Elite Activity Resurrected (Connecting Us All)!

"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Doc Bunkum »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:Plus you still have a tonne of former Elite members who are behaving exactly the same with CUA as they did with Elite. Not to forget outright professional crooks - Mary Lou Gentry (partner of Michael Howard Reed who I believe was sentenced today) comes to mind.
Michael Howard Reed - some relation to the Joe Read that's an officer in Connecting Us All and the Joe Read and his spouse who were issued a citation by the Utah Department of Consumer Protection for operating an illegal pyramid scheme in the state of Utah, USA, in connection with the Elite Activity? :?:

And the Reads who were ordered to cease and desist operations in Utah, and to put a notice on the Elite Activity website stating that Elite cannot and will not operate in Utah. :?:

That Michael Howard Reed? :?:
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

I have no idea if Michael Howard Reed (note, two "e's") and Joseph Read (note one "e" and one "a") are in any fashion related.

However, Michael Howard Reed was a central figure in the Little Shell Band of the Pembina Indians, and multiple fraudulent micronations based on that non-existent tribe, along with the Gold Quest International Ponzi scheme and trying to force judges to dismiss charges against a group accused of running meth labs.

M.L. Gentry helped him set up the phony tribe, had access to government records (and may possibly have planted a forged treaty document - I haven't been able to prove or disprove that suspicion yet), and commited a surprising amount of Elite Activity's spamming online. Which she did in conjunction with Jean Small, currently on CUA's staff, and that tie to Gentry and Reed puts Small under the same permanent injunction the courts issued against David Greene, Michael Howard Reed, and associates in the GQI case.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Here's a good example of how the greedy are taking over any good intentions that CUA's staff may have harbored:
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Monday Nights Call/Webinar
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:14 PM
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"Belinda Grandberry" <belinda33@sbcglobal.net>
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If you were not on the call last night Pastor Boyd gave a very moving presentation about the kinds of people we do not want in Connecting Us All. Evidently we have had some bad apples that they had to ban from the program. Realize that people are banned everyday for not being in step with our vision of what CUA is. The Call will be in the archive section under the Events tab within the next couple of days, I was almost in tears.

There is a new button under your Giving pool that says "My Website". It will list all of the visitors to your website and list their name, email address and phone. You can then send them follow up messages and ask them what they thought about the site and if they are thinking about joining. Invite them to a conference call or send them the getting started manual listed under resources.

It has been my experience that people who do not attend the Monday night executive calls do not become intimate with CUA and feel left out. This is where you can keep up with the new changes and the training calls on Thursday's are essential to new people so they can learn their way around the site. Tuesday's calls are for you to bring friends and people you would like to invite. It explains what CUA is all about without you having to since you are new.

Once the cycles starts moving, you want to keep them moving by turning on Advanced Invitee Placement and check all of your check boxes on under Edit Profile. Now matter how many times I say this people are not doing it. Do you want to send a gift to someone named Bubba or Ben Johnson. When you can only see nicknames, nobody know who you are. It is imperative that you check all of the little box on under Edit Profile, this will make life easier for everyone. This will also automate everything for you.

Once you start to receive gifts it will be easier to invite because you have a personal testimony. If you just leave the inviting up to me once you have your two, it could slow us down. When everyone turns on Advanced Invitee Placement, all new people will go where they are needed in our group and keep it growing and moving. If you ever end up with more than two people under you, write CUS and have them to place them below someone in your blessing line who needs an invitee. If you do not follow the plan to keep everyone moving along you will throw a wrench into the gears. I will send out the new welcome letter to everyone again because I am constantly updating it to reflect the new changes. If you want people to be on my mailing list, email me their information. I am using this email address until they get the team message function working in the backroom. I know a lot of people on this list is not in CUA even though they filled out my form. I cannot clean this list to reflect only the active members because CUA does not have the option to write to active members only in the blessing line reports.

If you are receiving this email and you are not a member, that will be rectified very soon and I apologize for the inconvenience.

For those of you who want to learn how to market online, there is a new training call on Saturday's. I recommend that everyone get a Facebook page, I had mine for a whole year before I started to add stuff to it. It is really quite fun once you get the hang of it and the Saturday call will train you on Facebook and other social media sites. Once you learn how to connect them together, you can create viral exposure for CUA replicated website.

Well, I hope I did not forget anything, I did not keep notes from the call last night so be sure to view it once it has been uploaded to the site. Probably by Wednesday.

Oh by BTW, Pastor Boyd suggested that I place my two strongest people in line below me during the restructuring of my blessing line so that everyone will benefit from the push. To start with the weakest people will not do so I am going over my organizational chart to see who has invited the most people. David O'Neal out of Cleveland has just joined and will be bring in his group of almost 300 people that he had in Elite. The sad thin is he was placed under Susan P. who is inactive and will miss out on the push, Oh well.

I am so thankful to have all of you and I consider it an honor to be in your hemisphere!

I wish you all great abundance with Connecting Us All!!!

214-321-7533 Res.
214-616-1562 Cell

P.S. Ross A. Jones I do not have your sons email address.

Poor Belinda still hasn't gotten a clue that David O'Neal is the Judas who let ME get inside Elite's system and collect all that incriminating evidence last year. Belinda, if you're reading this, remember Ben Buckles and the flamewar over David's password? That was me you and Ramon were trying to oust from the Elite Activity account called Firestarter (originally called Quattro) after David handed me his password and those of half his downline.

Not to mention how Belinda herself exults over how much money she receives from her followers.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

Y'know, Ms. Lambert, I'm not sure whether you're a part of the con or you just don't get it. If the latter, though, you are among the world's most gullible people. And you avoid answering questions.

ProfHH and I point out in some detail how you emphasize the many similarities in people and structure between Connecting Us All and an adjudicated pyramid scheme. Your response amounts to "We're not the same. Trust us."
Val Lambert wrote:However JJ laid down the law... Just because they are connected, does not mean that CUA is doing anything illegal... Yes, we are an outgrowth of what was 'right' about the system, not the 'wrong' parts.
Tell me, what is the "right part" of a pyramid scheme? There is only one reason for a pyramid scheme to exist at all - to enrich those on the top at the expense of those on the bottom. That's why they're illegal. It's like claiming that you kept only the "right parts" of a three-card monte game or the Purple Gang. If you want to set up a charity, set up a charity. No one needs Connecting Us All to give. Anyone who doesn't live in a cave knows of lots of worthy charities - and lots of individuals in need as well. The only reason to join CUA is to receive, not to give. That's a pyramid.

Moreover, if you really aren't the same as Elite, why do you guys keep emphasizing the similarities? There's only one reason I can think of - so that you can attract the same pool of suckers as Elite did, folks who hope to claim their spot on the pyramid and cash in. The rest is smokescreen.
JJ has sent a letter to all of the AG's around the United States
That stuff again. Look, on this site, you are speaking with a lot of folks - lawyers, CPAs, LEOs - who really do know how this works. Ninety-nine percent of those letters - assuming they ever existed - got roundfiled on reading. AGs' offices, even more than courts, don't issue advisory opinions to individuals. Why don't you post one official response you guys received from one AG? Just one.

Speaking of courts, Ulrich has been posting for the better part of a year how he sought a declaratory judgment as to CUA's legality. How's that going? Court? Docket number?

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »

Professor, thank you again for giving me another name to investigate. I will check on her progress immediately. By the way did you ever find anything on savenaturefree?
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »


Again there is no one at the top. Everyone cycles through on a constant basis. They may be on top one day and at the bottom the next. No one who works for this organization is getting the money from the members unless they pay their subscription fees. JJ is not Harvey. And you are correct no one NEEDS CUA to give. They just choose to. We are planning fund raisers and have been working with the Boys and Girls Club in Colorado Springs. There are also many who have gotten their rent paid, surgery's paid for and other blessings through donations to them. Please, tell me how this is wrong or illegal.

Hope your day is blessed.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

The legal definition of a pyramid scheme makes no mention or requirement of anyone being at the top, Val.

I'll let wserra explain the three things that legally define a pyramid in your country, since he is a lawyer, but I can remind you that waving the charity and good deeds issue around is a red herring. The two are not connected in the eyes of the law, and the practice of naming charities and wholesome causes as a way to keep eyes away from the money flow is a common one with pyramid schemes.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

And here's another CUA member who just stuck his foot in his mouth...
From: Richard White <rghwhite@bigpond.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 16:23:12 +1000
Subject: The First Truly Legal International Gifting Program.
To: Benjamin Buckles <grimtinafan@gmail.com>

Dear Benjamin,

My name is Richard White and I am a member and leader of the Gifting Program, Connecting Us All.

I understand you were part of the Elite Activity / Elite Resurrection Now program for all the right reasons, but may well have been hurt by legal battles and disappointed when it had to close down.

I now wish to assure you that Connecting Us All has been through the entire legal process and meets all Legal requirements, to be the first truly Legal International Gifting Program.

Connecting Us All is already legally helping more than 40,000 members, in 197 countries around the world.

As leaders here in Australia we are building a successful TEAM and would love to invite you to look at Connecting Us All through new eyes, with the original hope you had to help others with this great concept.

Please take the time to visit our site, CLICK the visitor button and register your details! http://www.retirementoptionsnow.connectingusall.org Then watch the video and check out the site.

If you are able and willing, then you can change lives with a simple unconditional gift of $20.00

Help Someone You Know!

I look forward to connecting with you and hearing your thoughts.

Best Regards

Richard White

Mobile: +61 408 204 283

Office: +61 2 9547 3605


I do believe I'll drop a note or two about him to the Australian authorities and make sure he paid full taxes on every "unconditional gift" he received through Elite Activity.

Mr. White would appear to be located here:

Cordell Pty Ltd
26 Read Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2221

Created on: 15-Jul-09
Expires on: 15-Jul-10
Last Updated on: 02-Dec-09

Administrative Contact:
White, Richard rghwhite@bigpond.com
Cordell Pty Ltd
26 Read Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2221
(040) 820-4283 Fax --

Technical Contact:
White, Richard rghwhite@bigpond.com
Cordell Pty Ltd
26 Read Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2221
(040) 820-4283 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order:

with some business connections at http://au.linkedin.com/pub/richard-white/14/620/ab9
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

And another of Grandberry's cronies, using the fraudulent "5010(c)(3)" claim in regards to Connecting Us All. This time it's Mechelle Tucker, who was extremely active in the final weeks of Elite Resurrected promoting it as "legal" income.
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5/10: Monday Mobile Mixer (Midtown Phoenix)
Date: 2010-04-24, 9:55PM MST
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The Arizona Coalition Networking Group Presents ... Every 2nd Monday "Mobile Mixer"

May 10, 2010
Rack Shack BBQ at Shakee Ground
5025 N 7th Ave, Ste B
Phoenix, Arizona 85013

Hosted By: Master Networker & Founder, Mechelle Tucker

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MOBILE SOCIALIZING presents a new major opportunity to explode your Business!

Mobile Social Networking is becoming a mainstream essential component for your company's marketing mix. If you are a person on the go and need to stay connected, meet more people, make more contacts and generate new quality business then this is the event for you.

"Monday Mobile Mixer" is a new Networking Event with the purpose of providing members and guests with a more quality face to face effective networking experience to connect with more people and bridge the gap in communication. The AZ Coalition Networking Group will utilize mobile social networking to converse, share exclusive information, stay connected, offer free promotional swag giveaways and power network with the “IN” crowd of the Arizona Business Community.

“Monday Mobile Mixer” will be a business professionals ideal event geared towards a targeted 1st class clientele that seeks to maximize cutting edge mobile technology and speed network; while using strategic locations to build traffic awareness and focus on economic business development.

"Monday Mobile Mixer" will be a Mix & Mingle style networking event with a twist. The event will include a networking happy hour with a huge table of promotional print materials from various organizations, local businesses & VIP Guests. This event will be great for connecting, building your influence and making new relationships in the Arizona Business Community.

6 – 7pm Registration & Announcements
7 – 8pm Speed Networking
8 - 9pm VIP Mix, Mingle, Network & Final Words

Event Details:
Event Raffles * Swag Networking Bags * 30sec VIP Commercials * Swag Promotional Giveaways * Speed Networking * VIP Guest Speaker * Local Vendors * 20 off Vendor Purchases * Discount Mobile Massages * Wine Tasting *

Sponsorship Opportunities:
There is a fee to reserve a table and additional sponsorship opportunities are available for as low as $20.

Receive a FREE raffle ticket for being a Member of The AZ Coalition Networking Group, Connectingusall.org, FDI VIP, Any Chamber of Commerce.

Event proceeds will benefit Connecting Us All Arizona Non-Profit 501(C)(3) Networking Entrepreneur Scholarship Fund and for every can food item donated (non-perishable) to benefit Kingdom Food Connections (If you are in need of funding support list your need on The Gifting Tree @ http://www.GiftitForward.us).

More information:
Please visit mondaymobilemixer.eventbrite.com for complete details.

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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Wserra, Doc Bunkum, here's what really floored me regarding this Senate candidate that Ms. Tucker picked up:

http://www.connectingusall.org/content/ ... r_id=27643

He's been a member of Connecting Us All for several weeks, at least. He last logged on there two days ago.

Now what do you think John McCain would do with the information that one of his Democratic challengers is part of something like this?
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »

Professor, thank you for giving me the names of Michael Reed and Mary Lou Gentry. I searched but could not find a profile for them in Connecting Us All. I would appreciate it though if you would keep sending me names to research. Thank you and have a blessed day
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Gentry was calling herself The Hannah Foundation for a while on CUA, Valerie. Let me check what she's currently going by... WealthWellnessFoundations appears to be it. http://www.connectingusall.org/content/ ... ber_id=149

And I see she's still hanging out with John "Humanitarians of America" Walton and his family of loons. Did you know that Henry W. Curtis Jr. and his pal Vera Bessard were part of the "board of governors" on Walton's older false charity, Tax Free Economy? His current HoA is just as fraudulent in its' claims.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:The legal definition of a pyramid scheme makes no mention or requirement of anyone being at the top, Val.

I'll let wserra explain the three things that legally define a pyramid in your country, since he is a lawyer, but I can remind you that waving the charity and good deeds issue around is a red herring. The two are not connected in the eyes of the law, and the practice of naming charities and wholesome causes as a way to keep eyes away from the money flow is a common one with pyramid schemes.
Every word correct. Sorry about the delay - I've been on trial for the last week and had no time to post. Here's the short version.

The classic U.S. definition of a pyramid scheme comes from the FTC. In re Koscot Interplanetary, Inc., 86 F.T.C. 1106 (1975), aff'd sub nom. Turner v. F.T.C., 580 F.2d 701 (D.C.Cir. 1978). According to the FTC, an "entrepreneurial chain" pyramid scheme is "characterized by the payment by participants of money to the company in return for which they receive (1) the right to sell a product and (2) the right to receive in return for recruiting other participants into the program rewards which are unrelated to sale of the product to ultimate users". The courts have universally adopted the principles of Koscot.

You don't get past (1). You have no product, not even one maintained only for appearances. The only "product" you guys sell is membership in the pyramid. The only source of money are the participants themselves. If you do not recruit, you have no income. This is why pyramids don't get much clearer than gifting schemes.

Your only conceivable defense is that your members understand that there is no guarantee of receiving anything. That may be true (or may not - I have no way of knowing what your recruits are actually told, as opposed to what appears on the web site. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Whatever they are told, though, it is perfectly clear that they expect to receive, and not just to give. HH has been posting example after example of how you guys really recruit. You say exactly what every other pyramid says - those are rogue distributors. "Rogue" loses its meaning when it applies to most.

I have a way for you to validate your arguments. For a few months, get rid of the Gifting, er, Giving Pool. The only way a member gets anything is by posting a hardship story and receiving true gifts from individual members. No airplane, er, cycles, no moving up, down, in, out, splitting - whatever. None of that. No gifts by the organization to anything except recognized 501(c)(3) charities. Know why you're not going to do that? Because no one would join, no more money, Ulrich and Lambert out of jobs. After all, you can keep writing about how "our Creator designed the Earth with abundance for all". You can keep "eliminating scarcity in the world". You just can't give to individuals. Why would no one join, with all your wonderful motives still in place? Because the reason for joining is the expectation of receiving. That's a gifting scheme. I think you know this.

BTW, why do you ignore perfectly legitimate questions? Here, I'll try again:

Why don't you post one official response you guys received from one AG? Just one.

Speaking of courts, Ulrich has been posting for the better part of a year how he sought a declaratory judgment as to CUA's legality. How's that going? Court? Docket number?

"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
Val Lambert

Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Val Lambert »

Professor, Just thought you would like to know that Harvey is out. He does go back to court on the 17th however. We will know then what is happening with him.

Hope you are having a great day.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

Val Lambert wrote:[No answers.]
Well, J.J. is a member here too. Maybe he'll answer perfectly polite, perfectly legitimate questions about Connecting Us All.

They have sat unanswered for a while.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

And in the meantime, his membership continues to undermine any progress he may have been making.

This popped up on a blog today.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Abundance through giving
You will never see anything like this and to my surprise it
is legal.

I have been around this industry many times and if you're
like me you have had little or no success.
I have ran from companies like the one I am about to show
you because they were not legal.

Are you a giving kind of person? Do you want to help others?


With this program if you give you will receive 100s of time
over from just one gift.

Finally one has had enough smarts to do this the right way
and it has been accepted by the IRS as a Legal Entity 501C-3

This company is in 197 Countries with 100s of thousands of
people getting involved 2x Infinity forced matrix.

This is monitored so it can work.

I will show you how to build this if you need help.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2_LDkXJl4w VIDEO of PAY

Sign up today FREE

Help others and help yourself at the same time.
Once you enroll you will need to join a $20.00 cycle. If you
are not willing to gift the $20.00 please do not expect to
have abundant living.

Join a cycle the GEO 20
Any questions, call me.
Frank Cottos 440 967-2623

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Posted by ezblog at 10:18 AM

I've added Frank's listed address of
7704 Cemetery Rd, Vermilion, OH 44089-9581
to my records, but I can find no public records of
this building so far.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by Doc Bunkum »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:I've added Frank's listed address of
7704 Cemetery Rd, Vermilion, OH 44089-9581
to my records, but I can find no public records of
this building so far.
I'm sure you've already checked Google maps and discovered it was a vacant lot out on some farm road.
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

ProfHenryHiggins wrote:And in the meantime, his membership continues to undermine any progress he [Ulrich] may have been making.
OK, HH, what's your take on Ulrich's "progress"? Why isn't the heart of Connecting Us All still a gifting scheme, something which only people who hope to profit will ever join? Why doesn't the "progress" simply consist of putting Connecting-Us-All lipstick on an Elite pig?

In a Reagan-era phrase, why is all of this nonsense anything more than providing the people who run CUA with what they hope to be plausible deniability?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

I would say that his "progress" is entirely in terms of public relations, not legality. The man doesn't want to be committing crimes, but has gotten himself into a situation where crime is a way of life for many of the people he's surrounded by, and he's wearing a metaphorical blindfold keeping him from seeing it past his own religious convictions. The fact that he only has a high school education does not help.

If I knew which office of the Mexican government to contact, I would point out his groups "Mexican 501(c)(3)" claim to them, ask for their confirmation of it, and then proceed to show them the connections between CUA and Elite which J.J. continues to try to deny.

Have you visited CUA lately and seen the claims Mr. Shook is making, in connection to Dockstader?
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Re: Elite Activity Resurrected!

Post by wserra »

You give Ulrich more credit than I would. Even so, willful blindness is not the best position to be in when law enforcement knocks on your door.
ProfHenryHiggins wrote:Have you visited CUA lately and seen the claims Mr. Shook is making, in connection to Dockstader?
If you mean the right side of this page, yes. I don't know what else they could say, though. An "Our Founder" portrait that looks like this
is kind of embarassing.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume