Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

AndyK wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:...
A peripheral player in the Canadian Freeman scene and an American! Don't I deserve at least some of Belanger's hostility and unintelligible curses? Is it wrong to want a pat on the back now and then? Well I'll try to take some comfort from the rant he posted with his anti-Quatloos video. However I think he has gone over the line in his apparent comments about Mrs. Burnaby49.

This is just another of the unexpected consequences of Canada joining NAFTA: Borderless free trade of insults.
Not true! We've been trading insults with you Americans since 1812.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:
AndyK wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:...
A peripheral player in the Canadian Freeman scene and an American! Don't I deserve at least some of Belanger's hostility and unintelligible curses? Is it wrong to want a pat on the back now and then? Well I'll try to take some comfort from the rant he posted with his anti-Quatloos video. However I think he has gone over the line in his apparent comments about Mrs. Burnaby49.

This is just another of the unexpected consequences of Canada joining NAFTA: Borderless free trade of insults.
Not true! We've been trading insults with you Americans since 1812.
We traded a few when Continental forces took Montreal, and tried to take Quebec, in 1775-76....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: Belanger has been forced out in the open because his own welfare is at stake. He can't live out of Peterson's fridge and wander his waterfront property while keeping arm's length from the Quatloos criticism of Peterson since Peterson is basing his entire defense on Belanger's arguments. When Peterson has his final spectacular fail Belanger is going to look like crap even amongst the most gullible of potential tax avoiders. So he has to at least make it look like he is defending Peterson and try to hang on to his beachfront meal ticket as long as possible.
This brings to mind a theme I have often raised: that freemen, who say they worship freedom, are less free then the average tax paying, auto license carrying, rule following person.

The "the pursuit of happiness" is considered to be the individual's freedom and ability to fully participate in society. However, in their unique way many freemen have managed to cut themselves off from wealth, physical mobility and the meaningful participation in politics and government. Some are reduced to living in mom's basement, or on the couches of like minded freemen all the while trying to conceal the the arrival of their government checks and their use of government health services.

While many Canadian men his age are giving hockey tips to their grandkids, sunning themselves on Florida golf courses the bellicose Belanger is living with a "patron" and trying desperately to maintain his relevancy in the topsy-turvy, guru of the month, freeman subculture.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by LordEd » ... -1.2510250
They don't have income tax in Saudi Arabia — or in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain or Brunei Darussalam
Look at that, there's places in the world where their laws are more compatible with our 'free' friends' beliefs.

Well, except that their primary religions are Islam and not all support freedom of religion...
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:So, if any potential followers of Belanger who are looking for a way (or at least a way with any possibility of success) of avoid paying taxes stumble on this thread what do they get? They get information from Peterson, in his own videos, on how well Belanger's scheme is working for him, the CRA after him, seized funds, big and growing tax bill. They also get Mowe's analysis of the caselaw showing how all of Belanger's arguments are guaranteed to fail in court. However, of almost equal value, they get Belanger, the man supposedly able to rebut Mowe and defend Peterson's position, totally avoiding the actual legal problems that Peterson is facing and instead posting incoherent lunatic rants about vampires. This is just what potential tax avoiders need as a cold dose of reality about relying on Belanger's snake oil. So as far as I'm concerned the more of Belanger's insane ramblings the better.
This is the exact purpose of Quatloos, as I see it. This is why we don't censor or ban scammers like Belanger (unless they decide to become just pain-in-the-necks and post abuse); they get a chance to come here and defend their worthless garbage and look like the fools they truly are. Their followers get to see how quickly their guru throws them under the bus when they start losing in court, and the rest of the world gets to see the failure of the guru's message and how it is nothing more than a pack of lies in order to enrich him or herself personally at their expense.

So it is very amusing to see Belanger come here and start ranting about vampires and "biblical law" and everything else under the sun except how he is going to get Peterson cleared of the charges pending against him, how he is going to prevent Peterson's income and assets from going to the government, and where he is going to find his next meal ticket after Peterson goes to jail.
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by notorial dissent »

If recent efforts have been any example of his profundity, intellect, erudition, and force and form of argument, I can well see why he has lost all of his efforts in court and is such a joke otherwise, and has been reduced to living off someone else’s couch and charity. At this point, I am beginning to feel sympathy for Peterson if he is reduced to such hopelessness that he is actually relying on this clown to get him out of the mess he is in, and it isn’t going to happen.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

wserra wrote:
cudgel wrote:Seems several of your own Judges think otherwise as they got disqualified by their boss who knew the privately pending tort of discrimination and intimidation was inescapable and disqualified 7 of the judges from ever sitting in front of the good minister
Putting it politely, that seems quite unlikely. Putting it less politely but more accurately, it's a goddam lie.
Based on a few of Belanger's old YouTubes my guess is that during a few court dates Belanger, and or, some of his like minded buddies played the freeman courtroom game of quizzing judges about their oaths, even to the point of imperiously insisting the judges take freeman-correct oaths right then and there.

I have no doubt the judges would have ignored this gamesmanship. But the exchange would be all Eddy would need make up a story.

I suspect that since he didn't go directly to the big house Eddy felt free to pretend he escaped untouched and seeing a chance to pretend he'd won Eddy decided to pull a Keith Thompson (AKA Kate of Gia) ruse pretending he'd run the judges off the bench.

This sort of tall tale plays into the freeman fantasy of uber-competence.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by grixit »

Hey, i just had a great idea for a reality show. "Baba on Board". It's about a man who calls himself Minister Babalooie, Counselor-at-God's-Law. Each episode, shows him as a guest at the home of a client, or congregant, as he calls them, as he advises them on how to use the real law to solve their problems. By the end of the show, the client is completely ruined. Baba then has a one on one with the camera to explain how his methods were completely correct but ignored by the corrupt system or else his client didn't apply them properly.

Also, during the episode we see Baba do things like order pizza and when it arrives have the deliverer place it on the couch he's currently sleeping on, which he calls his sovereign parish. He then declares that the pizza is now under his jurisdiction and so he doesn't have to pay for it.

Just for yucks, there will be a few repeat customers. And the one that's sure to be the viewers' favorite will be a man who, when met the first time (say, episode 4), will put Baba up in a guest house behind his mansion. We meet him again in episode 11, offering Baba the spare room in an apartment. In season 2, the man appears in episode 5 and Baba is on the other bed in a cheap hotel room. He's back for the last episode, living in a battered pickup truck with a camper shell and Baba is in the ledge bed. Baba declares that he will never stop fighting the oppressive system.

The premiere of season 3 will bring the saga to a close. While staying in his client's second best cardboard box, Baba receives a decree that the authorities have dropped the case as no longer worth pursuing.

Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just for yucks, there will be a few repeat customers. And the one that's sure to be the viewers' favorite will be a man who, when met the first time (say, episode 4), will put Baba up in a guest house behind his mansion. We meet him again in episode 11, offering Baba the spare room in an apartment. In season 2, the man appears in episode 5 and Baba is on the other bed in a cheap hotel room. He's back for the last episode, living in a battered pickup truck with a camper shell and Baba is in the ledge bed. Baba declares that he will never stop fighting the oppressive system.

Actually close to real life for Reverend Belanger. His video locations have, until now, been a steady progression downward. When I started viewing them he was in the living room of a house, I assume that of minister Catherine Edith: of the Fraser family. He then moved down to the basement rec room then what appeared to be the laundry room. As Mowe pointed out his last few, before fortune temporarily changed, were in the Urban Manor, an Edmonton homeless shelter. His last set of videos have been in Peterson's living room sitting in a comfy couch with a wood fire soothingly crackling away in the background. One in that set is outside on a beach with him bragging about Peterson's oceanside residence. A sweet gig but who knows how long it will last?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Was it something we said?

Peterson has done a slash and burned culling at his own site, deleting most of the videos and a lot of his own postings that I was reading just a week or so ago. Almost all of the information I took from his site to use in my first post is gone including the PDF of Peterson's "Public Notice of Agreement with Andrew Treusch, the private man acting as CFO of CRA".

http://ecclesiasticsalvation.files.word ... itized.doc

Good thing that I saved a copy. He has, most hurtful of all, modified the comment that I used as the title of this discussion. He previously said (If I remember correctly);
This destroys the dismissive “arguments” of the shills at Quatloos who have not done the research. I have done the research – it is here!
He now just says;
This destroys the dismissive “arguments” of the shills who have not done the research. I have done the research – it is here!
http://ecclesiasticsalvation.wordpress. ... dave-case/

However we are not forgotten. A new contributor to the site, one minister Martin Neil, has a few kind words to say about us;
I could go out and bear false witness against someone. I for example could say that to the best of my knowledge and belief the legal professionals who post over at sites like Quatloos are honest God fearing men and women who cannot dissemble.
http://ecclesiasticsalvation.wordpress. ... -help-you/

Better read it while you can, who knows how long it will last. Be warned if you try to find any Youtube information about minister Neil. He has set a cruel trap and if you are not careful you will stumble onto a video of him playing a didgeridoo! These people have no pity;

I suspect, or at least hope, that this discussion thread caused Peterson's self-destructive excising of his own site. Perhaps the discussion was heading into areas he didn't want to go and he is removing the evidence that Mowe and I relied on to expose his position to the world at large rather than just his cosy little Freeman circle.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote:
One in that set is outside on a beach with him bragging about Peterson's oceanside residence. A sweet gig but who knows how long it will last?
Oh, I'd say until about the time the tax man tosses them out and sells the place for taxes.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Burnaby49 wrote:Peterson has done a slash and burned culling at his own site, deleting most of the videos and a lot of his own postings that I was reading just a week or so ago. Almost all of the information I took from his site to use in my first post is gone including the PDF of Peterson's "Public Notice of Agreement with Andrew Treusch, the private man acting as CFO of CRA".
It's not just Peterson, it's Belanger too.

He has deleted his Google+ website (formerly at, but has also deleted the blog he has used for many, many years to post his flocks' foisted unilateral agreements ( and other associated announcements. This was his primary location for recording CERI activity, and the only part of the website that really had any activity.

I'm more than a little flabbergasted. I've never seen Belanger do this kind of thing.

His Youtube site ( is still there, but he appears to be deleting his own comments in at least some videos.

I wonder what's up.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
I wonder what's up.

SMS Möwe
I doubt the duo is cleaning up contradictory bits of Belanger theology. Rather, I suspect they have realized that some website materials, postings and YouTubes would make an "I believed what I was doing was legal" defense impossible.

They may have traced the IP addresses of a few visitors back to government agencies, possibly even prosecutor's offices, and realized they are sealing their own fate by shooting off their big mouths.

All conjecture on my part. But, if I am right we may not see much of either of them around here.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If that's the case, I suspect that they will get an unpleasant surprise when the government offices and prosecutors show that they have seen the old, and supposedly deleted, information....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by LordEd »

The risk of mentioning the soulless quatloosian vampires to your followers is that some may read our content. Asking questions is bad if your faith is built on a poor foundation.

Isn't that in the bible somewhere?
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by The Observer »

The one thing that we should be very grateful for to Peterson and/or Belanger is providing us with more ideas for titles to hand out to those shills who are nearing that time for recognition.

After all, who would turn down the title "Shill of The Vampiric Order of Quatloos?"
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:The one thing that we should be very grateful for to Peterson and/or Belanger is providing us with more ideas for titles to hand out to those shills who are nearing that time for recognition.

After all, who would turn down the title "Shill of The Vampiric Order of Quatloos?"
Damn it. I've already got a title.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by webhick »

Burnaby49 wrote:
The Observer wrote:The one thing that we should be very grateful for to Peterson and/or Belanger is providing us with more ideas for titles to hand out to those shills who are nearing that time for recognition.

After all, who would turn down the title "Shill of The Vampiric Order of Quatloos?"
Damn it. I've already got a title.
Earlier in the week I was going to change your title to "Infamous Ranting Canadian of the Northern Southernmost Northern Tundra" but then I didn't.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:The risk of mentioning the soulless quatloosian vampires to your followers is that some may read our content. Asking questions is bad if your faith is built on a poor foundation.

Isn't that in the bible somewhere?
That's a good point. It might be the case that while what we post is dismissed (a dismissal of the dismissers) by Belanger true believers, Eddy can't counter with practical arguments or promising practices.

Belanger followers visiting here are being informed as to what the law is, including applicable case law, and are being given reliable predictions as to how the courts will apply that law.

The only thing Peterson and Belanger can do at this point is to repeat their premise as their conclusion, in effect saying Belanger's theology trumps constitutional law because Belanger's theology trumps constitutional law.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by LordEd »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:It's not just Peterson, it's Belanger too.

He has deleted his Google+ website (formerly at, but has also deleted the blog he has used for many, many years to post his flocks' foisted unilateral agreements ( and other associated announcements. This was his primary location for recording CERI activity, and the only part of the website that really had any activity.

I'm more than a little flabbergasted. I've never seen Belanger do this kind of thing.

His Youtube site ( is still there, but he appears to be deleting his own comments in at least some videos.

I wonder what's up.

SMS Möwe
I just had a moment to visit those links, but they seem to be there. I don't know what their prior content was as I never attended before, but I don't get 'deleted' notices or anything like that.

Blogspot, youtube, and g+ are all google products. Perhaps he suffered from a temporary server glitch?