Musicians for Freedom

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Musicians for Freedom

Post by JamesVincent »

I found this website while looking, for of all things, an old Quatloos thread that was purged in the Great Purge. At first glance I thought it was the work of a seriously deranged and mentally ill person. At second glance I realized it was much worse then that. I quite honestly can not bring myself to read to read any more of it then I did to bring it up. I have not seen it mentioned anywhere but, apparently, several.... articles..... involve Quatloos threads on trusts. Be forewarned, if you do decide to go through it, I got a migraine on the first page alone and it is definitely not something you want to be looking at if you suffer from seizures. It is uncannily painful on the eyes and very painful to the brain.

Couple of things I will point out, being the masochist I am, their list of amazing activists are:

Jean Keating
Dean Clifford
Winston Shrout
Marc Stevens
Kurt Kallenbach
Mary Croft
Frank O'Collins
Guy Taylor
Rod Class

I have no clue if they are American, Canadian or Martian (bets on the last). They jump on everything from Sov'run, NWO, demon worship, extreme Bible interpretations, Demonology and Numerology, aliens, Banking Cartel, Illuminati, seriously their conspiracy theories have no bounds. Neither does their webpage design, kid you not. Take a quick dip in the acid bath:
…I think the whole hippy flower child thing…..was a creation of the Intelligence community to take the steam out of the anti-war movements…The battle cry … was turn on, tune in, drop out…telling people don’t worry about it, get high.
“The primary drawback of using conventionally tipped ballistic missiles is that they are virtually impossible for radar warning systems to distinguish from nuclear-tipped missiles. This leaves open the likelihood that other nuclear-armed countries might mistake it for a nuclear launch which could provoke a counterattack.
From Eve’s seedline emerges the risen Christ, Y’shua, the third type; let’s call him radiant. He’s a great pearl that arises out of the friction, out of the enmity. Yahshua, the Messiah (Jesus) says, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
So, there are only two energies, 1.positive (male) and 2.negative (female). But there are two states (spins?) for each of these energies, for a total of four: 1. Adam white, 2. Adam black, 3. Eve white, 4. Eve black. This seems to be the symbology of the checkerboard. They are either joined with the Creator in the state of holy matrimony, or divorced from each other and from Him….lost and heading in the direction of the Anti-Creator…that Wicked One? Hmmm….dimensions of the pentagram, pentagon, and relation to Phi? Here’s lots of images.
Hmmm….was Adolph Hitler the grandson of Salomon Mayer von Rothschild, head of the banking dynasty? Read about it here. “Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber….” Read more. Check out The Mind of Adolph Hitler: the Secret Wartime Report, by Walter C. Langer, here. Are the differences between races the result of ‘root-races?’” Read here.
On July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down, allegedly, as it flew over separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine. All 298 people on board died (allegedly). Can you say, “false flag?” Are Central Bankers using the Malaysian Airline False Flag to start WWIII? Watch this video. Check out these images. Did Malaysia Flight MH17 passengers board a different plane than the one that went down in the Ukraine? Watch this video. “Now I don’t know if the G7 will have anything to do with it…..” Watch this video with Christine Lagarde providing clues….
These are all just from the home page, not even going into the other pages after dark. Seriously.
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Re: Musicians for Freedom

Post by LPC »

It looks like what you might get if you took all of the crazy on the Internet and put it into a blender.

What is supposed to be a quote from the Internal Revenue Manual caught my eye:
“An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive an SSN.” IRS manual
Which makes no sense, of course. (And is therefore grist for the conspiratist's mill.)

So I had to look it up, and it actually makes sense in context:
IRM wrote:2. There will be rare occasions where the grantor, owner or trustor of a domestic trust/estate entity type will not have an SSN or ITIN. In these cases, secure the SSN/ITIN or EIN of the party responsible for physically filing the Form 1041 and input it onto CC ESIGN as the cross reference TIN. Following are some instances of when this may occur.
  • Grantor, owner or trustor may indicate Amish or Mennonite as the reason for not supplying an SSN or ITIN.
  • An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive an SSN.
  • Estate is being established for a woman who used her husband's SSN with an alpha character immediately after the last digit of his SSN.
(Emphasis in original)

So yes, if someone is applying for an EIN for an estate of an infant who died without an SSN, then there is not going to be an SSN for the "grantor, owner or trustor" of the estate.

But who found that bit of bureaucratic tax form processing trivia? And why did they decide to put in on the home page of their website?
Dan Evans
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Re: Musicians for Freedom

Post by erwalkerca »

It is like every thought that pops into her head is written down on that page, no matter how far-fetched or disjointed.
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Re: Musicians for Freedom

Post by JamesVincent »

Frank Zappa…John Phillips…Jim Morrison…David Crosby…Steven Stills, on and on, every one of these guys is a product of the military intelligence establishment…I find it very hard to believe that the only people in the country who had musical talent happened to be sons and daughters of the Military community
I can almost follow this one. Except for the obvious point, I don't personally know every musician in the world. Every musician I know personally came from a military or semi-military background, either parents or grandparents were military or they themselves served. Caveat, we're also talking about a period of time where, in the years following WWII, almost every male and a lot of females had served in the military. The generation mentioned would have been the ones born right after or closely to the Great War so a disproportionate number of children would have had military parents. My generation would have been among the first generation born by that generation so their grandparents would have served or their parents would have served in Vietnam. My own personal situation was my older sister was born while my father was in country in Vietnam and I was born after my father left the service and that situation was repeated thousands of times over. It didn't help that I attended high school on an Army base either.

I could even add to the list without even half trying. Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Johny Cash, Willie Nelson and others actually served themselves. Layne Staley, from Alice in Chains, wrote "The Rooster" about his father's time in Vietnam. My good friend Jeff, who is now touring across the country, his father served and him and his younger brother are both in the same band. So, like I said, I can almost follow this one. It is still wrong but almost believable but not for the reasons they want you to believe.

edit: The irony originally escaped me but smacked me later on. The site is talking about musicians all being part of the military intelligence establishment.... on a website called Musicians for Freedom and slamming the establishment.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
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Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"