have access to my investment?
Yeah,'re money is safe with us...
Think of it as a CD at your bank. But, unlike the bank, we offer options that allow you to have either quarterly, semi-annual or annual payouts on your returns. Your initial investment (principle and profit) will be returned at the end of your chosen contract period.
Or, think of it as taking your money and flushing it down the toilet.
Do I have to take all of my money out at the end of the year?

All contracts will be closed out at the end of said contract, but there are situations, with prior approval and detailed documentation, where monies may be rolled over from one year to the next as if a new contract had been instituted with every annual anniversary.
With us, you never have to worry about getting your money back.
How do I put my money in and how to I get it back?

We accept either personal checks, cashiers checks or wire transfers. No cash or untraceable form of currency will be accepted. Payouts will be made either by wire transfer directly into your account or by check.
They don't accept cash? I am shocked. Shocked!. How about Liberty Dollars?
Am I responsible for taxes due on my gains?

Yes, you will receive a 1099 at the end of each calendar year for all payouts during the affected period.
...but I wouldn't worry about it too many gains.
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Re: Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by wserra »

Leftcoaster wrote:From their FAQ page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is Destiny’s Partners, Inc. and how do I know that you are for real?

Even though we have been around for a couple of years now, we would be greatly surprised if you had heard of us. There are several reasons for this.
They hired good lawyers, who got the dockets sealed.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by Leftcoaster »

It's too bad that Wserras deconstruction of the response from the promoter was lost into the void.

That was truly a thing of beauty.
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Re: Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by wserra »

Leftcoaster wrote:It's too bad that Wserras deconstruction of the response from the promoter was lost into the void.

That was truly a thing of beauty.
Thank you, thank you (although I have these visions of fish and barrels). But from time to time I archive now, having learned from past flush-o-ramas. Moreover, for the first time since the server was reconstituted, I have a little time. So:
dpprez wrote:whom Destiny's Partners really is.
Well, I have some time to do that now. Why don't we take a quick look at "whom" Destiny's Partners really is? And I decline your invitation to do so privately. Let's do it here, and you can answer here, if you wish.

(1) First of all, which "Destiny's Partners" should we look at? Is it the folks just called "Destiny's Partners"? Or is it "Destiny's Partners Group"? Or "Destiny's Partners Solutions"? Or "Destiny's Partners Unlimited"? Or "Destiny's Partners Investment Club"? Or "Destiny's Partners Ventures"? Now, all those web sites look pretty much the same, but why the shell game? What legitimate business does this?

(2) You call yourself "Destiny's Partners Inc.", and your sites give an address in Rockford, IL. However, the Illinois secretary of state's corporation and LLC directory has no listing for "Destiny's Partners" anything. How come?

(3) One of your sites gives an address in Dallas, and your telephone number above is located in the Dallas suburb of McKinney. The Texas secretary of state does show a "Destiny Partners Inc.", with the accompanying entry "forfeited existence". Didn't pay the fees, huh? To be fair, it also shows "Destiny (not 'Destiny's') Partners LLC" and "Destiny (not 'Destiny's') Partners Unlimited Inc." The former gives an address of 1713 IDLE HOUR CV, LAKEWAY, TX 787345264. That appears to be a private house, now for sale. The latter ("Destiny Partners Unlimited Inc." does not provide an address, and was registered on March 13, 2008 - less than two months ago.

Berkshire Hathaway you're not.

(4) Probably most important, you provide no reason why anyone should trust you with their hard-earned money. Your web site brays that you provide "undeniably the best vehicle available in the marketplace today for significant returns on your dollars" - at the same time as you provide no proof of that whatsoever. No earnings history, no references to public documents, nothing. Your web sites -, - were only registered a year ago. And you identify yourself as "Bobby Upton", with nothing about your personal credentials or history. Are you the "Robert C. Upton" from Texas who filed for bankruptcy a couple of years ago, by any chance?

(5) And then there's the nonsense.

You claim that "due to the nature of our program and where we fall within the guidelines of the SEC, we are not allowed to advertise, so the only way that anyone finds out about us is by word of mouth." Please cite the SEC "guideline" (whatever that is) which prohibits you from advertising. And, in any event, what are your various cloned web sites if not advertising? Then you write, "another stipulation by the SEC allows us to only have a limited number of participants in our program at any given time." What SEC "stipulation" (whatever that is) is that? And then someone who obviously never read the above wrote, "Due to the way that our company is structured and due also to the fact that we do not offer or sell any stocks or commodities or make any such offerings we have been advised by council (sic) and the SEC not to register with them." Wait a second - I thought that the SEC required that you not advertise and limited your enrollment? Now you're independent of it? Who is your alleged "council"?

And what's this stuff about your "partners"? You don't pay people to sign up new suck^H^H^H^H "sales representatives" or "build downlines", do you? Why, with the returns you claim you give on your investments, why in the world would you need to do that? People should be beating down your doors.

I look forward to your answers.
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Re: Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by wserra »

People like Bobby Upton never cease to amaze in their lack of common sense. There had been no posts to this thread in nearly a month when he chimed in with his nonsense about "slander". That comment of his reopened the thread to far more detailed analysis of his BS than had previously been posted, and this thread is now the number four unique hit on Google for "Destinys Partners".

Someone with the sense God gave a flea would have just let it blow over. On the other hand, someone with the sense God gave a flea wouldn't be running a HYIP.
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Re: Destinys Partners HYIP Deal

Post by wserra »

And Bobby responds, thus hopefully moving the thread up Google to pass more of his own sites. That's "Destiny's Partners", Google (or "Destinys Partners"). Of course, I did ask him a few questions which he didn't bother to answer, so let's repeat them up front:

(1) Why the multiple web site shell game?

(2) Why, if you are a properly-registered LLC or properly-licensed corporation, have the respective secretaries of state never heard of you?

(3) What proof do you have that you are able to get the sort of returns you advertise? What proof do you have that you are able to get any returns at all? What proof do you have that you are not simply some guy who thought he would put up a few web sites in hopes of luring some suckers into giving you their money?

(4) Are you subject to SEC regulation or not? You want to have it both ways, and you can't. Who is the "council" that advises you?

(5) Why do you need "partners" - or, for that matter, their money - if you are able to get the returns you advertise? You can't, can you?

Bobby answers none of these. Instead, much gibberish and posturing:
dpprez wrote:Well wserra, it is evident that you are quite adapt at flying around the internet and gathering all sorts of information
Well, no, I have access to a couple of resources that collect this and more information in one place. I probably spent about a half hour checking you out. More wasn't necessary.
and it is also very evident that you have spent very little time educating yourself about the SEC and private trades
It's not my field, as it is Demo's. Nonetheless, I am a lawyer, and so am generally familiar with the SEC. Plenty familiar to know that you're not.
and I am not about to take the time to do so now
Well, I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked.
it would be very foolish of me to post my personnal contact information for all the world to see
Maybe so, but you didn't post anything here (including the telephone number) that's not on web sites for all to see. And, if you want people's money, it's kind of hard for them to give it to you if they don't know who you are.
which, by the way, is something that you and your minions have failed to do so far.
I'm not selling anything, you are, and I have no "minions". Still, if you want to know, I'll tell you. You too, though - full name. Are you the "Robert C. Upton" in Texas who filed for bankruptcy a few years ago?
In fact, you have even declined my personal invitation to speak offline.
And why would I want to do that?

[Snip blather about the internet. If you want to compare the "somebody" I am with the "somebody" you are, I'll do that too.]
By the way, I have done a little research on my own and have found that the reputation of this forum, and yes, even this website, is suspect at best
Whatever you say, Bobby.
so this will indeed be my last post
We've heard that before. Still, avoideth that yon portal doth thwack thine posterior whenst thou departeth.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume