Guidelines for Posting

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.
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Guidelines for Posting

Post by wserra »

As a result of a poster (ASITStands) proposing what we thought a worthy idea, the Management (that's webhick and I, putting on airs) suggest the following as guidelines for posting to this forum. We do this because it can be tempting just to post, "Joe screwed me! He's a thief!" in the heat of anger. Two observations on this type of post: (1) It isn't convincing, because - while you may believe that Joe is an irredeemable miscreant - you give the reader no verifiable reason to share that belief. (2) It may not be fair to Joe. Still, these are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules.

  1. Start more than one topic on a subject. If you post multiple topics, they are subject to deletion or merging.
  2. Post under multiple names to try to bolster your story.
  3. Think that you can post whatever you want and people will take it seriously.
  4. Make accusations of criminality without support. Especially on complaint, you will have to put up or shut up.
  1. Back up your accusations with something that can be verified. If there's a court case, at least give the docket number. If you've reported the person to the authorities, say so, and identify the relevant authority. If the person has misrepresented something, link to a website or a document scan. Understand that failure to document your accusations may convince people only that you're a crank.
  2. Invite other victims to tell their story as well (same rules apply).
  3. Respond to questions and comments about your subject.
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Re: Guidelines for Posting

Post by Demosthenes »

Awesome idea!
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Re: Guidelines for Posting

Post by ASITStands »

I'd like to see some basic guidelines about what to do if you think you've been scammed.

Things like, "Contact your State Attorney General" or "Contact the Attorney General of the State in which the perpetrator does business." Contact the FBI if it involves overseas scams.

That could encourage victims to do something constructive instead of asking questions on an anonymous website with little chance of being helped or little chance of resolution.

Also, provide a list to places where to search for answers. I can think of a few, like Securities and Exchange Litigation Releases or the SEC Search website.

And, yes, good idea! Thanks for following through.
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Re: Guidelines for Posting

Post by wserra »

It should go without saying that the first thing anyone who has been defrauded should do is contact law enforcement. I suggest beginning with local LE - you may well find that they already know about your culprit. For this reason, a list of contacts would be pretty long. You'll know quickly - a couple of days or less - if they can help. If you need to broaden your scope, contact your state AG or the feds. A board such as this is strictly for warning others after contacting law enforcement, or if nothing else works.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Guidelines for Posting

Post by Kimokeo »

Does this site have a problem? My post-its keep falling off the site.
Despite extra superglue, and less screen space for reading, my post-its still don't show under any caption.

Any suggestions? I know I've paid enough quatloos, including those from the collection basket, to have better service.

I give plenty of good service.
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Re: Guidelines for Posting

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Kimokeo wrote:Does this site have a problem? My post-its keep falling off the site.
Despite extra superglue, and less screen space for reading, my post-its still don't show under any caption.

Any suggestions? I know I've paid enough quatloos, including those from the collection basket, to have better service.

I give plenty of good service.
Try dusting your screen. :wink:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Guidelines for Posting

Post by ASITStands »

wserra wrote:It should go without saying that the first thing anyone who has been defrauded should do is contact law enforcement. I suggest beginning with local LE - you may well find that they already know about your culprit. For this reason, a list of contacts would be pretty long. You'll know quickly - a couple of days or less - if they can help. If you need to broaden your scope, contact your state AG or the feds. A board such as this is strictly for warning others after contacting law enforcement, or if nothing else works.
While I agree that local law enforcement can usually be the best place to start.

However, sometimes, victims around the edge of a scam feel intimidated contacting them. That's why I suggest inquiring at the State level, either the AG or Securities Division.

Sometimes you can just access a State website and see earlier complaints or investigations.

Still, I'll accept your advice in the matter. You're the attorney. I'm just an observer.