Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

“private-person.com” has posted an announcement that Karl Lentz will be holding a two-day seminar in Winlaw, British Columbia on June 21-22, 2014 (http://private-person.com/blog/2014/05/ ... -workshop/).

The endorsement is kind of qualified:
Many folks have trouble following Karl’s teaching and some of the teaching seems contradictory at times. Well I think so to.

When I spoke with Karl, I was not comforted by some of his responses, but the vast majority I DO agree with and his first hand experience is valuable. Some of the contradictions are due to venue distinctions (ie. one tactic use here, but not there), others I’m not so sure.

One day I’ll get around to doing a webinar series going over all that I’ve compiled from my own experiences, research and deciphering Karl’s material (how many 4-5 hour Talkshoe ramblefests have you sat through to get the couple of golden nuggets?). So far,much of my take on common law is laid out in the 3 Hope For Justice courses already.

Since first hand experience is the best… and first hand stories from the one doing it is second best… you might want to check out Karl’s material. I’m excited that common law is finally being taken seriously and kick-ass-Karl is bringing the attitude and the action to the conversation. Good news.
Hmm. The last time private-person.com endorsed someone as "kick-ass" was when it introduced Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn. And we all know how that ended up ...

I digress. In any case, the private-person.com ad leads to a quite peculiar website: http://www.kingmotorsupply.com/

Uh… is this a motorcycle shop webpage? The opening page has a video of first-person motorcycle action, then some guy in a motorcycle shop inviting everyone to attend Karl’s seminar thingie. Unknown mustachioed biker man closes with “… love you Dean – hope you’re out soon!” Another Clifford fan, I see. Might be waiting. Awhile.

Anyways, the website promises:
Spend a weekend June 21- 22 with Karl lentz a Common law gathering.Come learn for 2 days the inner workings of the common law of the land. Walk lawfully on this land and not be subjected to statues and acts from a ever changing corporate politic with their codes and policies.

i: a man; Karl Lentz; am here to make the Magic happen...
(above spelling is specificly done to show how one must write when making a claim)

Nowadays, when a [wo]man walks into the Local PUBLIC Courthouse, s/he has to adapt, to not what is his or her belief to what is the common-law of their society , BUT must conform to what is "Common Standards Rules Codes and PRIVATE LAW Practices" of the members of the BAR association (or else!), My Goal is to help navigate between, the common beliefs of [wo]man, and the postions maintained by the Members of BAR association; have a few laughs; Topics get INTENSE at times; and make a few BUCKS $$ to keep a roof over my head... g0dspeed..
Other links (again lots of motorcycle-themed imagery) provide us with lodging options, a couple of Karl’s videos, and booking information (http://www.kingmotorsupply.com/#!-/c24vq):
Pre book Now
while Avaliablity

That’s a $100/day “donation” via PayPal, either one or two days.

For $50 you can purchase a nifty laminated “Right to Tavel” picture ID with scanned thumb print and signature – just email right_to_travel_id@outlook.com. The ID reads:
i, a man, FIRST: (the house of LAST); ACTIVE
Herein after, known as i, born, on the common law land, commonly known as
(“Canada”), with inherent, unalienable rights
affirm all herein to be true,correct,complete, and
not misleading

Claim of Right

Any, man/woman acting a, public servants, employee
Or officers issuing orders to i; at presentment of this card
Freely consent to the fee schedule of i: $XXXX.00cdn
not for hire
Well, that’s kind of … interesting?

Last is what appears to be a blog by … our mystery biker dude? Who knows?

All quite odd.

The URL for Karl’s event, http://www.kingmotorsupply.com, got me suspicious. What’s been on that website before? Sadly, it’s not archived. However, it does appear that there is a business in Winlaw B.C. with that name. Sure enough, it’s a motorcycle dealership (https://plus.google.com/101749861428322165716/), operated by “Allan King” (http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/allan-king/6b/337/889). I bet that’s our dude!

Digging around with that name didn’t lead anywhere interesting.

So – has anyone seen an explanation from Karl on what are the mysterious common law courts of Canada? If the key is looking for a “Queens Bench” that works in a couple provinces, but what would it be in British Columbia given that jurisdiction has a Provincial Court, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeal?

i; a banana freighter, SMS Möwe; would appreciate any data available.
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've spent my whole life in British Columbia and travelled pretty much the entire province from Fernie to Atlin and yet my first thought in reading this was "Winlaw? Where the hell is that?" British Columbia is mostly empty space having few places with significant populations and I know them all. Winlaw certainly isn't one of them. So a quick trip to Google Maps. It is a very small unincorporated community to the north of Nelson on the Slocan River. Absolutely beautiful area nestled in the mountains but with a population probably no greater than my local neighbourhood. According to Wikipedia the town boundaries are defined by the locations of a weaving society and a defunct store;
Winlaw is a small unincorporated community, located in the Slocan Valley region of the West Kootenay area in southeastern British Columbia, Canada.[1] The town of Winlaw originally centered around a lumber mill that once stood where Winlaw Elementary School is. Winlaw was named after John Brown Winlaw who also pioneered in Wyndel BC and was the owner of the local lumber mill. In the late 19th century he took the train to the end of the rail line and founded the mill.

Winlaw is a small unincorporated community, located in the Slocan Valley region of the West Kootenay area in southeastern British Columbia, Canada.[1] The town of Winlaw originally centered around a lumber mill that once stood where Winlaw Elementary School is. Winlaw was named after John Brown Winlaw who also pioneered in Wyndel BC and was the owner of the local lumber mill. In the late 19th century he took the train to the end of the rail line and founded the mill.

Winlaw is generally thought to include the area between the Threads Guild and the former Roberts Restaurant.
This is the best that Karl Lentz can do in a visit to "the great white north" from Lexington Virginia? I suppose he might rustle up a few participants from Nelson and Castlegar but still. Google doesn't have much more on the seminar than what Mowe has provided, a few comments in a motorcycle shop website. Well at least the Lemon Creek Lodge & campground is probably a very enjoyable place to spend a weekend, even without Karl.

From what few scraps I can gather about Karl, he is not going to be a significant guru.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Jeffrey »

Karl seems to be blowing up huge. The guys qualified endorsement is probably accurate. Karl is all over the place in his Guru advice. It's best summarized as "ignore anything the judge or anyone tells you and just do what you want in court concerning your case".

There are a few nuggets of information you can get from his radio shows. Karl cites as an influence Tim Turner of RUSA. He is also extremely knowledgeable about Montana Freemen and cites them as influences several times. He suggests he tried getting Turner out of jail with paper work in one show and he suggests at another time that he was possibly targeted during the busting of the Montana Freemen. Also seen him mention Bill Thornton as an influence, a student of Roger Elvicks. So his pedigree is definitely there.

This isn't his first trip to Canada either, he's also been flown to the UK at one time. Maybe he's the one that stuck the concept of the magical Queens bench in Deans head, which would mean that it is a derivative of the magic Kings Bench that the Montana Freemen spoke about.

His popularity seems to be based purely on his accent.

His claim to fame is that CPS took his kid because he refused to sign up for disability benefits since the kid was born premature and had some type of conditions. And then 8 years later he somehow got the kid back by claiming the kid was his property.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by notorial dissent »

Can't say that the name rings any bells, but he could well be one of Jimmy Tim's or Kelby's acolytes, he certainly sounds dumb and derivative enough. I also suspect I would take everything he says with large chunks of halite. I think he's just doing a sucker run, and a not very successful one at that, and has run out of pigeons south of the border.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:i; a banana freighter, SMS Möwe;
That's what they want you to think.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Jeffrey »

Someone dropped this on Youtube.

http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case? ... s_sdt=2006

Karl Lenz suing the Alabama Department of Human Resources for $371 million; it was dismissed.

http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case? ... s_sdt=2006

Another Human Resources case where Lenz claimed kidnapping. Also dismissed.

http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case? ... s_sdt=2006

Same thing.

http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case? ... s_sdt=2006

Sues the governor and everyone he can think of. Also dismissed.

So yeah, Lentz has absolutely zero court room successes to his name.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

wserra wrote:
Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:i; a banana freighter, SMS Möwe;
That's what they want you to think.
The jokes pretty much write themselves, don't you think? "Is that a 15cm naval gun under your tarp or are you just happy to see us? "
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by rogfulton »

Jeffrey wrote:So yeah, Lentz has absolutely zero court room successes to his name.
Which is sure to make him the 'expert' du jour. :haha:
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by LordEd »

Freeman expert in action:
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

If anyone is interested in viewing Karl's advice on finding his magical courts in Canada a video of his presentation in Winlaw, British Columbia last month may be viewed here:


The password is: 1234

Looks like it's about five hours of "stuff".

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Burnaby49 »

It didn't need a password. I listened to part and copied it to my computer without any problem. He can sure ramble on, mainly (at least in the very small portion I've listened to) bragging about how the courts cower before his wisdom and knowledge.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by grixit »

So, does he reveal the secret of how you can bypass the regular court and find the Portal to Fairyland?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:So, does he reveal the secret of how you can bypass the regular court and find the Portal to Fairyland?
If you want to trudge through five hours of him droning away in a basement in front of what seems to be a sheet of gyprock be my guest. Let us know if you find the magic.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by bmxninja357 »

i thought i would see what karl was up to as he popped onto my radar....
"karl lentz gets your property (kids) back in 1 or 2 days, with a couple of sentences to the court."
Wednesday, 1-Oct-2014

wondered if anyone had anything new on him.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Jeffrey »

Have we commented on how disturbing it is for him to refer to kids and women as property?
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by notorial dissent »

And so not a surprise. This seems to be a common meme in the sovrunidjit set when it involves divorce and custody issues, and often marriage in general.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by GlimDropper »

Same old same old. (Yet Another) Sovereign Guru making claims and taking money without anyone asking him for proof. Karl Lentz never won a court case of any consequence but that doesn't keep the sovereign/freemen suckers from handing over their cash to him to teach them how to be as impotent as he is.

BMX if you want to help out your fellow freeman why don't you teach them some due diligence skills? Or would trying to do that get you kicked out of the club?

Last edited by GlimDropper on Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by notorial dissent »

But...but...but...he promised it was sure fire and never ever defeated...and...and...and he's one of us so it has to be true since that is what I want to believe.

Note to Ninj, a little honestly and real education in your community might go a long way, or maybe not from what I've seen, also there is the file a complaint with the local law society, they take a dim view of that sort of codswallop on general principle.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by JamesVincent »

When I was going through the early parts of my separation I had taken my kids and left my ex. There were multiple instances of where she would call the police for any little thing, sometimes just because she was pissed at me. Every single time the police would say that the kids were in my possession (pre-custody order) and that there was nothing she could do about it. When we started our court ordeal (sigh) I made the mistake of saying that I had had the kids in my possession to the judge. I got my ass ripped up one side and down the other. I think a lot of the problem with it is that a LEO is looking at it from a criminal POV and a judge from a civil POV. At no point were any of us referring to them as property, was just the wording that was used in that situation.

Having said that, IMO, anyone that thinks that their child or wife is property deserves whatever happens to them. And, in my experience, judges don't like that idea one bit, even if it is just a mix-up in wording. And they get really torqued if you actually believe that.
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Re: Karl Lentz – coming (very) soon to Canada!

Post by Jeffrey »

Looks like Karl got greedy and made some enemies:
