"The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Demosthenes wrote: Factor in the distributors' overhead and the whopping big bite that the uppity-ups get in the form of bonuses, and the little guys in the field (an estimated 60% of whom are "inactive") are really getting screwed.
haha....a v-e-r-y typical and extremely uneducated/uninformed/ignorant opinion/speculation. lol
Last edited by GoldandSilverEagles on Sat May 23, 2009 3:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Demosthenes wrote:
GoldandSilverEagles wrote:
wserra wrote:That's proof of an "explosion"? Suppose that the list is ten countries short of last year's - is that still an "explosion"?
cynical speculative opinion #1
Suppose Amway has two distributors in a few of those countries - is that still an "explosion"?
cynical speculative opinion #2
Suppose the mean earnings of every distributor in every country on the list is $18.75/year - is that still an "explosion"?
cynical speculative opinion #3
I think I said it before - it's like trying to have a conversation with a first-grader. Once you get past Barney, there's not a lot of information.
Translation: I'm really uninformed while trying to look intelligent and informed, aka 'summary of an cynic's mentality'.

Tell ya what 'barney', it's easy to criticize and speculate, (and most cynics like yourself do,) and I don't waste my time fielding idiotic speculation.

I'm not putting you down, I'm calling a 'spade a spade'.

B4 I waste any further time with you and your idiotic/cynical speculations verify your cynical speculative opinion 1-3, and then we might **begin** to have an intelligent debate.

However I have my doubts whether an 'intelligent debate' is possible with a cynical/dysfunctional/anti-social/egotistical personality such as yourself.
I guess it's easier for you to label something as "cynical speculation" than it is to refute it with actual facts...
haha...I'm not the one who made the moronic claims
sweetie! lol
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Demosthenes »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:haha...I'm not the one who made the moronic claims
sweetie! lol
You're the one who made the unsupported "moronic" claim:
Then tell me this Mr Joey: Why does the industry continue to EXPLODE, and do so legally, and on a worldwide level?
Now, please, tell everyone here how dirt-poor I am, living from paycheck to paycheck...
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:That means that the average gross sales per distributor was only $2,800/year.
And the mean distributor income is far, far less, since (as Demo notes) the average income is skewed upwards by the high income and bonuses of a few. As the judge in the UK govt's case against Amway noted last year, of the 33,000 British Amway distributors in 2008, only about 90 made sufficient incomes just to cover the costs of actively building their business. That's less than 0.003.
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Now, please, tell everyone here how dirt-poor I am, living from paycheck to paycheck...
Actually, Demo, that was me. You're the "extremely uneducated/uninformed/ignorant" one (emphasis in original).
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Demosthenes »

wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Now, please, tell everyone here how dirt-poor I am, living from paycheck to paycheck...
Actually, Demo, that was me. You're the "extremely uneducated/uninformed/ignorant" one (emphasis in original).
Well, obviously.

People with multiple degrees from Berkeley and more professional designations and financial licenses than I can count just have to bear that cross.
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Prof »

Demosthenes wrote:
wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Now, please, tell everyone here how dirt-poor I am, living from paycheck to paycheck...
Actually, Demo, that was me. You're the "extremely uneducated/uninformed/ignorant" one (emphasis in original).
Well, obviously.

People with multiple degrees from Berkeley and more professional designations and financial licenses than I can count just have to bear that cross.
Aren't all degrees from Berkley at least 90 degress to the left of center?
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Demosthenes wrote:
wserra wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Now, please, tell everyone here how dirt-poor I am, living from paycheck to paycheck...
Actually, Demo, that was me. You're the "extremely uneducated/uninformed/ignorant" one (emphasis in original).
Well, obviously.

People with multiple degrees from Berkeley and more professional designations and financial licenses than I can count just have to bear that cross.
Hmmmm....you sound like one of those educated professionals who have more degrees than a rectal thermometer. lol 8)
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by LaVidaRoja »

"According to the company stats, there are 3 million distributors and the 2008 gross sales figure was $8.4 billion. That means that the average gross sales per distributor was only $2,800/year."

THAT information, cited by Demo is from Amway. You have provided a list of contries in which Amway has representatives. No information regarding how many in each country or what their average sales are.

Given the precise stats (number of distributors and gross sales), even if only HALF of the cited number of distributors were making the total of the sales, the average gross would still be only $5,600/year.

Now, describe to me again, using the information available from Amway, why this is such a fabulous business for my to get into?
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Demosthenes »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Hmmmm....you sound like one of those educated professionals who have more degrees than a rectal thermometer. lol 8)
I don't insult you, yet you just keep dishing out those insults...

Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Nikki »

Ad rem has failed so he must resort to ad hominem.

Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Demosthenes wrote:
GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Hmmmm....you sound like one of those educated professionals who have more degrees than a rectal thermometer. lol 8)
I don't insult you, yet you just keep dishing out those insults...
You really think that was an insult???? lol Sweetie, that was a compliment in a round about way.

I feel you take my words way-y to seriously....

I feel you need to broaden your sense of humor, aka...lighten up 'butter cup'....

And what's this "you just keep dishing out those insults"? Honey I have yet to really insult anyone in here, but I am v-e-r-y good at calling a "spade" a "spade".

Here's wishing you a "Good Memorial day!" .... :)

Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Hmm....no reply....

What's wrong Demosthenes, cat got your tongue?
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:Hmm....no reply....

What's wrong Demosthenes, cat got your tongue?
Boy, you just love standing in the toilet and threatening to pull the handle on your own flush don't you?

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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by Gregg »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote: haha...I'm not the one who made the moronic claims
sweetie! lol
Nope, you're the one who makes up fake quotes.
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by RyanMcC »

justbreathedear wrote:Is there actually one run by the author or publisher of this crap? I have a friend deeply deluded by this thing, and it would warm my cockles to discover it's a Ponzi, so maybe, just maybe, I can bring her back down to Earth from Planet Kool-Aid.

Please tell me it's got a Ponzi attached...preferably one big enough to be investigated...make my day.
Well, I'm a little late to the party but I'll be happy to answer that question. The author/publisher of this crap is a woman by the name of Esther Hicks:

The Hicks' books, including the best-selling series The Law of Attraction, are — according to Esther Hicks — Channelled from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham (Hicks describes what she is doing as tapping into "infinite intelligence").
Esther Hicks was a narrator and star of the original version of the film The Secret. Hicks earned over $500,000 for her work and was reportedly a central source of the film's inspiration. She was the only person to appear in the film who received compensation.
Esther Hicks claims that non-physical entities called Abraham speak through her, and that her teachings (referred to as Abraham–Hicks teachings) are based on this experience. The basic tenets of the teachings include that we create our own reality through our thoughts, that our emotions are constantly guiding us toward where we want to go, and that life is supposed to be fun.

She is the secret behind "The Secret", and it's fairly easy to see why they kept it a secret.

Here is a forum thread about Abraham Hicks on RickRoss.Com, a site that covers cults:


Ironically, her husband used to be a diamond level Amway distributor.

Here is a last link to a youtube video of her:


Notice how she talks about herself in the third person in the video, because she is speaking as an "infinite intelligence" called "Abraham".

Obviously Ponzi schemes are illegal, so Esther Hicks decided to start a cult instead. Like Amway, they are not officially a religious organization though.

Oprah Winfrey buys her crapola hook, line, and sinker. Oprah interviewed Abraham Hicks on her radio show at least 3 times: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 (can't find a link).

On part 2 at (9:15) Oprah says to Esther: "I'm going to ask you to channel Abraham, and let me just say before you do that, that the reason I wanted you to do this on the radio is because I really do think that the TV audience isn't ready for it." At (11:20) "Abraham" speaks.

To my knowledge as far as her TV program goes, Oprah has kept "Abraham" a secret.


Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

wserra wrote:It appears to be yet another "Give me a lot of money and I'll tell you how to get rich quick" scheme. You know, address in Arizona, incorporated in Nevada, that guy Proctor from Ontario - you get the picture.

I have a question for him, same as the others - If you have the secret to getting rich, why do you need my $2K?
That's very easy to answer.
Look at Donald Trump. He has amassed billions. Yet he still sells his brand. Imo, part of the "secret", if there is a "secret" to getting "rich", includes offering your products and services to the masses. This follows a long held reality of creating riches: "You can get everything you want if you help others get what they want - first."

$ucce$$ is also a habit. When one sells their "stuff' to the masses and create their fortunes, they simply continue their "formula" (whatever it may be) to increase their fortune.

However you want to evaluate him, Bob Proctor is a smart ole boy, as he promotes his LOA.
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Re: Re:

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Getting success/wealth acquisition tips from GaSE is a lot like Jeffrey Dahmer advocating for missing and exploited children.
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by GlimDropper »

I hope this wont be considered necro-posting or too terribly off topic, but there was an Amazon.com "user review" for the book The Secret that was truly special. Alas it was eventualy deleted by amazon but I thank the good people over at Counterknowledge.com for preserving it:
Please allow me to share with you how “The Secret” changed my life and in a very real and substantive way allowed me to overcome a severe crisis in my personal life. It is well known that the premise of “The Secret” is the science of attracting the things in life that you desire and need and in removing from your life those things that you don’t want. Before finding this book, I knew nothing of these principles, the process of positive visualization, and had actually engaged in reckless behaviors to the point of endangering my own life and wellbeing.

At age 36, I found myself in a medium security prison serving 3-5 years for destruction of government property and public intoxication. This was stiff punishment for drunkenly defecating in a mailbox but as the judge pointed out, this was my third conviction for the exact same crime. I obviously had an alcohol problem and a deep and intense disrespect for the postal system, but even more importantly I was ignoring the very fabric of our metaphysical reality and inviting destructive influences into my life.

My fourth day in prison was the first day that I was allowed in general population and while in the recreation yard I was approached by a prisoner named Marcus who calmly informed me that as a new prisoner I had been purchased by him for three packs of Winston cigarettes and 8 ounces of Pruno (prison wine). Marcus elaborated further that I could expect to be [...] raped by him on a daily basis and that I had pretty eyes.

Needless to say, I was deeply shocked that my life had sunk to this level. Although I’ve never been homophobic I was discovering that I was very rape phobic and dismayed by my overall personal street value of roughly $15. I returned to my cell and sat very quietly, searching myself for answers on how I could improve my life and distance myself from harmful outside influences. At that point, in what I consider to be a miraculous moment, my cell mate Jim Norton informed me that he knew about the Marcus situation and that he had something that could solve my problems. He handed me a copy of “The Secret”. Normally I wouldn’t have turned to a self help book to resolve such a severe and immediate threat but I literally didn’t have any other available alternatives. I immediately opened the book and began to read.

The first few chapters deal with the essence of something called the “Law of Attraction” in which a primal universal force is available to us and can be harnessed for the betterment of our lives. The theoretical nature of the first few chapters wasn’t exactly putting me at peace. In fact, I had never meditated and had great difficulty with closing out the chaotic noises of the prison and visualizing the positive changes that I so dearly needed. It was when I reached Chapter 6 “The Secret to Relationships” that I realized how this book could help me distance myself from Marcus and his negative intentions. Starting with chapter six there was a cavity carved into the book and in that cavity was a prison shiv. This particular shiv was a toothbrush with a handle that had been repeatedly melted and ground into a razor sharp point.

The next day in the exercise yard I carried “The Secret” with me and when Marcus approached me I opened the book and stabbed him in the neck. The next eight weeks in solitary confinement provided ample time to practice positive visualization and the 16 hours per day of absolute darkness actually made visualization about the only thing that I actually could do. I’m not sure that everybody’s life will be changed in such a dramatic way by this book but I’m very thankful to have found it and will continue to recommend it heartily.
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Re: "The Secret" Affiliate Program - Law of Attraction

Post by wserra »

That's a great story, although the odds of it being true are slim. Still, it's probably the best use that book has ever seen.
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