Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

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Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Demosthenes »

Brave Mr. Kranish pled guilty to one count of disorderly conduct in exchange for having the Liberty Dollar counts and gun charge dropped.
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Demosthenes »

Nope. His wife already cut her deal months ago.

The ongoing soap opera of Shaun Kranish got wiped out with a $250 fine.
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Famspear »

Personally, I'm kinda disappointed. As part of the plea, they should have at least made him promise not to make any more idiotic pronouncements about the government's "power" to control the weather.

Like this one:
We can completely create, destroy, or steer hurricanes. We can move fronts, weather systems, just about anything we want to do with the weather. I've seen them doing it all this year, and last year.
--Shaun Kranish, downloaded on 26 October 2007, from:

Or, alternatively, they should have required him to share whatever it is he's smokin'.
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:Personally, I'm kinda disappointed. As part of the plea, they should have at least made him promise not to make any more idiotic pronouncements about the government's "power" to control the weather.
But that would given ol' Shaun the opportunity to compare himself to Galileo by showing that the government was dictating to him what he could believe and say.
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VanMeters Revenge

Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

I guess Shaune introducing "Dutch" to the Browns had nothing to do with those charges being dropped?
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Demosthenes »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:I guess Shaune introducing "Dutch" to the Browns had nothing to do with those charges being dropped?
Nope. Shaun got the same deal his wife did months ago. The State of Wisconsin doesn't give a damn about some moron in New Hampshire flipping off the feds.

Shaun was a pawn. He was used by Dutch in exchange for cold hard cash (FRNs, not Liberty Dollars...)
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Dezcad »

I couldn't find any of this information on MakeTheStand. That site has degenerated completely.
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Demosthenes »

I would imagine he's embarassed. Mrs. Kranish pled guilty to a lesser charge back in October of last year, and Shaun set up his websites and started his fundraising campaign on her behalf *after* she took her deal.

For example, Shaun posted this on MTS two weeks after her plea:
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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:29 pm
A young couple, now married, were arrested in May for using Liberty Dollars in Walworth County, Wisconsin. Shaun and Svetlana Kranish were both arrested, after Shaun offered both Liberty Dollars and FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes – typical green “cash” or “money”) to an outdoor ice cream stand in the Village of Walworth. Shaun and Svetlana (Lana) went on to spend the night in jail – solitary confinement for Lana – and then spend over $5,500 the next day in order to get out and get their minivan back. The alleged felony charges – three each for Shaun and Lana – which never appeared in paper, and were used solely to extract this large sum of money from the couple’s family, never did surface on paper or electronically.

Misdemeanor charges of “theft – false representation” and “as a party to a crime” were then lodged against Shaun and Lana. They have since been forced, in an attempt to secure their safety from the state, to hire two separate attorneys, to raise the total costs on paper to nearly $12,000. All of this and much more is the result of using, or attempting to use, a few Liberty Dollar solid .999 pure silver pieces for trade at three stores in the town. The Liberty Dollars were happily accepted at the other two establishments, but were frowned upon at the ice cream stand and instead of accepting the green paper U.S. “cash”, Dari Ripple/Drive-In in Walworth, WI – had Shaun and Lana arrested.

It doesn’t seem to matter to the state of Wisconsin that Lana wasn’t even present when Shaun offered the valuable silver in exchange for inexpensive food, or that she had no part in any transactions. Lana, an immigrant from Russia, is now unable to become a citizen due to the ongoing prosecution, leave the country, or see her family whom she’s not see in over three years. Shaun and Lana have offered to give the three businesses “cash” in exchange for the silver, if those businesses really don’t want the silver, but this is not enough for the state. Shaun and Lana must now fight and pay thousands more to go to trial and hope to be found innocent and avoid jail sentences, all over a few exchanges valued at less than $15.

Shaun and Lana have begun a fund raiser, which can be found at, and are asking for any other concerned citizens who support real money to donate to their legal defense fund. Shaun and Lana can accept both FRNs (checks, money orders, PayPal, credit card, etc) or real silver and gold money. Plase visit the above website today for more information on the arrests, the fund raiser, and other ways you can help out! Free trade, real money, and justice are at stake here today. Trial is currently scheduled for Lana on Nov. 8th and 9th. Please take action today and help this brave and patriotic couple.
Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by Dezcad »

It also appears that Shaun hasn't had anything to do with MTS in a while. Look at what happydays is doing.

Re: Shaun Kranish cut a deal with prosecutors

Post by gezco »

Demosthenes wrote:
Shaun was a pawn. He was used by Dutch in exchange for cold hard cash (FRNs, not Liberty Dollars...)
Wait, Mr. Liberty himself sold out for illegal Federal Reserve Notes? Say it isn’t so!