Disparity of Information

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

I don't know who this XXXX is, but I've seen movies rated by his daughter, XXX.

Question for Mark on the Disparity of Information
Posted by admin On November - 9 - 2009


Dear Mark,

I’m so thankful for all the work you’re doing and all that I extract free from your website, for since the beginning of my path towards transformation and ascension I have not had another job and of course no money so,at 61, I’m not able to attend conferences in person, etc., and I’m extremely grateful for all the information I can get from your website and other’s available to us all free of charge.

My question is regarding the disparity of information that I receive from many sources, that sometimes I feel is very upsetting. For example, although I read about many messages from A Michael,, A Uriel, Sananda, Ashtar Command, etc., yours is the only one that talks about Nesara, deckloakings and the sort.

I’ve also read about the Earth cleansing itself and the raising of the oceans, the big earthquakes on the Ring of Fire, with some of those incidents happening NOW, probably before the end of the current calendar year. It makes me very worry about those dear to me, and also for other beings around the planet, in human forms and others. Also, about the three days of darkness, and how we’re going to move from one reality to another.

I’ve meditated on that, and questioned the truth in ALL of them but still no clear answer. Could you please, kindly, explain to me how’s the difference in the messages?

Please understand that is not a matter of me doubting the messages, rather why not all of them coincide with one another is they come from the same Source.

Please accept my gratitude to you and your team that are offering the information in this website for the benefit of us all.

In all love and respect,


Your question is not unusual. The differences are mostly due to ‘personal filters’ and ’sources’.

Our information comes mostly from Faction 3,Earth and Galactics at 38 levels ABOVE the President. F1/F2 Rothschilds & Rockyfellers are Illuminati controlled conduits…and their interests are to keep you uninformed, misinformed or lied to so you stay in confusion. Congratulations on doing some research and noticing the differences.

Due to the upshifts in awakening consciousness all catastrophic predictions have been mitigated.
Galactic Family help is terraforming our planet and the others within our solar system back to their original pristine blueprints.

Peace is about to be declared through our heart openings and intelligence upshifts that will come with mass decloakings in the coming days.

There will be no panic and with the increased awareness only loving presence will be experienced, as this is our Our promised Galactic Family Reunion…including our Twin Flames. We will then join hands to fulfill the promised restoration of Atmosphere, Water, Air, Soil and our remembrance of who and what we are and why we returned to complete this story together.

There will be NO STASIS; NO 3 days of Darkness; No living in the Inner Earth and NO Armageddon or World Evacuation. We are divine beings with divine purposes and we are NOW on a new timeline. No need to worry about anyone you care about. All have an embodied soul that is in charge and has a perfect plan for their presence here. When the mass Decloakings occur even those ones will experience a wondrous awakening.

We can not interfere, yet we can wish them all well and honor whatever choices they make. Trust, ask, allow, feel and flow is all you need know.

This is the response I would have liked to have seen, but they're scam artists, so whatcha gonna do?

Your question is not unusual. The differences are mostly due to different people making these stories up.

Our information comes from our hairy behinds. That's right, we pull it from our butts to keep you uninformed, misinformed or lied to so you stay in confusion. Congratulations on doing some research and noticing the differences.

The real story is that we're pathological liars who are absolutely terrified of doing any real work, so we prey off those who are foolish enough to believe stories we make up. And since we make them up, they're all different. We give our sources silly names and important-sounding titles and say they're "Galactics at 38 levels ABOVE the President," but they're really just from that place where the moon don't shine.

Trust, ask, allow, feel, flow and send us cash is all you need know.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Disparity of Information

Post by bmielke »

I like your response better.
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Of course, Casper has independent sources, his OWN misshapen butt. Confirmed and reconfirmed again!

casper 11-10-09 #1

You find it difficult to believe, do you, the intense movement of the trigger packs as reported in these updates? Now hear this.

The packs, having been in and out over the weekend as reported Sunday found themselves stored overnight Sunday at the Chinese Embassy in D.C.. Monday 10:30 a.m. packs leave D.C. again. Monday 4 p.m. packs arrive back in D.C.. Monday 4 p.m. packs turned around and sent back out. Monday 10:30 p.m. packs arrive back in D.C.. Monday 10:30 p.m. backs turned around and sent back out. This morning the packs are back in D.C.. It is The World Court which is ordering the packs out each time.

CHINESE EMBASSY PERSONEL had requested two independent witnesses to the packs leaving D.C. 10:30 p.m. last night. WHY? The witnesses confirm the planes left with the packs. The reason is because CHINA was trying to get the World Court off their ass by providing proof the packs had gone out. CHINA was providing "cover" for the following.

The two recent trades previously reported here were allowed to go through and the profits seized for our benefit. "They" expected these trades to be spotted and seized. They were "cover" for a much larger and far more secret trade Sunday night which "they" did not expect to be caught. It has been caught and seized by the Court. Then, as if all this were not enough, "they" attempted still another trade last night, also stopped. Who are "they"? OBAMA, who was attempting to make money using our funds as collateral to pay CHINA hence CHINA'S shenanigans with the packs to provide OBAMA the time to complete the secret trades.

The World Court has once again ordered packs out IMMEDIATELY and WE anticipate their departure promptly.

And you think you have trouble following the bouncing ball?

casper 11-10-09 #1

p.s. All the above has been confirmed and reconfirmed again.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Disparity of Information

Post by ClemIsBack »

Casper did indeed confirm and re-confirm everything with his super secret
sources. One of Casper's agents works undercover in the Chinese Embassy.
Guess which one and receive a free moo goo gai pan dinner for two with an
agent of your choice. http://img1.jurko.net/wall/paper/looney_tunes_32.jpg

Re: Disparity of Information

Post by bmielke »

How do you recomfirm what the voices in your own head are telling you? It's not like you can check with the voices in someone elses head.
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Of course, Casper has independent sources, his OWN misshapen butt. Confirmed and reconfirmed again!

casper 11-10-09 #1

You find it difficult to believe, do you, the intense movement of the trigger packs as reported in these updates? Now hear this.

The packs, having been in and out over the weekend as reported Sunday found themselves stored overnight Sunday at the Chinese Embassy in D.C.. Monday 10:30 a.m. packs leave D.C. again. Monday 4 p.m. packs arrive back in D.C.. Monday 4 p.m. packs turned around and sent back out. Monday 10:30 p.m. packs arrive back in D.C.. Monday 10:30 p.m. backs turned around and sent back out. This morning the packs are back in D.C.. It is The World Court which is ordering the packs out each time.
You pull the packies in,
You send the packies out,
You pull the packies in,
and you shake them all about
You do the Lost Horizons
and you hear old Rama shout,
"That's what it's all about!"
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

If you believe Casper*, then you believe that these "packies" have been in and out of storage many hundreds of times in the last few years. Different people (the World Court, Delta Force, Madam Wu, the list goes on and on and on) have been behind the orders to move 'em out and get 'em delivered, but they're always sent back. OK, so some of the packies' trips are when the bad guys take them out and try and open them, but the good guys always get them back (strange that they can do this more difficult task, but not successfully send them out...). But I digress, the point here is 1) Never works, and 2) Many hundreds of times in the last few years.

What does this say about the reality of the people who believe this drivel? That doing something over and over again the same way without it working is normal for them? What was that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" definition of insanity again? And what does my asking so many questions in something I'm writing mean about my own sanity?

WE believe that the packies have been taken out for walkies, but were recovered by the TNBL (Tuesday Night Bowling League) and are back in safe custody in the Woolworth's Building in Omaha.


*Not to imply that the "sending packies" thing is the only reason believing Casper makes you a candidate for Thorazine, for example the "tens of trillions of dollars of free money" thing means you have to lack common sense on a massive scale.
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by texino »

Today I traveled back to the year 2003 and looked at some remarks made by Old Bellringer about NESARA ( ARASEN spelled backwards) I learned some pretty cool stuff too. Four instance , Pat says that only four living humans are presently sitting in congress. They are, Barbara Boxer, Richard Byrd, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. Everyone else is a clone of solid hologram. George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice? Same same. Space Shuttle Columbia, scheduled to ignite the Van Allen belts with a big atom bomb, was destroyed and her crew plucked off to some handy mother ship to hang out with the 20,000 or so who almost died on 09/11/01. all of whom will come back to witness against Bush who has already been killed and turned into a hologram, except for now he is alive again, I guess, because he seems to be in with the Queen stealing money he doesn't need. Sheesh! PHB was pretty much ruling the world back then. Money for nothing and chicks for free.
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: JG
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:26 AM
Subject: How do we warn people when they dont want to listen?

Hello Mr. Bellringer,

I have to say that I am growing very frustrated with the events currently unfolding around the world. I have spent the better part of the past year trying to warn people about the slimy grasp that the devil worshipping, shape shifting, lizard bankers have on our society. I have had zero success in my efforts. People either don't believe that the so called "elite" could have so much grasp on their lives, or they just don't want to hear about it.

Most people who I have tried to warn about topics such as Bill C6, poisonous vaccination campaigns, the false flags, the bankster frauds etc.. just don't want to here about it. I have been ridiculed and laughed at for my efforts, in many cases by some of my closest friends. Unfortunately people are only worried about what is happening in there own little lives, they don't seem to care until it directly effects them. How do you warn people, when they don't want to believe that everything they have been told during their entire life is a lie?

I believe that our side is in serious trouble right now, we just wont stick together enough to fight back. We are up against a foe who has stuck together efficiently for 400 plus years. I fear that people are going to sit back and do nothing till the very last moments, until they are lead into the FEMA Camps.... Then it will be too late.

Have a Nice day.....JG


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 10, 2009

Dear JG:

Thank you for your letter. We honor you for presenting Truth to people to try and wake them up. You are not alone in your frustration at their rejection of both the Truth and of you.

Please understand that we are not here to "save" the world. We live in a 3D free-will world, and people choose what they will do and believe. You can only tell them Truth, and they must choose what they will do with it.

Just know that the Truth you present is never lost or has no value. Creator God says that any seed of Truth we plant in someone's mind shall ultimately bear fruit, if not now, in a later lifestream for that person.

Do not be upset by rejection. We all face that, as part of our lessons in soul growth. Many people are not ready to "hear", and are taking a detour to find their way. There are more people on our side then you realize, and, indeed, we are winning.

Expect great change to Goodness soon!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
"Follow the Money"

Re: Disparity of Information

Post by bmielke »

JG needs to drink the kool aid and do the world a favor.
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: MK
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 10:11 AM

"I repeat again that Casper is a reporter of only a fraction of the activity of this Quiet Revolution. He, through his contact network, work totally on a voluntary basis to report the "news" to you. Without his reports, what would you know? Yet, you discount his efforts and are critical of his reports, with no basis for such claims."
When I read this, I think it's true that many of us appear skeptical, cynical and critical at times. It is also true that most of time we have no facts or evidence on which to dispute his claims, or the claims of others. The problem is that there are usually no facts, or evidence or ways for us to check on the validity of his claims. So Casper is just another of those anonymous people who claim to have some kind of inside knowledge of secret events, but can only reveal so much.

If we are to read and process all of this kind of information with a "discerning eye and heart" in order to figure out what might be true or at least partially true, what do you expect? Without facts or evidence, it's just one person's opinion of another person's unsubstantiated claims passing each other in psychological space.

So when we read that the packets were supposed to be delivered, but the bad guys intervened again with secret chips and blah, blah, blah; don't be surprised that some us are justifiably skeptical. In the end, nothing happens and there is no evidence of any of this activity except for one person's claim. Maybe a few more facts or ways to verify this information would be helpful.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Nov. 20, 2009

Dear MK:

I understand your frustrations about this Mission, but your conclusion of needing facts and evidence is incorrect. As with anything of a spiritual nature, the proof of this Mission lies within you. Documentation, facts and evidence is only confirmation of what we "know" to be true.

Those who "know" are way beyond opinion, my friend. There are always several "layers" to any "covert" operation. Those of any given layer are told only what they need to know. So it is with the NESARA Mission. Having few if any contacts or evidence in this process, you rely on the Truthfulness of the messenger with deep contacts. So there is a certain amount of faith required to keep believing, but the proof which brings the "knowing" lies within each person.

You ask the question, "If we are to read and process all of this kind of information with a 'discerning eye and heart' in order to figure out what might be true or at least partially true, what do you expect? I expect the enlightened man of wisdom to discern in his heart and to "know" this Mission is very real. I expect those lacking knowledge and enlightenment and discernment skills to be very skeptical, critical and react emotionally by saying the "messages" are all blah, blah, blah, like banana peels flipping though spaced, having no relevant meaning to the vacant mind.

It puzzles me why one would keep torturing his limited understanding by continually reading this so-called Casper blah, ha and keep cycling on the emotional roller coaster day after day. The journey to Truth is for those, who sincerely seek, who learn discernment and discover "the knowing" that lies beneath the illusion. We are spiritual beings, living this physical illusion with an inner guidance system to direct our course to Truth, to the Truth of this NESARA Mission. May you find your way.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
"Follow the Money"

Re: Disparity of Information

Post by bmielke »

Is that another parody?

If the packages exsist they are not spirtual, they either exsist or this whole thing is a massive scam/scheme/waste of time.

Casper is delusional.

The Queen is not stopping anything, it is obviously Tony Blair, Gordon Brown is merely the puppet of labour leader Blair anyway. Just as Obama is a Puppet of Bush, and The russian President whatever his name is is a puppet of Putin.

Only one of those statements is likely true, guess which one and you get a sticker of a smiley face.
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer posted these replies to "WHERE IS THE PROOF?"

#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: JC
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 1:41 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


In reply to how do we know about Casper. I would suggest that you ask your voice from within and since I have a voice from within and am a sensitive and clairvoyant, I know that what Casper says is true. God bless Casper for all of this work for all of us.


#2 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: C
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 3:44 PM
Subject: Where is the Proof?

Both Question AND Answer are superlatively articulated!!!
Thank you!!
Proof can only really be found within when one is creating a NEW reality.,.. and so very difficult to explain to others.
'Our 3D environment only proves the past'
...a New reality can manifest only once we start dreaming beyond the dream.

My most sincere kudos to Casper et al...for reporting the chaotic birth pains of the new reality WE have envisioned.
I find it so very very interesting that the 'once upon a time' whimisical investment made (which was so very illogical and irrational), prompted by a wee voice within..has come to this fantastic ripple turned tsunami in the evidentiary world...even if 'at the moment', to us, it only appears in cyber space ..hmmmmmmmmmmmm :-)))

Let's dream beyond the dream.

Thanks Again,
#3 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: "RCV"
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Thanks to all that are working against the dark force here. Just a comment about believing when you hear it on the 6 oclock news. I haven\'t been able to believe that for years. Face the light and trust.


#4 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: JR
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 6:12 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I've often wondered how to go about giving feedback on Casper's posts so, I figured I would attempt to get a message to him this way. I first thought, exactly what someone else said, that he along with some others were merely people who "had secret sources", or claimed to and could only report a small portion of what they learned. then, I found out, what he is saying is 100% accurate but, without all the details. Just pass along a "thank you" from this "po boy" in Oklahoma who is ready for the day that the Fed is told to pick up their toys and crawl back under the rock they come from. Thanks again!


#5 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: RB
To: "Bellringer" <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Thank you!!!! and "we" are in full agreement and understanding of your msg this afternoon.

Thank you and here is a interesting quote I am sure you have heard, and it may remind you of some people...........

"Ignorance is Cureable "
"Stupidety is permanent"

It would be fun to meet you one day and see who has been working hard behind the scenes....all these years


#6 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: SA
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 9:09 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



Hello All

What an excellent post / reply!

Just wanted to say one or two things despite the fact that, I do not expect to receive anything from anybody anytime soon, and I\'m not Casper's reader.

Been positive in the midst of chaos is what I called spiritual transcendence and strongly believe that all these people\'s message is to actually encourage the rest of us that, good things are about to happen.

It would possibly sound elementary to those who hang 'around here' to say that we can co-create and that all things start from a thought etc...so basically some have taken on the responsibility, to give you a \'spiritual alternative of what goes around comes around\' in all this mundane, insane and 3 dimensional shit.

I'm sure when good things will happen, we aint need to deal in money anymore, but even better, will become aware of our powers and be able to manifest ENOUGH to cover our BASIC needs.

Cheers SA

#7 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: D
To: <bellringer@fourwinds10.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 5:39 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Hello Central.

I myself, and Millions of Dedicated, educated, American\'s see the reality. that everything is fixing TO EXPLODE.

We don\'t see anything that is going to stop the TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING. Our freedom, our health, of paycheck, our home\'s, our environment, water\'s, soil, food\'s, everything, everywhere is fixing to go into total control of the ruling elite.

THEY, have covered every aspect of protection to defeat us. I\'m sure your aware of these protective aspect\'s they have in place, to destroy not only US, but the entire PLANET.

I'm afraid that before they let any bit of their control be taken from them, they will, put in place the destruction of the MANKIND, and possible earth\'s SHAN.

I have spent the last 8 year\'s reading, searching, and digging into every part of this corruption, control, and the massive amount of weapons they have to, destroy, and control us.

I'm sure you have seen the practice scenario that they have going on in the Ukraine. Which from what I can see is a total success on their part, in the destruction of life on earth.

Daily, I pray to our creator, to stop the genocide on earth, In the Ukraine, and the evil intent behind the vaccine. But, yet it continues. And intensifies. I\'m sure there are thousand\'s if not million\'s of people just like me, begging, and praying for God\'s help, in stopping the genocide, and evil intent of the Satanic evil controlling our planet.

I have daily watched, and listened to the Continental Congress, in St. Charels, IL. They are as I type. Fixing to vote on the final resolution, to go to every member of Congress. Then it goes to the net, to get at least 8 million signature\'s. Demanding that DC, and the whole of Congress, to turn to a constitutional Congress.

By the time this get\'s the signature\'s, and get\'s to them. #1. they will not care. #2. It will be to late.

As said by Pastor Lindsey Williams. The only thing they fear is US. US being educated to the truth, and a total rush to DC, to use the lamp poles!!!

Do you think there is any other way to get our country back?
I have always thought, that it would take this to succeed.

The trigger pack's, if they are still in control, will never get through. they have showed us that.

Myself. I think it\'s time to unite, and go for broke. I\'d rather die trying then let this great planet, go into the complete control of the ruling elite. And that is exactly where it\'s going. Tonight at 8 PM. Is the start of the end with the vote on health care.

In Love, and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE Nov. 21, 2009

Dear D:

Your letter surprises me. Apparently, you have not been paying attention! Having spent the "last eight years, searching and digging into every part of this corruption, control and the massive amount of weapons they have to destroy and control us", you have been totally focused on the 3D illusion, trying to find 3D answers to satisfy your 3D equation. How sad!

Do you not know that there is a Divine Plan that supersedes Satan's plan? Do you not know, who created this planet and the people on it? Do you really think the Creator of Goodness will allow His Creations to be trashed by evil? Please pull your head out of the dark and musty archive files of history and turn to the Light.

You are a prime example of the end product of the Darkside's disinformation plan, a "doubting Thomas". They want mind-controlled robots, totally ignorant of the Light of Truth, and not knowing the Light potential that lies within you. You carry within you the answer to all your questions, but neither do you know it or believe it to be so.

Why poke around in all these old file drawers, when the Truth is bursting out all around you? See beyond the 3D illusion, look higher, think higher and see the Divine Plan coming into its fulfillment, right on schedule.

The Darkside wants you mind-controlled, living in fear, running around in panic, collecting guns and bullets and thinking that this will save you. "Oh, ye of little faith!" Your guns are not big enough, my friend. Do you really think the Continental Congress is going to save you? Do you think a million truck loads of "pink slips" will save you? Do you believe a ten million man march on the District of Crooks will save you? I think not!

Creator God Aton of Light has said repeatedly that our only safety is in the Light. Our God Spirit within is our connection to the Light, my friend, and to all the help of Heaven. Go within and connect, and ask for protection and direction. Learn the knowledge of the Light, which brings wisdom and "knowing". Learn how to use your creative power within to neutralize the Darkside's negative energies and evil plans. They have no power against the Light, none!

Great warriors of the Light have been "taking our country back" for years. They are about to declare victory, but how could you know that? You have been too busy running around in panic and fear! Never say "never"! With Creator God, all things are possible! For goodness sakes, He made this place, didn't he? You say the "trigger packs will never get through". How so? "Oh, ye of little faith!"

You want to "unite and go for broke", and die trying? What will you have accomplished? Your own suicide? Then what? That is not how you win a spiritual battle. Evil is "Spirit" and "Light" is "Spirit", so to win you fight with Spirit, with Light, with positive energy, with thought! Who ever thought you could win by thinking? God did! Guess what, He created everything by thought!

So can we! We have His "image". We have His Spirit within. Let us think victory over evil, and ask Heaven for help, and it shall be! Light shall defeat Darkness right on schedule, and according to Heaven's Plan. Think! Yes, everything is fixing to "Explode"---into Light!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

So, Bellringer is a great warrior of the light who's been taking our country back for years. Back to the Dark Ages!
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Disparity of Information

Post by Deep Knight »

Evidence of cracks in the Lord Rama facade too (actually, about half of the normal posters no longer post or are blocked from "Mark Huber GRT Intel" so this may be part of a long trend resulting from Rama and Tara's using their supporters to take a summer vacation to Hawaii).

December 1, 2009

question for Mark. Mother said on conf call that Pres. Obama would not send any more troops to Afghanastan. He did. please clarify.

Thank you.

Mark's Answer:

These ones are not scheduled to go until Christmas which is still 24 days away. While we cannot say absolutely, we do have internal advice that 'other' actions, between now and then, may well preclude their going.

"Follow the Money"

Re: Disparity of Information

Post by bmielke »

Deep Knight wrote:Evidence of cracks in the Lord Rama facade too (actually, about half of the normal posters no longer post or are blocked from "Mark Huber GRT Intel" so this may be part of a long trend resulting from Rama and Tara's using their supporters to take a summer vacation to Hawaii).

December 1, 2009

question for Mark. Mother said on conf call that Pres. Obama would not send any more troops to Afghanastan. He did. please clarify.

Thank you.

Mark's Answer:

These ones are not scheduled to go until Christmas which is still 24 days away. While we cannot say absolutely, we do have internal advice that 'other' actions, between now and then, may well preclude their going.

They gambled and lost oops.