Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Open forum where offshore scams and offshore scammers can be freely discussed. Includes offshore investment and tax fraud and the latest goings-on in the Dominion of Melchizedek, Principality of New Utopia, Kingdom of Enen-Kio, the OITC, and other fake nations and world agencies.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

On Christmas day, while most of us were enjoying the company of family and friends, I see Broker was busy at MMG threatening lawsuits against his detractors.
Dec 25 2010, 05:24 PM

Our trading at Gain Capital UK is FSA regulated. Period.

It took us a little over 3 months to open our CTA account at Gain. We had to send them over 250 pages of documentation. They actually Googled us and wondered if we were a ponzi.......we had to prove to them we were not. (Thanks to the Internet trolls.....it did cost us around 90 days of lost business. Which we are thankful for because now we can prove damages to our business in our future lawsuit.)

Oceanside's managed accounts at Gain Capital UK ARE FSA regulated.

Let me know if this isn't clear to you.
So how much do you figure you're out from around 90 days of lost business, Jones? A couple hundred bucks?

To his credit though, I have to admit Broker did take the time, in closing, to wish season's greetings to everyone.
Merry Christmas!

How sincere those sentiments were are open to question though, at least where myself, Soapboxmom and fastmoney are concerned.

So, anyways, Jones, how's that lawsuit thingy coming along?

Or was it your legal advisers that suggested you put up those slam pages on your blog once they looked at your financial statements and also realized you were living in a rental unit?

Now don't take me wrong, I'm not not suggesting there is anything wrong with renting.

I'm sure it's highly advantageous for someone in your line of work to be - what's the word I'm looking for - "mobile"?

If you get my drift. :P

BTW, does anyone know if the US has a reciprocal extradition treaty with the Nevis and Seychelles Islands?

Or would the SEC have to pull a page out of the FDA playbook and pull a Greg Caton on somebody they were looking for?

Just askin', ya know? :thinking:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

05-25-2010, 09:40 PM
Junior Member Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 22
Re: Oceanside Network & Oceanside Forex....Q&A
Originally Posted by fastmoney

I see you have been on at least twice since asking us to ask questions and you would be happy to answer them, I have a few more if you do not mind answering..
I will be happy to answer all of your questions.
What is the fee alertpay charges you? 5%, 6%.. It must suck for a legit biz like Oceanside to have to dig themselves out of that hole from day 1.. Isn't it?
The fees are passed on to the membership when they make purchases. Oceanside has been profitable since day 1. (We do realize these fees..."suck"....but we hope the returns we are producing are a "consolation".)

Again, we are literally spending the money to initiate the NZ Bancorp early next week. Once this is set up, and we have our software in place, as well as our KYC process in order, we will be able to accept bank wires, and while there will still be a bank wire fee, we anticipate it being much lower than Alertpays fees.

(Alertpay does perform KYC for us at this time......which is why we use them.)
Why is it that I find that a lot of hyip forex black box companies go through alertpay, oddly though, some of them go through banks in New Zeland.. Where is your new bank supposed to be?
Alertpay handles KYC for us, while we were able to establish ourselves corporately and prepare for our NZ Bancorp.

Actually we explored several options for our bancorp including Panama, Belize, Cook Islands and New Zealand.

If you do a little research you will find, just as we did, that NZ is the most favorable and respected environment for a bancorp at this time.

I'm not concerned with what "other companies" are doing.......
Why did you stop the network marketing aspect of the business?
GREAT question! And my answer will include several reasons.

1. It was bulky, cumbersome and complicated to administer it within our business model. (keeping track of autoships etc)

2. As much as we initially liked the concept, we were more often than not...running into high end investors who were very interested in Oceanside but once you mentioned MLM (in any capacity) they rolled their eyes.

3. With the continuing evolution of our business model, we felt that our target market was steadily becoming more sophisticated and that MLM was not conducive to the image we wanted.
Are you suing all the people from the other threads on the web for slandering you by calling Oceanside a scam? Why not? Why wait? As I have seen I am small potatoes compared to some of the sites about you and oceanside..
We will see. There is only so much time in any given day and right now I feel our discussion has become civil, and I don't really hold grudges. Shall we continue?
So when you and jd were with oceanside,(before as you claim, you guys took over, when they were claiming 18% per month and from the link above 10% plus per month+) Why didn't you list that as one of the hyip programs you were in, in your list? What happened to their black box? Why the need to shut it down and reopen it?
Oceanside Wealth was not an HYIP...and it was the exact same blackbox.

Had the original 51% owner Dr. Kumar Singh of Gilbert Arizona....not been completely inept at running a business.....that company would be thriving now.

But all things happen for a reason and anyone who is a part of Oceanside Network or Oceanside Forex can and will testify that the two companies are like Night & Day.
I see that you and JD gave the webinars for the old oceanside.... humm...

Yep, we sure did.....and JD was part owner. 49%.....which meant he had no control.

I was nothing but someone who believed in the product and was pitched a great game about how all of my time and effort would be worth it. (even though I wasn't being paid for it)

In the end.... it was ironically worth it. Because I was able to build relationships with the head trader, and the programmers who were also extremely disatisfied with Dr. Kumar's handling of the company.

They unanimously gave me the blessing to re-structure and re-launch the company as the President.

I decided to keep the name because I'm not here to try and pull a "fast one".

I and my current partners spent 2 years developing the current model and as I previously mentioned the results speak for themselves. Like night and day..

Kind Regards,

Broker Jones


Those are all your words, Broker. Do your family member lawyers work in the area of litigation avoidance? To put that into words you may find more familiar -- shut the %^&* up might suffice. You just wrote that the black box you are using now was in development for two years and is in fact the same one used in Oceanside Wealth. In the Oceanside Wealth videos here, http://wn.com/OceansideWealthTube, in part 4 you claimed 10% - 30% returns a month. Now, we have you in black and white saying it is the same box. If those returns were happening how come you are constantly retooling this thing and have now gone to Gain Capital begging them to take clients for you to use as guinea pigs for your black box? If those returns were legit you would be overrun with offers for 100s of millions of dollars for this box. I don't believe for a second that your current account at Gain is making the 10% - 30% a month returns you have been touting for your magic black box. Hmmmmm...... Gain Capital's Bill Schneider indicated to me you hadn't brought him a single customer yet. Let us know how those accounts do with your black box when you get an actual customer. Thanks!!!

Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

name='brokerjones' date='Jan 22 2011, 12:24 PM' post='6384189']

Is it not a Felony, to call up someones lawfirm and "pretend" that you are also a Lawyer?

I could swear that it is worthy of prison time, should you be caught "faking" to be a lawyer........


Have a nice day, you never know when phone calls get recorded.
Great question, Jones.

Why don't you ask your family lawyers for an answer?

Well, I suppose they might be avoiding you these days, so maybe some of the legal types on this forum can help you out and answer that question for you.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Houston we have a problem!!!!

Broker you said on Scam:
Q: So when you and jd were with oceanside,(before as you claim, you guys took over, when they were claiming 18% per month and from the link above 10% plus per month+) Why didn't you list that as one of the hyip programs you were in, in your list? What happened to their black box? Why the need to shut it down and reopen it?

A: Oceanside Wealth was not an HYIP...and it was the exact same blackbox....I and my current partners spent 2 years developing the current model and as I previously mentioned the results speak for themselves......

I was nothing but someone who believed in the product and was pitched a great game about how all of my time and effort would be worth it. (even though I wasn't being paid for it)

In the end.... it was ironically worth it. Because I was able to build relationships with the head trader, and the programmers
You yourself claimed in the video (part 4), http://wn.com/OceansideWealthTube, when talking about that same black box that the system was valued at 60 million dollars. You personally claimed that it averaged over 10% a month the past 16 months. You proudly proclaimed that some months were 30% and some amazing months were 50% a month returns. Then you assured your prospects that they could expect 13% - 14% a month returns. You blathered about one low month with just a 3% return. You went on to claim 1% - 2% a day returns as well.

Is Gain Capital aware of these lofty claims you have made about your black box? Those representations are actionable. If folks invest with these expectations you and Gain Capital can be held accountable for these representations. If the box hasn't changed as you say (and who would ditch a box making 10% - 50% a month returns on investments) you Broker should be fighting off the billionaires and millionaires that want that technology / system. I have some legal experience and I can assure you Broker that the representations one makes can come back to bite them in more ways than one! Might be a good time to head for a galaxy far far away and go where no man has gone before. The good old U.S. well.....

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker can't resist arguing with me:

http://www.moneymakergroup.com/Oceansid ... try6385815

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

name='brokerjones' date='Jan 23 2011, 05:26 PM' post='6385679']

@ SoapBox Nothing that you have quoted is relevant to our Managed Forex Accounts at Gain Capital UK.

In other news:

Small wins in trading today. Just closed out of a EUR/USD sequence.

And in still other news:

My Chicago Bears lost. :dazed:

Broker said:
05-25-2010, 09:26 PM
Junior Member Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 22

Re: Oceanside Network & Oceanside Forex....Q&A

.....Once your account is funded you will sign what is called an LPOA (Limited Power of Attorney) which in a nutshell allows us to attach our system to your account and begin trading. From there the brokerage at the end of any given Positive Returns month will deduct our performance fee (30%) and deposit it into our IB (introducing broker) account....
SEC says:
Introducing Broker (IB)

An IB is an individual or organization which solicits or accepts orders to buy or sell futures contracts, options on futures, or retail off-exchange forex contracts but does not accept money or other assets from customers to support such orders.

Registration is required unless:
■You are registered as and acting in the capacity of an AP or
■You are registered as an FCM or
■You are registered as a CPO and only operate pools or
■You are registered as a CTA and either solely manage accounts under powers of attorney or don't receive per-trade compensation or
■You are a non-U.S. resident or firm with only non-U.S. customers and you or your firm submits all trades for clearing to an FCM

All registered IBs must be Members of NFA in order to conduct futures business with the public.

An IB is required to file the following:
■A completed online Form 7-R (includes NFA membership sections)
■Compliance requirements for applicants
■A non-refundable application fee of $200.00
■IB Membership Dues of $750.00

An IB is required to file the following for its Principals and Associated Persons

■A completed online Form 8-R
■Fingerprint Cards
■Proficiency Requirements
■A non refundable Principal Application Fee of $85.00*
■A non refundable Associated Person Application Fee of $85.00*

Additionally, all registered IBs engaged in retail off-exchange forex activities are required to:

■Apply to become a forex firm by completing online Form 7-R
■Have at least one principal that is also an approved Forex Associated Person
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#11 05-25-2010, 09:40 PM
Junior Member Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 22
Re: Oceanside Network & Oceanside Forex....Q&A


....Oceanside Wealth was not an HYIP...and it was the exact same blackbox.....

I was nothing but someone who believed in the product and was pitched a great game about how all of my time and effort would be worth it. (even though I wasn't being paid for it)

In the end.... it was ironically worth it. Because I was able to build relationships with the head trader, and the programmers who were also extremely disatisfied with Dr. Kumar's handling of the company.

They unanimously gave me the blessing to re-structure and re-launch the company as the President.

I decided to keep the name because I'm not here to try and pull a "fast one"......
Again, Broker, same company name and same black box with you now as president. You can't pull a fast one on anyone who can read! Gain Capital is tangled up in all this.

You called yourself an IB. We shall see how that plays out as well.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Originally Posted by brokerjones

And Oceanside Forex may solicit anyone, anywhere in the world with our Managed Accounts.
In addition:
US citizens may solicit us privately yes.

Broker Jones
Your link says:
Who can Invest Offshore?

The simple answer is that almost anyone can. There are limitations in some countries, like the U.S., that preclude most Offshore investment companies from directly soliciting business from their citizens. In the U.S., however, while the Offshore company is expressly prohibited from soliciting Americans, Americans can legally solicit them and transact with them.
By posting on numerous forums in the manner you are, you are directly soliciting U.S. customers plain and simple. Telling U.S. citizens, the largest group of readers on any given English language site, about your sky high returns and telling them to form off-shore LLCs and bank accounts through you is soliciting!


12-28-2010, 06:35 AM
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Posts: 56
Re: OceansideNetwork - OceansideNetwork.com
Originally Posted by littleroundman
Which means that, to operate within the United States, Oceanside is required to register with the National Futures Association as an "Introducing Broker"

Once again. We do not accept US clients at Gain Capital UK.

We do have a private fund set up at Gain Capital US, but we do not market it nor advertise it publicly and it is reserved by select invitation. Our traders are NFA regulated at Gain US, the fund is not....and it is exempt. I cannot recall the specific regulation off the top of my head but if you insist, I will dig it out of our memorandum and post it for you. (Not Oceanside) Anyway the fund may only have 35 unaccredited investors, and 65 accredited. It will be listed on Hedgefund.net but we will not be able to tell you the name in a public setting. (I think...I'm not completely up to speed on the marketing regulations of a fund so I error on the safe side. Anyway don't worry about it, because trust me, you, in particular, are not on the invite list.

We are working on complete NFA registration for US Domestic (and now some regions in Canada), and estimate the availability of US based Managed Accounts in the early 3rd quarter of next year. Seriously....the paperwork is enough to make somebody throw up on themselves, and every page gets combed over and they give you "revisions" and they purposefully hold onto these "revisions" for their maximum allotted 14 day waiting period, and then you get to "re-do" and re-submit. We're working on it, but it is not available at this time.

There are options to set up and incorporate offshore, but it is more expensive for an individual, and we only discuss that within our membership and our private lists. (This method seems to work....for now. But I'm sure that down the pike is coming a regulation that will say something like "no new US citizens may incorporate offshore.)

I, as the President of Oceanside am a US citizen obviously... but our corporation(s) are incorporated offshore, and we are allowed to do business in the manner in which we are doing so at present.

You "LittleRoundMan" because you are a US citizen, may not join Oceanside today and open a managed account at Gain UK. But "LittleRoundMan LLC" located in Seychelles or Nevis or anywhere other than the US and Canada....most likely could. Again...this is obviously more expensive for an individual.

I hope this is now crystal clear. And again I reiterate, that after the new commodity rules get put in place in the first quarter of 2011 preventing commodity traders...and farmers...from placing certain futures hedges....I'm sure the Control Mongering US Gov't will pass a law against new US Citizens from incorporating offshore......I could be wrong....but I can sure see it happening. (Those of you who think the US Gov is looking out for your best interests.....have my condolences.)

~Free Your Life, Live Your Dreams~

PS-- I really did appreciate the link to the NFA registration.

Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Ah-Hah! Here we go.

Broker's magic black box - you know, the one that he gets returns of 15-20% a month from depending on which forum he's writing on. The one that he turned down somewhere between $60 million, $100 million or a billion dollars for, the amount depending, I suppose, on the particular medication he's on at the time of the telling of the tale.

Yeah that one! The one you can buy here for $77 - Forex Magic Black Box.

" EXPOSED: How a 24 year old Gardener accidently trips over the *dirtiest* Forex Secret
that the gurus don't want YOU to know! "

Sit back, because you are about to be shocked at just how simple it is to profit from the Forex Markets...


Yes siree Bob, has all the bells and whistles for only $77 - except a spell check apparently! :P
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

OMG. I clicked on the link to read the story and almost fell over laughing at all the inconsistencies in this crock and bull story.

First we are told this gardener is barely making it, and having to borrow from his parents, and then magically he figures out, until now, this means of trading FOREX and on his first real trade made $44 profit. Funny how he never said what percentage he received on his investment to receive this $44. Now if he only made 3-5% ( he did say the gains were small but consistent), where did he get the money (approximately $1,000) to make $44 from? I am still laughing, but this sounds just like Broker and his ridiculous claims. :lol: :shock:
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com

Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by bmielke »

wserra wrote: It's someone who bears the same relationship to a supreme court judge that the below guy does to a colonel.
Sanders was a Kentucky Colonel. As I understand it the Governor can appoint anyone as a Colonel as long as they have done good things for Kentucky. There is a list on Wikipedia ((i believe) of the colonels and what they did to get the title.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Cathulhu »

Bob Edwards (previously of NPR, who did him wrong) is a Kentucky Colonel.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker really should learn to keep his trap shut. He insists that what I say has nothing to do with his accounts (non-existent as they apparently are) with Gain Capital. I just sent the following two videos to Gain's compliance department. We will see what they decide. "May the Farce be strong".....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ThRXOEX ... r_embedded

http://wn.com/OceansideWealthTube (part 4)

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker blogged today:
Myths & Truths About Asset Protection And Why You Should Set Up Offshore
By admin on Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 | No Comments

When Oceanside Assets was launched, we immediately took a lot of “flak” from Internet “Trolls” and other “armchair lawyers” who immediately told us that promoting offshore corporations and bank accounts was not legal to do.

Here are a few Myths & Truths about Offshore Asset Protection that you should know.

1. Horror Stories Are Real:

If you own a business, are an entrepreneur, own investments etc…..you have a 1 in 3 chance of being sued…..This Year.

2. Is This Illegal?

Not at all. In fact The Wall Street Journal regularly reports on the legal benefits of asset protection As long as you are not seeking to defraud your creditors, and you are not trying hide from taxes, there is nothing illegal or immoral in placing your important assets out of the easy reach of those who would take it from you. Also keep in mind that local (Domestic) banks only insure your money up to a certain value, it simply does not make sense to hold all of your eggs in one basket. Also, while some immediately think of “offshore asset protection” as “shady”, 13 U.S. States have now….newly adopted asset protection laws in effect. Asset Protection is a growing industry, and one that we feel every family should be engaged in.

3. Isn’t Asset Protection Only For The Rich?

Hmmm let’s think about this.

Let’s say you are “rich” and you are worth $10 Million USD. You get sued for 1 Million. You are able to continue your lifestyle if you lose a frivolous suit.

Let’s now say….that you are “not rich” and you are worth about $500,000……and you get sued for 1 Million….and you lose. How much does life suck now?

4. Can’t I Just Get Insurance On My Stuff?

As opposed to insurance, asset protection insures the asset itself. It is also extremely inexpensive per dollar protected in comparison with insurance. …..We’re just saying.

5. If Asset Protection Is Created Properly…..

…you will face minimal disruptions and your asset protection will help keep “predators” on the fence more times than not. They will not be able to get “contingency” lawyers who take their case for free on the “contingency of winnings”…..if they know they cannot get at your money in the first place.

If more people had asset protection…..there would be less frivolous lawsuits in the world.

6. Can I Save On My Taxes?

PAY YOUR TAXES. CONSULT WITH YOUR OWN PRIVATE TAX ACCOUNTANT AND MAKE SURE YOU PAY WHAT IS OWED! =) The days of people creating “shell corps” and not paying taxes are OVER…..and to be quite honest, the unscrupulous people who engaged in such practices are the ones who helped give “Offshore” a bad name.

7. I’m Being Sued Right Now…Can I Get Asset Protection?

You MUST set up your asset protection prior to being sued. Otherwise it looks like you are “being shady” and trying to maneuver funds to avoid “immediate matters at hand” and oftentimes a Judge will “pierce the vail” and get access to your assets anyhow.

The LONGER you have your Asset Protection in place PRIOR to getting sued…………..the better.

8. If U.S. States Have Asset Protection Like In Nevada For Example…..Isn’t That Just As Good Or Better Than Offshore?

No. Domestic asset protection can be circumvented easier than offshore asset protection.

It comes down to a very simple question.

Would you like the Best Possible Protection? Or something……that is almost as good but not quite?


Asset Protection Is For Real.

And with over 19,000,000 lawsuits filed in the U.S. each year……..it is a business that will experience continued growth.

Everyone…….should be protected.

Oceanside Assets
It looks to me like his criminal allegations against me and others of making death threats, rape threats and stalking without a shred of evidence to substantiate them might put Broker himself in legal jeopardy. Better get your penny jar off-shore there, lad! We certainly can't get your posh $119,000 rental house, now can we???

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Cathulhu »

Yes, and if you have as much as a lousy 10K in an offshore account, better make sure you report it! See instructions to Schedule B, form 1040 and F. TDF 90.22-1. Unless you're into Federal offenses.

Ooh, gosh, I'm sorry. Were you telling your clients they could hide it without breaking the law? Gee, sorry I blew your scam. :roll:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Speaking of those videos http://www.youtube.com/user/oceansidefo ... L8VHQIni9w. The last video with Jim Ballas blathering was posted on October 2, 2010. Who is Jim Ballas you ask. Jim Ballas is the CEO and on camera talent for http://www.spotlauncher.com/index.htm. Now, as the videos have ceased production and the promised media campaigns have failed to materialize, it is likely that Oceanside is unable to finance any real advertising. That would explain why Broker has been hopping from forum to forum telling everyone reading to call Bill Schneider at Gain Capital and join Oceanside. The PR firms website said the minimum to start a radio or TV advertising campaign is 25 - 99 grand. Looks like they are long since out of the picture. Broke Boy's penny jar must be empty!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Managed Forex Accounts: Right Place. Right Niche. Right Time.

By admin on Wednesday, January 26th, 2011 | No Comments

Welcome to the fastest growing market in the world.

Welcome to Retail Forex Managed Accounts.

Since 2007, the FX daily market turnover has increased by 20% and has now breached the mark of $4,000,000,000.000 of liquid assets changing hands daily. (That’s 4 Trillion with a capital T)

Retail trading of what’s called “Spot Forex” by small institutions and households engaged in “high frequency trading” using EA’s (Expert Advisors) is estimated to be taking up $375 Billion in daily turnover which is a significant amount when put into consideration against the “Big Institutional Banks.”

The reason for this growth is “officially unknown” but one could speculate that with the almost certain collapse of social benefits like Social Security, the poor performance of IRA’s and 401k’s which rarely manage to keep up with inflation, and the equally dismal performance of “fee based” corporate standard investment firms, that people are being left with no choice other than to either “try to make their own destiny” or rely on smaller aggressive firms to trade for them in a market that is literally moving more wealth than any other market in the world.

Now the concept of “Making it on your own” is appealing…..It really is.

Master of your destiny! I am King Hear Me Roar! He-Man….She-Woman…..you got it. It’s sexy.

But it’s also……very….very difficult.

Unless you can stay up around the clock for key market opens.

Unless you have a 24/7 server with back up power, back up internet and back up everything else…….you really can’t just “trade from home”. (At least not safely)

Unless you have an awesome EA….AND you also know how to trade on a technical and fundamental market analysis capacity…..

Chances are you will go from He-Man and She-Woman to……..the Caveman on the Geico Commercials……in pretty short order.

The average “day trader” blows up 7 accounts.

Enter: the perfect product, at the right place and at the right time.

Enter: Forex Managed Accounts

With Forex Managed Accounts at Tier 1 Broker Dealers such as Gain Capital, MIG Bank, & PFG Best, through corporations such as say……..(Oceanside …hey….our blog….we get to plug ourselves….!!)

You now have the opportunity to have the “pros” trade for you. And in this market you are going to find a few “keepers” who can probably outperform the standard corporate “rat race” of solutions that have been jammed down our throats for too long now.

Now I’m not saying that Oceanside is the best of these companies, nor that we are any good at all. (That is a decision you will have to come to on your own.)

But what I am saying.

Is Right Now. Right Here. With This Product?

This is where I’m placing my “opinion”.

~Free Your Life, Live Your Dreams~


Broker just can't resist dropping those names. He is sure going to look ridiculous when they unceremoniously dump his rear. Remember what charming things they are now tangled up with due to their unwitting association with Jones. All the execs can get their popcorn and watch Broker blather in part 4 http://wn.com/OceansideWealthTube about his 10% - 50% monthly returns with his magic black box trading system that is the same box he is still using. Then they can read in absolute horror the corporate site pages I linked below. Of course, the fact Broker has incurred the wrath of many who are making formal complaints to numerous enforcement agencies is just icing on the cake.


http://www.oceansidenetwork.com/blog/20 ... ikes-back/

The fodder of very expensive lawsuits! Good luck, Broker!
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Has anyone thought to have a few words with the Arizona Securities Commissioner?

Matthew J. Neubert - Director, (602) 542-4242 (866) 837-4399,
since Broke Boy is operating (unlicensed) out of Arizona they might just not take too kindly to his actions.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

I did! I did!!!! I hope everyone will join us:



notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm

Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Good going. They should be more than interested and he'll be easily dealt with.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Location: Mission Viejo, CA

Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

Hmmm, wonder if Broker saw this today:

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has gone to federal courts in New York, Chicago, the District of Columbia and Kansas City and simultaneously filed 14 lawsuits against Forex companies to enforce registration requirements and provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.

A couple of them claimed that because they were offshore, CFTC/NFA laws did not apply to them. Wonder if Broker is shaking in his boots he's next?
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
Author: Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It Available in soft cover and eBook on Amazon.com