Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos


Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by stija »

1. These are your forums.
2. You have EVERY right to ban me or banish me.
3. If you do, it would be fair to either:
a) erase all of my comments, or
b) leave them as they are
4. Anything else, is unfair, but as I've stated in 1., these are your forums.
5. This is my last post.
6. Good luck, the world is a dangerous place, especially so for fools that have a brain but don't use it.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by webhick »

stija wrote:2. You have EVERY right to ban me or banish me.
3. If you do, it would be fair to either:
a) erase all of my comments, or
b) leave them as they are
We already leave them as they are. :roll: This will especially useful if your deeds ever catch up to you and the prosecutor figures out that you were posting here.
5. This is my last post.
I believe you've made similar threats in the past and didn't follow through. But this time we're holding you to it. Kiss the ban-hammer, sweetie.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by JamesVincent »

webhick wrote: Kiss the ban-hammer, sweetie.
You just made my otherwise miserable day. Thank you Web.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Famspear »

stija wrote:.....the world is a dangerous place, especially so for fools that have a brain but don't use it.
That should be stija's creed.
In every utterance a speaker or writer unknowingly tells us a great deal about himself of which he is entirely unaware.
--Walter C. Langer, The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report, p. 147 (Basic Books Inc. 1972).

From "Duke2Earl":
The actual fact is tax denial is usually a symptom, not a disease in itself. Tax deniers are usually people that have a whole panopy of other issues with their relationship to society and especially authority. And the reason why they can't be treated is because it is usually not effective to treat a symptom apart from the disease. There are exceptions, of course, people who have been led astray on this one issue but they are the minority... and they often do see the light. But for most tax deniers, tax denial is only a single manifestation of a much larger problem.
--from Duke2Earl in the Quatloos forum on Sept. 8, 2010, at:

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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I had hoped that, as Duke2Earl said, a time-out might make stija more civil; but he came back every bit as deranged as he had always been. You know that someone is seriously unhinged when they make you long for the days when David Merrill was a regular poster here. I'm sorry to see anyone smacked with the ban hammer; but in stija's case it was absolutely necessary to keep him from hijacking every thread with his nonsense (and starting others of his own).

I'm sure that Saving to Suitors will welcome him with open arms.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Duke2Earl »

It surprises me no end that very occasionally I actually say something that makes some sense. I think the very sporadic fits of clarity are mostly a manifestation of being old. In this case, I said something 3 years ago that seemed rational. Once in 3 years is pretty good. It's more than my better half will usually give me credit for.

In any event, based on my experience, people like Stija simply cannot be cured. They are the ultimate true believers. When I first got into jousting with Tax Deniers, I mainly thought they were simple crooks, motivated by greed. Thieves usually know that they are breaking the law but they don't care and/or think they can get away with it. I have come to believe that for many tax deniers something very different is at work. They are not simple thieves. Their tax denying is really a manifestation or symptom of something far deeper. They have chosen to not be a part of our society. They claim to love this country but seeming hate everything about it. They claim to know the law, but claim the right to decide what the law means and how it applies for themselves. They seem to believe that this country was founded on the principles of anarchy and every man for themselves.... except, that is, when it doesn't work out the way they think it should. I am afraid I do not understand history in that way.

In large part, they are indeed fortunate to be in this country. Many places on earth would be far less tolerant. As long as they keep their heads down and reasonably quiet no one will bother them. If they don't make too much the IRS seldom notices them. If they don't make too much fuss local law enforcement usually doesn't notice either. What they can't seem to get is if they do get noticed... because they are all over the internet, or they try to sell their no tax plans, or get picked up for driving without a license... etc. etc... it seldom goes well for them. And it's all because we are sheep, we are corrupt, we are stupid......

I can't really explain it. For the vast, vast, majority of us, getting and holding a job, raising a family, just making it through life as best we can is more than enough for us. We don't need to pick a fight with society and the government. But there is some small percentage that inexplicably have to go Don Quixote on us all and tilt at the windmills. And judging by Cervantes this is hardly a new phenomenon.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by webhick »

To be perfectly honest, for a split second I felt like adding a word censor to the forum which replaced communist with fluffy bunny.


Really takes the wind out of a rant.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:To be perfectly honest, for a split second I felt like adding a word censor to the forum which replaced communist with fluffy bunny.


Really takes the wind out of a rant.
Not.... not THIS bunny, I hope!

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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Kestrel »

Thanks, Webhick!

Since you banned him instead of deleting him I can continue ignoring his posts, because the account is still there for me to ignore.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Noah »

Kestrel wrote:Thanks, Webhick!

Since you banned him instead of deleting him I can continue ignoring his posts, because the account is still there for me to ignore.
If he has been banned, how can he post?
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Famspear »

Noah wrote:
Kestrel wrote:Thanks, Webhick!

Since you banned him instead of deleting him I can continue ignoring his posts, because the account is still there for me to ignore.
If he has been banned, how can he post?
I think Kestrel is talking about ignoring the posts that stija made before stija was banned.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Kestrel »

Noah wrote:If he has been banned, how can he post?
He can't post, but his account still exists. I can mark him a "foe" on my "friends and foes list" so that I collapse his posts.

If his account had been flat-out deleted there would nothing for me to put on the "foes" list, so I would have no way to collapse his posts.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by LPC »

For the benefit of lurkers, and to avoid the "they could't refute what I said" nonsense:
stija wrote:3. If you enter under Title 26 in a legislatively empowered Art. III court, you lost automatically, because your contract will be interpreted under the same Title, which by definition makes your wages taxable.
This is mostly gibberish, but with a kernel of truth, which is that, under the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., "Title 26"), wages are taxable income. That's the law.

What is gibberish is the idea that you can "enter" a court "under Title 26" and that might somehow change what law applies or what result the court might reach. The Internal Revenue Code has been enacted by Congress and under the Constitution it is the "supreme Law of the Land" which must be respected by all courts.

Stija can't accept the fact that his theories are gibberish, so he makes up more gibberish to try to explain why his gibberish loses in court. His gibberish loses in court because it's gibberish, and not because of some magic about "entering" the court "under Title 26."
stija wrote:4. Income Taxes are voluntary, as they testified in the Congressional hearings.
No, income taxes are not "voluntary." It is COMPLIANCE that is "voluntary." The federal tax system relies on people filling out tax returns and writing checks to pay their taxes, rather than forcing the government to collect taxes by deficiency assessments and levies.

“In assessing income taxes, the Government relies primarily upon the disclosure by the taxpayer of the relevant facts. This disclosure it requires him to make in his annual return. To ensure full and honest disclosure, to discourage fraudulent attempts to evade the tax, Congress imposes sanctions. Such sanctions may confessedly be either criminal or civil.”

Helvering v. Mitchell, 303 U.S. 391, 399 (1938).

Filling out an income tax return is "voluntary" is the same way that stopping at a stop sign is "voluntary." Traffic laws are for the most part self-enforcing, and we expect people to follow the law even when there are no police there to watch. Yes, you can drive through the stop sign if you like, and you will probably get away with it, but that doesn't make it legal.
stija wrote:By submitting a w4 you volunteered to participate for federal benefits. See 3402(p)(3).
The business about Form W-4 being some kind of agreement or consent to tax is nonsense. A W-4 merely sets withholding levels. If you fail to provide a W-4, your employer withholds anyway.

“The notion that the federal income tax is contractual or otherwise consensual in nature is not only utterly without foundation but, despite McLaughlin’s protestations to the contrary, has been repeatedly rejected by the courts.” McLaughlin v. United States, 832 F2d 986 (7th Cir. 1987).

And section 3402(p) is about voluntary withholding from payments which are not otherwise subject to withholding. It has nothing to do with the *required* withholding from wages.
stija wrote:5. IRS provides service no different than any other third party, such as Verizon, APS, Cox, or TD Waterhouse. Their services cost money, as all other services.
More nonsense. The IRS provides no "service" other than collecting taxes.
Dan Evans
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Famspear »

"Stija" wrote:
IRC [the Internal Revenue Code] is a voluntary contract law - which has been my position from beginning. You just have NO CLUE what I am saying. You think you function through IRC, as though it created you or granted you the right to contract.
"Stija's" position from the beginning is wrong. The Internal Revenue Code is not "voluntary contract law". We certainly understand what "stija" is saying, and "stija" is wrong.

We've already been through this:
Taxation is neither a penalty imposed on the taxpayer nor a liability which he assumes by contract.
---from the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Welch v. Henry, 305 U.S. 134 (1938).

The statement by "stija" that we think that we somehow "function through IRC, as though it created you or granted you the right to contract" is meaningless gibberish.
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Re: Stija's declaration of fact in re: Quatloos

Post by Arthur Rubin »

:beatinghorse: It's still dead, as are stija's "theories" (if anyone can understand a collection of numbered sentences, apparently replying to other posts, but without identifying what they are intended to be replies to.)
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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