Advantage Conferences III

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

wserra wrote:
soapboxmom wrote:Caleb Financial is not registered in the State of Texas. Apparently this is yet another subscheme cooked up by Tim Darnell. We know what happened to all those many other schemes----History!
He is again linking it to the Cottonwood Creek church. I recall this church fitting into the Sordid Saga Somehow (tm). If this means anything, SBM, I'm sure you'll know.
This was my recap of the Sordid Saga (tm) from over yonder. That church just doesn't seem to know how to handle Darnell. ... rvices.htm

Tim Darnell is again victimizing his local parrish. He paid the $50.00 to advertise on their website after all the other horrific things he has already done to them. He is not qualified in any way to mentor folks about their finances. He is an insurance agent that can't pay his property tax and has an $8002.00 IRS lien on his property. He had $200,000.00 in credit debt before Jack Weinzierl started making money in 2005. Tim was borrowing toilet paper from his neighbors to survive at that point.

He used his insurance license in his suit against the Better Business Bureau. He demanded $10,000,000.00 / 10 million in damages because he was having a difficult time selling his egregious Hidden Treasures, stranger owned life insurance on seniors. 60 reps got life insurance licenses and not one dollar changed hands. 100 - 300 grand possibly illegal incentive payments were offered to seniors to buy these disgusting policies. The reps waited for months for thousands and tens of thousands in promised commissions that never came as the policies submitted never got written. These reps suffered financial devastation because of this bogus insurance deal Tim set up. In the frivolous suit he filed agaisnt the Better Business Bureau Tim Darnell said:
I have been told by many religious that they will not allow us to even approach the congregation about buying insurance to benefit themselves or the church until the BBB issues are resolved. I recently had a discussion with the leader of Cottonw**d Creek Baptist Church. But, for the Better Business Bureau posting, I am unable the Hidden Treasures and Fundraising Advantage products. I have personal knowledge that when the BBB postings are resolved and the content of the site is changed that Advantage Conferences will make $10,000 off of this long term relationship. I have great rapport with the church as it is my local parrish and I am licensed to sell the insurance product, but I cannot do so until the BBB website references to a pyramid are removed. Unfortunately, the members of the church are also harmed because the church and its congregation cannot take advantage of these products, which literally give something to a qualified elderly person for nothing for allowing a third party to take out insurance in that person.
This is the same church where he threatened members and the McKinney police had to respond. I have the police report. He was told to quit threatening people and that the DA would be informed if it continued.

This is the church whose name he pirated to set up his questionable charity that will be investigated by the IRS as there have been complaints. An Affidavit from the church confirms they had no involvement in Advantage Conferences and never gave permission for their name to be used. They do not recognize Treasures for the Kingdom as an affiliate and the IRS likely won't either. There could be back taxes and all kinds of complications. The leader of Cottonw**d Creek told Tim to remove the church's name from the Treasures for the Kingdom page on the replicated websites as they did not want any association with this debacle.

More on Treasures can be found at: ... /id44.html

Tim solicited Advantage Conferences at that church and members that got involved lost thousands of dollars. Many other reps who have lost money have contacted the church. Tim said to some reps that the senior pastor was on the advisory board and as the church's Affidavit shows, that is not the case. Tim said in an e-mail denying a refund to a rep that lost the ten grand plus thousands more that his attorneys, Jack Weinzierl and advisory board were responsible for denying that refund.

I don't believe for a second that Tim's insidious attacks on people based on sickening fabrications are how his church wants their members out evangelizing. ... /id11.html ... /id22.html

Does Tim's church approve of him bringing them into his frivolous filing against me? Tim's delusional rantings in his suit against me are posted in their entirety here:

Remember his bogus Temporary Restraining Order was dissolved and he will not get any injunction!

This church needs to protect its members. Tim Darnell needs to quit victimizing this church and quit using them as an endorsement as he clearly is only welcomed as is everyone who walks through the doors. He obviously has caused them great harm and has a very strained relationship with them. The members I am in contact with are very worried that Tim's scandals will reduce membership and lead to more damaging publicity. When will this nightmare for so many end?

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Remember All Star Entrepreneur declared bankruptcy. Well, if Jack Weinzierl had had the moxie to join Tim and have his name on the suit against me, the suit would have been listed as an asset of sorts on Jack's bankruptcy. So, the following suit probably should have been listed as an asset on line 20 of All Star Entrepreneur's bankruptcy. The suit, in its entirety below, shows the plaintiff as All Star Entrepreneur. Tim apparently just used this to line his personal pockets. ... -Humphreys ... t-Judgment ... of-Darnell ... tcy-Filing

Enjoy reading. The question then becomes if the judge knew All Star was already 1 million in debt and many of the 116 creditors were folks that paid $12,995.00 for a conference they never received would that default judgment have been so ordered. I think not. The poor defendant was either unable or unwilling to respond as these suits can easily run thousands and thousands of dollars. It is interesting how Tim claims no relationship to All Star after he resigned as president in June 2003, but was happy to use the All Star name to collect a money when he saw the chance.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom » ... l-Petition

2960437607 REP X Vs. ADVANTAGE CONFERENCES,TIMOTHY DARNELL/INDIV, ET EL 12/27/2007296th District Court Other Civil Cases - District

12/17/2008 Motion - REOPEN - OCA 3b.
12/17/2008 Letter Cover

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

Now that Weinzierl no longer has the bankruptcy stay to protect him.

Keep us posted, SBM.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Originally Posted by jweinzierl
.....I would love to help Zena further....
It looks to me like God has given Weasel Weinzierl the opportunity to do just that!

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »
Penalties for Failure to File a Franchise Tax Report
Penalty and any applicable interest will be assessed on delinquent taxes.
If a franchise tax report is not filed by the due date, a 5.0 percent penalty is imposed on the amount of franchise tax due. If any part of the tax is not reported or paid within 30 days after the due date, an additional 5.0 percent penalty is imposed on the amount of unpaid tax.

Delinquent taxes accrue interest beginning 60 days after the due date. For example, if payment is made on the 61st day after the due date, one day's interest is due. For taxes due on or after January 1, 2000, the interest rate varies annually. Additional information regarding interest rates and how to compute interest is available on our website at: .

The Comptroller may estimate the tax due and send a jeopardy determination to the corporation if a franchise tax report is not filed by the due date. The jeopardy determination becomes final in 20 days. If the jeopardy becomes final without payment, the Comptroller will assess an additional 10 percent determination penalty and may file liens, freeze bank accounts, seize assets or certify the account to the Texas Attorney General for collection. Payment of the estimate alone will not satisfy franchise tax requirements; all required reports, including the Public Information Report, must be filed.

A corporation may have its corporate privileges in Texas forfeited for failure to file a report, including the Public Information Report, or pay the tax within 90 days after the due date. The forfeiture bars the corporation from using the corporate name to sue or defend in court and exposes the officers and directors to personal liability. The personal liability is for all debts of the corporation, including taxes, that were incurred in Texas after the due date of the delinquent report, unless the officer or director objected to the creation of, or could not have known about the creation of, the debt.
If the corporate privileges have been forfeited and franchise taxes have not been paid within 120 days after the date the privileges were forfeited, the charter or Certificate of Authority may be forfeited by the Secretary of State or in a court proceeding brought by the Attorney General.

The Comptroller will not issue a Certificate of Account Status, attesting to a corporation's "good standing" if the corporation has not filed reports and paid franchise taxes due the state. In many private financial transactions, a corporation must produce such a certificate.
Note: All franchise tax report forms can be located and downloaded from our website at .

State of Texas says:
ALLEN, TX 75002-4585

ALLEN, TX 75002
Registered Agent Resignation Date:
State of Formation: TX
File Number: 0800218196
SOS Registration Date: June 26, 2003
Taxpayer Number: 15623777008

Title: Name and Address: Expiration/Resignation Date:

ALLEN , TX 75002


Entity Information: PORTFOLIO MARKETING GROUP LLC ( Parent Company of Advantage Conferences )
ALLEN, TX 75002-4585

ALLEN, TX 75002
Registered Agent Resignation Date:
State of Formation: TX
File Number: 0704156122
SOS Registration Date: September 16, 1998
Taxpayer Number: 32000972474

Title: Name and Address: Expiration/Resignation Date:

8400-501 HICKORY ST
FRISCO , TX 75034

ALLEN , TX 75002

ALLEN , TX 75002
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Mr. Tim Darnell received a Christmas gift in his stocking. Alongside the coal he also has a notice for deposition. This is the 3rd and final notice. I have no desire to entertain any more ridiculous settlement offers. I expect the frivolous filing against me to be resolved in a reasonable manner in the near future.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Quidnunc »

A few words on the plan to sell Stranger Owned Life Insurance (STOLI) - A financial industry trade group has been trying to get the regulators to put the lid on STOLI for years because it gives such a black eye to the life insurance industry. Basically, STOLI is getting people to apply for insurance under their names, pay the premiums, get the applicants to lie and say they intend to keep the insurance themselves (otherwise it won't be underwritten), then transfer the policy to an outside investor, who continues to pay the premium and wait for the applicant to die so they get their money.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »



Tim Darnell and Jack Weinzierl just go from one seedy deal to the next. I found an article entitled Dealing with Your Digital Dirt our little weasels should read.
Most people want to leave some sort of legacy......Online content never really dies.... Anything that is connected to your name online can be viewed as a reflection of your characteer and integrity.....“Dossiers of ‘digital dirt’ are being assembled at an alarming rate with horrible potential consequences,” says Jack Vonder Heide, CEO of Technology Briefing Centers, Inc., of Oak Brook, IL.

In fact, an overwhelming majority of executive recruiters say they do online searches as part of their background checking, and more than one-quarter have eliminated candidates because of something questionable they uncovered.....

“My tip for people who know that their dubious activities will be discovered is to address it up
front,” says Dominguez. “If the activities in question are controversial, but not immoral or illegal, follow your instincts, and remember your legal rights (you don’t have to, for example, apologize for a political opinion that differs from the manager). If the activities in question are illegal or demonstrate an inferior character, you’ll probably not get many interview requests, but you should get some help to upgrade your integrity.”
The skinny on background checks
An employer must ask your permission to conduct a background check on a form separate from an application or other paperwork. If a potential employer wants to talk to your friends, associates or neighbors, they must get a separate consent for what is known as an investigative consumer report. In addition, if an employer wants to see your medical records, you must give specific consent.

Once you give your consent, employers have broad latitude to inquire into your background. According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a consumer rights organization, areas of inquiry can include:

Driving records
Vehicle registration
Credit records
Criminal records
Social Security Number
Education records
Court records
Workers' compensation
Character references

Neighbor interviews
Medical records
Property ownership
Military records
State licensing records
Drug test records
Past employers
Personal references
Incarceration records
Sex offender lists
"There are a lot of things that potential employers can find out about you," says Tena Friery, research director at the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
I believe Jack was tearfully mumbling about seeking employment at his bankruptcy hearing in September 2008. It looks like he hasn't snagged a job yet. Blunders never cease!

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

D-day went very well. Tim Darnell was deposed for most of the day. We had a lovely chat about public records. I will be posting excerpts from that very lengthy deposition as soon as it is entered into the record and I have time to edit out personal information that needs to be redacted. Surprisingly, Jack Weinzierl did not renew with Advantage Conferences.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:I will be posting excerpts from that very lengthy deposition as soon as it is entered into the record
I look forward to it. It must have been fun.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

soapboxmom wrote:....“Dossiers of ‘digital dirt’ are being assembled at an alarming rate with horrible potential consequences,” says Jack Vonder Heide, CEO of Technology Briefing Centers, Inc., of Oak Brook, IL.
Duh. :roll:
soapboxmom wrote:....The skinny on background checks
An employer must ask your permission to conduct a background check on a form separate from an application or other paperwork. ....
Anyone who believes that probably renews their subscription to "Tooth Fairy Today" magazine on a regular basis.

Many so-called "background checks" are undefined and completely unregulated. The information marketplace is barely recognized, let alone regulated. Oddly enough, letting the private sector run wild with personal information lets our friends in Washington tap into things they'd never have available without any fear of punishment.

It's a two-edged sword. As long as they only use it against the really bad guys it seems to be acceptable. For those who were told "we found a better candidate" because of utterly bogus data contamination that is rampant in such things, the message has to be we're all willing to live with a certain amount of collateral damage. Gut up dude. Take one for the team. :evil:
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

There are folks out there that seem to be under the impression that a decision by a small claims court in Texas would give Tim Darnell's charity, Treasures for the Kingdom, 501 (c) (3) status. I thought that would be a very interesting point to discuss.

Tim had his accountant, Robert Ward, set the entity up in Texas in December 2005. ... orporation

Tim has claimed the contributions are tax deductible all along as it was a 501 (c) (3). I spoke to the IRS numerous times and as of the middle of last year (2008) Tim Darnell hadn't filed a shred paperwork. When this came to light Darnell claimed he was tax deductible as an auxiliary of his church or due to the Texas Non Profit Corporation Act the foundation was set up under. ... /id44.html

The church prepared an Affidavit clearly stating they had no affiliation with Darnell's Treasures for the Kingdom Foundation or Advantage Conferences. They stated they had not given permission for him to use their name or act on their behalf in any capacity. ... vit-732008

The charity was sued by a donor as that individual felt the solicitations were not made honestly. The charity did do several home remodels, but the 3 directors have not had board meetings for over 2 years and the reports required by the IRS and Texas Non Profit Corporation Act have yet to be made available.

Does a ruling or judgment in a small claims court set a precedent here? The IRS Exempt Organization specialist reported the small claims court judge did not call him even though the IRS letter submitted into evidence contained contact information. The IRS does not recognize Treasures for the Kingdom. And, as the church doesn't recognize any relationship to the charity the IRS is not likely to deem them affiliates either. The only thing the church and charity have in common is doctrinal beliefs according to CPA Robert Ward. Is that or the small claims court decision going to get Darnell's charity 501 (c) (3) status he claims to have already?

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Register Of ActionsCase No. 416-00095-2009

Allen ISD, City Of Allen, Collin County, Collin County CCD

vs. Timothy S Darnell, Catherine S Darnell, Campass Bank

Case Type: Tax Cases - District
Date Filed: 01/12/2009
Location: 416th District Court

Party Information Lead Attorneys
Defendant Campass Bank

Defendant Darnell, Catherine S

Defendant Darnell, Timothy S

Plaintiff Allen ISD
McCall, David B., III


Plaintiff City Of Allen
McCall, David B., III


Plaintiff Collin County
McCall, David B., III


Plaintiff Collin County CCD
McCall, David B., III

Events & Orders of the Court OTHER EVENTS AND HEARINGS
01/12/2009 Tax Original Petition - OCA
01/12/2009 Request for Citation
01/12/2009 Request for Citation by Certified Mail
01/13/2009 Citation
Timothy/const 3
Darnell, Timothy S unserved

01/13/2009 Citation
Darnell, Catherine S unserved

01/13/2009 CitationCampass Bank unserved

Financial Information

Plaintiff Allen ISD
Total Financial Assessment 289.00
Total Payments and Credits 0.00
Balance Due as of 01/16/2009 289.00

01/12/2009 Transaction Assessment 100.00
01/12/2009 Transaction Assessment 189.00
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:There are folks out there that seem to be under the impression that a decision by a small claims court in Texas would give Tim Darnell's charity, Treasures for the Kingdom, 501 (c) (3) status. I thought that would be a very interesting point to discuss.
As I think you know, SBM, it would be a short discussion. A non-church charitable organization must apply to the IRS for 501(c) status. See generally here for the requirements. While a church or an "integrated auxiliary" of one need not formally apply, that doesn't mean there are no rules. The general rules are here. In order to be an "integrated auxiliary" of a church, an organization must:
■ be affiliated with a church or convention or association of churches, and
■ receive financial support primarily from internal church sources as opposed to public or governmental sources.

The church's affidavit pretty well proves that Darnell's scam satisfies neither criterion. And a decision of a small claims court sets no precedent for anything, let alone a matter of federal law.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

SBM - got the transcript of Darnell's depo?
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

wserra wrote:SBM - got the transcript of Darnell's depo?
I am reading it right now. The discovery documents are being prepared and motions being crafted so this can be resolved in the near future. The minute the deposition is in the public record I will share it here first.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

I have an update on Tim Darnell's charity debacle. You may recall he is still trying to find some way to convince us that he is in fact a 501(c)3 and the donations are tax deductible. He claimed initially he was federally recognized. When I called the IRS and blew that one out of the water he whined he was affiliated with his church Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church. He then tried to explain that the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act gave him that status. When that story didn't fly Darnell said that a decision by a small claims judge in Texas made Treasures for the Kingdom a 501(c)3 fully legitimate charity.

Well, Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church penned an Affidavit affirming they had no affiliation with Darnell, Treasures or Advantage Conferences. They also clearly stated he never had permission to use their name or act on their behalf and that despite rumors to the contrary, they were never on the board for any of Darnell's entities. So, Darnell in a desperate effort to clean up the mess he made has now listed his father's church as the one Treasures is affiliated with. His father is the senior pastor for Christian Central Church of FRISCO. Notice the linked document lists it as in Fresco. The Secretary of State website says Fresno. I don't believe that Darnell or Laura Porter actually signed that amended filing either. Darnell should have noticed the city of his father's church, which is just down the road from all of us, is spelled wrong. Also, Laura Porter is in South Dakota and I doubt attended any board meeting or personally signed anything. It looks to me like Robert Ward signed that cobbled up mess of a filing on everyone's behalf. ... ded-Filing ... vit-732008 ... orporation

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Tim Darnell changed the parent organization of Treasures for the Kingdom even though his CPA claimed in small claims court that they didn't need Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church's permission or blessing to affiliate with them. They said the church didn't have to agree to the affiliation and it was in fact done behind the church's back. Robert Ward, Tim's CPA said because of that affiliation Treasures for the Kingdom was 501(c)3, legitimate and tax deductible. Apprently, Ward told the judge that the fact Darnell and Cottonwood Creek shared the same doctrinal beliefs was all that was necessary for the relationship to be valid.

Title 26:
(h) Integrated auxiliary—(1) In general. For purposes of this title, the term integrated auxiliary of a church means an organization that is—

(i) Described both in sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) (1), (2), or (3);

(ii) Affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches; and

(iii) Internally supported. (receive financial support primarily from internal church sources)

(2) Affiliation. An organization is affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches, for purposes of paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section, if—

(i) The organization is covered by a group exemption letter issued under applicable administrative procedures, (such as Rev. Proc. 80–27 (1980–1 C.B. 677); See §601.601(a)(2)(ii)(b)), to a church or a convention or association of churches;

(ii) The organization is operated, supervised, or controlled by or in connection with (as defined in §1.509(a)–4) a church or a convention or association of churches; or

(iii) Relevant facts and circumstances show that it is so affiliated.

(3) Facts and circumstances. For purposes of paragraph (h)(2)(iii) of this section, relevant facts and circumstances that indicate an organization is affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches include the following factors. However, the absence of one or more of the following factors does not necessarily preclude classification of an organization as being affiliated with a church or a convention or association of churches—

(i) The organization's enabling instrument (corporate charter, trust instrument, articles of association, constitution or similar document) or by-laws affirm that the organization shares common religious doctrines, principles, disciplines, or practices with a church [/size]or a convention or association of churches;

(ii) A church or a convention or association of churches has the authority to appoint or remove, or to control the appointment or removal of, at least one of the organization's officers or directors;

(iii) The corporate name of the organization indicates an institutional relationship with a church or a convention or association of churches;

(iv) The organization reports at least annually on its financial and general operations to a church or a convention or association of churches;

(v) An institutional relationship between the organization and a church or a convention or association of churches is affirmed by the church, or convention or association of churches, or a designee thereof; and

(vi) In the event of dissolution, the organization's assets are required to be distributed to a church or a convention or association of churches, or to an affiliate thereof within the meaning of this paragraph (h).

(4) Internal support. An organization is internally supported, for purposes of paragraph (h)(1)(iii) of this section, unless it both—
Why the change of affiliation? Well, the IRS would not likely have recognized the affiliation with Cottonwood Creek as the church said in legal a legal document it has no relationship with Darnell and does not want one with Darnell and his entities. So, as an IRS audit is imminent Darnell is desperately scrambling to clean up this mess. ... vit-732008

What happened to his original story that Treaures was a federally recognized charity??? What happened to this story
:TFK is a tax-exempt organization like a 501c3, and it has tax filing considerations and treatment like a 501c3 as stated in the minutes (see examples of that language below), but it derives its tax exempt status by virtue of another provision, namely the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (see the language taken from Articles of Incorporation below).
Treasures is not listed as tax exempt in Texas and never has been. In fall of 2008 the IRS had not one shred of paperwork on this thing. Lies, lies, lies Timmy----all lies.
The State of Texas says about Treasures:
Taxable Entity Search Results
1 match found for the search string - "treasures for the kingdom"

The State of Texas says about Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church:
About 501(c)3
the articles of incorporation and bylaws must be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when filing for federal tax- exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, discussed below. In Texas, a nonprofit corporation should file its articles of incorporation and appropriate fees with the Secretary of State. status is found in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This is the most desirable form of tax-exemption not only because 501(c)(3) corporations are exempt from federal, state, and local taxes, but also because donors to the organization can qualify for tax write-offs for their contributions.
The Texas Secretary of State says:
2. Is a nonprofit corporation exempt from taxes?

A Texas nonprofit corporation is not automatically exempt from federal or state taxes. To become exempt, it must meet certain requirements and apply with both the IRS and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
3. How does a nonprofit organization, including a nonprofit corporation, become tax-exempt?

Exemption from federal taxes is determined by the IRS. IRS Publication 557, “How to Apply for Recognition of Exemption for an Organization,” describes the rules and procedures for requesting exemption. Questions about federal tax-exempt status can be directed to:

Exempt Organizations
1100 Commerce
Dallas, Texas 75242
(214) 767-6023 [Customer Service]
(214) 767-0040

Exemption from Texas state taxes is determined by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts . Questions can be directed to:

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Exempt Organizations Section
(800) 531-5441 or (512) 463-4600

4. How do I form a “501(c)(3)” corporation?

Filing a Certificate of Formation with the Secretary of State creates a nonprofit corporation. Designations such as 501(c)(3) relate to federal tax provisions only. If you need information regarding those provisions or how they might affect a Certificate of Formation, you should contact your own tax counsel or the Internal Revenue Service. The Secretary of State’s Form 202 meets minimum state law requirements but does not include any additional statements that the IRS might require for tax-exempt status.....

The Texas Non Profit Corporation act Timmy claims to be under says:
Art. 1396-2.23A. FINANCIAL RECORDS AND ANNUAL REPORTS. A. A corporation shall maintain current true and accurate financial records with full and correct entries made with respect to all financial transactions of the corporation, including all income and expenditures, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.
B. Based on these records, the board of directors shall annually prepare or approve a report of the financial activity of the corporation for the preceding year. The report must conform to accounting standards as promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and must include a statement of support, revenue, and expenses and changes in fund balances, a statement of functional expenses, and balance sheets for all funds.
C. All records, books, and annual reports of the financial activity of the corporation shall be kept at the registered office or principal office of the corporation in this state for at least three years after the closing of each fiscal year and shall be available to the public for inspection and copying there during normal business hours. The corporation may charge for the reasonable expense of preparing a copy of a record or report.
D. A corporation that fails to maintain financial records, prepare an annual report, or make a financial record or annual report available to the public in the manner prescribed by this article is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.
Tim Darnell should turn over those records, which have already been requested by my fine legal counsel or I will be out to his home office to procure them myself. And again what is the latest story as to how contributions to Treasures for the Kingdom are tax deductible????????

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by webhick »

Just a little info on the group exemption, in case you weren't aware. If the church has a group exemption ruling, then the church must ask the IRS for permission to add Timmy's organization to their exemption - which the IRS wouldn't do because Timmy's organization doesn't pass mustard for group exemption under...well, probably any church.

It should also be noted that although churches are not required to apply to the IRS for 501(c)3 status, religious organizations are.

Information about tax exempt status for Churches is available in IRS Publication 1828.
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