A new twist on an old song

Discussion of various forms of Advance Fee Fraud, including application fees for loans that never materialize, self-liquidating loan scams, as well as mortgage elimination scams and related debt elimination scams [Nigerian-type scams should go in the Nigerian 4-1-9 forum]
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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A new twist on an old song

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

There seems to be an almost brushfire spreading of this kind of stuff in attempts to stop foreclosures. I haven't found the root source but they are typically headed by something along these lines:
Against Truth In lending Violations with Jury Demanded
Pursuant to FRCVP Rule 38(a)(b), Rule 39 and Rule 17(b) governing capacity
By Judicial Notice and all Oaths of Office

NOW COMES THE PLAINTIFF under grace whereby domiciled, to complain of the Defendants and state the following being civily dead and no longer fiction:

1. All Defendants are entities, associations, and or sub-corporations of the several states Unified under THE UNITED STATES, INC., and doing business in commerce within the state of __________________, which gives this court personal jurisdiction over the Defendants Parties.
And so on. Most of the paragraphs surround various "no money lent" theories and the "process" being followed includes filing an affidavit with the county as well as a lis pendens. The people filing these may actually have had genuine TILA claims but have apparently tried to save money by copying something they were told will work.

Can anyone discern the headwaters of this one?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three