Susan Lynne Schwenger

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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

BBFlatt wrote:If she joined any website in 1986 she was very prescient, as the web did not come into being until late 1990.
it says she got involved with that group in 1986

i worked in purchasing, materials management & production scheduling
for a large fortune 500 company
and, i did use a commodore 64 computer
-with modem

These could be attached to a phone line
and, call up another computer
-or, you could get on the old irc in the 80;s
and, what became known as the irc in the early 90's
prior to that - what is now known as AOL, previously known as America Online
was known as QCS - Quantum Computer Services
and, it was easy to access, as early as 1985
-we got on that in 1986
-we also were one of aol's first customers

We also still have our first ibm laptop
- they were made to military specs
and, believe it, or NOT
- the battery in it still boots it up

-i could plug that into a land phone line
or, i could attach it to my cell phone, which weighed about 8.5 lbs
-and, i could dialup to an old system through a university telephone number
and, it was used by many people
-could also tell some interesting stories about that
however, i would NOT want to bore you
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Re: Susan Lynne Serafina Schwenger

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Susan Lynne Schwenger wrote:...
and, you have YET to disprove the mathematics, sciences, physics & moon cycles
behind the calendar calibrations

you can certainly keep trying, however, i can assure you,
the relations behind the mathematics is about as solid as you can get
~that is why, it has yet to be debunked ...

Since when did mythology become a science?

And how do "relations" behind the mathematics become "about as solid as you can get"? Mathematics isn't subject to conditions "about as solid as you can get." That's nothing more than gibberish, not to mention your sentence is grammatically incorrect.

And saying it has yet to be debunked is patently absurd. There is no need to debunk things that are, on their face, nothing more than the ravings of charlatans or their confused and gullible sycophants.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Gregg »

Has anyone ever tracked the lunar cycles BACKWARDS in time to relate other auspicious events to the moon? Perhaps the dinosaurs all died off because it was a bad moon day? Did the eruption of vesuvius or the [irony] destruction of Atlantis [/irony] occur on days associated with the Mayan lunar calendar?
I have read a study that shows some correlation of volcanic/seismic activity and tidal forces from the moon. It's not much, but it is the closest thing to a science reference in this thread.

Babble on Susan....
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Cathulhu wrote:
Okay, when you say the science has some validity, you're getting infected with the crazy. We are on the galactic rim, and this is bull of the ripest sort. Turn your brain back on. You're off by 50,000 lightyears.
This statement you make,
just goes to show how very little you know about this topic,
we are talking about 'ancient' time - and, you are talking about 'modern day' distance.
you really show your own lack of knowledge on this topic,
lightyears are NOT a measurement of Time,
lightyears are a measurement of distance !!!
-there is NO part of my work,
that discusses anything to do with 'lightyears'

and, NO where in any of my work, do i do anything related to NESCARA - Netscara or Netscary !!!
- Susan

"A light year is a way of measuring distance.
That doesn't make much sense because "light year" contains the word "year,"
which is normally a unit of time. Even so, light years measure distance.

You are used to measuring distances in either inches/feet/miles or centimeters/meters/kilometers, depending on where you live.
You know how long a foot or a meter is -- you are comfortable with these units because you use them every day. Same thing with miles and kilometers
-- these are nice, human increments of distance.

When astronomers use their telescopes to look at stars, things are different.
The distances are gigantic. For example, the closest star to Earth (besides our sun) is something like 24,000,000,000,000 miles (38,000,000,000,000 kilometers) away.
That's the closest star.
There are stars that are billions of times farther away than that.
When you start talking about those kinds of distances, a mile or kilometer just isn't a practical unit to use because the numbers get too big.
No one wants to write or talk about numbers that have 20 digits in them!

­So to measure really long distances, people use a unit called a light year.
Light travels at 186,000 miles per second (300,000 kilometers per second).
Therefore, a light second is 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers).
A light year is the distance that light can travel in a year, or:

186,000 miles/second * 60 seconds/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year = 5,865,696,000,000 miles/year

A light year is 5,865,696,000,000 miles (9,460,800,000,000 kilometers). That's a long way!

Using a light year as a distance measurement has another advantage
-- it helps you determine age.
Let's say that a star is 1 million light years away.
The light from that star has traveled at the speed of light to reach us.
Therefore, it has taken the star's light 1 million years to get here,
and the light we are seeing was created 1 million years ago.
So the star we are seeing is really how the star looked a million years ago,
not how it looks today. In the same way, our sun is 8 or so light minutes away.
If the sun were to suddenly explode right now,
we wouldn't know about it for eight minutes
because that is how long it would take for the light of the explosion to get here. ... tion94.htm

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

notorial dissent wrote:Suzie, welcome to Quatloos.
That being said, you have posted and wasted a great deal of bandwidth with utter and complete nonsense. No one here cares, or is impressed.
Thanks for the welcome,
my work is simply a 'calibration' of 'time'
-most people do NOT know the differences between ancient time, AD, BCE,
or, that Gregorian Time didn't exist pre 1582
This is NOT some kind of wacko prophecy,
and, is NOT linked to Nesara
ironically, almost everyone working on this mystery
had 'part' of 'the final answer'.

BTW, i might remind you,
it was NOT me, who made the original post here
and, in fairness to me, i am simply, taking my time,
to answer the questions that are being posed
and, being 'nice' in how we go about that

IMO - nesara, is NOT the right section for this
we have absolutely no associations with nesara
in the past, the present or NOW

Re: Susan Lynne Serafina Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Judge Roy Bean wrote: Sciences?
Since when did mythology become a science?
And how do "relations" behind the mathematics become "about as solid as you can get"? Mathematics isn't subject to conditions "about as solid as you can get."
That's nothing more than gibberish, not to mention your sentence is grammatically incorrect.
And saying it has yet to be debunked is patently absurd.
There is no need to debunk things that are, on their face,
nothing more than the ravings of charlatans or their confused and gullible sycophants.
There is absolutely NO where we say anything about "mythology"

The equation of 'an ancient day' is equal to '1'
so, 9,360,360 ancient days =( 5 cycles x 13 = 65 cycles x 144,000 ancient days)
= 9,360,000 + (6 seasons x 60 ancient days = 360 ancient days)
is a balanced equation which contains a solid mathematical formula
If you take 360 days, as an ancient year
and, if you divide 9,360,360/360 = 26001 ancient year
and, if you divide 9,360,000/360 = 26000 ancient year
and, if you divided 360/360 = 1 ancient year

Absolutely amazing that most people trying to solve this mystery
spent more time arguing and fighting amongst one another
when the answer, as a very simple one

-understanding ancient time
NOT The Gregorian Calendar time, which didn't exist pre 1582

- a lot of people do NOT even realize
that only on The Gregorian Calendar are there 24 hours in a day,
or, 2 cycles of 12 = 24

an ancient or 'real' day - DOES not have exactly 24 hours

Leap years were only developed by The Creator of The Gregorian Calendar
known as Pope Gregory, which introduced the '24' hour day
~ Susan

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

AndyK wrote:Irrespective of which Susan, Suzie, Sue, or whomever wrote the articles, they are a total pile of llama excrement.
There is absolutely no scientific validation, support, or reasoning for the woo-woo dialogue posted related to the various cycles, longcounts, baktuns, kin counts, ahuas, and/or llama anal hair counts. Other than scientific, there is no rational reasoning supporting calendar computations done by stone-age civilizations.
There is absolutely no evidence, in any means whatsoever, supporting the inane calculations and predictions associated with the Mayan (or any other) calendar.
I'm sorry to inform you that the 2013 Ig Nobel prizes have been awarded. You will have to wait another year to have your research and findings entered into the competition.
It is important to realize that, although the Mayans were performing at the pinnacle of their abilities, they were a primative society lacking a rational system of mathematics, a comprehension of science beyond the couple of gods who visited them off and on, and any other abilities within the grasp of modern civilization.
If you wish to plan your life according to the Mayan calendar, so be it.
Just, PLEASE, don't try to drag others down with you.
We discovered the change in the grand cycle back in 1984,
related to The First Nations, Native American, Metis, Maori,
and Aborginal Calendars
which were known as The Six (6) Season Calendar (360 days)
aka The Ancient Year (360 days)
aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar (360days)
-there are only 12 segments of moon cycles, between 13 full moons
-all of them align to 'new moon' and 'full moon' cycles

Can you show me one instance, where the moon didn't show up
on earth, exactly in the cycle it weaves ???

Didn't think so
- so far, NONE of you
have successfully debunked any of my calibrations

- Susan
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The_eXchanger wrote:
Didn't think so
- so far, NONE of you
have successfully debunked any of my calibrations

- Susan
That's because your "calculations" are so bizarre and wacky that, as with the Wnuck and Crain decisions in the world of tax denial, making that attempt would imply that they have some merit to them. The Wnuck case is particularly instructive on this.

To put it another way, it would be like trying to debunk the Hollow Earth or Flat Earth propositions, the existence of phlogiston, or the existence of only four elements (earth, air, fire and water).
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

AndyK wrote:Whoop-I-Doo :!:
Did you or any of your fellow Mayan calendar calculationists ever consider one itty-bitty fact: The moon was going through these various gyrations for millions of years before the Mayans ever noticed them.
Has anyone ever tracked the lunar cycles BACKWARDS in time to relate other auspicious events to the moon? Perhaps the dinosaurs all died off because it was a bad moon day? Did the eruption of vesuvius or the [irony] destruction of Atlantis [/irony] occur on days associated with the Mayan lunar calendar?
i calibrated it, looking at lunar cycles going backwards in time
-no, i wasn't looking for auspicious events when i did this
however, your question does pose some other interesting things to look for - thank you

My knowledge was related to knowing the ceremonial importance of
new and full moon dates, in relation to the tribal calendars utilized by
First Nations Tribes of Canada, Native American Tribes of The USA,
Aztec & Mayan Calendars, along with The Gaulish Coligny Lunar (moon) - Solar (sun) Calendars used by the old celtic & old druid lineages
and, how that may hold a key to in defining 'the time spans'
of full moon to full moon (or, new moon to new moon)
in relation to my equation of ancient years
9,360,360=5 cycles x 13 minor cycles x 144,000 days + (6 cycles x 360)

If you notice some of The Celtic People utilized charts that have 13 signs,
however, this is NOT traditional Celtic history...
so, lets talk about ancient times
when 360 days was the length of an ancient year,
which follows the moon aka lunar cycles, and,
also follows the sun aka solar cycles.

There was also a 9 cycles x 40 days = 360 days = An Ancient Year
which follows the light 'sun' or 'solar' cycles and the dark 'sun' or 'solar' cycles
- and, this can be aligned to The Ancient (360) Day Calendar
aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar
aka The Six (6) Season Calendar of 6 seasons x 60 days = 360 Days = An Ancient Year
aka The Six (6) Event Calendar which follows the fire festivals
of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh,
through the new moon, and, full moon cycles,
along with the important yearly alignments of The Solstice, and, The Equinox.

This ancient year, has NOW simply been modified
in approx 1582 AD to The Gregorian Calendar
which was introduced by Pope Gregory, which takes an ancient day
(which in truth, is NOT exactly 24 hours
- each day is a different length of time,
each day, has a slightly different sunrise, and, sunset)
and, The Gregorian Calendar is what adjusts it,
to the modern day civil calendar which has been in use, since 1582
by using the following formula to turn the 'real 'cosmic' time
into a tick-tock day
~ that fits perfectly into a into a 24 hr clock
which is an absolute requirement for making sure,
that a mechanical clock can be created with gears,
that can measure 12 hours, 720 minutes, and, 43,200 seconds in 12 hours
and, 24 hrs, 1420 minutes, and, 86,400 seconds in 24 hours.
The Actual "Cosmic" Time converted into Gregorian Time as follows:
Four (4) Gregorian Years = (360 + 5 = 365 x 3 regular years = 1095 days)
+ (360+5+1 = 366 days x 1 leap year = 366 days) = 1461 days

Back in 1984, in her 26th year, at age 25
Susan Lynne Schwenger discovered the connection
between The Gaulish Coligny Lunar (moon) - Solar (sun) Calendar
which dates back to approx 800 BCE
and, runs through a 26,000 ancient year cycle in 5200 cycles x 5 years
and, once every 104,000 ancient years - when earth enters an ice age.
This calendar was utilized by The Old Celtic - The Old Gaelic Irish,
The Neo-Pagan - The Pagan
- The Pict aka The Pictish and,
was adopted by The Modern Day Wicca or Wiccan People in the early 1920's
~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

AndyK wrote: One final two-part question:
Have there EVER been any critical Mayan calendar dates on which nothing major happened or have there ever been events of major magnitude which were not associated with the calendar? If so, in either case, Why?
The 21st of December 2012
- was the 64th ahua, in a series of 65 ahua dates over the last 1300 days
-nothing occurred here, except the end of a 20 day ahua cycle
and, they happen once every 20 days on the 260 day tribal calendars,
not just the 'mayan' or 'maya' calendar
they also occur on the aztec calendar
-the aztec & mayan calendar also do NOT have 7 days in a week,
like The Gregorian Calendar
instead, they have 5 days to a week,
and, 20 days equal 4 aztec - mayan weeks.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Gregg wrote:
Babble on Susan....
Rather than 'babble on'
~we hope we have provided the equation, that make sense
~ 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 + 6x60=360 = 9,360,360 ancient days

If you want babble,
Pottapaug1938 your Supreme Prophet of The Junior Division
seems well equipped to provide that !!!

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

AndyK wrote: I do have a suggestion for you with respect to time- and date-keeping.
You really should look into what will happen when
either the Microsoft Windows or Unix clocks run out of enough bits to keep incrementing.
Will they both (on different dates) go negative thus forcing a reversal of time?
Will they overflow thereby pushing all of us into an alternate space-time continuum?
Or, will they simply stop and shut down every computer in the world?
We will search for an answer on this interesting question, thank you Andy K

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Gregg wrote:
I have read a study that shows some correlation of volcanic/seismic activity
and tidal forces from the moon.
It's not much, but it is the closest thing to a science reference in this thread.
I think, that is what Susan Hedke Seymour,
has tried to illustrate in her book
~connecting volcanic/seismic activity to moon activities.

In our opinion, NOT just one person has all the answers
~it seems, that many people have different parts of the equation
which might result,
in the final discovery of 'actual' & 'real' knowledge & knowing
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Cathulhu »

Susie, you aren't fooling anyone by babbling about yourself in the third person. And, sadly, having multiple voices in your head doesn't actually allow you to refer to yourself as "we" unless you're an editor or potentate.

You are the one posting the long word salad rants of complete time-waste. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. The moronic statement about a sun on the galactic rim being "close to the center of the galaxy" is therefore off by a mere 50,000 light years, and simply too stupid a statement for me to ignore.

And frankly, your poetry would delight a Vogon, but not anyone else.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The_eXchanger wrote:
Gregg wrote:
Babble on Susan....
Rather than 'babble on'
~we hope we have provided the equation, that make sense
~ 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 + 6x60=360 = 9,360,360 ancient days

If you want babble,
Pottapaug1938 your Supreme Prophet of The Junior Division
seems well equipped to provide that !!!
My posts are short and concise. Yours ramble on and on, and are many in number -- and you have the chutzpah to accuse ME of "babble?"

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

I guess that my last post must have struck a nerve....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

The statements about "galactic rim"
were made by Cathulhu, AND, not made by ME
~ Susan
Last edited by The_eXchanger on Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
I guess that my last post must have struck a nerve....[/quote wrote:
is that your 'main' goal ?

You'd have to do more than just provide your absolutely "senseless" & 'short' babbles
to hit any of my nerves

i'd suggest you disprove my formula of 9,360,360 ancient days
- which ends on 16 dec 2013
~all information has been provided & can be actually be proven to be correct

perhaps, basic 'math' isn't one of your 'long' suits
~ Susan
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Deep Knight »

Let me take a crack at "debunking" this.

The person who is really Deep Knight is Métis (French for “mixed”) from Manitoba & North Dakota. Not only does he know a lot of Métis history, his cousin got her PhD in this and he has read her thesis. The Métis NEVER used a 260 day calendar or anything but a traditional European calendar with Catholic holidays.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The_eXchanger wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
I guess that my last post must have struck a nerve....[/quote wrote:
is that your 'main' goal ?

You'd have to do more than just provide your absolutely "senseless" & 'short' babbles
to hit any of my nerves

i'd suggest you disprove my formula of 9,360,360 ancient days
- which ends on 16 dec 2013
~all information has been provided & can be actually be proven to be correct

perhaps, basic 'math' isn't one of your 'long' suits
~ Susan
Susan (or whoever you are), let me make this unmistakably clear: I have no intention of wasting even a second of my time to try to disprove your idiotic formula. To do so would imply that it has any merit at all; and that I decline to do. I have better things to do than debate the so-called merits of some ancient mythology which has been discovered by credulous modern-day people and repackaged in an attempt to pretend that it has any scientific significance at all.

I'd be more productive if I went outside and watched the grass grow.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This whole thread reminds me of the old Harmonic Convergence bulldada which appeared some years ago. I don't remember the details (perhaps I'm trying to forget); but one thing I remember is the photo of a crowd of HC believers on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt at sunrise on the day when this wonderful event was supposed to occur. In the foreground is a tall, bearded man wearing some sort of shaman costume. He is facing the sun with arms raised and palms facing the sun, making a Profound Incantation. Behind him is a woman, wearing some sort of gown or robe. She has her right hand over her heart; and she is evidently in some sort of rapture derived from being present at The Spot Where Everything Will First Happen.

I would have loved to see a picture of these people straggling back off the pyramid, with stunned expressions on their faces, wondering why they felt no different than before.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools