MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

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MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

Given this guy's record of accuracy, the Obama people should be jumping up and down with joy. Why the White House has him working inside it is beyond me.

Saturday, November 3, 2012
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER – Tuesday Election Break Down – How Romney Wins

A longtime D.C. political operative sends this outline of how Mitt Romney wins Tuesday to become the next President of the United States.
(Insider is certain Mitt Romney will be circling at least 300 electoral votes on Election Night )
Insider: My work is all but done, so now just like you and a whole lot of others, I’m going into watch and wait mode. That said, here’s how I see Tuesday’s vote playing out based on acombination of first person knowledge of the ground game, a hell of a lot of experience, and just plain old gut feeling. You asked for a break down of my thoughts, so here it is. Going tofocus on the swing states and a that surprise win for the governor I told you about before.

[An analysis that's basically - "Romney win's 'em all 'cause the polls are biased." It's all that just-under-the-surface rage generated from his previous widely-read insider reports, don't cha know.]

My #s right now, with all the data I’ve compiled, all my experience, and that gut feeling I told you about, has the governor circling about 300 electorals on Tuesday with the chance for a bit more than that if trending really pops for us in the final 48 like we saw happen for Reagan back in ’80.

Now try and enjoy the weekend. Actually, I’ll end with this and I really mean it here. Know I’ve said it already but want to repeat it. If Barack Obama is re-elected on Tuesday they stole it. There is no way my straight up #s are that off. They will have stolen this election. Buried votes, multiple counts, all of that will have been done and to such a degree they risk exposure. But they might be willing to risk it. Ok, that probably doesn’t leave you in the right frame of mind to enjoy your weekend but wanted to say it again. Don’t underestimate the Romney team here though. They have been notified multiple times about this stuff and have the resources to make that kind of stealing much more difficult than previous elections. So while it’s a concern, it’s not something I’m losing sleep over. Not that I sleep much anyways these days.

How about by around 10:00 on Tuesday the drinks are on me? I’m more sure than not you’ll be in the mood for some celebration.

That’s my call.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:18 AM

"Tofocus?" Isn't that one of those terrible "Ice Creams" made from tofu and soy products? And isn't Romney also a member of the gang of 200, the Bilderburgers, the Baconcheeseburgers, Bohemian Grove, Federal Reserve, and Skull and Bones? I smell Illuminati, and where there's the stink of Illuminati you know your not far from the stench of the New World Order! No wait, that's me. Gotta lay off the pinto bean flavored tofocus.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Olsenfin »

Wishful thinking is not evidence - even, perhaps especially, when it comes from a self-described "White House insider".
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

Although every poll comes back with slightly different figures, the general trend is that the Presidential race is too close to call. Last minute developments may turn the tide unpredictably.

Ultimately it depends of who bothers to vote, and that may involve issues like long, slow voting lines, and bad weather.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Although every poll comes back with slightly different figures, the general trend is that the Presidential race is too close to call. Last minute developments may turn the tide unpredictably.

Ultimately it depends of who bothers to vote, and that may involve issues like long, slow voting lines, and bad weather.
Popular vote, yes. Electoral vote, no (well, if you believe the polls aren't biased, which those for whom the polls look bad always do). There is always a chance President Obama will lose the popular vote but win the electoral, which I personally would find amusing to watch after 2000. But, barring a sudden turnaround in Ohio, the polls definitely don't look like this "White House Insider" says they do.

Besides, we here at Illuminati central are stuffing the ballot boxes 24/7 for our guy. Unfortunately, given that both are new world order puppets, I'm not exactly sure if that's Romney or Obama, but whichever it is, THE FIX IS IN!
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by LightinDarkness »

As someone who is getting their PhD in policy I get the "political science scholarly consensus" just about every day...and for about a year the unanimous consensus has been Barack Obama will win the electoral college and it won't even be close. The only thing that has changed is that, before the first debate, Romney virtually had no chance. After the first debate, his chances of winning went from "not possible" (~1%) to "within the realm of possibility but highly unlikely" (~20%). Its no surprising that a fruitcake source would ignore all of the data though (and this is a data issue, not a political issue - you don't have to be a Obama supporter to acknowledge hes almost guaranteed to win with a ~80% or so chance).

The reason why the media acts like either could win is because thats far more entertaining than the truth and because, at least in terms of popular vote, its true (as DK said, the overall popular vote is close). Also, by acting like either person could win the media will avoid allegations and lawsuits over suppressing voter turnout by proclaiming someone will almost certainly win the electoral college. The truth may be your vote doesn't matter unless your in a swing state, and only then in a few (like Ohio), but that is not a pro-civic duty narrative.

I sort of hate to be so negative about the democratic process because unfortunately conspiracy kooks also say some of this stuff (although their reasoning is wrong and not backed by the evidence, whereas I can site reasons for all this that is backed by the academic literature). I still think people should vote though - which goes against the conspiracy kooks. The truth is while your vote may not matter for President, it doesn't really matter because the people with the most influence over your daily life are local government officials (council positions, mayors, county commissioners, state senate/reps.) - and its important people know who they are and vote for them. the US...almost everyone knows who is running for President but 95% of the population can't tell you who their town council person is or what their position is on development.

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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

This is not a political post about the election, but a prediction. I predict that White House Insider and John "Duke" MacHaffie, will never address, much less admit they were wrong about, their inside information and predictions. But they will give plenty of space to any claim, no matter how specious, about the election being stolen.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
'2012 Scenario, 11-07-12… “Obama 44 Wins with 44 Days to Go!”'

(Thanks, B. :)
Reader B. sends us this item from Kauilapele's Blog that originates with Steve Beckow:
From 2012 Scenario, 11-07-12… “Obama 44 Wins with 44 Days to Go!”
by kauilapele
This article from Steve Beckow outlines a few of the points why many of us believe Obama "needed" to be re-elected. This is something I view from a Galactic perspective, rather than solely an earth, or U.S. political type perspective. I don't say I align with everything Steve writes here, but I do feel that what SaLusa, Matthew, et al, have written about Obama's purpose in the overall scheme, is right on.
Obama 44 Wins with 44 Days to Go!
by Steve Beckow
[Election results. Bla bla bla.]
It’s impossible for me to give a standard political analysis, discussing what may happen in the next four years, etc., because we know that matters will change irreversibly and for the better in only six more weeks. The 44th President of the United States has been re-elected only 44 days away from Ascension [December 21].
[Election analysis. Bla bla bla.]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:52 AM

I was wrong, it seems that MacHaffie can change his stripes if the conspiracy is loony enough. But most of his readers weren't fooled.

Does anyone know which families are the elite dung beetle ones? One would think that if they were so elite, they could come up with a better name for themselves.


1. Anonymous November 7, 2012 5:31 AM
what in the hell are the american people doing to stand for this outrage,this election was a fraud and you all know it.also this man is a kenyan.are you all just going to stand there and accept it,because if you do then america will die a little bit more each day untill ther is nothing left.because you are all at the mercy of the DUNG BEETLE FAMILIES ELITE, and they are the ROCKERFELLERS and THE ROTHSCHILDS who are the real controllers,so say goodbye to freedom.i am a UK CITIZEN and i am ashamed to be so,but you americans have no shame,so i can only pity you.

2. Anonymous November 7, 2012 5:50 AM

Erasmus? 'zat you?

3. Christian Lightworker November 7, 2012 5:55 AM
Oh my God! There are tanks in the streets and martial law has been declared! The election you just voted in was delayed and everyone's rioting! Erasmus, please save us with more of your fear porn! I'm not scared enough!

4. Anonymous November 7, 2012 6:07 AM
i am going to apologise for the rigged election that all of you should have seen coming,and this creature from kenya i cannot even call him president,he is just plain BARRY SOTERO THE IMPOSTER,i often wonder when anything was ever straight in america,how long has it been a dishonerable country.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

It is my hope that, now that the circus has folded its tents and left town, we can now get back to the usual freak show.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

Let the conspiracy theories begin!

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney

WASHINGTON, DC – Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in several states and brought a victory for Governor Mitt Romney.

Officials say the ballots were delivered late due to problems within the military mail system. Tracking invoices show the ballots sat in a warehouse for a month, then they were accidentally labeled as ammunition and shipped to Afghanistan. At Camp Dwyer, Marine Sergeant John Davis signed for them and was surprised at the contents.

“I told Gunny we got a bunch of ballots instead of ammo,” Davis told investigators earlier today. “He told me to file a report of improper delivery and that the chain of command would take care of it. We didn’t hear anything for three weeks. While we were waiting we came under fire so we dumped a bunch of them in the Hescoes. We didn’t dig those ones back out.”

After military officials realized the initial error, the ballots were then sent back to the U.S. but suffered a series of setbacks.

Twelve boxes of ballots were dropped overboard during delivery to the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) in the Persian Gulf, then while the ship sailed to Bahrain, postal clerks allegedly pocketed whatever ballots they wanted.

The remaining absentee ballots were loaded onto a C-130, but the flight was delayed until November 1st so the crew could get tax free pay for the month. Once the ballots arrived stateside they were promptly mailed to each state’s counting facility, reaching their final destination on November 7th.

“It’s a shame,” Rear Admiral John Dawes said when asked for comment. “I expected a delay so I ordered that everyone cast their votes eight months ago. It’s really unfortunate that our mail system failed us and directly affected the course of history.”

Upon hearing the news, angry Republicans have begun a demand for a recount, but most military absentee voters have shrugged off the news, with many wondering whether the care packages their families sent six months ago were ever going to show up.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:04 PM


Anonymous November 8, 2012 12:55 PM
What can you say about this DISGUSTING travesty, except that NOBODY, either military or either party, wanted the military votes. I hope the military men REMEMBER who is to blame for this when those SAME OFFICIALS WHO DENIED THEM THEIR VOTE asked them to fire on their fellow Americans.

Anonymous November 8, 2012 1:27 PM
Problems with the military mail system? How convenient. Looks like the BS is beginning to stack up, but no matter, the sheeple don't know any different.

Anonymous November 8, 2012 2:48 PM
Sorry, I call BS on this miserable excuse. If this did happen it was intentional.

This is from a parody site called "The Duffel Blog" which says right on it's postings:
The Duffel Blog serves the men and women of the US Military with a daily dose of military humor, funny military pictures, and faux news. We take an interesting and funny look at military life. We focus on veterans, military stories, defense, politics (sometimes) and life on base — with a comedic twist. We are in no way, shape, or form, a real news outlet. Just about everything on this website is satirical in nature.
Besides, the following should have been clues: 1) non existent officer, Rear Admiral John Dawes 2) the "vote 8 months ago" comment, and 3) Orly Taitz thought it was true.
Orly falls victim to spoof site
November 8, 2012

So gullible


Orly is getting all excited


Yes, Orly please go ahead and look foolish in court one last time.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by AndyK »

Pathetic parody.

Blatant copy of the Light Workers explanation of what happened to the 97 begrillion dollars -- in gold.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

The Duffel is a put-on, not authentic news:

It being two days after the Election, I begin to suspect that MacHaffie's insider was ill-informed.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by ashlynne39 »

fortinbras wrote:The Duffel is a put-on, not authentic news:

It being two days after the Election, I begin to suspect that MacHaffie's insider was ill-informed.

Clearly the insider was wrong because if I recall Ron paul is going to be the ultimateb victor here. Doesn't Obama only have about 44 more days in office before Paul takes over?

Speaking of the freak show . . . Good news out of the election is that we've got 4 more years of Orly. Not that I was convinced she was going away anyway.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

Orly has announced, immediately after the election, that she is not filing any new birfer lawsuits .... unless her fans subsidize her handsomely.

She will ride the toboggan of her pending suits to the expected crash, and then, apparently, cease to trouble us.

I like to think this will be the end of the birfer craziness and maybe also of the Mad Tea Party .... but I could not be so lucky.
notorial dissent
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by notorial dissent »

The fact that McHalfwit's Whitehouse insider, is hiding in a janitor's closet in the sub sub basement might explain the general lack of accuracy since that is as close as he ever got to anything of importance, that and that McHalfwit just plain hasn't got a clue, and will believe anything someone tells him, as long as it agrees with his current fantasy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Orly has announced, immediately after the election, that she is not filing any new birfer lawsuits .... unless her fans subsidize her handsomely.

She will ride the toboggan of her pending suits to the expected crash, and then, apparently, cease to trouble us.

I like to think this will be the end of the birfer craziness and maybe also of the Mad Tea Party .... but I could not be so lucky.
In Orly's defense, she doesn't say anything about money in the post. Do I believe that she would continue her quest if given money, or even that she's playing coy to get begged for it and given money afterwards - sure thing.

Oops, I came to Orly's defense. I feel somehow ... dirty. Like when-you-have-such-a-bad-social-disease-that-at-the-hospital-they-won't-come-near-you-unless-they're-fully-gowned dirty. Not that I know anything about that myself, but I bet Orly does.

notorial dissent wrote:The fact that McHalfwit's Whitehouse insider, is hiding in a janitor's closet in the sub sub basement might explain the general lack of accuracy since that is as close as he ever got to anything of importance, that and that McHalfwit just plain hasn't got a clue, and will believe anything someone tells him, as long as it agrees with his current fantasy.
Some of MacHaffie's best intel comes from stranger places. Most from the same place the sources are afraid aliens will probe them. I expect that his anger at that "foreign born impostor with the wrong prefix on his social security number" will keep him posting OutHouse Insider for years to come.
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notorial dissent
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:In Orly's defense, she doesn't say anything about money in the post. Do I believe that she would continue her quest if given money, or even that she's playing coy to get begged for it and given money afterwards - sure thing.

Oops, I came to Orly's defense. I feel somehow ... dirty. Like when-you-have-such-a-bad-social-disease-that-at-the-hospital-they-won't-come-near-you-unless-they're-fully-gowned dirty. Not that I know anything about that myself, but I bet Orly does.

You need to lay in the brain scrub if you are going to keep dealing with Squirrely, I mean really?!!!! Although, I think you are right, if the rubes will keep ponying up, I suspect she will continue with her dog and pony show, at least until the sanctions reach the point where their piggy banks can't afford it anymore, and I think that time is fast coming.

Some of MacHaffie's best intel comes from stranger places. Most from the same place the sources are afraid aliens will probe them. I expect that his anger at that "foreign born impostor with the wrong prefix on his social security number" will keep him posting OutHouse Insider for years to come.
Too true, too true!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by Deep Knight »


MacHaffie doubles, no triples, no quadruples down on the stupid! First, he get's informed the story is a fake:

Wet Cthuthu November 8, 2012 3:56 PM

LOL! This came from the Duffle Blog which is a parody site with faux news.

Here's their front page that explains that they're a spoof site and their news isn't true.

Anonymous November 8, 2012 4:01 PM

It is BS. The duffelblog is like the Onion for military. Check the about page at the duffelblog if you dummies don't believe me.
But less than a hour later posts the following:

Open Letter To Allen West


Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would
Ben and Ya’All
We know that ‘O’ was doing everything possible to prevent the Active Military from casting there votes according to the standing S.O.P. So we need to call for his arraignment for felony crimes regarding this criminal manipulation of the lawful domestic election process, and, as Commander and Chief, he also deserves a Military Court Martial for conduct unbecoming an officer ,and ,or, possibly treason committed by a standing officer in the military, denying the active military their voting rights, on more than several occasions. IT IS TIME TO BRING THIS IMPOSTOR-DICTATOR – MANCHURIAN SHILL,, NOT BY JUST IMPEACHMENT BUT, INCARCERATION. WE MUST SEEK TO MEET OUT THE COURSES OF JUSTICE, WHICH ARE CLEARLY APPROPRIATE.
[Link to Duffle Bag article copied on MacHaffie's site removed.]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:44 PM 0 comments

But not before he put up Erasmus 3 minutes before (don't hide, I won't make you read more than the 3-line title).


That evidence is tight alright. Then at 4:52 he copied the same fake article again, this time with a The Rumor Mill News Reading Room header just to make it different and likely a second-source confirmation.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I wish the Watley Review was stillpublishing. That would be a terrific source for a lot of these folks who seem to have let their brains go for a long walk off of a short pier.
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
notorial dissent
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Update!

MacHaffie doubles, no triples, no quadruples down on the stupid!

And in other news, water is wet!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: MacHaffie's White House Insider Calls It for Romney!

Post by fortinbras »

The Republicans (plus Fox and others) are now claiming that Romney lost ONLY because of the Hurricane, that somehow the Hurricane impeded Romney's "momentum". However this momentum was invisible to most pre-storm polls and Romney still lost along the Pacific coast, which was untouched and unconcerned about the Hurricane.

What is very significant is that exit polls showed that Obama was doing disproportionately well with women voters; Republicans who lost the overall vote lost the women's vote by an even greater margin, Republicans who won with the overall vote almost always squeaked through on the men's vote because the women's vote went against them. Even Republican women candidates such as Linda McMahan in Conn., who was soundly rejected by everyone and worse by women voters (and her posters that showed her WITH OBAMA, as if she were running in his party, didn't help).

Moderator's Note - This post was reported as being a bit too political and off topic. I figure it's my fault since I started this thread and it would be ripe for rancor after the election. But please try and keep the focus on crazy people and scam artists, just not the ones leading the major political parties. Thank you!