John Gliha's Lawyer "Partner"

Discussion of various forms of Advance Fee Fraud, including application fees for loans that never materialize, self-liquidating loan scams, as well as mortgage elimination scams and related debt elimination scams [Nigerian-type scams should go in the Nigerian 4-1-9 forum]
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John Gliha's Lawyer "Partner"

Post by Prof »

This thread began on Sui several years ago; now the denizens are "waking up.
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#1 07-06-2005, 04:07 PM
Heidi Guedel Posts: n/a

Information from "Due Process"


I thought I'd pass on this link that was emailed to me from John Gliha's company and the attorney who has partnered up with him - Robert Lock -

you can click on the files and listen for free:

Heidi Guedel

#2 07-06-2005, 06:28 PM
The Outta Commissiona
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Heidi - UROK !


Yup Robert Lock is on the fromtline for honesty in the B.A.R.

Seems like he's a straight shooter w/those audios
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The whole system is based upon a 'presumption' that something was represented to have occurred which may or may not have occurred in the manner which has been represented.

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#3 07-06-2005, 08:00 PM
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Robert Lock, answer the question to the best of his knowlegde,what he can do,and not do. Straight forward sincere answers to me.
Resolution pending

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#4 07-07-2005, 12:53 AM
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Robert Lock


Robert Lock is also affiliated with As mentioned in the recordings, he has started a "credit collections defense network" that specifically deals with fighting banks and debt collectors. The website is

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Last edited by SlaveNoMore : 07-07-2005 at 01:40 AM.

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#5 01-11-2008, 09:43 PM
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Bob Lock/CCDN


I am a long term client of Bob Lock's CCDN umbrella organization. My husband and I have been 18 plus months into this 'program'. So we are not 'sellers' of these types of programs. We have been harmed grossly by this CCDN/Lock program and face sever measures from this internet scam. We are trying to protect others from harm and we are pursuing legal action in a national class action suit. I have names and numbers of those harmed. Please don't sit on a site and allow for posts that erroneously only allow for propaganda. The truth will set you free. Bob Lock and his associates, Phil Manger, Tracy Webster, Jen Devine, Kayden and their other marketing sites will go down with all of us. And let me say, there are so very many. Unlike what they say. They say, 'it's ONLY you'. But the truth is that it's many many many people. I want to prevent harm to others. We are in this program for over 5,000 dollars and only have had judgments. Tracy Webster at Support denies me and ignores me..........hmmmmm, while Bob Lock knows who I am and claims responsibility. Interesting. However when asked to perform on his 'promise' to us personally he would not even respond. Bizarre for a company who 'claims' to care and want to make things right. Their own people lie. I have all the emails. I have nothing to gain as we are/were only consumers. We and others I have gathered info from are all being harmed in the same way. DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH CCDN/Bob Lock. I posted at the website of RipOff Report, report number: 297064, website I have names for a nice fat lawsuit for anyone hurt.

Last edited by britta : 01-11-2008 at 09:49 PM.

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#6 01-12-2008, 02:18 AM
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Thanks for the tip!

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[Luke 11:52]

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#7 02-11-2008, 05:40 PM
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I'm interested to hear more about your experience with CCDN. I've personally been in talks with that company about my situation as I was looking for them as a solution but upon reading your post I'm a bit more cautious and would like to know more about your side of the story and what you would recommend otherwise. Thank you.

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#8 02-11-2008, 06:26 PM
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I posted a warning about the traitor/scumbag Bob Locke less than two weeks ago, can't remember the thread though. I said something to the effect that Bob Locke should be strung up by his nads, if this triggers anyone's memory. You should run the opposite direction as fast as you can. He not only screwed me over, but also a close friend of mine, that actually worked for him, and brought him a lot of business. Bob Locke is the posterboy for scumbag attorneys. Why do you think he keeps changing outfits? He screws over just so many people, then changes companies, and does it all over again. He makes Capita Strategies look legitimate. There seems to be no end to these scam artists. Please, plesae please, do not give Bob Locke a dime of your money!!! Mark my words, you WILL regret it!

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#9 Yesterday, 10:29 PM
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As to the situation with Robert Lock Jr of Chicago and his CCDN, google 'CCDN Robert Lock Scam' and go to Rip Off Report for in depth information as to why you would NOT want to work with the CCDN. You stated you wanted to work with them but after seeing what I wrote you had some red flags. The facts speak for themselves and I cannot think of any reason someone would risk their financial lives with this company. Simply too spendy, too risky and too unprofessional. They do not perform and in fact they leave you to hang. Proof is that Mr. Robert Lock promised to make us whole and promised to speak with us. On both counts he has done nothing, nada. All a game. Smoke and mirrors. Buyers beware. Hire a good attorney in consumer debt and you'll be far far far better off. You dont' need a template, middle man company that does not perform and over charges and allows you to hang in court and get judgments. Britta
"My Health is Better in November."

Re: John Gliha's Lawyer "Partner"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

After being soaked to the tune of $2,500 by ADS (Alternative Debt Services ... which claimed to be former associates of John Gliha) in 2004, I realized that each debtor who finds themselves buried in debt has to learn how to defend themselves.

It's a frightening situation when you realize that you are so in debt that you cannot afford to hire an attorney, and you're being sued by a professional Collections Attorney who grinds countless cases through their volume business every week.

If they cannot frighten you into declaring bankruptcy (where the laws have been changed to make that road a whole lot rougher on debtors than it used to be) they'll use a variety of strategies to get you to prove their collection case for them.

Any so-called Debt Elimination company that claims to have all the answers and a straight path to clearing away your debts is simply out to fleece desperate debtors.

The collections attorneys collaborate on forums and discuss strategies just like debtors do... and every strategy dreamed up by the likes of John Gliha has been analyzed, subjected to their cumulative "think tank" and attacked.

When researching the DE business, I found that a few successes had been achieved via the element of surprise... i.e. when Gliha first used his original strategy of challenging the banks about the creation of money, or when the little "consumer-friendly" arbitration businesses were first set up and the resulting pro-debtor arbitration awards were difficult for the CC Companies to circumvent.

Eventually, though, the collaboration of collection attorneys devised strategies for defeating these approaches. Courts have ruled against the "no money lent" argument, and the small arbitration firms were sued and put out of business for interfering with the business relationship between debtors and creditors.

The only way I could manage to defeat a collection attorney was by learning how to conduct our cases myself... and forget the DE companies and their crooked, shyster lawyers (like Robt Lock). That $2,500 I spent on ADS might as well have been flushed down the toilet.

The two most effective tools I ever found cost me all of about $400.00:
$219.00 to for "The Works" ... and about $17.00 a month to subscribe to for a few months.

It was no 'walk in the park'; there was no predictable, well-worn road to success. But thanks to my studies and ability to do legal research I responded to the collections attorney according to our specific situation and his particular approach to the case, and he voluntarily dismissed rather than answer the Judge's Order to Show Cause. I didn't need the likes of Robt Lock.
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Re: John Gliha's Lawyer "Partner"

Post by wserra »

A few inaccuracies, a few agreements.
Pantekhnikon wrote:It's a frightening situation when you realize that you are so in debt that you cannot afford to hire an attorney, and you're being sued by a professional Collections Attorney who grinds countless cases through their volume business every week.
Never having been in that situation, I can't say you're wrong. But picture being sued by an experienced civil litigator who is not in a volume business, and who has time to devote to each case individually. You will not find yourself in the position of being able to be too much of a pain in the butt to be worth pursuing, whether by document demands, motions or whatever. Civil litigators not in a volume business face this stuff in every case, expect it, and have a few tricks of their own. Agreed, you're not likely to face that in a collections situation.
If they cannot frighten you into declaring bankruptcy (where the laws have been changed to make that road a whole lot rougher on debtors than it used to be) they'll use a variety of strategies to get you to prove their collection case for them.
Why do you think they want you to declare bankruptcy? That would likely make their debt uncollectible.
Any so-called Debt Elimination company that claims to have all the answers and a straight path to clearing away your debts is simply out to fleece desperate debtors.
Agreed as far as you go, but I'd go further. There is no such thing (other than bankruptcy) as "debt elimination". Anyone who tells you otherwise is a thief.
The collections attorneys collaborate on forums and discuss strategies just like debtors do... and every strategy dreamed up by the likes of John Gliha has been analyzed, subjected to their cumulative "think tank" and attacked.
They certainly do collaborate and compare notes. However, I think the verb "analyze" overstates the case when applied to Gliha's nonsense. I'm sure that the collections bar has discussed Gliha. The only issue as to proceeding against those who use his stuff, though, is whether the debt is worth it. If it is, and the collections attorney focusses on the case, the debtor will lose.

Perhaps you recall that Gliha posted here a couple of years ago (gone, unfortunately, due to server crashes) and posted a list of his "wins". All but two were totally unverifiable - lacking party names, jurisdictions, docket numbers, etc. Of the two "wins" which were verifiable, one was a guy who maxed out his cards then split the state after being served, and the other was a summary judgment motion based on his nonsense which lost.
the resulting pro-debtor arbitration awards were difficult for the CC Companies to circumvent.
Heidi, here's the point - those "awards" would have been easy to circumvent had the effort been worth it. One party cannot unilaterally declare that s/he is arbitrating with the "Fly-By-Night Quickee Oil Change and Arbitration Company" and expect to obtain a binding award. If the creditors did not dispute such early awards, it was strictly because the debt involved wasn't worth it. Once the practice became more widespread, yes, certain banks did sue, and put them out of business.
the small arbitration firms were sued and put out of business for interfering with the business relationship between debtors and creditors.
They were put out of business for being scams.
The only way I could manage to defeat a collection attorney was by learning how to conduct our cases myself... and forget the DE companies and their crooked, shyster lawyers (like Robt Lock). That $2,500 I spent on ADS might as well have been flushed down the toilet.
Agreed, without reservation.

You made yourself too much of a pain in the ass to be worth the time fighting with. I have no problem agreeing that this is a win for you. But understand two things: (1) as discussed above, the only thing that allowed you to win was the volume nature of the collections business. Had an experienced lawyer focussed on you, assuming that the banks had kept their documents in order, in all likelihood you would have either lost or been forced into bankruptcy (or both). "No money lent" and "vapor money", whatever the economic arguments, played no legal part in your success. (2) You received perfectly valuable goods and services, paid for by what the banks lent you. A person with a functioning conscience would at least feel a twinge when using something someone else bought and she took.
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- David Hume

Re: John Gliha's Lawyer "Partner"

Post by Pantekhnikon »

wserra: You made yourself too much of a pain in the ass to be worth the time fighting with. I have no problem agreeing that this is a win for you. But understand two things: (1) as discussed above, the only thing that allowed you to win was the volume nature of the collections business. Had an experienced lawyer focussed on you, assuming that the banks had kept their documents in order....

They generally don't even retain signed applications or original signed CC agreements. Jurisdictionary (Atty Robt Graves) correctly pointed this out in his materials. all likelihood you would have either lost or been forced into bankruptcy (or both).

You may be right... but I think I had them on the SOL re: the arbitration award. And the collection business will continue to be a volume business... especially now.

"No money lent" and "vapor money", whatever the economic arguments, played no legal part in your success.

You're right... other than the fact that money creation (the official Fed euphemism for "Vapor Money") inspired the original creators of the Small Consumer-friendly Arbitration Movement (AKA S.C.A.M. ... lol) to "fight fire with fire". What goes around comes around...

(2) You received perfectly valuable goods and services, paid for by what the banks lent you.

Which was, (and the merchants were all paid with) purely inflationary 'vapor money' created via bookkeeping entry. They don't even have to bother to print it any more... it's all done via electronic credit; ACH transfer. Tap the keys and press "enter".

A person with a functioning conscience would at least feel a twinge when using something someone else bought and she took.

If I really thought they'd paid for it the way my father bought all those Second Mortgages -- with their own pre-existing assets at risk -- I WOULD feel guilty... which is why the one Credit Card I've kept... and the one Credit Card I've honored... is the one from the professional Credit Union I've been a member of for over 25 years. That CU lent me my fellow depositors' savings to buy a car. I have paid every penny of that back and I have kept that CC balance very low and usually paid it off completely each month. I will never again use any other card.

You're right... my ethics are "conditional"... but if my lucrative animation career had continued as expected, none of this would ever have happened. I'd still be paying on five Credit Cards and would never have read Rothbard or Vieira or listened to Ron Paul or engaged in any debates here on quatloos or written a book about plowing through a debt crisis.