From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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David Merrill

Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by David Merrill »

Deep Knight wrote:Once again we have a drop dead date for the RV. No, not when your mobile home breaks down, but when this Dinar pumper says he's sure it's gonna happen. Just like the time before, and the time before, and the time before. That anyone still gives these "gurus" credibility amazes me ("over 12,060 of the sharpest, most savvy and informed members and growing!")



But then again, the RV-O-Meter says 99.1%, and it was as high as 99.7% a few weeks back, so what caused this huge drop? This is a "confidence level" but they don't say confidence in exactly what (that it will be soon?) but they do say this means "prepare to cash in." This is from The Currency Newshound, I wonder which of the Dinar sellers maintains this site (their server is in Plano TX near Dallas, could it be JR Ewing?)

If he keeps that up, eventually he will be right.

Around Christmas an Iraqi government consultant, formerly FBI was back home for a while when I noticed a fellow running a rifle out to a strange car in the driveway, leaving the front door wide open. Then he ran back into the home, leaving the door open! I thought this guy must be late for the airport when he came back out, running with a suitcase. Well, hurrying to the airport with a rifle doesn't make much sense so I pulled my camera and helped catch him and his partner in over 30 burglaries including the famous one where they stole an old fellow's urn with his wife's ashes...

When he got back in the States I decided to ask the fellow about Revaluation. He wrote a report and gave me a big box of Mid-eastern pastries. When I ran the alleged figures being speculated on by the NESARA crowd etc. he just retorted; No Way! NO WAY! But then he watched as his cousin, with the closet full of dinars found it worthless as Saddam would have killed him as a Suni Kurd for trying to cash in during that Revaluation.

[Link to picture of historical IQD rate document and Dinars removed because Internet Explorer had error after Administrator accessed it. This was a Imageshack image and should have been OK, but...]
Deep Knight
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

David Merrill wrote:If he keeps that up, eventually he will be right.
If you mean taking 3 zeros off the currency, yes. If you mean it being revalued to make windfall profits for those idiots buying them based on this, no.
David Merrill wrote:Around Christmas an Iraqi government consultant, formerly FBI was back home for a while when I noticed a fellow running a rifle out to a strange car in the driveway, leaving the front door wide open. Then he ran back into the home, leaving the door open! I thought this guy must be late for the airport when he came back out, running with a suitcase. Well, hurrying to the airport with a rifle doesn't make much sense so I pulled my camera and helped catch him and his partner in over 30 burglaries including the famous one where they stole an old fellow's urn with his wife's ashes...
A strange story I have a hard time believing. If true, why didn't you call the police during the first robbery? And, if you're talking about the ashes stolen from Bob Herrle in Black Forest, CO, they were found at a church, not because the perps had been caught:
Long after he had given up hope, two months and three days after the break-in, Herrle finally received the call he had been waiting for.

Around 8:30 a.m. on March 11 the Colorado Springs Police Department was notified by someone at the Trinity Church of the Nazarene in Colorado Springs about a box that had been left outside a set of doors at the church.

According to a news release from the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, officers responded and found what appeared to be an urn which resembled the one stolen from Herrle’s house in January. The Colorado Springs Police Officer on the call then contacted a detective with the EPSO to attempt to identify the item. The detective immediately contacted Herrle, and they met at the church where Herrle immediately identified the urn.

“I was really overwhelmed,” Herrle said. “I just couldn’t believe the ashes were returned.”

Already overcome with relief and emotion once Herrle realized what day it was it hit him even harder. March 11 would have been Terry Herrle’s 72nd birthday.

“There is no way they could have known that,” Bob Herrle said. “When I remembered it was her birthday and I had got the ashes back that really hit me. I had given up hope. I never thought I would see them again.”

How the ashes came to be at the church that morning or who returned them, we may never know, but one thing is for certain, they are back where they belong, and Bob Herrle couldn’t be happier.

“I’m just so, so grateful,” he said. “I’m so, so relieved.”
David Merrill wrote:When he got back in the States I decided to ask the fellow about Revaluation. He wrote a report and gave me a big box of Mid-eastern pastries. When I ran the alleged figures being speculated on by the NESARA crowd etc. he just retorted; No Way! NO WAY! But then he watched as his cousin, with the closet full of dinars found it worthless as Saddam would have killed him as a Suni Kurd for trying to cash in during that Revaluation.
Huh? Back in the States from where? Jail? And I don't understand the comment about his cousin at all. As for Mid-eastern pastries from an ash thief, I would worry about what had been used for flour...
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notorial dissent
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Taking anything the random gibberish generator says as anything but total nonsense is the equivalent of becoming for real and true believing dinaridjit. Putting him on ignore will save you a great deal of time and wasted effort. Merrill lives in cloud cuckoo land and thankfully none of us have any direct contact with it other than his delusiary ramblings.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Taking anything the random gibberish generator says as anything but total nonsense is the equivalent of becoming for real and true believing dinaridjit. Putting him on ignore will save you a great deal of time and wasted effort. Merrill lives in cloud cuckoo land and thankfully none of us have any direct contact with it other than his delusiary ramblings.
Yes, this story was hard to follow, but compared with the online Dinar stuff it’s not bad. Excerpts from and comments on MacHaffie’s 10-page post this morning. I’m not sure if he believes in these “soon” predictions or not, he tends to vacillate, perhaps he wants to have it both ways…

Friday, September 23, 2011
Dinar Intel 9-22-11 Thursday

Rumor from Bulldog75- PTR site (Snowbird111 OOMF post)
3:59 PM [abclife123] Bulldog75 I recived a call that that Shabibi is making a television announcement on the RV at 10:30 PM EST. First prayer in Iraq Friday morning. Is this what you are hearing?????

Scotti G and Ghost on OOMC Thursday Night
7:24 PM [scotti g] Either we are witnessing a most masterful game of deception by WHOMEVER or we are really in the sweet spot. Information has flowed most of the day and it is amazing that it lines up like a momma goose and her little ones. I believe there is still activity going on in the background. more coming
7:26 PM [scotti g] I do not know if what we have heard is absolute or something else. I remain totally optimistic that this RV process is unfolding right infront of us and may be realized any minute. I am adamant about that. I do not know if we will see this manifest tonight or tomorrow. I do believe all is done. I do believe that it is unfolding. I wish I could tell you in specific terms exactly what is going on.....I can't

7:26 PM [scotti g] MOre coming7:28 PM
[scotti g] If I told you where the info has come in from over the last 48 hours you would think there is no way that this RV is not we must remain patient a little while longer. I know that is not what any of us want to hear. Do I think it will take days or weeks...NO. Do I believe it will be tomorrow. I truely believe it is very possible and probably more likely than not! I hope this helps a bit.

Okie on OOM saying major announcement in Bagdad after morning prayers

Get Thursday Morning Chat 9/21/11 Historian, Amigomiwest and others (Amigo2west post in GET Forum)
[amigomiwest] nano36 you know.. maybe we need to change geers... what is it with all this positive cra... any way!..
[amigomiwest] lets just be real... I once heard true investors dont wait for dates... they are only interested in the rate... we should learn to live for only the rate so the lack of a date doesnt drive us all crazzzzzzzy!...............
[Historian] amigomiwest That's correct. Investors also watch for the pattern of "stories" around the investment, as well as who the big buyers are and why they are buying.
[Historian] amigomiwest The pattern to watch for is the one that affects global mainstream opinion, not the investors who are just watching Iraq.
[amigomiwest] Historian thats intense... how do you connect with that.. besides limiting time in our sweet chatrooms..?
[Historian] amigomiwest It's already in the news. Easy to hear it without having to search. They are all now talking about the global financial crisis, how there needs to be a global solution. Already the central banks worldwide have come together to talk solutions. Etc... What are they setting up?
[Historian] amigomiwest Exactly. This is the "front story" to the RV. They are not planning to tell the world about what really happened. They will have too many people become angry that they missed the opportunity. So they will tell a story that explains it. And this is it
[Historian] They will not drag this story on forever. Any story only has impact for a limited time. Then the audience gets tired of hearing it and tunes out.
Read More


Tony on PTR saying got tons of good information and we are closer than ever

This is the first time that information has been so out there but not able to confirm even to a majority of probability.
SO WHY DID I SAY THIS IS THE OPTIMISTIC VIEW? IT IS! When intel is flowing like wine and you have several people confirming it based on information that they heard as well, we have found that literally 100% of the time, it has been misinformation.... Tony said yesterday that the quiet was good and folks, let me tell you that it really is!
SO, WHAT DO WE DO? Well, calling Shabibi at home won't work. Flying to Iraq and storming into Maliki's office would probably not be a good idea. Demanding information from the UST isn't going to get you anywhere. So, you do NOTHING and just sit and watch all of this play out.
Many people don't want to bring our Lord into this because it just "isn't cool" and is irresponsible to ask the Lord to intervene. Well, in my house, we do that on a regular, almost hourly basis for every situation, good or bad.
Let us wait and see how today goes. I do (IMO) believe we are in the month still. I do believe that all of this is going to pay off. But, I think someway, they want this to be a surprise. So go out of this mentally and come back in and pretend to be surprised!

[Spartan81] everyone we are at the end i have not felt this good about the rv ever!!!!!!!!!!!
[bboscana] WONDERFUL!
[Spartan81] SkyNinja yes i do not have it but my freinds has it saved
[rovergirl1] Spartan>> what makes you so sure, haven't we heard that sooo many times
[SkyNinja] Spartan81 i have a three translators that i would like to have look at it.. if i email you my email address will you send it to me?
[Spartan81] Laura i am 99% we are done this month..........
[Titan1] Me too!!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:36 AM


Anonymous said...
NEXT YEAR .. this will NOT happen during an election.
September 23, 2011 7:15 AM

[Um... next year IS when the US has an election, unless Anonymous is talking about Iraq, which had elections in 2010 and will again, I believe, in 2015.]

Anonymous said...
September 23, 2011 7:34 AM

Anonymous said...
September 23, 2011 7:35 AM

[My thoughts on how much longer involve comparisons to hell freezing over pigs flying.]
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notorial dissent
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

The difference being that we know that MacHaffie is a pandering opportunistic moron of the first water. Which becomes even more obvious if you read any of his stuff for any length of time.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie is All Dinar recently - apparently he believes that Okie and the gurus are finally onto something.

BLESSING DELIVERIES IS STARTING ----------------------------------Finally!

Payouts will start paying out next week as the corrupt bad hombres cannot delay this any longer.
Initial Payouts/Deliveries are from the OPC dinar funding consortium to be followed by PP deliveries shortly thereafter.

This refers to the deliveries of Blessings from OPC - which results from cashing in of the Dinars after the R/V. Remember Buy Low - Sell High?

This is not from the PP distributions which has been blocked and blocked by the Bush Cabal.
Those OPC staff receiving funds will not be identified but the overall status shall be addressed by the quantity of 'Angels' (for example) receiving funds.

Those receiving Blessings shall be itemized by the quantity in a group and his/her individual board number.

This information will also be posted in the Deliveries and OPC Skype Rooms. Look up status will be also be provided in the blogs.

This has been a long frustrating wait for us all. In my personal estimation, we are about 12 months behind and OPC will be busy trying to catch up.

We all should now realize how corrupt these bad hombres are --- to delay these blessings this long!

May Our LOVING LORD Bless You and Yours in the very near future.

John MacHaffie --- HIS Humble Servant
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:21 PM


Anonymous said...
Cut back on the CRAK.
There has been NO official word on this and you cannot possibly know when deliveries will start.

September 23, 2011 4:27 PM

Anonymous said...
May the king of the universe bless the works of your hands JM. God bless!
September 23, 2011 4:32 PM

John MacHaffie said...
To respond in proper protocol to anon 4:27
Hey Bubba --- if you now how to read ---- we have been saying OPC WILL be funded by Dinars being cashed in initially. ------ to be followed by PP shortly after. We have the Needs folks identified and ready for deliveries of there blessings from the OPC program. And where was this posted --- in the OPC blog. Geeeee - is there a connection.
PS I don't and have not taken drugs or whatever. I am HIGH on Our LOVING LORD!

September 23, 2011 5:58 PM

Bob S said...
Let's hope that this will take place next week. It's been a long ride and the well is drying up. It's in God's hands. I will keep the faith no matter how long it takes. I can't wait to play Santa Claus with my blessings. Go RV
September 23, 2011 6:16 PM

Anonymous said...
September 23, 2011 6:25 PM

Anonymous said...
Deliveries were ongoing during the Super Bowl five years ago too.
FROM POOF >> "The trust has been open waiting for the go....all we need indeed the world needs is for the rvs to go thru. Not just iraq...139 countries. If that happened today as was scheduled, then the drops can start."
There has been no rv as yet anywhere in the world.
September 23, 2011 6:53 PM

John MacHaffie said...
to anon 6:53 --- you got the same problem as Bubba!
I am talking about OPC deliveries of Dinar Funded blessings. Not PP at this time.
September 23, 2011 7:23 PM

Anonymous said...
Good job reporting John M; I've followed your posting on the RV for many months now and glad to hear about the OPC. One has to wonder, though, how the PP will be distributed to the masses of the world, like what will they use as a distribution list and medium of exchange like gold and silver and will it be safe and secure transaction from greedy governments. Come on man, can you imagine everyone walking around with $10,000 in their pockets, the greed factor and thefts alone, and the chaos on the streets in every country??? I don't know if it's true but hey when your at the bottom everything looks like up to me!!!
September 23, 2011 7:44 PM

Anonymous said...
Is this the silence before the attack?
Governments around the world on "vacations" next week?(4th week of September 2011)
I guess something is going on. I hope so.
Sending light and good energy to white hats, whosoever you are!
Thanks for everything you are doing for your brothers and sisters!
September 23, 2011 11:10 PM

Anonymous said...
When will this take place. I do trust God, he said Faith something we hopeful . And. By evident not seen, so if it trust Praise the God, by how it come.Amen
September 23, 2011 11:14 PM

Yep, MacHaffie is down wit' OPC (Yeah, you know me).

Search on "OP COMPASSION OPC Services LLC" - MacHaffie's alt. site. He doesn't say exactly what it means, but one possibility is "OutPatient Clinic."

Saturday, September 24, 2011
How does this Dinar RV Work?
This is very basic to allow anyone to grasp this concept.

Dinar is now valued at 1 IQD = .00085631 USD

After RV perhaps tomorrow (speculation)

1 Iraq Dinar IQD = $7.00 (maybe lower or higher - speculation)

Rate of return --------- you do the math!

To be an instant millionaire USD - you need roughly 8,100 Dinars

At a cost of roughly $7.00 USD

Unbelievable - No Way - This is a Heavenly Blessing from Your Loving LORD
Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:42 AM 0 comments

OK, I'll do the math. From $0.00085631 to $7.00 is an increase by a factor of 8,175 or 817,461%. And if you have 8,100 dinars (which you couldn't buy easily, the most equivalent deal I can find in a single 10K Dinar note on E-Bay for $19.99 with free shipping) you would get $56,700 which even "roughly" is a long ways from being an "instant millionaire" ($81,000 for your 20-bucks-on-E-Bay 10K Dinar note). If I were a Dinar investor I would feel cheated!

Unless, of course, they quickly cash in and run to some Dinar salesman who hadn't gotten the word yet, convert this into 66.2 million Dinars at the old rate, and then go cash those in they would get $463 million USD! Enough to make them and 462 of their closest friends millionaires, unless the greedy government takes the 15% tax these folks on the Dinar boards have floated and are so angry about, in which case it would only fund 393 of those friends. Bastards.

If they could run really, really fast and "roll" this again, we're talking $3.8 trillion dollars, but with all that cash in tow, I doubt they could run that fast.

Then again, I suspect that if any of these guys actually got their hands on 50,000 dollars, or for that matter millions, they wouldn't be parting with it to anyone but car salesmen and hookers. And it if was a massive number of people, as the Dinaridjits suggest, those hookers would go from charging hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars (the invisible hand of the free market) and the soon-broke MacHaffie, Okie and Bulldog would barely have enough left over to buy a cup of coffee (which would cost at least a thousand dollars, probably 10 times that at Starbucks).

Go RV!
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »


What does OPC stand for ? OLE or OPEN ?
OPC Foundation Message Board Forum Index -> Miscellaneous

Author jim cai Guest
PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:37 pm


As we know for the OPC documentation, OPC stands for OLE for Process Control. But looking around as OPC is getting popular, I notice that OPC also stands for Open Process Control. By searching "Open Process Control" in google, OPC foundation will be in the list too.

So what is "right" one ? Although, this is not really critical. But it will be really nice for OPC foundation clarify this.



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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:00 pm

At this time OPC is just 'OPC'. No official expansion of the acronym exists anymore.


And as far as "Down wit' OPC (Yeah, you know MacHaffie)" goes...
Wikipedia wrote:"O.P.P." is a 1991 song recorded by rap group Naughty by Nature. The song made it to the U.S. Top Ten (peaking at #6), propelling their self titled album Naughty by Nature to platinum status. The song's declaration "Down Wit' OPP" was a popular catchphrase in the U.S. in the early-'90s. Its beat is sampled from Melvin Bliss' "Synthetic Substitution", with instrumentation samples from Jackson 5's "ABC" in which Alphonzo Mizell, Freddie Perren, Deke Richards, and Berry Gordy Jr. got a writing credit for the song. It was a hugely successful single, as Allmusic described "There was not a bigger, more contagious crossover radio smash in the autumn of 1991 than Naughty by Nature's ‘O.P.P.'"

The song was one of the first rap songs to become a pop hit when it reached number 6 in the U.S. and number 35 in the UK in 1991. MTV picked up on its video, and it got heavy airplay on Yo! MTV Raps that year, inspiring a remake of the song as "Down Wit' MTV."

The title is an acronym for "other people's pussy" and "other people's penis"; when the song asks if the listener is "down with O.P.P.", it is asking if he/she is willing to have sexual intercourse with a person who is known to already have a significant other. Lead rapper Treach coyly obscures the meaning of the second "P" (which is meant to refer to either "pussy" or "penis") using euphemisms throughout the song saying – instead of pussy – that it is "another way to call a cat a kitten" or – instead of penis – a "five-letter word rhyming with cleanest or meanest." In the lyrics following, the rap defines the third "P" as "property" to "do it sorta properly."

Treach was inspired to write the lyrics by a neighborhood dealer who used to move in on other dealers' territories and say he was "Down With O.P.M. – Other People's Money."
That's the problem, the Bush Cabal, Obama & friends are down wit' OPPP, Other People's Prosperity Payments!
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Deep Knight »

He's down wit' OPC
(yeah, you know MacHaffie)
Waiting for the RV
(and then deliv'ry of his PP)
Bust it!

Saturday, September 24, 2011
This posting pertains to the Deliveries Process.

Some are confused with the terminology of "DELIVERIES" from Casper's continuous fables of packets here and there. Whatever - that is his delusion, not ours.

Nor will we consider the many rumors which we all have fooled by of PP Deliveries happening. Why do you think the intel reports were pulled, The characters promoting this are building some bad Karma. And to those 'self-claimed' trustees who work for the Federal Reserve & the Bush Cabal that have been blocking this for ages - Karma is a bitch.

PP deliveries are still being blocked and blocked by the dark cabal.

Our definition of a DELIVERY

If you receive an email notifications of a wire deposit into your account or a Cashiers Check being sent to you. --- This is what OPC considers as a DELIVERY. The OPC have already confirmed delivery information on many of the prospective recipients.

OPC has thousands on the NEEDS lists and it will take time for the processing. Cash In Funds comes in from Dinars --- OUT THEY GO to the Needy ones - ASAP!

The prior method of waiting for PP donations has been held by the Bush Cabal so Our LOVING LORD provided another method of getting blessings out.

When the Dinar RV - we are moving!

It may take several weeks for all this processing until the relief arrives at your doorstep. I will be keeping you all informed as the distribution happens.

OPC team of angels have been doing this for a long time 'without pay' to get us ready for the Wave of Blessings headed your way

May Our LOVING LORD Bless You and Yours,

John MacHaffie
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:00 AM
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:MacHaffie is All Dinar recently - apparently he believes that Okie and the gurus are finally onto something.
Well, certainly ON something at the very least.
oakie dokie and other dinaridjit gurus wrote:yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah
Copy and repeat as necessary, has same factual value as all the rest of their postings and takes up a whole lot less space, just change the date and it's current.

So the OPC, whatever that is, is now going to be funded by dinars. Boy that and $3 might get you a Starbucks at this rate, and probably a whole lot sooner than that is likely to take place.

I'm impressed, they got one factoid right, "1 IQD = .00085631 USD", but then the go totally off in the weeds when it comes to the real math, and let's not even get in to the reality part.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:He's down wit' OPC
(yeah, you know MacHaffie)

...that is his delusion, not ours.

Yeah, our delusion is a completely different one...... :snooty:
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

About two hours ago, I was at a currency exchange kiosk in Boston, realizing a small (two-figure) profit on some excess foreign currency. When I arrived at the kiosk, there was a guy in front of me, who appeared to be in at least his mid-thirties. He was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt that looked as if it might have last seen a washing machine when the remnants of Hurricane Irene passed through the area, and his jeans didn't look much better.

The guy was there to buy Iraqi dinars -- to the tune of 7,200,000 of them. After he paid cash for his purchase, the woman helping him asked him to step around to the side of the kiosk to count everything; and her colleague waited on me. As she processed my transaction, I peeked at the "Iraqi Currency Disclosure Notice" that the guy had signed; and had the guy not still been there I might have asked if I could have a sample copy. The agreement said that the purchase of Iraqi dinars was suitable only for those about to travel to Iraq or were associated with someone who was, and that there was no guarantee that the value of the dinars would rise or fall, through governmental action or any other influence, and warned against speculation in dinars.

As I left, after completing my transaction, I slipped my clerk a link to this site....
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:About two hours ago, I was at a currency exchange kiosk in Boston, realizing a small (two-figure) profit on some excess foreign currency. When I arrived at the kiosk, there was a guy in front of me, who appeared to be in at least his mid-thirties. He was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt that looked as if it might have last seen a washing machine when the remnants of Hurricane Irene passed through the area, and his jeans didn't look much better.

The guy was there to buy Iraqi dinars -- to the tune of 7,200,000 of them. After he paid cash for his purchase, the woman helping him asked him to step around to the side of the kiosk to count everything; and her colleague waited on me. As she processed my transaction, I peeked at the "Iraqi Currency Disclosure Notice" that the guy had signed; and had the guy not still been there I might have asked if I could have a sample copy. The agreement said that the purchase of Iraqi dinars was suitable only for those about to travel to Iraq or were associated with someone who was, and that there was no guarantee that the value of the dinars would rise or fall, through governmental action or any other influence, and warned against speculation in dinars.

As I left, after completing my transaction, I slipped my clerk a link to this site....

That's just all part of the disinfo plan to keep the little guy from getting rich on this, this investment was suspposed to be just for us rich illuminati types, but someone found out about it and let the peons and serfs know.


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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I just used a currency converter to find out that 7.2 million Iraqi dinars would cost a buyer well north of USD $6,000.

Ouch. I sure hope that the guy I saw is going over to the sandbox, or knows someone who is....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazing!! I had thought all of the banks and whatnot had quit handling dinars altogether at this point. There isn't anything locally here anymore at all, even the biggest bank locally never had them, I couldn't even get a conversion rate from them, so I figured that the legit sources had pretty well dried up after they got reminded of the investment provision. I just have a real hard time convincing myself that anyone would ever need to buy "7.2 million Iraqi dinars", why would any sane person want to walk around with that much useless paper in a basket. Even in the big bills that they are dealing in that is still a lot of paper to lug around, or more importantly get stuck with eventually.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by texino »

Most likely someone going to Iraq for contract work.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Why ever for?

If you are actually going to be in any country for any length of time, you are better off using a card, any card to make your purchases, and getting what little spending money for tips etc at the local exchange. This is just silly. Otherwise the exchange fees and hazards of carrying cash will eat you alive.

As I said, there is no sane reason to be purchasing that much foreign currency for any reason, and bringing that much in through customs would set off all sorts of bells you don't want, so sorry, that dog don't hunt.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by texino »

The agreement said that the purchase of Iraqi dinars was suitable only for those about to travel to Iraq or were associated with someone who was
ND makes very good points! Still I don't think bringing 6K (in real value) would be an issue with customs

Of course, I may totally wrong, and I can live with that----)
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Most of the currency was in 25,000 Dinar notes, so that each bundle of 50 contained 1.25 million dinars.
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by Gregg »

texino wrote:Most likely someone going to Iraq for contract work.

Well, not exactly. In Iraq the most commonly used currency is...

wait for it.....

US Dollars.

So, tell me again, why would someone need to convert Dollars to Dinar???
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Re: From Thin Air - New Dinar RV Thread

Post by notorial dissent »

Again, as I said, the only reason to buy local currency in this day and age, unless you are going to the back of the beyond is for tips and small impulse buys. Otherwise, pay in dollars or use a card.
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