Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove says she's dead, but I for one don't trust her. For one thing it seems to have never made the papers.

Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life to Save the Good Inhabitants of Planet Earth
June 10, 2010 8:00 am CDT

To Dove of Oneness readers and White Knights

Dove of Oneness passed away on May 30th 2010

This will be the last email that comes from this email address. This email is being written by the webmaster of And as such are my thoughts and opinions. I recommend to the reader to use your discernment in all information that I’m sure you will hear about Dove - this email included. Tami of the NTAT has set up a yahoo group that will continue with the objectives of NESARA. Those who wish to be apprised of the ongoing activities should become a member of this group, you can click here to be sent to the group.

I at this time would like to share this email with Tami – her comments are included now. My two cents will come later.

On May 30th 2010 at 6:10 PM, the Dove of Oneness passed from this earthly plane to return home once more to a sainted welcome. It was with great sorrow that her family and friends, who stood with and protected her in her greatest hour, bade farewell to our sister, our friend, our mentor, our leader, and our inspiration, the Dove of Oneness. Let there be no mistake, nor any misconstruing of her story that when told, this one woman will one day be considered no less than the Jeanne d’ Arc of our time. She enlightened us on so many levels and had the Truth on her shoulder, when so many were still struggling to understand our changing world.

Those of us who were present in the final hours, during which a spiritual battle raged for ten days in a small hospital room, we saw, felt and witnessed the ultimate sacrifice the Dove of Oneness made in order to complete her unrelenting mission, a mission driven by her love for humanity, animals and all good beings of this planet. Hers was a mission that cost her life on this plane but most certainly an ending she was willing to endure and a price she was prepared to pay, knowing it would signal the Prime Creator to finish the mission as written should the hierarchy fail and she were to die. Upon Dove’s death, the Prime Creator would appear, stop the earth changes from occurring and remove all male hierarchy from this universe vigorously and immediately. These actions did take place and we all stand ALIVE today because they did.

Although the Dove of Oneness, Shaini Goodwin as she was known by family and friends, had every intention of continuing on to help bring NESARA to fruition, she also knew we could never have fulfilled the mission if the earth changes were to have taken place—Thus, being the girl with the plan, her one sure fire way to insure the Prime Creator’s arrival on the scene, was to flip that monitor on – and so she did. For this one selfless act, the world owes the Dove of Oneness the highest of respect and honor, with a noble tribute to a true hero. Indeed, we are all in her debt.

The Dove of Oneness left a very large footprint and a road map for us to follow. Her vast work and her immense contribution to humanity will not have been done in vain because we, her ‘A Team’, as she so endearingly coined the term, will continue on in her stead and remain ever more committed to NESARA and to the uplifting of humanity. Knowing what we know, seeing what we’ve seen and working side by side with Dove, I know she truly was the girl with the plan and she fulfilled her Destiny to be the torch bearer for the Truth and the Consciousness that is NESARA.

Dove lived and breathed life into the spirit of NESARA every day. As a friend and dedicated member of her organization, I enjoyed many, many golden opportunities to sit and work with Dove, handling particular tasks or doing whatever else was necessary to keep pressing on towards the goal. She created a system, built a team and has now left us, the true inhabitants of earth a lighted pathway that she blazed for us to not only follow, but to now take the lead.

So it is with great honor that those of us who continue to fight the good fight in raising humanity by bringing forth NESARA, pick up the gauntlet that the Dove of Oneness long-carried so courageously to Victory and bring it to a final, successful conclusion-- the NESARA announcement.

This is truly now our legacy to fulfill.

ALL investors can still go to for a chance to invest in the very special trades that Shaini Goodwin set up, delivering more than favorable returns. All contacts are still viable.

This website will stay up and running until June 30th. Those who are called to help carry the gauntlet or would like to be informed on services for Shaini - can start by going here:


With great respect for the All, I sign off

Tami Terusa
NTAT Region 1 Director
US & Canada

The below is from the webmaster:

When I first was introduced to Dove – I knew very little other that what her daily email messages gave. I learned of NESARA and what needed to be done to right the USA so that the US of A could then be that shining example to the rest of the world. I learned of the Urantia Book and also the Phoenix Journals giving me knowledge of the Creators actions. I am grateful for Patrick Bellringer and his wife Ann for publishing the early Dove reports had it not been for their unselfish acts of service we all would be left for want. Dove’s early reports talked about NESARA and the spirituality of this act. This NESARA act was originally thought to have been passed but not implemented via a gag order. Later Dove reports indicated that it had not been passed. All of this information can be found at the official website for NESARA at . Dove found through her emails that most of her readers could not get a grasp of the spirituality of NESARA. So she changed her email direction and did not discuss the spirituality of NESARA instead talked about the physical steps that needed to be done to get the law passed and implemented. I share this reader’s digest version of NESARA and Dove history so that the reader understands what I have felt when talking with her directly as her webmaster. She was more concerned for her fellow humans than herself. She lived modestly and was extremely sensitive to the donations that were given to help the NESARA cause.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the financial help that the NESARA website received from Candace Frieze – CEO of The AbundantHope website picked up the spiritual side of NESARA which later went global as GESARA. More information regarding the current spiritual love of our Divine Creator and what actions are coming and happening now) can be found on the website of AbundantHope as well as White Knights 911.

NESARA was and never is about just you or me it is about leveling the playing field. Allowing man to exist and improve as he ascends. I recommend to the reader for further light and knowledge to learn of the Divine Creator through his contacts both past and present. Dove has moved on in her progression. She has accomplished a greatwork and is continuing in her path of ascension. It is time for action for each of us – no more fence sitters – the work of eternal progression continues. The time for action is now.

I am that I am ~ Namaste
from the God within me, to the God within you

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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"ALL investors can still go to for a chance to invest in the very special trades that Shaini Goodwin set up, delivering more than favorable returns. All contacts are still viable."

I can just imagine investors, all over the world, ground-looping their desk chairs in the rush to send an e-mail BEGGING to be allowed to participate in this WONDERFUL investment opportunity.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Gregg »

So is it actually true? Did she indeed assume room temperature?
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Deep Knight »

Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:57 am
"cataleptik" <chipsterthehipster@...>

Re: Welcome!
hi, i'm mikal.

i started as a volunteer for the N. E. S. A. R. A. shortly after 9/11. since then i have expanded my personal knowledge of the politics of the nation I am a born citizen of (United States), as well as a general "bigger picture" sense of how national governments keep their constituencies deceived about political workings from the small to the large...

I wish I had gotten a chance to meet Shaini. I actually imagined that at disclosure trials at the World Court in 2012 -13-ish that she would be one of the 'net activists that i would get to meet face to spirit I know she will still be there.

I am also anxious to see what sort of people are still supporting the basic ideas of the N. E. S. A. R. A. -- because a congressional gag order, as far as i know from online, was never reversed...

one night i spent campaigning independently, i simply stood with a "never forget 9/11, let's talk about things" sign around Veterans' Day of 2009. It was a valuable night and I discussed N. E. S. A. R. A. issues with people who were just walking around in life as i am...

where will the discussion go from here?

--- In, wrote:
> Thanks to all who have sent their thoughts and prayers, her family appreciates it so very much! Dove was an awesome lady and I am gonna miss her something fierce!
> Also, thanks for checking in to follow any updates about The Dove of Oneness or her plans for the future of NESARA. She left us a phenomenal blueprint and having worked with her for many years, I've got to say IT WILL WORK!
> Services will be held on the west coast, in Los Angeles, CA. and there will be more information to come on that later. Her family had private services but would like to be included in the services we hold for Dove, or Shaini as they know her.
> I would ask that for purposes of arming yourselves with a lot of knowledge and to enjoy watching the beautiful transition of the hero of the day, go to Read/download from beginning to end every Dove Report posted there. This website was hers and hers alone. This is where she could control the content; this is where Dove could continue to deliver her message, and only her message. This is where she could keep the truth flowing and the lies limited as to current activities!
> Listen to the radio interviews, you will enjoy them! You will be reacquainted with the spirit of Dove, the alpha and the omega of NESARA! But you better hurry because the website is only up for another few weeks to obtain/download this very valuable information!
> For now, there is much to do in gathering information to continue her work, but she trained us well. I and the other "A Team" members are prepared to carry this gauntlet to victory and are currently very actively working on it! Dove was still searching for investors to invest in the very lucrative trades that you can read about at the website when you click the banner at the top. Had there not been a traitor in our midst we would have seen NESARA announced/implemented five years ago with Dove's plan. So let's get this show on the road.
> If you want in, check your egos at the door and ride this train, we are here for the uplifting of humanity! NESARA NOW, NESARA NOW WON!
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove's last message (even if she really isn't dead).

[doveofo] Possible Prevention of Earth Changes
May 18, 2010 8:30 pm PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,


About six weeks ago, the government interfered with our website as they have other times in the past. No one could get to our website for a few weeks. Then we were able to get the problem fixed.

Our website is still up today – I just checked it.

I did not do a Dove Report in April 2010 because I have been working non-stop talking with the Pleiadian commander who has been betraying us. He has realized that he is at risk of his own death unless he does the right things before the end of May, 2010.


Now the Pleiadian commander knows that he must go into a clinic which will give him therapy to clean up his aura which has turned black over the years. He also found out that he must request a replacement team for himself and seven huge Pleiadian ships to surround the Earth and move it to its correct orbit to prevent the earth changes.

I will have proof if he does this and he is claiming he will do it this coming week.

If you have a telescope and watch the stars, you may see when the earth changes its position. It will be further from the sun after the orbit is fixed. Earth changes are currently expected the first week of June 2010.

The Pleiadian commander has learned the Prime Creator has a monitor on if/when the earth changes begin. Then the Prime Creator will arrive within 10 minutes and destroy the males responsible for allowing the earth changes to happen. The Pleiadian commander was told the Prime Creator would never check on the mission, but now he knows he will be killed if he does the wrong things.

The Prime Creator has created about 50 Universes including this one and the Prime Creator has been taking the “male power hierarchies” out of power because the males do not take good care of their responsibilities so they are losing their power and will be killed when they do the wrong things.

For example, the Sirian ETs are lying to Sheldan and the world. They plan to pick up healthy, under 30 years old people to put into suspended animation to use for good DNA when the Sirian ETs need new DNA for their race.

They are trying to get good DNA from humans the same as the grey ETs have been. Not all ETs in this universe are good.

I am hoping the right things get done this week. I will have physical proof if they do. I will let you know.

NESARA will be announced if we avoid earth changes. NESARA now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
Executive Director
International NESARA Take Action Teams
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by LaVidaRoja »

HUH?? Earth must be moved (and you can see the changes) to PREVENT earth changes??? NESRA will only occur if earth does NOT change??? What is the maximum number of contradictions she is capable of reaching in one post?
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Nikki »

A diagnosis by someone who is not a medical professional and has never met Dove:

Her obesity and poor diet led to, at least, diabetes.

Since she never had it diagnosed or treated, it led to impaired brain function and then to her death.

And that's an attempt to be kind.
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by fortinbras »

"Dove of Oneness", alias Shaini Goodwin, of Shelton, WA, was mentioned over the years in several feature articles in the Tacoma, WA, newspaper .... but it does not report her death.
{the same applies to the affiliated newspaper in Olympia, WA; Olympia being the nearest big city to Shelton}

I am suspicious, therefore, whether she actually died or simply decided to snuff her NESARA persona.

Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by investigator »

She faked it imho maybe to avoid lawsuits, and enjoy her scam donations or something like that.

Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Trippy »

investigator wrote:She faked it imho maybe to avoid lawsuits, and enjoy her scam donations or something like that.
fortinbras wrote:"Dove of Oneness", alias Shaini Goodwin, of Shelton, WA, was mentioned over the years in several feature articles in the Tacoma, WA, newspaper .... but it does not report her death.
{the same applies to the affiliated newspaper in Olympia, WA; Olympia being the nearest big city to Shelton}

I am suspicious, therefore, whether she actually died or simply decided to snuff her NESARA persona.
You both have a good point. I've searched the obituaries of all the Washington state papers, and found nothing for either a Shaini or Candace (her birth name) Goodwin. Unless she went by another name, it's likely she faked the whole thing.

(Looks like my wishes for a RIP were premature ...)
Last edited by Trippy on Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by ashlynne39 »

This is my first post on this website, but I have to say, reading some of the posts on this has me intrigued. I had to google Shaini and read about NESRA. I'd never heard of either. What a nut. I don't understand how people get caught up with these types of scams. Are these people so devoid of whatever that they will cling to anything that comes along? My google search didn't turn up anything about her death either. Surely the journalist who wrote those articles about her in the Washington paper would have reported on her death. I'm guessing she has some sort of "back to life" scheme planned or else she is in hiding. Though I'm surprised that journalist hasn't investigated her "death" and reported on it. This whole scam is just crazy.
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LaVidaRoja wrote:HUH?? Earth must be moved (and you can see the changes) to PREVENT earth changes??? NESRA will only occur if earth does NOT change??? What is the maximum number of contradictions she is capable of reaching in one post?
Now, why would she want to encumber a deranged rant like this with facts or consistency?
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Gregg »

Hmm, I think the sstate tax department was looking into her "donations" and it's possible that she may have seen some big tax problems, also the family of the woman who paid for the billboard trucks may have been getting close. I agree, without anyone in the press mentioning it, I have to say it's at l;east likely she is faking the whole thing....hell, she mauy be planning to show up at her "Memorial Service" as "Risen From the Dead!!!" and see how that affects the old collection plate....

On the other hand, the diabetes thing makes sense too. I didn't know she had any family besides the mom whose douoble wide she was staying in, and I think she died a few years ago...
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Trippy »

Gregg wrote:....hell, she mauy be planning to show up at her "Memorial Service" as "Risen From the Dead!!!" and see how that affects the old collection plate....
If she's really that dumb, she better be prepared to pull an "Ascension into Heaven" bit -- otherwise the the "sugar mama's" family would redouble their efforts to get the money back! :Axe:
Gregg wrote:On the other hand, the diabetes thing makes sense too. I didn't know she had any family besides the mom whose douoble wide she was staying in, and I think she died a few years ago...
Actually, both of Dove's parents are gone ... and she's never mentioned siblings in her "reports." However, if she's truly dead, there would be an announcement somewhere -- even a brief notice from a funeral home.

This whole thing is really starting to fail the smell test ...
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by fortinbras »

Even if she were alone in the world and destitute, so no funeral were planned, somehow her death was "reported" on the internet and yet ... not in the newspapers that previously treated her as newsworthy.
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by texino »

I'm interested in this thing about "Removing the Males from power". Also, the contradictions in her writings do suggest an individual not firing on all cylinders. I believe that the Social Security Administration keeps a record of all deaths, but I'm not certain if you need the the SS#
or just the name and dob. I'll check that out. I checked four winds but did not see anything. I suppose that could change. This is strange in deed.
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I just checked the death notices in and around Shelton, WA. If she's dead, it's a fact that has escaped the local obituaries.

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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Gregg »

Also of note, there is no mention of it in the Mason County Washington records, although I don't know how long that would take. A genealogy website I found that checks government databases also shows no hits. Hmm.....

I feel like the asst principal in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, telling them to just role a corpse in and we'll let Sloan out of class.....
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by Gregg »

I decided to drop a note the author of the Tacoma Tribune who wrote the expose articles back in 2004 (when NESARA was going to be announced any day now) to see if he is aware of the Dove passing to the next plane. Don't know if he even still writes there, but we may get an answer. WIll keep everyone posted.
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Re: Dove of Oneness Sacrifices Life

Post by ashlynne39 »

Its interesting that the last few posts say she apparently has no family. One of the ones upline says something about her family holding private services but wanting to come to the NESARA services too. There's truly something odd about this woman (aside from the obvious). This "death" thing has to be a hoax.