Porn Goes MLM! (PleasureBuilder)

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Porn Goes MLM! (PleasureBuilder)

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Well, this has to be a rather unique MLM opportunity - peddling porn!

The company's slogan says it all...

"Network Marketing is a lot sex...

... It's more fun to be on top!"

AllXClub - official launch February 2009.

This should get interesting when people try and promote this "opportunity" on the forums!
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by wserra »

It gives a whole new meaning to the term "viral marketing".
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by BankofAdult »

[ed: Advertising deleted.]
Last edited by BankofAdult on Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by BankofAdult »

[ed: Advertisement deleted]
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by wserra »

Hey, Bankie, ya probably should have taken Judge Roy's hint when he deleted your scammer's advertising. Then you would have just faded into the Quatloosian twilight. However, since you were a sufficient jerk to repost after having a moderator delete your BS, I think we ought to take a closer look at "Bank of Adult" and Got that, Google? "Bank of Adult"? It's an obvious scam.

(1) Adult websites - what an original concept!

Go to Google, Bankie, and put in one of George Carlin's magic words. You get about 5,000,000 hits, right? So you convince some gullible schmoe to spend $400/yr (at least - that's only what you advertise) to buy an adult web site from you. What's that make him? Number 5,000,001, right? Man, he'll sure get noticed and make a ton of sales. Especially since he's competing against the established big boys (pardon) like Hustler. Good luck, schmoe.

(2) But you're not about retail sales, are you?

No, you're about pyramids - selling the non-existent "opportunity". Don't believe me? Well, here's how you list "All The Ways To Make Money With":
$100 Fast Cash Bonus for the first three active enrollments you refer.

$15 for every active enrollment you refer (after your first three referrals).

Bonus Pool 2% Company Wide. 1% Bonus goes to the Associate who makes the most enrollments each month and 1% to the Associate who makes the most retail sales.

$1000 monthly bonus referral commission to the top Associate VIP Member who sends the most referrals whether they enroll or not (Send the most clicks and get paid).

Our 3X9 Forced Matrix will Enable You to Earn $1,000 - $25,000+
Not a lot in there about selling anything other than "enrollments", is there? What does that make you again?

(3) Who are you? How long ya been around?

Well, a whois of shows that your site was created on May 27, 2009. You've been around about five weeks. So when you say that "All our products have been making money online for many years", that's a little misleading, don't you think? Berkshire Hathaway you're not.

Your site says that the boss there is one "Roger Vadocz". The whois says that the registrant is one Diana Vadocz. Why does Roger list the site in his wife's name? And why is it that Roger has another adult web site MLM called Isn't that a competitor of Bank of Adult? So in addition to Roger's suckers having to compete with Hustler et al and each other, don't they have compete with another "business" Roger himself set up?

Just another wonderful opportunity in MLM-land, folks.
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by Prof »

Wes, the difference between this opportunity and other MLM schemes is that -- if you get stuck with utterly useless merchandise -- you actually might enjoy using it yourself. :twisted: :twisted:
"My Health is Better in November."

Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by BankofAdult »

Why dont you do your research on Us before Spewing BS

Read our press releases and how long we have been in Business. Yes is a new program but our products arnt....... Gooogle Roger vadocz, Or or, etc.

Its a new Multi Tiered Program. If you dont like Porn Just say it and delete My post.

But get your facts straight... I'm sure you will delete anyway

Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by BankofAdult »

wserra wrote:Hey, Bankie, ya probably should have taken Judge Roy's hint when he deleted your scammer's advertising. Then you would have just faded into the Quatloosian twilight. However, since you were a sufficient jerk to repost after having a moderator delete your BS, I think we ought to take a closer look at "Bank of Adult" and Got that, Google? "Bank of Adult"? It's an obvious scam.

(1) Adult websites - what an original concept!

Go to Google, Bankie, and put in one of George Carlin's magic words. You get about 5,000,000 hits, right? So you convince some gullible schmoe to spend $400/yr (at least - that's only what you advertise) to buy an adult web site from you. What's that make him? Number 5,000,001, right? Man, he'll sure get noticed and make a ton of sales. Especially since he's competing against the established big boys (pardon) like Hustler. Good luck, schmoe.

(2) But you're not about retail sales, are you?

No, you're about pyramids - selling the non-existent "opportunity". Don't believe me? Well, here's how you list "All The Ways To Make Money With":
$100 Fast Cash Bonus for the first three active enrollments you refer.

$15 for every active enrollment you refer (after your first three referrals).

Bonus Pool 2% Company Wide. 1% Bonus goes to the Associate who makes the most enrollments each month and 1% to the Associate who makes the most retail sales.

$1000 monthly bonus referral commission to the top Associate VIP Member who sends the most referrals whether they enroll or not (Send the most clicks and get paid).

Our 3X9 Forced Matrix will Enable You to Earn $1,000 - $25,000+
Not a lot in there about selling anything other than "enrollments", is there? What does that make you again?

(3) Who are you? How long ya been around?

Well, a whois of shows that your site was created on May 27, 2009. You've been around about five weeks. So when you say that "All our products have been making money online for many years", that's a little misleading, don't you think? Berkshire Hathaway you're not.

Your site says that the boss there is one "Roger Vadocz". The whois says that the registrant is one Diana Vadocz. Why does Roger list the site in his wife's name? And why is it that Roger has another adult web site MLM called Isn't that a competitor of Bank of Adult? So in addition to Roger's suckers having to compete with Hustler et al and each other, don't they have compete with another "business" Roger himself set up?

Just another wonderful opportunity in MLM-land, folks.

How about you post the facts its not all about enrollment and the MLM oportunity its also about making money off your turnkey adult sites
Next time Do your research. We are not a scam by far.
Also the other programs are just turnkey solutions has a Multi Level affiliate program attached making it an MLM
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by wserra »

BankofAdult wrote:Why dont you do your research on Us before Spewing BS

Read our press releases
You mean the stuff you guys write about yourselves? That's your idea of "research"? Well, then, here's some more "research":
and how long we have been in Business.
I know how long you've been in business. Five weeks.
Gooogle Roger vadocz, Or or, etc.
I did. They're all competitors of the suckers you want to sign up here. Isn't it nice of Roger to build in competition for his own customers so he can make more money?
I'm sure you will delete anyway
It's much more fun to play with you. Please keep posting.

That's "BankofAdult", Google.
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:Your site says that the boss there is one "Roger Vadocz". The whois says that the registrant is one Diana Vadocz. Why does Roger list the site in his wife's name? And why is it that Roger has another adult web site MLM called Isn't that a competitor of Bank of Adult?
I see Roger Vadocz has quite the curriculum vitae.

Over on pornopushers, they proudly proclaim, among other things, that good ol' sticky fingers Rog...
was the mastermind behind the Paris Hilton scandal
I was rather puzzled by the word "dopest", as in "Join the dopest adult affiliate program now!" - until I looked it up on Urban Dictionary.

You're right, you are a bunch of sick bastards.

Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by BankofAdult »

Again you are wrong all the programs are totally differant with differant payouts for Established Webmasters who already have websites with traffic.

TurnkeyAdultBiz & is for those who want to own there own adult websites built for newbies is Getrichinporn and pornopushers combined with a 3x9 spillover matrix MLM for anyone from newbies to established webmasters. personal website and info on the creator of all 3 above

Not sure what you have against us but whatever. people can do there own research and make there own decisions. We pay everyone on-time thats all that matters
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by wserra »

BankofAdult wrote:Again you are wrong all the programs are totally differant with differant payouts
Let me try this in one-syllable words.

All of these "different" programs sell the same thing: online porn. While there appears to be a substantial demand, that demand is hardly unlimited, and lots and lots of folks distribute the stuff. Now, I realize that you aren't really looking for retail customers, but rather to build the pyramid by selling the "opportunity". You can't say that, because that would make you illegal. But all of these "different" web sites are competing for the same pool of customers: potential porn buyers over the internet. They're even competing for the same pool of suckers who think they can make a profit by distributing your crap. So the only one who benefits is Roger.
Not sure what you have against us but whatever.
I have nothing in particular against you. I have something against scammers.
people can do there own research and make there own decisions.
Indeed. That's "bankofadult", Google. And the word is "their".
We pay everyone on-time thats all that matters
Is it? I'll tell you what: you give me $500/year to work for me. I promise I'll give you a shiny new quarter every week, on time.

Isn't that all that matters?
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by wserra »

This thread has now made the first page of a Google search. Keep it up, Bankie.

Google is obviously a FOQ (phrase per Demo: "Friend o' Quatloos").
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Moral issues aside, and the method being used to promote the product, one thing about this whole porn "opportunity" has me puzzled.

Who would subscribe to this stuff anyhow?

Anybody that's spent any time on the internet, or reads various forums, is undoubtedly aware of sites like eskimotube, redtube, fantasti, mrsnake, xvideos, etc. and a gazillion other similar ones that stream full length videos.

So if you're into that sort of stuff, why buy it?

Or better still, who would give their credit card info to these sleaze merchants?

Call me paranoid or a conspiracy theorist if you like, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that once you sign on to become a porn king, your personal information is also being entered into an FBI data base somewhere, and every time you're surfing the net you're also being monitored to see just what you're watching or promoting.

Big brother is watching. That's the way I feel about this.

Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by Jenni »

Doc.. Sounds Like your a bit of a Scroog

I dont know Roger but I came across this Board doing research as an associate in which was Bankofadult before.
I asked why they changed the name and his answer was more women were joining then he expected so they wanted it to be more female friendly and mainstream looking etc.

Anyway I have been a Associate with PleasureBuilder for 6 months now and I'm making well over $500 a month already. My sponsor is Fahad he postd his first check in may 2010 www . pleasurebusiness . net/blog/

So unless you have Real facts why do you post so much BS. I think you should Pull the dildo out of your Butt and stop being so paranoid.. or maybe it just makes for good reading for your board.

Your House Mom Jenni

[ed. Edited to disable promotional link.]
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Jenni wrote:Anyway I have been a Associate with PleasureBuilder for 6 months now and I'm making well over $500 a month already. My sponsor is Fahad he postd his first check in may 2010 www . pleasurebusiness . net/blog/

Your House Mom Jenni
You indeed have been blessed to have such a fine, upstanding citizen as Fahad as your sponsor, House Mom Jenni.

What's that he says in his June 6th, 2010 blog entry?
My apologies for the recent lack of updates.
As well as experiencing technical difficulties the other day that disabled the blog, I also became a Father to a beautiful baby Girl and that’s taken up a lot of my time.
I will be back to posting in a few days!

He just became a Father to a beautiful baby Girl and he's on the internet pushing his Pleasure Business - the Quest to Make Money in Porn?

I can picture how that'll go down when his child get's to school and the teacher asks what her father does for a living. "Oh, my daddy is a porn king."

Something like that.

If it's all the same to you, House Mom Jenni, I prefer to remain a bit of a Scroog - whatever that is.
Last edited by Doc Bunkum on Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by wserra »

Jenni wrote:Anyway I have been a Associate with PleasureBuilder for 6 months now and I'm making well over $500 a month already.
The fact that you are "a Associate" means that you sell this stuff, right? Somebody signs up under you, you (at least supposedly) get a piece of their sales, if any? Do you make more sales if you tell people that you are making money or losing money?

My Aunt Tillie raises prize-winning tomatoes in her garden in the Sea of Tranquility.
My sponsor is Fahad he postd his first check in may 2010 www . pleasurebusiness . net/blog/
Whoa! A hand-written check for a whole $224!

How much did he spend to get that $224? And these guys pay monthly commissions by hand-written check? This huge, successful company, which makes untold thousands rich, writes what must be tens of thousands of checks every month by hand?

The company address on that check is in Tampa, and you are posting from . . . wait for it . . . Tampa!

Tillie also has a cattle ranch in the Mare Imbrium.
I think you should Pull the dildo out of your Butt
How nice that we are attracting the third-grade contingent.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
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Re: Porn Goes MLM!

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Jenni wrote:... I came across this Board doing research as an associate in which was Bankofadult before.
I forgot to thank you for reviving this 2 yr old thread, Jenni, and pointing out Bankofadult is now known as PleasureBuilder.

I've reflected that change in the title of this thread. Hopefully the bots will pick it up and this thread will come up higher in the search rankings so someone doing their due diligence before signing on with PB will find it.

Again, thanks again for the heads up.
Jenni wrote:Anyway I have been a Associate with PleasureBuilder for 6 months now and I'm making well over $500 a month already. My sponsor is Fahad he postd his first check in may 2010 www . pleasurebusiness . net/blog/
So you say. Possibly you could post a link to a photo of that check as proof?

I see Fahad only made $223.98.

Personally, I'd be embarrassed to admit I only received a commission check for $223.98 for all my hard work.

Mind you though, not quite as embarrassed as I would be to have my family and friends find out I was peddling porn on the internet.

Re: Porn Goes MLM! (PleasureBuilder)

Post by jobrober »

Wow Doc I guess Im gonna make you happy to by reviving a now 5 year old Thread.

but then I'm gonna steal your joy........Wait for it........

PleasureBuilders is A+ rated by the BBB ... l-90091887

It shows them in business since 2003, with only 1 complaint in 3 years.

For what its worth.
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Re: Porn Goes MLM! (PleasureBuilder)

Post by wserra »

You mean that there is only one complaint from someone based on buying or selling online porn? You mean just one person is willing to identify him or herself in public?

I'm shocked.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume