Advantage Conferences II

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Remember all these?:
* “If you want to become a millionaire, you must learn to think and act like a millionaire.”

* The Power of Two 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.....all multiplied by $7000.00 each!

* $7,000 Over & Over & Over Again!

* If I can show you a simple and easy method for creating significant cash flow ($7,000 a month, a week, and eventually every few days and more), could you get excited about that kind of income and what it could do for your life?

* Realistic ability to make $7,000 over and over and over again!

* Want to make a million dollars or more as an Advantage Conferences Rep? It is quite possible and there are specific methods and mindset tweaking that will virtually asssure your taking your elite place in AC's story-board history! Be taught by AC founder and President, Tim Darnell, along with oher highly successful AC reps who are making tens of thousands of dollars a month already! Learn the secrets of highly successful marketers...

* Thank you for your interest! Yes, I am serious about earning $100,000.00 plus this year.......$1,000,000.00 plus this year Please check al boxes that apply to you.....

* Sustained Unwavering Belief...this secret will make you rich beyond your fondest desires....make more money in a month than you used to make in a year - and on an ongoing basis!...True Long Term dizzying Success.....Monster Success you've dreamed of.....

* You must be expecting to make at least $100,00.00 or more your first year.

* Our goal is for you to make.....a minimum of $100,000 in income over the next year- with a realistic potential to make much, much more.

* Serious Question of Ethics: I find it unconscionable that companies promote an income opportunity at which the overwhelming majority of people fail. The people who are exceptions to this statement (those who do succeed) comprise such a small percentage that it is a blatant misrepresentation for a company to parade their "stud's" success in front of the unsuspecting public and say the oportunity is for everybody...I will tell you that arriving at this model has not been easy and has come about at no small price (literally millions of dollars and years out of my life).

* ..multi million dollar enterprise..

* I develop 6 and 7 figure income earners...

* One can add a zero to their monthly income $3000 - $30,000 and expect to make that can get their investment back at the end of the first month....can even add another zero--- $300,000....

* Success is imminent for those that don't quit....

* One of the things I am most excited about is the fact that we teach every person, regardless of marketing or internet skills how to make $7,000 Over and Over Again. This is not a bunch of theory that someone reads about—these are the tools and strategies that have helped many in Advantage Conferences earn more income in one month, than it takes most to make in one calendar year. It is our 3 Simple Step system where we do not make sales calls or cold calls.


* ...realistically earn 7 figures in the next 18 months...

* Are you serious about developing hundreds of thousands of dollars more in annual income or even becoming a Millionaire? If you are intent on creating a lifestyle that includes genuine financial security, time freedom, and lifestyle options, you must learn the secrets of bona-fide Multi-Millionaires. Using the power of mentoring, this is one business that you don’t have to do on your own…the infrastructure is firmly established for the Rep’s benefit, and mentors and trainers help online, through email, etc. “If you want to become a millionaire, you must learn to think and act like a millionaire.” If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and believe that life holds much more for you, then you may be a candidate to earn $7k over and over and over again.
Advantage Conferences

* You'll be trained by our group of dedicated individuals that have already achieved multiple six figure incomes.

* Jack's month of July 2005 earnings - $94,500.00+

* your next step is to begin thinking, and seeing your life in terms of Tens of Thousands of Dollars in monthly income.
• If you are already creating tens of thousands a month in income, then you should begin thinking in terms of and creating Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in monthly income.•

* Want to make a million dollars or more as an Advantage Conferences Rep? It is quite possible and there are specific methods and mindset tweaking that will virtually assure your taking your elite place in AC’s story-board history!
Be taught by AC Founder and President, Tim Darnell, along with other highly successful AC Reps who are making tens of thousands of dollars a month already! Learn the secrets and the methods of highly successful marketers in a fast-moving, interactive afternoon of AC specific training!
Now, Timmy is saying this?:
It’s Who You Know
John 17:3

Posted by Tim Darnell on June 12, 2008 at 8:06pm

Tim Darnell

If you are in business or have thought about starting one, your success will require patience and consistency. I see so many people dabble in business, giving their enterprise a half-hearted attempt for three to six months. If they don’t see a profit within that brief window, they become disinterested and disgruntled; abandon the project, and then go on to something else. That approach will never work. Business is never ‘get rich quick’, although it certainly can be ‘get rich slow’.

Many businesses owe their success to a relationship with a single key client or customer that provides the bulk of the revenues. An important concept to grasp is that it may, and probably will, take years to find the single customer that provides that kind of positive impact. Patience and consistency are always required to find the one or two or three individuals or companies that will cause your business to flourish. Most People don’t have the stamina to get to the place of finding that one client, much less finding several others to build a lasting, stable business......

If you want to build a business, take the time it takes, however long, to find a great customer or two....
Real companies/businesses have a customer to rep ratio of 10 customers to one rep, 100 to 1, 1000 to 1, 10,000 to 1......

You don't even understand simple business principles Tim. We are still waiting for the name of your one and only customer ever in the entire history of Advantage Conferences to purchase your main flagship product, the conference. Who was the one lucky rep that actually got a customer? Remember in the BBB court papers you promised at least 4 attendees for every rep. What happened, lad?

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:What happened, lad?
I'm sure you'll ask him, SBM. Under oath, too. Sounds like fun.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »


In the Articles of Incorporation of Treasures for the Kingdom An Integrated Auxiliary of Cottonw**d Creek Baptist Church, Mr. Ward, the incorporator states, "This corporation will function as an Integrated Auxiliary of Cottonw**d Creek Baptist Church." How is that possible when the facts are that at no time has the church had any affiliation or connection with Advantage Conferences or (TFK) Treasures for the Kingdom. They never gave express or implied consent for AC or TFK to act on their behalf or use their name. They also never had anyone serve on any board for AC or TFK as they affirmed under oath.

The church didn't support the foundation financially or receive any financial reports from Darnell. Treasures for the Kingdom was never on the church's website. We know that Mr. Ward didn't talk to Darnell for 2 years, so that means board meetings are not taking place. Mr. Ward was the incorporator and listed as registered agent until Timmy changed the papers on Jult 25, 2007 to list himself as the registered agent as Ward had been out of the picture for a at least a year.The IRS will look for proper oversight of the charity and board meetings are a part of that. The charity cannot become the private account of an individual in practice.

The Department of the Treasury/Internal Revenue Service Exempt Organizations Specialist I spoke with directed me to the following.,00.html:
"Integrated Auxiliary of a Church" Defined

The term integrated auxiliary of a church refers to a class of organizations that are related to a church or convention or association of churches, but are not such organizations themselves. In general, the IRS will treat an organization that meets the following three requirements as an integrated auxiliary of a church. The organization must:

Be described both as an Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) organization and be a public charity under Code section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3),
Be affiliated with a church or convention or association of churches, and
Receive financial support primarily from internal church sources as opposed to public or governmental sources.
Title 26 is also helpful:
(h) Integrated auxiliary—(1) In general. For purposes of this title, the term integrated auxiliary of a church means an organization that is—

(i) Described both in sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) (1), (2), or (3);

(ii) Affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches; and

(iii) Internally supported. (receive financial support primarily from internal church sources)

(2) Affiliation. An organization is affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches, for purposes of paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section, if—

(i) The organization is covered by a group exemption letter issued under applicable administrative procedures, (such as Rev. Proc. 80–27 (1980–1 C.B. 677); See §601.601(a)(2)(ii)(b)), to a church or a convention or association of churches;

(ii) The organization is operated, supervised, or controlled by or in connection with (as defined in §1.509(a)–4) a church or a convention or association of churches; or

(iii) Relevant facts and circumstances show that it is so affiliated.

(3) Facts and circumstances. For purposes of paragraph (h)(2)(iii) of this section, relevant facts and circumstances that indicate an organization is affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches include the following factors. However, the absence of one or more of the following factors does not necessarily preclude classification of an organization as being affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches—

(i) The organization's enabling instrument (corporate charter, trust instrument, articles of association, constitution or similar document) or by-laws affirm that the organization shares common religious doctrines, principles, disciplines, or practices with a church or a convention or association of churches;

(ii) A church or a convention or association of churches has the authority to appoint or remove, or to control the appointment or removal of, at least one of the organization's officers or directors;

(iii) The corporate name of the organization indicates an institutional relationship with a church or a convention or association of churches;

(iv) The organization reports at least annually on its financial and general operations to a church or a convention or association of churches;

(v) An institutional relationship between the organization and a church or a convention or association of churches is affirmed by the church, or convention or association of churches, or a designee thereof; and

(vi) In the event of dissolution, the organization's assets are required to be distributed to a church or a convention or association of churches, or to an affiliate thereof within the meaning of this paragraph (h).

(4) Internal support. An organization is internally supported, for purposes of paragraph (h)(1)(iii) of this section, unless it both—
Timmy, did you ever consider registering properly with the IRS independently? You may have no choice but to register with the IRS as the above parameters are some of what will be considered when TFK is audited. How could you pirate your church's name and make them legally responsible without their permission and blessing? Tell us how it is you are functioning as the church's auxiliary.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »
Party Information

DEJONG, ROBERT L (313)963-6420



Financial Entries
Receipt # Date Received From Amount Paid
57290 07/10/2006 ADVANTAGE CONFERENCE LLC 150.00

Check 150.00


Docket Entries

Date Text



07/10/2006 ENTRY FEE Receipt: 57290 Date: 07/10/2006
Driving directions from 33801 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 ( Grace Christian Church ) to 40 N Main StMt Clemens, MI 48043 ( Macomb County Courthouse )

10.9 mi – about 24 mins

1. Head southwest on N Main St toward Macomb Pl 440 ft
2. Turn right at Cass Ave 1.1 mi
3. Turn left at S Groesbeck Hwy 4.6 mi
4. Turn right at E 14 Mile Rd 4.7 mi
5. Slight right toward M-53/Van Dyke Ave (signs for Van Dyke/M-53) 0.2 mi
6. Slight right at M-53/Van Dyke Ave 0.3 mi
That filing is clearly abuse of process. It is also unethical and harassment in the extreme.

I notice that according to Google maps your brother's church, Grace Christian Church, is a mere 10 miles from that courthouse. Did your brother, Pastor Jerry Weinzierl have anything to do with this? Did Pastor Jan and her husband Al Tannous, your in-laws have anything to do with this? Was your very honest and forthcoming nephew Pastor Aaron W. involved in this fiasco?

Why was this case ever filed? Why was this case dropped? Who contacted that attorney? Do you realize that there could be sanctions for this?

Doc Bunkum
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

soapboxmom wrote:Driving directions from 33801 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 ( Grace Christian Church )...

Should have looked it up directly instead of using Google satellite images. :oops:
Last edited by Doc Bunkum on Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

That would be considered De-Lux for many congregations. We have churches in garages here.
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

How could one hope to worship without the requisite video arcade?

Doc Bunkum
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

soapboxmom wrote:Driving directions: Grace Christian Church 33801 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights, MI 48312

I notice that according to Google maps your brother's church, Grace Christian Church, is a mere 10 miles from that courthouse. Did your brother, Pastor Jerry Weinzierl have anything to do with this?
Ooops! :oops:

I should have checked further instead of using a satellite image of the church.

Looks indeed like Pastor Jerry Weinzierl has quite an organization going on here!

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Praise the Lord! is down. is hosted by the same company and is down as well. The server pings and a live chat with the representative of the company that owns the server revealed there are no problems on their end. So, that leaves us with the burning question of what did happen to Timmy's replicated websites.

The many possiblilities include:

Tim Darnell didn't or couldn't pay.

The authorities have taken action.

The Advantage Conferences name is so sullied he chose not to use it any longer.

Tim Darnell and Jack Weinzierl, in an effort to protect their reputations, don't want to be associated with the AC name any longer.

Tim Darnell is changing the website.

As usual, Satan is attacking AC (of course, no one in AC has any delusion of persecution. :roll: )

Jack, lad, we will be waiting for an update from you.

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by wserra »

We all know that this is quite an "industry", populated mainly by liars, frauds and scammers. That is proven here and on other sites over and over. Still, it's not every day that you get to show it using the scammer's own words and deeds.

Jack Weinzierl was, along with Tim Darnell, one of the main machers (such as they are) of that blatant ripoff, target of our friend soapboxmom's wrath, Advantage Conferences. He says that he has made more than $.75 million just with that scam. He would routinely tell people what a great mentor he was, how well he had done and what a success he was. See, for example, this video and this video. On his linkedin page, he brags that
I am currently assembling a global team of Christian entrepreneurs who recognize that the marketplace is a great opportunity for ministry.

I possess a 19-year leadership career having built innovative marketing, sales and business development programs that have strengthened market position, enhanced brand image and driven sustained revenue/earnings growth. Expertise in redefining strategy, vision and long-term action plans, and evaluating industry structure and competitive situation to guide market repositioning. Proven success in spearheading E-Commerce and Web 2.0 Internet marketing opportunities, while leveraging traditional marketing tactics.

Jack Weinzierl, MBA’s Specialties:
I have built and led teams of several thousand online entrepreneurs over the past 6 years.
On his Vemma site, he brags "I have earned over $760,000 in the network marketing industry over the past 23 months". Wait a second - that site (along with the Advantage Conferences sites SBM posted about) is down, but it was up just yesterday. Something must be going on.

And it is. Weinzierl filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy earlier this week. Eastern District of Texas, Docket 08-42155. He has not yet filed the asset/liability schedules, and is ordered to do so by Monday. He really ought not to count on taking down web sites - think he knows of the Wayback Machine, not to mention the likelihood that SBM and his victims have archived the sites? The creditors' meeting is September 15, 2008, at 2:45 PM, at someplace called the Plano Center, located at 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, TX 75074.

Weinzierl's list of creditors is impressive. It starts with the IRS and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - you really should pay taxes, Jack. They don't get discharged. It continues with several banks - First Tennessee, First Horizon, Bank of America, Chase. On to the credit card companies - AmEx, Capital One. And the car notes - DCFS USA Mercedes, GMAC. Doesn't look like there will be much left for the scam victims. Nonetheless, Weinzierl ought to take a look at 11 USC 523(a)(2) - no automatic discharge for debts incurred by fraud.

Line up, everyone. Follow these brilliant mentor-businessmen. Straight to bankruptcy.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:Weinzierl's list of creditors is impressive. It starts with the IRS and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - you really should pay taxes, Jack. They don't get discharged. It continues with several banks - First Tennessee, First Horizon, Bank of America, Chase. On to the credit card companies - AmEx, Capital One. And the car notes - DCFS USA Mercedes, GMAC.
Well, if they decide to repo his Lincoln, I'll be first in line to put a bid on it.


I suppose there's nothing wrong with posting the link to Jack Weinzierl's photo album - after all, he does have it on line.
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by wserra »

Doc Bunkum wrote:Well, if they decide to repo his Lincoln, I'll be first in line to put a bid on it.
You'd be doing a service. Equity (if any) above the note goes to creditors.
I suppose there's nothing wrong with posting the link to Jack Weinzierl's photo album - after all, he does have it on line.
True, he put it online - so I'm not going to edit it out. But I'm not comfortable with bringing kids into it, even if the scammer was sufficiently crass to do so himself. So I'm not going to quote the link. But I will quote a part of Weinzierl's profile:
If you are evaluating your current business or you need a social media strategy and plan, email me and let's connect.
Or you could save the bandwidth and go to the creditors' meeting.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »
Originally Posted by JackWeinzierl;385651 June 2, 2007
I have never seen such ignorance posted in many of these posts.

For SBM and all the haters out there:

1) I have never been more excited about what we are doing with and through Advantage Conferences as I am right now. I will be building AC for years to come and SBM your blatant lies and innuendo would also be funny, if they were not so ignorant.

2) SBM is now a real estate expert and knows what I bought and sold for. I have done very well with my last two Texas homes. The source that you are using for what I purchased the home for is in line with what will tell you it is worth, not what I paid.

3) Bankruptcy, now this one is laughable. Those who know me will be laughing as well. Bless those who persecute you. It is just like those writing for the Enquirer or Star. Strike that, I am sure they use their own names and do not hide behind a screen name. I have never and will never claim bankruptcy. We are worth well in excess of $1 million, have a credit score of above 750, and I have never been late on a payment in my life, not that it is anyone's business on this scarcity-minded board. We are building a nicer home, so that again would fall in line with someone headed for bankruptcy? 4) The estate sale is selling maybe 20% of our household items and yes, my sister is a designer and we will be purchasing items for our new home that fit better. To SBM, I have extravegent furniture and taste. Ha, I have good taste and no, I don't buy my furniture on Aisle 3, SBM.

There is so much jealousy on this board it is very apparent. So very sad, when you could go out and build a business and create value in society. And yes, when you have success, watch out for the SBM's of the world. Broke, tired, fear-filled, scarcity-minded and hate-filled. It is ironic that one of the people who could best benefit from the ongoing mentoring that we offer at AC, is the person bashing, day and night.
BTW, I decided to build a nutrition company almost 9 months ago when my Mom and others close to me were going through health challenges.

SBM, go be a difference maker and not just a space taker. Please.
That mansion apprasied for 1.2 million. You need any help packing from us broke scarcity-minded folks with our homes paid off?

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by wserra »

Were I a creditor, SBM, I would quote that and more to the the Bankruptcy Judge.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Speaking of crass and licentious, here is a video where Jack uses his kids (future internet marketing millionaires) for his twisted purposes. ... weinzierl/

"my dad has made almost 1 million dollars online over the past three years."

"Success is a choice-----choose wisely!"

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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Jack said on scam:
I pray for those who have attacked and persecuted the owner of Advantage Conferences, its representatives, as well as our family over the past two+ years. Many evils confront the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Psalms 34:19 AMP

These handful of individuals have sowed seeds of hatred and will have a harvest from that seed. Forgive them Lord, as they know not what they do. I will not stoop to their level going into their backgrounds and exposing their families, as I know the battle is the yours. Many continue to hide behind anonymous profiles, but you know who they are and they cannot hide from you.

As I shared recently, we have lost almost everything we own due to these attacks on this company, targeting us personally for years now. It has made it next to impossible to do business. We also take personal responsibility for a couple bad financial investments and other decisions, believing that these attacks would not have a lasting impact on our business and finances. In fact, about 9 months ago, we were named in a lawsuit by a person who was simply looking for someone with deep pockets. It is ironic that the person who has helped her with this lawsuit (soapboxmom), is the same person that has contributed to our current position. That person who named us in that suit, had never spoken with me before purchasing the conference and ongoing mentoring package, but more importantly, she never even attended the conference.

I really enjoy the Olympics and I am watching the women's marathon as I type. Every person has their own race and those who are diligent and who have trained and persevered, are rewarded. Often they invest hundreds of thousands in training, not to mention years and years of their life. Wow, and only a few will win. I guess Heather Dobrott would consider that a scam as well. I guess in her household, she would be complaining about the price of a ticket to watch these folks that are so deceived to think they can "win."

She views the world with a victim mindset. And even though I am sharing the reality of our situation right now, I refuse to be a victim. I will continue to run the race to win it, regardless of the naysayers and hateful people out there.

After 20 years of close to perfect credit, we found ourselves in a situation where we were forced to file for Bankruptcy protection this past week. It pains me greatly to do so, but it is a fact of which I take personal responsibility. Heather Dobrott, soapboxmom, attacked me when we had a business valued well in excess of $1-2 million, and then she continues to attack me when we are forced to file bankruptcy. She has screamed "fire" in this theater for two years or so, and has caused hundreds to lose hope, their vision, as well as money. May God have mercy on Heather. And it is interesting to note, Heather Dobrott, nor Mike Bromell, have ever been part of Advantage Conferences, any of the 6 conferences to date, or the weekly mentoring and training.

Paul in the Bible was full of joy in spite of his circumstances because he was rejoicing in the Lord. I understand that persecution will come according to His Word, but I also know the enemy will repay up to 7 times what has been stolen, in Jesus' mighty name. There are several things that Heather will not steal from me. She will not steal my joy. She cannot steal my salvation. She cannot steal my commitment and belief in what we have represented at Advantage Conferences for over 3 years now. Tim Darnell has been a great mentor in my life. She will not steal that friendship. I truly feel sorry for Heather Dobrott and Mike Bromell. For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked are overthrown by calamity. Proverbs 24:16 AMP

I have a passion to share Christ and I have gifts and talents that will be used for the Kingdom for years to come.

Psalms 118:6 AMP says, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" and Romans 8:31 AMP says, "What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] ." If you know that God is on your side, then you need have no fear. No man, no beast, no demon, no foe can successfully challenge you. God is bigger, mightier, and smarter than all of them! They have already lost before they began!

The Lord is always close to the good man, who delights in God and God delights in him. Even when he stumbles, the Lord grabs his hand and helps him back to his feet. The wicked will not be around forever, but the righteous endure and are blessed now and forever.

Heather Dobrott, it is obvious that you believe in what you are doing. For that, I truly feel sorry for you.

Here are testimonials from customers and business owners who I have trained and mentored. These were received August 7, 2008. I choose to work with folks that look to add value and change the world, not complaining and bashing those attempting to do so.

I have known Jack Weinzierl now for four years. Jack’s level of commitment, mentoring, and helping others has never been exceeded by anyone. I am honored to be on his team!

Phil Orr TX

Jack Weinzierl is one of the most dependable mentors I have come to meet in any business. Whether I am actively working or not, he always stays consistent, providing great marketing ideas, encouragement and support...almost daily!!

Jay Stock Wisconsin

I have never met Jack Weinzierl personally face to face. It truly amazes me how he portrays himself in his emails and on the phone. You can sense his genuine character of caring by how he talks with you in his emails and over the phone. This makes you want to know more of what he has to offer, not only in his training and mentoring for business, but also what he has to offer from his heart. You can honestly perceive his commitment to help someone is for real. Thank you Jack!

John Beard Kansas

I have a great appreciation in the leadership example that Jack Weinzierl sets. First, as a leader, Jack is willing to serve others. Jack is also willing to share information and to teach others. I personally believe that is another requirement of a good leader. A leader must be willing to promote others and see others grow and become the most that they can be. Thanks Jack for your faithful service.

Duane Schultz TX

I would like to state that I have appreciated Jack Weinzierl’s mentorship and encouragement over the last two months. He has provided me with sound advice and is always available to respond to my questions or general statements. You lead with integrity, which is so important and key in building long-term personal and business relationships.
Arthur Rego Bermuda

Jack Weinzierl is a true Christian mentor. He has helped me immeasurably in the past few weeks. Jack’s support and commitment as a friend and mentor is worthy of praise. I would highly recommend Jack Weinzierl to anyone who is looking for a mentor that cares and is committed to his team. Bless you Jack and thanks again.

Catherine Mc Lean England

I just have to say a big Thank You to Jack Weinzierl for not only introducing me to an awesome opportunity, but in addition to this, pointing me to the most amazing training opportunities I could ever hope for. Jack you are such a fantastic example and leader! I look forward to working with Jack Weinzierl for years to come!
Kathryn Leonard California

This is Teresa Williamson from Yulee, Florida, I must say that Jack Weinzierl has been such an inspiration to me in the start of my business. Jack has been there for me every step of the way. I am very thankful that I have Jack mentoring me through this wonderful journey. Thank you Jack. God Bless.
Teresa Williamson Florida

Jack Weinzierl has had a great impact on our lives through his ongoing, outstanding example and integrity, personal and professional mentoring, business training, advice, and excellent attitude. We deeply appreciate all that he has shared with us and the many hours of sacrifice he selflessly gives to genuinely help others. Jack Weinzierl sets the mark for what we both shoot for as a Christian professional.
Michael & Lisa Ferrin Florida

Your enthusiasm is endless, every time I hear you speak you are on fire, you are a natural teacher. Thank God for you brother.

Doc St. Clair MN

Jack Weinzierl is an endless source of free training by either pointing us in the right direction or actually sending us material. He is committed to not only his success but ours, his team and the company he represents. We also appreciate the encouragement - it seems to come just when we need it the most. Jack Weinzierl is not only our business partner but we consider him a very good friend.

Todd and Martha Sparks TX

Jack Weinzierl has been my friend, my business partner and my mentor for more than six years. During that time, I have had countless contacts with him by email, by phone, in person at events and as a guest in his home. I have never seen one instance of anything other than insightful, intelligent, enlightened and helpful thoughts and deeds. I know Jack, I know his wife and I know his sons and daughter. I consider Jack Weinzierl to be one of my closest and most trusted friends and mentors. He is a wonderful man, husband, father and an example to all. My life is richer in many ways because of Jack Weinzierl. Thank you Jack.

Michael Bartlett Panama

Jack Weinzierl’s mentoring skills are second to none. He is a great motivational speaker. Every time I have a conference call with Jack, I am re-motivated about the company. Also, I appreciate how available Jack make’s himself to me.

David Stasie Kentucky

The first mentoring help would be that Jack Weinzierl told me to pray about starting a business. Jack personally helped me get setup and operational with several tools my first week. Thanks Jack for your help!

Kimmer Mulonet CT

Thank you Jack Weinzierl for your unwavering commitment towards the mentoring of me and all of the members of our team.

Tony Brown Illinois

What can I say...I've been totally floored by the amazingly consistent, selfless, and focused guidance and energy Jack Weinzierl has provided. Thank you for your leadership, but more importantly, for your friendship.

Kevin Lynds Florida

Jack Weinzierl has been, and continues to be, a daily encouragement to me. When we met Jack at the two Conferences we attended in Dallas, we found him to be very personable, who was ready and willing to share his testimony for Jesus Christ. Each phone call; each email just lifts me up and tells me, "Don't give up, can do it". May God richly bless Jack as he continues serving Him in whatever he does.
In Christ,

Bob Gehman

Jack Weinzierl’s assistance has been invaluable since day one. He talked with me personally several times walking me through the set up of my site and has been there to answer all my questions. Being new to the Internet, this has proven to be especially valuable. Jack has the experience and expertise to help me to avoid some of pitfalls in starting a new business and shortening the learning curve. Marketing is the most difficult part to learn and am grateful for Jack's training and mentoring.

Asa B Collins GA

I have known Jack Weinzierl for at least three years and met him personally in 2006 in Dallas. I have been personally impressed with his Christian testimony and outstanding character. One outstanding characteristic of Jack is that before he directs how to do something, he will go out and do it himself to make sure there are no bugs in it. If there are, he'll work the bugs out to make sure it works before passing it on. I know of Jack working way into the night to complete a project that he has started. There are certainly are not many men of that caliber and I look up to him greatly even thought I am his senior by many years.

Darrell Martin North Carolina

Jack Weinzierl has been a unique and consistent influence that we have drawn from for years now. His personal example is extraordinary. Jack’s efforts have enabled our vision both on and offline in the areas of posturing, branding, marketing strategy and most importantly the proper mindset in regards to true success. I call him a friend and mentor.

Mike Melvin, Florida

Jack Weinzierl Is not only a "Man of God" but also shares his inspiration, love and is a source of strength & support for small business owners. He really knows how to lift you up when things are down!

Morna McGann/Owner FL

Jack Weinzierl, Founder, of Christian Market Leaders has been a blessing to my life. I so appreciate the inspirational messages and information that he passes on to us through the web site. The caliber of individuals that are attracted to this group is inspiring and provides a great networking opportunity to all Christian business leaders.

Sandy Thurman TX

Jack Weinzierl is dedicated, intelligent, and has the highest ethical standards of any person with whom I've had the pleasure of doing business. His expertise in so many areas of business is top-notch, especially regarding Internet marketing. I count it a true honor to be a business associate and friend of Jack Weinzierl's.

Tim Darnell TX

I will continue to sow into other people's lives until the Lord comes back. That is something you cannot steal from me Heather Dobrott.

Jack Weinzierl
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:00 am

Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Jack Weinzierl 02/26/05 MMC-IV
Stephanie Weinzierl 03/23/05 MMC-IV

Jack said:
we had a business valued well in excess of $1-2 million ... &task=view

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Quatloosian Federal Witness
Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by wserra »

Wow. You did all that, SBM? You must be Lou Dobbs, Oprah Winfrey and Warren Buffett all rolled into one. It couldn't be that yes, you (along with people like Craig Malisow of the Houston Press) clued some people in, but that many, many others realized without anyone's help that "Advantage Conferences" was a blatant ripoff.

Moreover, right up to filing for bankruptcy, ol' Jack was still trying to sell the ripoff with lies about his wealth and pictures of Doc Bunkum's Lincoln. He filed on Monday, August 11. I guess that at services on Sunday, God showed him the blinding light of Chapter 7. Or maybe, when he reached for the hymnal, there in the pew was 11 USC. That must be what happened, right? Otherwise, of course, this Man of God would have been using claims of success to fleece the gullible at the same time as he knew that he was going down the tubes. The corner of Hell closest to the boiler room is reserved for those who scam in the name of the Lord.

Ah, "testimonials".
"If it weren't for wserra, I'd still be looking in that damn mirror."
Albert E., Princeton, NJ
I can do that too.

Be sure and file those asset/liability schedules by tomorrow, Jack. Wouldn't want the bankruptcy dismissed.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
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Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »

Jack has fan clubs everywhere!
Insidious "Christian" Pyramid Scam Copy - 12-07-2006, 01:08 AM
I saw a PPC ad for "Christian Millionaire Mentors" and opted-in to their list in order to study their techniques. I think their landing page and conversion process is cherry.

Welcome to the 7k Advantage

It belongs to a Texas-based group going by "Advantage Millionare Mindset Conferences." Basically, it's a (illegal) pyramid where they hustle you for $10,000 to attend a weekend-long hype conference at a hotel with paid motivational speakers. Then you get the right to swindle other Christians for $10k at 70% commission - thus becoming a true "Christian Entrepreneur"! Praise the Lord!
Below is a sample of one of the daily memos I get in my inbox.

I find the copy to be well-crafted, shamelessly wicked and insidious.....
Please read more here: ... -copy.html

Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:00 am

Re: Advantage Conferences II

Post by soapboxmom »