Doyle - Isle of Man

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Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by guilty »

Tameelf (Paul Doyle) begins his frolic through la-la land with a post on ManxForums titled “Babylon is fallen’ in August 2014. ... len/page-1

(His incoherent OP has subsequently been self-edited several times so it has become even more unintelligible, if that is possible.)
The thread has now extended to 115 pages. A couple of supporters continued to rant about… well, you know the drill… NAMES, birth bonds, corporations, banks, common law, non-participation in society, sheeple, legal fictions etc., etc.

The initial ramblings pointed to this: ... is-fallen/
where you will recognise the beautiful Kate of Gaia (aka Keith Thompson). Tameelf states that the USUAL SUSPECTS will try to debunk the information but it cannot be REBUTTED.

“Read it and weep”, he says.

The usual suspects (?) immediately take the p**s and derail his gibberish with a discussion about Boney M. But eventually it settles down:
“I think it's best if we just take the safety labels off everything, and let Darwin sort Tameelf out”
Tameelf soon reveals that he is driving around with ‘TameElf’ as a number plate on his car, and explains his world-view:
“you cast your bait ans subconsiously caught two egos that seem to think that it was them you were reaching out to.sadly these now self confessed egos added nothing to this thread they who are members of the co-opt team prob financed by a goverment to plant seeds and steer the topic in the goverments favor i mean you woud have to be payed judgeing by the amount of time he has put into the global warming thread. hes placed here in a govermental role to WELL govern the ****** mental in this litter for all literal shitefest”
“to the ego that thinks he owns his house YOU DONT get your deeds out look see.are you not listed as tenent you created the moonie the bank manager bought your house you entered a mortgage a death bond.knowing or unknowing fraudulently when you are fully payed up the crown owns it and at any time can collect because you bought it fraudulently by useing a crown copy righted name that IS NOT YOURS **** go look dont be-lie-ve m/e. dig out your deed
please do not bait the legal person in here his absence says lots he can only agree with m/e
for he has been given a G.I.F.T. GAMMA INTERA FALOPIAN TRANSFER this means he was born outside the womb every lie-er gets it. when they cross the temple bar also he has been given permission to use his dead name HAVE YOU. your po-lie-tit-ions they all swear a blood oath to the crown to protect it at all costs.not you the people.”
(Keith Thompson’s views on gamete intra-fallopian transfer:

Ah. That’s clear then.

He also makes a prophecy:
“the plates will stay i will not be arrested i im not paranoid if the truth is mad and you cant comprehend it could it be that you are mad and i am sane“
Could be. But then again…

Rather like our old friend Rob ‘Moosehead’ Menard, Tameelf tells us that he is really quite intelligent:
“these days i tend to be in skype chats with professers of phycoligy bill clintons x campain manager people who speak fluent phonetion iv been on a few internet radio shows and i intend to run my own radio show in the near future because i am not all one(alone)”
The reference to ‘phonetion’ links again to Keith Thompson, and it explains some of Tameelf’s strange spelling. ... f-gaia.pdf ... f-gaia.pdf

In early January 2015, a photograph of Tame’s car is posted on the forum. Tameelf continues to boast that he does not need to recognise the law and that the police can’t or won’t do anything about it.

He posts his beliefs on the constabulary’s FB page.

It’s a great surprise to everyone, of course, that days later Tame is pulled over by the police and arrested. He spends 24 hours in the cells. He is examined at the hospital. His car is impounded.
“i knew on the 1 august what would in time happen do you think i am that thick i did not see this coming”
Tameelf, aka Paul Joseph Doyle, arrived at the Court House on 26th March 2015 to answer to 6 charges, accompanied by an entourage of perhaps 10 supporters. Outside the courtroom, he immediately exasperated the Court Usher by making declarations and “waving his birth certificate”. Security was alerted and some large gentlemen in uniform became quite attentive. Mr Doyle seemed a little hesitant to enter the court but perhaps the aforesaid large gentlemen were able to assist.

Mr Doyle is 60, and obviously of poor health. He refused to stand in the dock and kicked up a fuss with the usher and security. The chairman of the magistrates tried to calm things down by allowing the accused to stand in front of the dock. Mr Doyle appeared to have a prepared script of several pages and commenced to read from it. I wasn’t able to make much sense of it, to be honest. I was expecting ‘OPCA woo’ and, although there were some recognisable elements there – the birth certificate, names in capitals, something about a trust – I couldn’t follow it. Additionally his words were mostly drowned out by the magistrates and the court clerk shouting (and I may be paraphrasing here) “What the **** are you on about?”
As it was already intruding upon precious lunchtime, the magistrates adjourned the proceedings until the afternoon. Mr Doyle left the court declaring “Case dismissed!”

The accused did appear after lunch, however, with his supporters, and again refused to stand in the dock. The clerk asked him to confirm his name, which he refused, but when the accused was pressed, “Have you at any time been known as Paul Joseph Doyle?”, he admitted that he had been known by that name in “a previous life”. The clerk asked “Was this previous life during the period you have been alive?” – at which point the giggles were starting on the Magistrates Bench.
The accused started to explain again that crown copyright is a fraud, the court is a trust, the court has no jurisdiction, but, again, it was not a well-structured speech and just appeared to be rambling gibberish. The magistrates smiling good humour and leniency* disappeared very quickly when Mr Doyle started aggressively questioning the court officials eg “Who are you?”, “What oath have you taken?”
They put up with it for a few seconds and then…
“Contempt of Court. Take him down”.

(* the magistrates had already demonstrated extraordinary leniency that day in several prior cases where the defendant had pleaded guilty)

During Mr Doyle’s sojourn in the cells a duty solicitor was sent to speak to him. I don’t know what was said, but the duty solicitor didn’t stay. According to Mr Doyle:
he was the duty ad in caught we spoke downstairs he gave me some great advice freely on condition i could also say something soon as he said his name i twigged i used his advice my way later on and thats not why i am not in jurby ...contempt is about 30 days i am told but i could be wrong ..then i warned him not to comment agree or gesture or argue to what i am about to say then told him something that visably turned him pale adding im here to seek remedy find that for me and ill stop please dont link me to freeman its a lerning platform that becomes crap when you find and understand the 2nd paragraph of BIF anything before and after is cult distraction again for those who are hard of hearing i am not on a freeman path
guilty i got to agree again m8 im sorry it was prob the first case of its kind in the uk now do you accept i am not a freeman did a light just go on??? you spelled/spelt unpassionate wrong the sencable magistrates heard words that became a race to the door wonder what words would make ppl run i never told them to fck off yet they did in fact i never swore all day and ppl who know me will find that very hard to belive...
(note: Jurby = prison)

A mental health practitioner also appeared, and I had a chat to her about the Freeman/Sovereign citizen world-view. It was new to her, as it was to the usher and the magistrates, but they all seemed to cope quite well in the circumstances. I don’t know whether the mental health practitioner visited Mr Doyle; she was there for another case in court that day.

At the end of the day’s business Mr Doyle was brought back from the cells. He had no option but to stand in the dock because that’s where the stairs led to. No supporters were present. He was accompanied by two security guards.
He said he did not consent to the procedure – to which the magistrates responded “We don’t need your consent”. When asked to confirm his name he demanded to be referred to as “unidentified” (amongst other incoherent things that I didn’t understand). The charges were read and Mr Doyle was asked whether he was guilty or not guilty. He refused to plead, saying “pleading is begging, I don’t beg”.
The court clerk had no option but to mark it down as ‘not guilty’ and the clerk and magistrates then consulted on a trial date and bail conditions.
Mr Doyle demanded that they let him have his car back. He was informed that it was a matter for the police, not the court. He then made claims of assault against the security guards and the court usher. He was ignored.

The magistrates declared a trial for Tuesday 2nd June at 10am, with a bail recognisance of £500. The accused reverted to claims of consent.
He was asked to sign the bail bond, but again refused, “I do not sin” (presumably sign=sin). He offered to provide his autograph, but because his autographs are rare he asked to be paid £25,000.

The bail bond was marked ‘refused to sign’ and Mr Doyle was sent on his way. He declined to accept any documents from the court in case his DNA was transferred to them.

There were no reporting restrictions.

As this was, to the best of my knowledge, the first time our Courts had experienced the freeman/sovcit issues, I thought that they dealt with it quite well. I would have enjoyed seeing a better effort from Mr Doyle – the magistrates were not severely tested – but perhaps court officials will now take the opportunity to read up on the OPCA movement in preparation for further appearances.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by PeanutGallery »

Welcome guilty. That's quite an interesting account. I would wonder what it must be like for a court to be met with a frothing lunatic spouting such assured lunacy.

I'd also think it was quite the achievement to get yourself in court for a motoring offence on the Isle of Man, for those cousins of ours in the rebellious colonies and of course ever loyal Canada. The Isle of Man has remarkably lax laws on motor vehicles, as I understand it they don't actually have speed limits on several roads and an MOT lasts for the lifetime of the vehicle with no need for renewal, in fact in terms of motoring law it's surprisingly liberal when compared to the rest of the UK and simply asks that individuals be responsible for their actions.

As such one has to give credit to Tameleef for finding one of the few reasons someone could be arrested in connection with a motoring offence on the Isle.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by guilty »

True enough peanut. We don't have a national speed limit (in the UK I think it's 70mph). So if the road is unrestricted, strap on the jet engine and away you go. It is also true that we don't have MOT's. A new vehicle will never need one throughout its life. A vehicle imported from elsewhere will have a test on arrival, but nothing thereafter. The owner, however, is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle complies with the law, so if you are picked up by the police then the same sort of requirements about vehicle roadworthiness apply as in the UK.
We still need licence, tax and insurance, and we still need lawful number plates.

Tameelf advertised to the police that he was illegal and almost dared them to stop him. So they did.
Charged with dodgy speedo, speeding on a restricted road, no licence, no insurance, no tax, dodgy plates.

Apparently he has a rock solid defence. We await the trial in June to see what that is.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by littleFred »

Welcome, guilty. It is fascinating to hear a first-hand account of a court case. I hope you can attend, and report on, future events.

For non-Brit readers, it may be worth pointing out that although the Isle of Man is a very central British Isle, it isn't part of the UK, or the European Union, or even the Commonwealth. More info at Wikipedia.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by Burnaby49 »

littleFred wrote:Welcome, guilty. It is fascinating to hear a first-hand account of a court case. I hope you can attend, and report on, future events.

For non-Brit readers, it may be worth pointing out that although the Isle of Man is a very central British Isle, it isn't part of the UK, or the European Union, or even the Commonwealth. More info at Wikipedia.
The Isle of Man is much used by sleazy Canadian tax scheme promoters running tax avoidance/evasion scams. I dealt with a lot of files involving Manx companies during my time in the Canada Revenue Agency. This one is typical;

Bandi v. The Queen, 2013 TCC 230 (CanLII) ... ultIndex=1

The scheme was run through the Isle of Man and the Grand Cayman companies just to confuse the CRA and to make documents and identities inacessible.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by morrand »

guilty wrote:True enough peanut. We don't have a national speed limit (in the UK I think it's 70mph). So if the road is unrestricted, strap on the jet engine and away you go.
Ah, that explains something (off topic). I rented a motorcycle while I was in Scotland last summer, and noticed that the rental agreement specifically and strictly forbade taking the bike onto the Isle of Man (and some other places). That rule now seems much wiser, compared to when I'd written it off as directed mostly towards TT racer wannabees.

If traffic enforcement is so relaxed that it makes the rental agencies nervous...well, that says something about just how much work he had to put in to get into that position. Hope he's finding it worthwhile.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by littleFred »

Burnaby49 wrote:This one is typical;

Bandi v. The Queen, 2013 TCC 230 (CanLII) ... ultIndex=1
The judgement mentions:
Justice Hogan wrote:... a company resident in the Isle of Man, UK, ...
Ha! Wrong. I wonder if that makes the judgement null and void, nunc pro plunk, ab initials, in absentia, et cetera? Probably not.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by Burnaby49 »

littleFred wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:This one is typical;

Bandi v. The Queen, 2013 TCC 230 (CanLII) ... ultIndex=1
The judgement mentions:
Justice Hogan wrote:... a company resident in the Isle of Man, UK, ...
Ha! Wrong. I wonder if that makes the judgement null and void, nunc pro plunk, ab initials, in absentia, et cetera? Probably not.
Since the decision didn't hinge on the residence of the company the decision stands notwithstanding your nunc plunking. The initial issue was the valuation of software for charitable donation purposes. However the CRA proved that there was no software to donate, it didn't exist, so value was irrelevant. Rather than go to the trouble and expense of acquiring actual software the promoter had just made it up along with sham claimed market sales to support the value. The idea was that the software was on a server somewhere that the CRA couldn't access and all the donating taxpayers got was a license to use the software on that server. Since they donated the licenses to a fake charity set up for the scam the promoter thought the CRA was screwed. As you can tell it was a moronic plan. The taxpayers got the software through a series of purported trusts and the CRA, in addition to proving the software didn't exist, proved that the trusts didn't exist. Sham from start to finish.

The taxpayer's "legal" representative who handled his case at Tax Court was an ex Chartered Accountant who was expelled from the CA Institute for incompetence and suspected fraud against his clients. I watched the hearing and the representative was such an ignorant smug self-centered idiot that the judge looked ready to come down from the bench and beat the crap out of him.

As an added point the CRA couldn't verify, and the taxpayer couldn't prove, that the claimed Isle of Man company existed either. Everything was just made up. So an error in describing the registered home of a fictitious company was irrelevant.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by guilty »

As an added point the CRA couldn't verify, and the taxpayer couldn't prove, that the claimed Isle of Man company existed either.
It didn't exist.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by guilty »

I really do hope Tameelf puts on a better show in June. I’m rooting for him. Transferring OPCA arguments into the Isle of Man, a unique self-governing kingdom, is a much more difficult prospect than it is in British Dominions which derive their legislature from a common source.

I attended the initial hearing because I was interested to see how our Courts would deal with these issues. Unfortunately Tameelf really didn’t get a chance to expound his views – so I guess that was my answer.

OPCA doesn’t travel well to this jurisdiction. UK laws don‘t apply to the IoM.
Although our laws are similar to those in the UK, reliance on OPCA arguments about the Magna Carta, common law, bill of rights, constitution, the Crown, jurisdiction, and Admiralty Law, will always fail – not just because they are daft, but because these English concepts, as promoted, are alien. Prospective freeloaders need to understand Manx law.

The Isle of Man was once a vassal state of Norway, controlled by the Uí Ímair, a royal Norse dynasty. Laws developed from Brehon and Udal law, and we have the oldest continuous parliament in the world; Þingvǫllr (Tynwald), which dates back to at least 979AD.
That was 250 years before that bloke John and his mates came to Runnymede. The Magna Carta is irrelevant in Manx Law.

The Isle of Man was a private domain for centuries. Tynwald derives its authority from Manx customary law, most of which was unwritten.
Our vassal King John II (John Stanley) began the process of writing down the unwritten laws of the Island around 1430.

The Act of Tynwald 1737, which became a sort of Manx 'Bill of Rights' established the right to jury trial in almost all cases.

‘The Crown’ in the Isle of Man is entirely different to the Crown in the UK. Queen Elizabeth II is not our queen. She is Dominus Manniae, the Lord of Mann, or more correctly, Lord Proprietor. Elizabeth II is on our banknotes, but she does not wear a crown. The feudal rights of the Island were sold to George 1st in 1765 for £70,000 in an attempt to stop the escalating smuggling trade (the island was “a pestilent nest of smugglers”) which was causing severe revenue losses for the British Treasury.
“it shall be found expedient to vest in the Crown for preventing that pernicious and illicit trade, which is at present carried on between the said Island and the other parts of his majesty's dominions, in violation of the laws, and to the great diminution and detriment of the revenues of this Kingdom.”
“the said Island, castle, pele and lordship of Man, and all the Islands and Lordships to the said Island of Man appertaining, together with the royalties, regalities, franchises, liberties, and sea ports to the same belonging ... shall be, and they are hereby unalienably vested in the his Majesty, his heirs and successors” 5 Geo. 3 c.26 s.1
The Revestment Act 1765 was not an Act of Union between Great Britain and the Isle of Man. Rather, it vested a legal entity - the Lordship of the Isle of Man - in a natural person - the then British Sovereign and his heirs.
If a sovereign of a country inherits a country, then they must rule it by the current laws of that land.

As examples of the differences; the legalisation of consensual male homosexual acts was not enacted until1992, although Tynwald enacted this reform on the basis of British coercion, rather than on their judgement of its merits.

Here, the death sentence (mandatory punishment for murder) was only abolished in 1993. Between 1973 and 1992, five people were sentenced to death by the Court of General Gaol Delivery, but the British Government stepped in and, by Royal Prerogative, commuted them to life sentences and shipped the prisoners off to England ... 2599.html.

Sentencing for possession of drugs is also substantially harsher here.
"It must be one of the best known facts in the Isle of Man that any person caught in possession of drugs, however small the amount, even for personal use, will usually suffer a short custodial sentence of imprisonment." ... rth-2.html ... to-8-years

Existing OPCA ‘defences’ face a higher hurdle here than in the UK and Dominions. I look forward to watching them progress in Court.

Some bedtime reading for law students (323 pages) ... 97manx.pdf
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by PeanutGallery »

Thank you for the very detailed information on the history of the Isle of Man. A lot of it was new to me, and it was very interesting to read and informative.

I agree that Tameelf will find himself in an uphill struggle, well more of an uphill struggle than most Sov's find themselves in. I almost wish I could pop over to the Island to watch the trial!
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by IDIOT »

guilty wrote:True enough peanut. We don't have a national speed limit (in the UK I think it's 70mph). So if the road is unrestricted, strap on the jet engine and away you go. It is also true that we don't have MOT's. A new vehicle will never need one throughout its life. A vehicle imported from elsewhere will have a test on arrival, but nothing thereafter. The owner, however, is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle complies with the law, so if you are picked up by the police then the same sort of requirements about vehicle road worthiness apply as in the UK.
That's because the IOM has Her Majesty's constables all over the place on the island. The island is policed by UK police jurisdiction.

Spend an evening in a pub on the Isle of Man and expect to see a copper turn up to check up on the landlord. Crappy island all in all that claims not to want anything to do with the UK yet couldn't survive without UK resources. Where would they get their food from for example? The islanders can't eat the vast amount of bank transactions from the tax haven accounts and the rely soley on the UK otherwise they would starve to death.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by IDIOT »

Police over there are sworn to the crown. That's the Queen. The Queen rules the island and UK police police it that's why their uniforms are identical to those worn in the UK

You don't know your history about the IOM and are typical of someone clinging onto the diabolical belief that the UK is independent of the UK How can some barren island that can't even farm potatoes for more than ten years at a time call itself successful?

Get real!
Last edited by IDIOT on Thu May 28, 2015 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by littleFred »

This is straying dangerously close to politics, which is a banned topic on Quatloos.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by Burnaby49 »

littleFred wrote:This is straying dangerously close to politics, which is a banned topic on Quatloos.
I've been watching. Politics, or at least government, is allowable if it relates to the topic. In this case the laws of the Ise of Man and whether or not Man is part of the UK might be a factor in Doyle's eventual trial decision. But just squabbling about politics is out.
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Re: Doyle - Isle of Man

Post by guilty »

Paul Joseph Doyle. Magistrates Court, Room 5, 2nd June 2015


In my report from Mr Paul Doyle’s first hearing I commented, “I would have enjoyed seeing a better effort from Mr Doyle – the magistrates were not severely tested.”
I have to reiterate that statement following the 2nd June appearance.

I do not wish to encourage Mr Doyle to persist with arguments that have no hope of success, but the Courts operate under an adversarial system and judges/juries can be greatly influenced by reasoned opinion from two opposing lawyers. Mr Doyle chose, again, to be a ‘litigant in person’ (I think the legal term for such is ‘pillock’) and was unrepresented. This was fatal to any defence he could have presented.

Overall, it was a bit of a disappointment. The fire and defiance of his first appearance had disappeared (as had his supporters) and the Magistrates were not remotely stressed by any of his interruptions. The ‘Babylon is Fallen’ mob that were previously urging Mr Doyle to get himself jailed seem to have deserted him now. There had been none of the rabble-rousing on the internet that preceded his first hearing.

Mr Doyle was much calmer, but still desperate to tell the Court about the ‘legal name fraud’. The Court, as expected, just wanted to stick to the facts. They gave Mr Doyle plenty of leeway and good opportunity to question witnesses, dispute evidence and make his defence. Indeed, in a conversation outside the courtroom he was heard to say that he hadn’t expected to be allowed such latitude.

At the Court (not verbatim):

The three Magistrates were sitting at 10am awaiting the appearance of Mr Doyle. He did not appear. Although a warrant for his arrest could have been issued, the Magistrates chose to adjourn the hearing for 5 minutes. In fact, it was 10 minutes later that Mr Doyle entered the Court.
Mr Doyle: “The last one started at 10.30 so I thought….”
Clerk: “The last one started at 10am.”
Mr Doyle apologised and the hearing proceeded.

Court: “Are you Paul Joseph Doyle?”
Doyle: “No I am not. Names are Crown Copyright…”
Court: “Well, we are going to call you Paul Joseph Doyle.”

There was some further arguing with the Magistrates during which Mr Doyle refused to confirm his address, but the Prosecutor continued by reading out the 6 charges. Originally 5 charges, but there had been an amendment and an addition, which centered around the condition of the vehicle. On this additional charge Mr Doyle refused to enter a plea. It was marked as a ‘not guilty’ plea.

The first police constable witness was sworn in. He related the events to the Court, explaining that he had pulled over Mr Doyle’s car because of the unusual registration plates. He noticed that the vehicle was not displaying a tax disc. The driver of the vehicle refused to identify himself and had said that he did not recognise the law; that he was not subject to it. The officer had no choice but to arrest the driver whilst identification was determined.

Mr Doyle confirmed that the witness was the officer who had arrested him, but disputed that he had said he was above the law. He stated that he was not required to carry his licence and insurance documents and accused the officer of driving too fast (75mph) and driving aggressively. Mr Doyle said that he had exposed the ‘legal name fraud’ 6 months ago at Douglas police station. He further accused the officer of searching him ‘aggressively’ and of diving into Mr Doyle’s pocket and “pulling out a snot-rag”.

During this exchange the Court asked several times for Mr Doyle to confine his oratory to questions for the witness.

The second police witness confirmed that he had been called out to assist the arresting officer and that Mr Doyle had refused to confirm his identity. The officer had written down Mr Doyle’s words in his pocket-book i.e. “I cannot knowingly commit fraud”. Mr Doyle had refused to endorse (sign) that statement. Whilst the officer was transporting the defendant’s car back to Douglas he noticed that the speedometer wasn’t working. A set of number plates were found behind the driver’s seat. The vehicle was not displaying a tax disc.

Mr Doyle had no questions.

During the arrest Mr Doyle had exhibited some health problems and had been taken to Noble’s Hospital (still under arrest). The third police witness, a WPC, said she had been required to stay with Mr Doyle at Noble’s Hospital from 8am on 17th January. At 12.30 pm another WPC had attended to confirm the identity of Mr Doyle, at which time Mr Doyle was de-arrested and given an RT1 ‘producer’ notice – licence, tax and insurance to be produced at a police station within 5 days. Mr Doyle refused to sign it. A copy of the RT1 was shown in evidence.

Mr Doyle was asked if he had seen the document? Doyle responded that “I never accept documents”. There was some discussion about where the document had been delivered, and whether Mr Doyle had taken it in his hand, but the Prosecutor showed that Mr Doyle had been aware of it.

The police witness said that Mr Doyle’s identity had been proved when he was admitted to the hospital. Although he had continued to refuse to identify himself the hospital admittance nurse, from their records, had shown him a list of possible persons that he could be. Mr Doyle had pointed to his name.

The Isle of Man Government Vehicle Examiner was called as the next witness. He confirmed that the defendant’s vehicle had been delivered by the police to the Testing Station at Tromode. The Prosecutor asked him to describe the condition of the car.
In summary:
3 door hatchback
Non-compliant registration plates
Battery secured by a piece of string
Corrosion in stress members (suspension mounts etc)
Front cross-member corroded
Offside rear sill corroded
Offside rear hydraulic shock absorber leaking and ineffective
VIN number tampered with in an attempt to obscure (but still readable)
Manufacturers ID plates (axle weights etc) removed
Unable to determine speedometer function because he didn’t drive the vehicle
Vehicle unroadworthy, defective and potentially dangerous

Photographs of the vehicle and defects were shown in evidence. Mr Doyle claimed that he hadn’t seen these photographs. The Court pointed out that they had been served upon him by hand that morning.

In cross-examination Mr Doyle disputed that the battery had been held on with string. The witness pointed to one of the photos.

The prosecution rested their case.

Mr Doyle was asked if he wished to give evidence, to which he agreed, but when asked to swear or attest he refused. “I don’t do oaths. Jesus Christ said not to” and he returned to his seat. The Court prevailed upon him to give evidence for his own good. Mr Doyle then came forward again and attested. He gave his name as ‘Tame Elf’.

In his evidence he claimed that he was ‘probably unknowingly’ guilty of driving a dodgy car. He always paid tax and insurance and the car was serviced once a year. He disputed that the battery was held on with string and that the rear shock absorber was faulty. He admitted that the speedometer was not working but assured the court that his 48 years of driving experience made him able to assess speed. He claimed that the tax disc had fallen out of the window on the Mountain Road on a particularly soggy day.

Mr Doyle then produced into evidence an insurance certificate and proof of tax. He admitted that these documents had not been produced within the required time period of the RT1 and gave health problems as the reason.

The Court was adjourned for 20 minutes while the documents were examined and confirmed.


For all his previous bluster and time-wasting, it turns out that Mr Doyle actually had the necessary documents – tax, insurance, licence, registration.
I sense that Mr Doyle is not a full-blown Freeman or SovCit, but it appears that he has been sucked into the ‘legal name fraud’ by Keith Thompson (Kate of Gaia). He actually appeared on Thompson’s Scot Free Radio in August 2014.
Tame Elf is obviously having problems getting through life without using his name, and I could see how uncomfortable he was when presenting documents with his name on them.
Crown Copyright on his name was quoted by him on several occasions, without him being aware that the Crown Copyright is on the design of the form, not on the information written upon it.
This was not the time and place to promote his ‘legal name fraud’ beliefs. The Court was only interested in the facts of his driving offences, no matter what he personally believed. There are, perhaps, better combative arenas, such as census returns or electoral roll entries, which rely upon names.
I think he should also consider changing his name by deed poll. That would dispose of many of the perceived issues, other than the original birth certificate.

The Result:

On the charge of no insurance – dismissed
Failing to produce – guilty
Failing to exhibit tax – guilty
Registration mark in breach – guilty
Faulty speedometer – guilty
Dangerous vehicle – guilty

Prosecution asked for £900 costs but this was not agreed.

Magistrates instead determined £250 costs, a £550 fine and three points on Mr Doyle’s licence.
Deductions to be from his benefits, and in default of payment 60 days custody.
"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."