"Get Google Ads Free!" - a Complete Scam

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Doc Bunkum
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"Get Google Ads Free!" - a Complete Scam

Post by Doc Bunkum »

I found the material in this post extremely humorous. Hope you enjoy it as much! :lol:

Anyone surfing the net has undoubtedly come across those "Get Google Ads Free!" ads and the latest scam by the same outfit, "Top Secret Magic Code".

Some old geezer by the name of "Dr. Jon Cohen" supposedly discovered these amazing secrets. However, as noted in the Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst thread, it appears that most of these products are sold by Web Business Secrets LLC out of New York.

Anyhow, one Rob Scott decided to reveal what the scam was all about on his blog - The Get Google Ads Free Site is a Complete Scam!. Seems the good doctor didn't take too kindly to that and had his lawyer send Rob a "cease and desist" order. To wit:
J Levin | (Attorney for GetGoogleAdsFree.com)

ATTN: Mr. Rob Scott

The article you have posted at: http://www.24hourtrading.co.uk/blog/200 ... lete-scam/ Is a gross and deliberate misrepresentation of our Client’s intellectual product.

Further, it seeks additionally to defame and possibly direct people in a collective felonious attempt to deliberately destroy a business; and which is very much AGAINST THE LAW (a bounty of evidentiary case law in support therefof!)

Unless this article is immediately REMOVED, I will file accordingly, and in the correct and applicable jurisdiction of law; naming both YOU and the site’s provider as DEFENDANTS.

It should be obvious to you as to why your post is ILLEGAL; but if you require a further articulate analysis, I will gladly provide you one — but be prepared to defend yourself accordingly in an aggressive legal action against you, sir.

Most sincerely & awaiting your reply/action,

J Levin, Esq

PS — And UNLIKE your claims otherwise regarding our Client’s virtual property, I am in fact a very real attorney, and will actually have you promptly and expeditiously served, and when you see me, I will hardly be a “stock photo” in court.
To which Rob replied:
Thank you for your letter, Mr Levin, Esq.

I like ‘intellectual product’. A real oxymoron, when one considers the product in question.

Unfortunately, the law on libel only applies if one makes claims which are untrue, everything I say can be corroborated, and I stand by the accuracy of those claims wholeheartedly.

Furthermore, unless you can say directly that your site provides free (by this I mean actually free, for the avoidance of doubt, this means AT NO MONETARY COST - whether this is considered before or after any future incoming revenue accrues: expenditure in this instance means your ’service’ cannot possibly be described as free), then I shall continue to contend that the site is not free, which is true, and therefore, not ‘illegal’.

Oh, by the way, you got served.

Robin Scott LLB
To which J Levin replied, rather indignantly:
First, I am a woman (that’s “Ms J Levin”). And yes, regardless of your or anyone’s “skepticisms” I am in fact an attoney.

As for a case hinging merely on libel, such is not the center of our complaint.

You attempted to go beyond any public service by attempting to destroy a business based purely on a malicious and unwarranted ambition.

Enough said; your words are seemingly brave; however, your courtroom appearance I’m sure will demonstrate otherwise.

I will file naming you as a defendant, have you compelled to make an appearance in New York County Court, and then follow through with a Motion for Discovery to begin pronto.

Ms J Levin (”Ms” for clarification purposes)

PS … You will have ample opportunity to witness firsthand that I am in fact a lawyer; and also not “shooting blanks.”
I kid you not.

The dialogue continues back and forth. One interesting tidbit we learn about the good doctor is this:
Dr Cohen has excelled by contrast over a lifetime of nearly 80 years; and has done pro bono medical service in Africa helping primitive peoples in hygiene and basic healthcare in order to reduce illness and disease (from 1979-1981); he has also utilized his own system to make a very sizeable personal fortune; and has helped others from Microsoft, Amazon, and the like to do so equally; not to even begin to mention several hundred (100’s) students from Fortune 500/1000 firms do so as well.

Additionally, he has given countless sums in financial assistance to charities, and to research for the furtherance for developing cures or treatments for AIDS patients, Cancer sufferers, as well as more conditions than perhaps either of you are even aware exist.

Yet you two (2) want nothing more than to trash such a true gentleman of such great accomplishment and reduce him to some type of “huckster.”

He also has many members of the Senate as close personal friends, as well as other political ties similarly.
I think at this point it's not necessary to check if indeed whether J. Levin is indeed a lawyer. It appears to be quite clear that the person posing as Dr. Cohen is sending Rob these hilarious threatening notices.

But if indeed she is a lawyer, you'd think Dr. Cohen could find better representation with the $314 Million he claims to have made with Google Ad Words! :lol:
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Re: "Get Google Ads Free!" - a Complete Scam

Post by wserra »

Doc Bunkum wrote:I think at this point it's not necessary to check if indeed whether J. Levin is indeed a lawyer.
Actually, Doc, it never was. S/He said one thing in each of the comments you posted which clearly merits the "BS" call.

From the first:
Further, it seeks additionally to defame and possibly direct people in a collective felonious attempt to deliberately destroy a business; and which is very much AGAINST THE LAW
In addition to being ungrammatical, this is nonsense. Neither defamation (libel or slander) nor business interference is a crime of any type, let alone a felony. They are torts (non-contractual civil wrongs). An example of "a felonious attempt to deliberately destroy a business", by contrast, is a firebombing.

From the second:
I will file naming you as a defendant, have you compelled to make an appearance in New York County Court
There is no such thing as "New York County Court". There is a "Supreme Court, New York County", just as there is a Supreme Court in every other county. But no lawyer here would ever call it the "New York County Court", if only because limited-jurisdiction county courts do exist, just in upstate counties, not in NYC.

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Re: "Get Google Ads Free!" - a Complete Scam

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

wserra wrote:
Doc Bunkum wrote:I think at this point it's not necessary to check if indeed whether J. Levin is indeed a lawyer.
No, not quite. They're professionals; hucksters, that is. :wink:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: "Get Google Ads Free!" - a Complete Scam

Post by wserra »

More of the same, and the URL came from an email by "Dylan Loh", a "Dr" Suzanne affiliate.
I'm about to tell you a story of how I infiltrated a "secret society" and discovered someone I call the "Google Shadow", a member of this elite who was quietly skimming $100,000 a month from Google.

The Shadow's been quietly helping himself to a giant mountain of cash - and now its your time to dig your shovel in...

How do I know this?

Because a chance meeting at a private, invite-only millionaire's meeting in Chicago brought me in touch with this shadowy figure.
Google doesn't notice the missing millions. And Clickbank won't either, so you can rip them off too.

Damn, you gotta be stupid to fall for dreck like this.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume