Jim Norman-- any update?

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.
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Post by texino »

GL, You know I have seen the web pages from back when Jim was with and MLM and you can see that at some point he switches to the, "I'll invest my money in this program where I have control of the funds, yet Ill make 'some outrageous amount' every day scheme." Do you or ENM or anyone else, think that he really fell for that, perhaps due to a 419 scam where he would get $189 millions? Then when the 419 started needing extra $ to get the money, this is when he started calling for investment? Could it be as simple as that? His language has always had that double talk aspect used by 419s. Perhaps he thinks this is how "Business Men" talk and since the $189m in 419 cash would set him up so well, why not spend a little investor money on looking sharp? I don't think I'm dropping any bombs here, but after looking through my "Jim file" and seeing emails from when he lived at home and played with expensive toy cars (I have pictures) it just seems to make sense. Would not surprise me if someone else has made the connection long before and I just missed it.
Green Lantern

Post by Green Lantern »

Jim sent 200,000 to a man in Taiwan (?) from the proceeds of the money he defrauded out of the Canadian credit union. Perhaps Jim sincerely believes he has a mythical fund and that it now requires maintenance of some sort. But even he must know by now that it is all illusory.
Green Lantern

Post by Green Lantern »

Does anyone know whether Marchel stayed on board as "the Team" junkyard dog----master of storytelling and whipper of the unfaithful?

Post by CK »

Marchel is still very faithful. Whether she is still collecting funds that I don't know for sure. I would think she ran out of fools by now. :roll:

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Here, "team" member Marchel Kelley preaches about how, if God wants her to have the money, He will reach down and make Jim's nonexistent "portfolio" magically appear (I guess something like the giant semi-transparent "Hand of God" from Stephen King's "The Stand"); and if the money doesn't appear, it's because God didn't want her to have it. I have to admit, I puked into my mouth a little bit when I read the words "this project is of God".

I always find it disturbing when people take religion to the point that they are devoid of personal responsibility. To them, everything is "in God's hands", and if their life sucks, it's not their fault. It's God's fault, but He's doing it because it's for their own good. As a result, they believe there is nothing they can or should do to change their circumstances like, oh, I don't know .... maybe not sending money they can't afford to lose to obvious scammers like Jim Norman? Yet, these same people do send money to scammers, and help scam others, in the hopes that they will get a windfall; which of course proves they don't even believe their own line of pseudo-religious bullshit. :roll:

Nevertheless, this gives a pretty good idea of how the people involved in this scam think. They control the victims with this excessive religiosity, by using religion as a sword to silence them when they dare question the Almighty Jim Norman.

The strangest part of this, of course, is that Marchel is still defending Jim Norman despite all the proof that he has no "portfolio", and that the documents he has provided as "proof" are fake. I'm not sure if she's still collecting money from him based on this, but I think it's clear that she's far from either taking responsibility for her actions, or even admitting that it is a scam. She's still waiting for God to give her riches beyond her wildest dreams, just because she exists. However, even if God did get involved in such things, I doubt he'd reward somebody for helping another person perpetrate a multi-million dollar fraud against Christians, and then beating them over the head with the Bible to keep them from complaining.
You said, "We were ALL wrong and led by the deceitfulness of riches..." PLEASE, PLEASE... stop speaking for everyone as if they think or are like you! You do not!!!!!! That is your way of thinking, not mine, ours and many others. We have nothing to repent of!

I, and MANY others, and I do mean MANY, are just as glad today as we were when we sent in money. I know this is hard for you to comprehend but you must in order to understand that not all people, or Christians, are like yourself. And who knows when we will get paid or if we will get paid???? THAT is "God's deal", not ours. And this is why those people can live in gratitude every day... their joy does not come from what they have or what they are "owed" or even what hope they have of receiving. All the riches of God and life are HERE NOW!!! And they have NOTHING to do with a dollar bill!!!!! My goodness, how did people live before the Project??? If I am in "financial ruin", did not God allow me to be there for my good???? Of course! And for those who don't believe, did not God allow this in their lives as well so they would know that they are not to put their hope in man or in riches and therefore, "need" Him? Yes, this Project is of God and people/we will receive EXACTLY what He wants them/us to receive, funds or no funds. Why is it that people, even Christians, who live by the seat of their pants think and WANT everyone to the same way and condemn others who don't? Aren't we supposed to be going to a "higher level"? Christians are totally without excuse on that one.

It certainly seems that people who are pissed about the Project want everyone to be pissed and think like them, and WE DO NOT. How can I/we apologize for that?? I/ we can't and wont'. With that said, I'm sorry that you and a few others, as compared to the many, have experienced such a "nightmare" in this. Guess it truly is all a matter of perception and attitude. (And please don't think that there have not been sacrifices and hardships, financially, for us and some of those same ones after contributing on several occasions. Wow... that's a whole 'nother topic... But we/they assisted with gratitude for the "good of all".)

Oh well... Time is a wonderful thing and it will reveal all in it's fulness.

So, yes... Let's agree to disagree.

P.S. Perhaps you read my comments as sarcastic and that is why you "hear" them the same? That is not the spirit in which I wrote it. Maybe read them again as I INCLUDE myself. Guaranteed... you will hear it differently. Do you think that I write as if nothing applies to me or as if I have not had to deal with it myself first???? Conviction is conviction on both sides of the pen...
Well, she's right about one thing. A conviction is definitely a conviction when you're inside the pen. :lol:
Green Lantern

Post by Green Lantern »

God and Jim...working together to bring riches to the faithful. It's all in His (or their?) hands now. No need to fret. No need to take responsibility for perpetrating a fraud. No need to wake up and smell the coffee. No need to use the intellect (God gave you). No need to repay your parents money you helped a con man swindle out of them. God will be pissed off you demand justice! You materialistic unbelievers! Be thanful God taught you a lesson by relieving you of your material wealth! You'll be dead soon enough for such stuff doesn't matter. Render unto Caesar!

Praise Geeeeee-zeus!

Just believe, brothers and sisters! If we invoke Christ's name enough all sins will be washed away. Hall-lay-loooooo-yeah, baby!

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Aw, how nice, and how incredibly manipulative. "Team" member Marchel Kelley reads Quatloos, and wanted to post a rebuttal to my last post, in which she claims I "don't understand" her religious blather (although she seems to be again confused about whether I'm Carm, and for the record, I'm not). So, presented for your amusement ......
Carm, Thanks for putting this on Quatloos. It gives me further opportunity to explain on behalf of the many "unheard" people within the Project, those Christians with whom I am in correspondence and non, alike. It is interesting that we all have one thing in common... Gratitude without expectation. You're welcome to send this to Quatloos as well...
Here, "team" member Marchel Kelley preaches about how, if God wants her to have the money, He will reach down and make Jim's nonexistent "portfolio" magically appear (I guess something like the giant semi-transparent "Hand of God" from Stephen King's "The Stand"); and if the money doesn't appear, it's because God didn't want her to have it. I have to admit, I puked into my mouth a little bit when I read the words "this project is of God".
I can see where a person would not be able understand what I mean when I say this. From the biblical standpoint, ALL things work together for GOOD to those who Love God. There is no exception to this... whether things go good or "bad." We are to "Rejoice always" and "In everything, give thanks..." All means all. Everything means everything. Good, bad and ugly. Period. This proves that there is no such thing as a "nightmare" in the life of a Christian. How can one literally "give thanks" and have a "grateful heart" and still view something as a "nightmare"? That is an impossibility. (The mathematical/physical world proves this spiritual matter as truth... A positive and a negative together equals a negative.) It is a matter of choice.
I always find it disturbing when people take religion to the point that they are devoid of personal responsibility. To them, everything is "in God's hands", and if their life sucks, it's not their fault. It's God's fault, but He's doing it because it's for their own good. As a result, they believe there is nothing they can or should do to change their circumstances like, oh, I don't know .... maybe not sending money they can't afford to lose to obvious scammers like Jim Norman? Yet, these same people do send money to scammers, and help scam others, in the hopes that they will get a windfall; which of course proves they don't even believe their own line of pseudo-religious bullshit.
This is the beauty of the Christian life... God allows us to suffer the consequences of our wrong choices, thus holding us responsible for them, all the while relinquishing any control of them for God to do "His good pleasure" and accomplish it for the good in our lives. How can one's "life suck" when one has grasped the Love of God? It's impossible. To think that "life sucks" is to believe that God sucks. He does not and that is an impossibility. That also proves that it is a matter of our understanding and a choice.
Nevertheless, this gives a pretty good idea of how the people involved in this scam think. They control the victims with this excessive religiosity, by using religion as a sword to silence them when they dare question the Almighty Jim Norman.
Jim Norman has no control over how I believe, or any of the others who CHOOSE to be grateful (in all things in life) and who are a part of this Project. My belief is all my own. I allow no one to "control" me. (Been there, done that... learned from it.) I make my own choices and blame no one if things don't go as I "expect" them too. How can one be disappointed unless they have expectations? The Christian is to "be anxious for nothing", knowing full well that God gives according to each man as He wills.
The strangest part of this, of course, is that Marchel is still defending Jim Norman despite all the proof that he has no "portfolio", and that the documents he has provided as "proof" are fake. I'm not sure if she's still collecting money from him based on this, but I think it's clear that she's far from either taking responsibility for her actions, or even admitting that it is a scam. She's still waiting for God to give her riches beyond her wildest dreams, just because she exists. However, even if God did get involved in such things, I doubt he'd reward somebody for helping another person perpetrate a multi-million dollar fraud against Christians, and then beating them over the head with the Bible to keep them from complaining.
Jim Norman needs no defense. I have never collected a penny from anyone nor have I received any pay from Jim. I am a contributor by my own free-will and have to wait like everyone else to receive or not receive. I shared the Project with others as it was shared with me. Some contributed, sone did not. Either way was of their own free will. No one was coerced, manipulated or forced. Some people complain all the time and that is their perogative. I, and many others , have chosen not to. This Project is definitely a "spiritual exercise" in regards to the fact that our true selves has been revealed while in the waiting. Some people came in with a "one toe in the water" attitude, while others came in with "both feet." The contrast in attitude is amazing and terribly revealing... those who came in the former manner are the ones who wound up complaining because that is their nature BEFORE they came into the Project in regards to all aspects of their lives. (They would NEVER admit to that but that is truth.) The latter are ones, Christian or not, who live life in gratitude, confidence and without fear... Project or no. They do things based on their OWN convictions rather than "following the crowd" or "living on other's shirttails" of confidence and gratitude. Therefore, if things don't go as they had "hoped", their lives are not destroyed or ruined. They have learned the secret of gratitude in ALL things... just as God's Word teaches and encourages us to do. This is the "higher level" that God wants all Christians to attain. The beauty is He has given them all of the capability to accomplish this (not to mention reason). So.... what is their excuse??? They have none.

I can see were ElfNino can totally not understand what I was saying and of course, I don't hold it against her for not understanding.

The bottom line is that people who contributed into the Project without full confidence and assurance of being fully persuaded in their own minds before sending their money are actually suffering the conequences of their skepticism. And that skepticism existed before Jim Norman came along. People's financial foibles and blunders are not Jim Norman's fault. The saying goes, "Never give more than you are prepared to lose." Life is not "cookie cutter" so why do we continually expect it to be?

Severe lessons continue for some, while others just embrace and accept the moment with gratitude... Please don't hold it against me and the many others who choose the latter.
How nice of Marchel to not "hold it against" me for "not understanding" the writings of a loon. Unfortunately, I understand it all too well. She just hasn't figured that out yet.

Besides, she claims she didn't get people to invest in the "Project". She just told her fellow Christians that it was a way to become rich beyond their wildest dreams, and they believed it was true because it was coming from a Christian, and resultantly they lost their money as well.

I'm unsure how that's different from recruiting others for the "Project", and in fact I really don't think there is a difference. It sure does explain her holier-than-thou statements, though. She has to brainwash her fellow Christians into believing it's all a "spiritual exercise" and, if they complain, that it reflects badly on their spirituality.

Um, yeah. :roll:

Of course she hasn't made any money from the "Project", but only because Jim Norman has no money. Maybe the hand of God will reach down, and give Jim his nonexistent "portfolio". I seriously doubt that will happen, though. In fact, she's far more likely to get hit in the head by a meteor, or eaten by a dinosaur (assuming she even believes dinosaurs existed, and is not one of those "young earth" creationist types) than to ever get the promised return from Jimbo.

Lewis Black, "Fossils Are The Devil's Handiwork": http://youtube.com/watch?v=wOe7EuHclyo
Green Lantern

Post by Green Lantern »

... God allows us to suffer the consequences of our wrong choices, thus holding us responsible for them, all the while relinquishing any control of them for God to do "His good pleasure" and accomplish it for the good in our lives.
How has Marchel suffered for her actions in recruiting gullible people into the scam? Sounds more like sloughing off responsibility than accepting it.
I have never collected a penny from anyone nor have I received any pay from Jim. I am a contributor by my own free-will and have to wait like everyone else to receive or not receive. I shared the Project with others as it was shared with me. Some contributed, sone did not. Either way was of their own free will. No one was coerced, manipulated or forced.

Marchel may not have taken the wired funds, but she told everyone who "contributed of their own free will" that she would receive 10% of the payout before disbursing funds to the "investors." Lies are the best and cheapest coercion, manipulation and fraud available to the scamster---and as she represented the "portfolio existed" when she knew or should have known it didn't (as well as all the other false documents), she lied. The semantical fine points of her defense will probably be lost on a jury and the prosecutor.
Grand Debunker of Medical Quackery
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Post by texino »

If a person in Panama tried to pull off such a clumsy swindle as the one we are discussing, he would simply vanish. There must be professional criminals in Canada. Have they no sense of pride?

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Marchel wrote:I have never collected a penny from anyone nor have I received any pay from Jim. I am a contributor by my own free-will and have to wait like everyone else to receive or not receive. I shared the Project with others as it was shared with me. Some contributed, sone did not. Either way was of their own free will. No one was coerced, manipulated or forced.
Is that so, Marchel? Then perhaps you can explain this (sorry for the delay in posting, I've been very busy and have an incredible amount of JNP info on my computer) ......
From: annmar@Safe-mail.net
To: jim@jimnorman.com
Subject: hi
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 06:49:07 -0400

HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]

just got done sending off an inticing email to my ex-boss in bellingham, washington.

i sent him your websites and i asked tim if he has any disgressionary funds that he could part with for a short period of time (and also if he has friends.)

he came to mind at 4 this morning so i came out to the computer to send him the message. i told him to contact me and to talk with you so that he could make an educated decision.

i really think that tim (and/or some of this buddies) could be a player(s). he has a very successful sign/automotive business and has several friends in the business world. he is entrepenurial by nature (and loves music.)

let's see what this brings. i haven't heard from my nephew yet.

From: annmar@Safe-mail.net
To: jim@jimnorman.com
Subject: RE: Chump Change
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:38:24 -0400

HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]

this is really great! he wasn't turned off by the situation in the least in the fact that there was a "glitch."

i have to admit that after the news last night of the 46k needed, i was very blue. i turned those negative thoughts/disappointments into prayer for the situations. i left it there and with a lifted spirit to just "keep going:.

then i called zoe. now... let's see where our friendship (not to mention our horseriding) takes us. and then there's the project...

i'll let her know that you would like to speak with her. her name is: zoe loyd (307) xxx-0241. neat lady.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Here's the newest from Jimbo:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Norman [mailto:thrumrecords@on.aibn.com] On Behalf Of administration@jimnorman.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:07 PM
To: Jim Norman
Subject: UPDATE
Importance: High

Because of the action of, UNQUOTE “Lastly, The beneficiary of the remitted $10m with suntrust bank is from Australia and he lives in the states ,and his company is registered in belize, citizen of the state, And maintain account with sun-trust bank US, company is (Tapon) Thanks, (FROM ESPAVOS ACCOUNT MANAGER).

This attempt at taking the portfolio has a bill of $15k and $85k.

In paying the $15k within a VERY short deadline ($13k by staff in Europe and the paltry balance of $2k by the Foundation proper, ALL WITHIN THE LAST FEW DAYS), has resulted in the confiscation of the PERPETRATORS FUNDS.N This must be quite a blow to those in the Team that are working with the “Facilitator/broker”. That he must have brokered a deal wherein the above NEW BENIFICIARY OF THE ESPAVO PORTFOLIO was to put in $10mill, minus $1.9 mill returned to the Foundations expenses, with the balance returned to him ] and get $179mill], with some of you in full knowledge of this, is obvious. The NEW party was either ignorant to the machination of the Foundations funds and was blindsided, because he has LOST HIS 10 MILLION, or was privy to the details but went ahead anyway. REGARDLESS, he has lost his funds.

Those that remember, the Facilitator that had set up the initial attempt was fined on October 4th 2005. the sum of $2 million for his attempt at that time, leaving the Foundation in debt to the sum of $350k times 6, and some of you wonder why years have gone by at attempting to PAY FOR THIS. This after he even sent in his passport to prove his POSITION as OWNER OF THE PROFILE! A costly scenario and not to mention the exacerbation of the problem in misappropriation and theft of working capital by the Facilitators that followed. The current attempt using this second FRONT PERSON, (the previous one was from Argentina, now Australia), to abscond with the funds, has been partially blocked.


My staff in Europe have $35k committed to the $85k and the Foundation is working at getting $50k to make the total of $85, the sum that the ABOVE perpetrators actions cost. This is why it is stated “PARTIALLY” blocked, there are consequences if the Foundation cannot pay the $50k in a timely manner.

This is where business stands.B

Espavo Representative.'

Post by Nikki »

Does David Merrill ghost-write for him?

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Nikki wrote:Does David Merrill ghost-write for him?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has trouble understanding that. It appears that the person who was supposed to buy the nonexistent portfolio also lost their money? What do you guys think he's trying to say?
Grand Debunker of Medical Quackery
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Post by texino »

Mrs. Mom says: What do you guys think he's trying to say?
Oh, he wants 50 thousand bucks for something. Who knows? I forgot how much that Spanish scam was for. I do know that if I showed up at my C.U. with a check for several hundred thousand, they would toss me in their holding cell until it cleared.

My question in return would be. Is not what Norman has done illegal?
Green Lantern

Post by Green Lantern »

ElfNinosMom wrote: What do you guys think he's trying to say?
This sounds like a random word generator to me.

There are only so many ways to package quadruped excrement I should think.

Marchel is probably asking: What scam would Jesus sell?
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds to me like he is getting ready to ask for more money.

His meds have either worn off, or he has found some really good new ones.

Or, he hired Merrill to ghost for him so he won't have to stay in his mom's basement anymore.
Green Lantern

Post by Green Lantern »

Perhaps Jim changed his name to "Bears-Stearn" or "Ben Bernanke?"

BtW---I saw a segment on NBC where the reporter set up a meeting in Paris with a "Jim Norman-esque" character. The reporter was to give the Nigerian $14,000 to free millions of dollars being held for one reason or another. The Nigerian was supposed to be the employee of a bank but didn't even have a business card (although he did produce several passports---sheesh!). turns out, the runner was probably a low-level grunt for a wider but loosely run organization.

Post by ElfNinosMom »

New thread on Jimbo .... "Jim Norman Indicted"