Advantage Conferences III

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

03/17/2009 Motion - Summary Judgment (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer GINSBERG, CARL)
Location: 193rd District Court

That should be the end of the frivolous case against me. Hallelujah!

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Insanity of Investment Choices in Today’s Markets
Conventional ‘Wisdom’ Opts for Unproductive Choices

Tim Darnell
At this very moment, Americans and foreign investors are pouring their money into 30-year Treasury Bills. Financial advisors will encourage you to follow the “smart money” and do the same thing. As of this writing, billions of dollars, the ‘smart money’, is flowing in hourly. The current interest rate on T-Bills is 4.5% and you have to leave your money in the account for 30 years. What does that tell you about the belief of the investment community regarding the stock market? People are willing to put their money into the lowest rate that Treasury Bills have offered in decades.

Can you say, “INSANE”? My friend, this is ridiculous. Inflation and taxes will more than eat up your money at that rate. Bottom line? You’ll lose money in that instrument by anybody’s computation. It takes a staggering amount of fear to opt for that strategy.

There is a far-better alternative that will provide much better returns – a personally owned home business with Advantage Conferences. If you were part-time and only an average producer with your AC Rep-ship, your results would be far, far ahead of Treasury Bills. There is absolutely no comparison as to what your money and your marketing will do with this strategy, relative to your money sitting in an under-performing security. (A MMC-IV purchase buys a powerful product, so it is not technically an “investment”, but it certainly is an intelligent alternative use of your money.)

Let’s say you have $10,000.00 and you decide to put it into a MMC-IV purchase at AC. Let’s also say you don’t have much time to devote to your enterprise, but you’re able to make your two qualifying sales over the first 12 months of your involvement. Over the following 12 months, you begin getting the “hang” of the business, but you only make two more sales. While you won’t make the news and probably won’t receive any production awards at Advantage Conferences, you will have received a 140% Return on your MMC-IV purchase. Considering the immense value of the product itself, looking at the numbers solely from a ‘return’ perspective helps to open a person’s eyes to the value and sensibility of money spent in your own business versus a so-called, “safe” T-bill.

If your business really starts moving in the third year, and let’s say you begin to put a $7,000.00 profit into your Rep-ship once a month, your ROI is now a staggering 840% Return for that year on your original $10K purchase. It doesn’t take a degree in mathematics or economics to compare 4% and 840%.

Also, do you receive a product from your $10K T-bill purchase? You could argue that you do, but you will not receive the tangible and highly impactful product you do with other purchases, and in particular the MMC-IV President’s Package. Neither would you be privileged to share in the empowered environment that our Reps experience week after week, year after year.

That should make total sense to you, but let’s say you are adverse to that strategy. If you prefer a more traditional investment, then you will definitely want to know about AC’s Personal Banker concept. The Personal Banker is so profound and sensible that you simply have to spend a brief amount of time to educate yourself on this incredible strategy. Either way, Advantage Conferences offers tremendous financial opportunities about which most people are unaware.

Don’t follow the so-called, “smart money”. It’s not smart, it’s simply “conventional wisdom”, and allowing conventional wisdom to be your guide will only reward you with the “same-old, same-old” - the status quo. 4% - I don’t think so.
You just made an Advantage Conferences purchase an investment and described the return one could get on that investment. We are all aware of the staggering 98% loss rate calculated from the BBB case court documents and the fact many are out 20 grand or more. The SEC will be getting this pronto.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom » ... &ps=13&p=1

Tim Darnell's Presidential State of the Union Speech. Get the barf bags ready.

Is your family sinking into the lower class, Timmy? Have you really served your fellow man?

The Fundraising Advantage had 0 / zero retail sales. The reps made 0 / zero dollars. No churches or ministries had any involvement at all, much less major ones.

Tell us again how Treasures for the Kingdom is a registered 510(c)3.

1000 -2000 reps in 2006 was his projection. He expected to fill 2000-3000 conference seats with non-reps sold tickets through The Fundrasing Advantage. Prayer, fasting and God brought him that crap that had no sales as he was forced to admit in the BBB case.

Listen for his story of a gun to your family's head. That will get anyone to desperately try to recruit. How truly depraved that theory is.

It should be no surprise Tim has around 40 reps left after listening to that!

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Tim Darnell's attroney deposed me yesterday. On the advice and counsel of my attorneys those I have been communicating with had their names, contact information and identying information withheld. Unless Darnell was already aware we were acquainted your identity will be safe unless the court / Judge Carl Ginsburg crafts an order for that information to be released.

For clarification, all the threatening letters and stalking and death threat allegations that were edited for posting here: ... count=3946

have been submitted into evidence. Tim Darnell already said in court under oath in June 2008 that he was responsible for exactly those death threats and stalking allegations that are quoted there. I think that should have a profound effect on the judge.

Otherwise, I will post excerpts from that deposition once it is in the public record.

It should also be noted that Darnell filed this frivolous, harassment case and has turned over no / zero discovery!

Thank you all for your help and support!

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

This is the superb Motion for Summary Judgment that won Tim Darnell's frivolous, harassment suit agianst me. ... nt-Dobrott ... y-Judgment

Timothy and his attorney, Jason Charles Ciarochi did not even have the spheres to attend the hearing. Thanks to all of you who gave me so much support. Darnell can no longer get my PMs and e-mail, so we can once again correspond freely.

It is a little bittersweet it didn't go to trial as this was a chance to set some fascinating case law. But, I do see an opportunity to lobby in Texas for some legislation that will provide proteection against these SLAPP type suits. I intend to vigorously pursue that as I have certainly seen what is involved in fighting frivolous, harassment suits.

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

I have been a little busy lately, but can't let that one go by unremarked. Congratulations, SBM, and I'm sorry you had to go through the nonsense.

And yes, every state should have an anti-SLAPP statute. If your efforts help to get one passed in Texas, they will be thoroughly worthwhile.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Nikki »


Brava :!:

What's next on your agenda -- instigating criminal prosecution, shutting him down, major referral to IRS CID?
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Nikki, ... iant_quote
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is portrayed in the 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora! as saying after his attack on Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
Something along those lines might cover it!


Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Nikki »

Let me rephrase the question:

What do you intend to do next, Ms. wide-awake-giant?

Darnell has a serious problem. His hearing is so bad that he keeps missing all the people yelling at him to lie down and stop breathing.

You've crippled his income stream, completeley undermined his cailms of a relationship to a church, and put him in the crosshairs of state and federal law enforcement.

The only thing left is to strip him naked, paint him blue, and kick him out into an arena filled with his disgruntled representatives.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

soapboxmom wrote:....

It is a little bittersweet it didn't go to trial as this was a chance to set some fascinating case law. But, I do see an opportunity to lobby in Texas for some legislation that will provide proteection against these SLAPP type suits. I intend to vigorously pursue that as I have certainly seen what is involved in fighting frivolous, harassment suits.


FYI - summary judgment (IMHO) is a vastly better outcome for multiple reasons (including costs that you may never recover from a deadbeat with no assets). Another one that litigants tend to not realize until it's over is stress. The interminable delays in reaching the end in a case that moves to and through trial can be debilitating to the client and their family members.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

SBM - excerpts from Darnell's newsletter dated yesterday. Keep barf bag handy:
Having been under attack after attack for almost four years
now, I really have taken the time to step back and think
about what is going on. Many of you have been subject to
these demonic attacks as well, and I simply tell you I'm
sorry that you've had to endure this ridiculous filth.
Anyway, I feel compelled to relate a simple story.

I just saw a 25 minute testimonial on DVD about a man
named, Tim, who was born as the result of his mother being

[Snip sob story about guy who just happens to be named "Tim".]

Tim was called into the ministry and left a high salary to
work with High School kids. He told them his story and
helped those who were struggling with the same issues of
drugs and alcohol and pregnancy, etc by befriending them
and sharing the Gospel message with them. He now has an
amazing family with a beautiful wife and kids. Tim is now
a full-time minister and loves his life.

I love that story and as I think about the vicious and
incessant injustice that we've all endured here, I just want
to say, "please, just stop it." Accusation and
condemnation is not what we were made for. Denunciation is
not what Jesus came here for, and it's not what any of us
are put on this planet to spew or endure. I don't hate our
attackers, I simply feel sorry for them and want to tell
them about the love of Jesus that two Tim's have been so
blessed to find.
He sued you, right? I just wanted to be sure I had that straight.
Guys, I don't know what's going to happen with our
attackers. Would you pray that they would come to know the
love of Jesus in their life? I really am not interested in
being drawn in to their hateful lives any more. I've been
a fighter, and I still am a fighter, but wasting time
trying to reason with people who have nothing but anger and
destruction as lifestyles and careers is not anything that
God intends for us - or for them.
Fighting's not his thing since you kicked his butt down the hall.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Tim Darnell / Clown Boy says:
please, just stop it.
He must be delusional. If he thinks I was a raving witch before-------well.....

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

In the further adventures of the clown boys I should clarify a few things. The judge in Tim's losing, frivolous, harassment suit has a reputation for carefully reading all the documents before coming in to court and making his ruling. He definitely lived up to his sterling reputation.

Since the clown boys didn't have the integrity to show up they would have no idea just how chatty and friendly it was in the courtroom that day. I certainly am not going to tell them the interesting question the judge asked or what was discussed.

Tim Darnell popped on the day before the fateful hearing he chose not to attend. 3/16/2009
Originally Posted by TimDarnell
Your Highness,

Tim Darnell here.
There must be trouble in Paradise again. I guess he and his attorney, Jason Charles Ciarochi had a little spat. Looks to me like our little Timmy boy was already unglued as he knew that his clown of an attorney wouldn't be attending the hearing the next day. Filing no response, no briefs and skipping the hearing was sure a good tactic for winning the sympathy of the judge. Now, that the Summary Judgment order is signed and the case listed as closed, Timmy, the loser and his clown patrol are up to all sorts of circus side show antics.

Since, his clown of an attorney refused to turn over any discovery, refused to file any response to the Motion for Summary Judgment, had no expert witnesses listed and no one listed to testify on your behalf at all, the clown should certainly run with all haste to file a flurry of garbage motions. Mrs. Cathy Darnell is working overtime at her current job and no doubt will have to work extra part-time jobs to fund this circus side show her husband insists on putting on.

Tim just wrote his reps after his loss in court:
I really am not interested in
being drawn in to their hateful lives any more. I've been
a fighter, and I still am a fighter, but wasting time
trying to reason with people who have nothing but anger and
destruction as lifestyles and careers is not anything that
God intends for us - or for them.
Timmy just can't accept that God has seen the truth prevail and he has lost. He clearly lied to his reps. He is desperately trying to find a way to save face and hide the fact he filed a totally frivolous, losing suit with the ongoing antics. How would that arrogant fool, Timmy, have any idea what God intends for me. That liar claimed God promised he would prevail in his frivolous, sickening filing against the Dallas Better Business Bureau and look where that got him. God saw the truth prevail and Advantage Conferences' account garnished as loser pays!

Did Timmy get mad at his clown boy, Jason Charles Ciarochi, that chose not to go to the Summary Judgment Motion hearing and threaten to sue him too? Timmy has made a career of threatening totally frivolous and groundless suits in order to keeps his serial scamming going. It is funny that clown boy Ciarochi suddenly seems interested in a case he should never have filed, for the most part ignored and completely blew.

Will blunders never cease??? I look forward to seeing the clowns in court again. I am not having any trouble figuring out how this will end.

I can see you are out of Aces, Timmy!!!

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Tim Darnell said to his reps:
I really am not interested in
being drawn in to their hateful lives any more. I've been
a fighter, and I still am a fighter, but wasting time
trying to reason with people who have nothing but anger and
destruction as lifestyles and careers is not anything that
God intends for us - or for them.
Now this:
04/06/2009 MOTION - NEW TRIAL
Timmy hasn't produced one statement of fact that is actionable, i.e. one he can refute. He has no witnesses, never designated any experts, never produced any discovery, never provided any proof of damages, never responded to the Summary Judgment Motion. His clown of an attorney ignored and mishandled the case. I won the Summary Judgment Motion and the judge had a very interesting question for us. Does he really think there is a chance in hell of getting this motion granted????

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

04/20/2009 Motion - Sanctions (9:45 AM) (Judicial Officer GINSBERG, CARL)

That is my answer to the latest circus side show antics of the clown boys. Will Jason Charles Ciarochi and Tim Darnell, who skipped the Summary Judgment Motion hearing, attend this one????

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:Now this:
04/06/2009 MOTION - NEW TRIAL
Timmy hasn't produced one statement of fact that is actionable, i.e. one he can refute. He has no witnesses, never designated any experts, never produced any discovery, never provided any proof of damages, never responded to the Summary Judgment Motion.
I just want to make sure I have this straight. Not only didn't he show up for your SJ motion, he didn't even respond to it - and now he wants a do-over?

That takes a special kind of stupid. Sanctions, indeed.
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

At least 'round these parts, "no counsel for a party shall file, nor shall any clerk accept for filing, any motion except a Motion for Summary Judgment, a Plea to the Jurisdiction, or any other motion that would be dispositive of the case, unless accompanied with a “Certificate of Conference” signed by counsel for movant..."

If Timmy's counsel didn't speak with your counsel before filing this latest goofball motion or can't demonstrate repeated attempts to do so, he's toast, IMHO.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by soapboxmom »

Finally, some juicy documents are up. Jason Charles Ciarochi should be delighted I am sharing this with the world! :lol: :lol: ... count=4056

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Re: Advantage Conferences III

Post by Prof »

What happened at the sanctions motion hearing?
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