Talk about the Nigerian 4-1-9 scam in all its many variations, such as bogus checks sent from Nigeria to purchase used cars in the U.S. and many other variations of this scam.


Post by stopthemadness »


We have recently been receiving many emails about a new “Nigerian Scam” (although we are not 100% certain of its origin, we are checking into it). These scams have wreaked havoc and cost American individuals and businesses billions of dollars in the recent past. If you have received an email, letter or phone call about a “COURT NOTICE", "HEARING NOTICE” or “LEGAL ACTION NOTICE” of an insurance claim and/or lawsuit, it may or MAY NOT be legitimate. These people are preying on our societies ability to make a claim or sue so easily and for anything. ATTENTION: DO NOT PAY THE SETTLEMENT and DO NOT be frightened to “hire an attorney right away” as it instructs you to do. That is merely a scare tactic for you to want to settle and pay some obscure off-shore account. Rather, contact our offices IMMEDIATELY and we will check the insurance and court records for you to see if it is a legitimate claim or lawsuit – free of charge. Let’s put a stop to this scam before it escalates! Spread the Word!

Find Out More Here:


Post by bmielke »

Try contacting the State AG, the FBI, the FTC, or local law enforcement if you believe it is a scam. If it is possible that you did own an internation debt contact an attorney.
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Post by wserra »

stopthemadness wrote:Rather, contact our offices IMMEDIATELY and we will check the insurance and court records for you to see if it is a legitimate claim or lawsuit – free of charge. Let’s put a stop to this scam before it escalates! Spread the Word!

Find Out More Here:
Hmm. "Heldharmless", huh? Sure, let's stop one scam and start another. This is worthy of its own thread - and marvelling, once again, at the stupidity of scammers who try to advertise on an anti-scam site.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume


Post by stopthemadness »

Greetings to the Subscribers of this Thread,

My name is Ken Thompson and I am one of the members of the legal counsel for HELD HARMLESS. We, myself and the other members of the legal department, have taken the opportunity to read your comments on the company HELD HARMLESS; thank you. Sadly, we were taken-back by some of what we read as none of us, nor anyone in Customer Support, had been contacted with any questions about the company. So that we may assist in the clarification of your comments, please accept the following:

1. THE COMPANY: HELD HARMLESS Holdings Trust was established in New York, NY as an asset holdings trust for the benefit of its members. All funds earned by HELD HARMLESS remain in-trust for the benefit of its members. In addition to shielding its members from insurance claims and lawsuits, the company provides simple-interest mortgages to its members, invests in charities and their development and provides indigent people with an opportunity to get off of the streets, thereby, taking the burden off of the government and the communities in which they live.

2. THE NEW YORK ADDRESS: The mail-center service in New York is a necessity. It is used as the mailing address and so that any and all physical mail may be delivered.

3. THE UK ADDRESS: HELD HARMLESS' holding trust is managed in a specified tax jurisdiction so that the assets, income and investments by the trust are sufficiently protected from any and all counter-claims that may arise in protest of the HELD HARMLESS product. (For example: if a frivolous lawsuit or insurance claim is filed against one of our members, and the member prevails, the attorney for the Plaintiff may want to attack HELD HARMLESS for "blocking his potential earnings". The jurisdiction for “attack” is outside of the United States thereby rendering our member-assets free from exposure.)

4. HOW HELD HARMLESS WORKS: In short, HELD HARMLESS is a lawful dissemination (publication) of any and all physical notices you may already use at your home or business. "KEEP OUT", "WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR...", "PRIVATE PROPERTY", "fine print" on a contract, disclaimers on websites, etc., etc. These are lawfully known as “constructive notices”; much like placing an ad in the newspaper when you are trying to serve someone with legal documents because you cannot reach them or locate them. The difference is that HELD HARMLESS provides a complete and comprehensive (State and Federally compliant) dissemination of those notices which are unable to be contested.

5. QUOTE: “…so long as I sign up with you, I can tool down the road drunk, ramming people at will, and never get sued?” The obvious answer to this is: “NO”. HELD HARMLESS does not apply to gross negligence, much like your own insurance. As an insured, if you “go down the road ramming people” your insurance company will not come to your aid; you are on your own.

If you seek more legal information about the product, the successful cases and other case-studies which are used to enforce the HELD HARMLESS product, we invite you to call our legal department or write us an email and we will reply as promptly as possible.

We hope this helps in clarifying the questions you pose about the company, its product and effect. Again, we welcome your direct comments at any time.

Kindest regards,


Ken Thompson
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Post by wserra »

Anyone interested can see the ongoing exchange here.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke engineered by the grammatically incompetent, now I see it is just a joke engineered by the mentally incompetent to appear grammatically incompetent. I smell scam on the barby!!!!!!!!
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