Robert Menard

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

I don't know where I was going with that.

I know we've pointed out individually they're all homeless but not that collectively they're all homeless; i.e. the Meads decision in a certain context was a criticism of a movement spearheaded by basically three vagabonds. Maybe a stupid rant and I'm overthinking it. Definitely we shouldn't "go easy on them", I certainly haven't and I didn't mean to suggest anyone here has been insensitive in any way. To quote you:
When I was in that "seminar" with the Chief and his acolytes I had the thought that my net worth exceeded the sum of the net wealth of all of the rest of the group combined.
We heard last week about a sovereign getting shot in Ohio so I mean is Menard going to limit himself to raging on Facebook and leave it there? Will he use his inheritance to finally get a car and exercise his "right to travel", get himself in some trouble now that he can afford it? Keith Thompson similarly has been getting more and more deranged in his latest internet radio shows.

I'm just thinking out loud, sorry.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by webhick »

Burnaby49 wrote:Although I'm at a bit of a loss as to why Menard calls we hate filled, angry, arrogant (Thanks Rob!) Quatlosers "Quatloosers". What got loose?
I believe the official term for us is Quatloosians. The TP crowd calls us Quatlosers because "loser" is in it, Quatloosers I guess could be an alternate way to refer to us since Quatloos is spelled with two o's. I don't know why some of the newer members here have taken our official name to be Quatlosers.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:...I believe the official term for us is Quatloosians.....
We need a glossary, or something....


Ah! I have it.....

Quatloosian – noun - a person who is a regular contributor to the Quatloos forum.

Quatloosistic – adjective – having a characteristic typical of the Quatloos forum, or typical of Quatloosians generally.

Quatloostopedia – noun - An encyclopedia about Quatloos (assuming that such an encyclopedia were to be created).

Quatloosticrat – noun - somebody who works as a bureaucrat in the Quatloos office. Wherever that is.

Quatloostiquette – noun - an attractive woman, after whom all male Quatloosians lust.....


Quatloostician – noun - a person who collects statistics about Quatloos

Quatloostiferous, Quatloosiferian, Quatloo-stih-mah-dah-wah-dih-tarianism – ummm, I have no idea, really.

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

I had thought the 'tale of two gurus' was menard's thread and him not getting top billing to be intentional.

Its not like he practices freemanism. He just talks and convinces others to try it for him.

Soulless looser of the vampiric order of quatloos?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by The Observer »

Jeffrey wrote:I mentioned Meads to a friend in meatspace the other day and he pointed out something I don't think we've noted here on Quatloos. Of the three main Gurus mentioned in Meads, Menard, Belanger, Nanya. All three are or have at one time been homeless. I think there should probably some restraint over the degree of criticism given that these are people that are already at the margins of society. In the case of Nanya and Ream, clearly examples of a need for a robust mental health system. While I get that the court proceedings are public record maybe we should think before posting certain things, I have to imagine Ream must have a family out there that's going through hell.
I think you have touched upon some issues that we should remind ourselves about from time to time. The official position of this site is to attract attention to the scammers, gurus, and the intellectually dishonest and expose them for what they are. That sometimes has taken the form of mockery which has not been frowned upon, rather it has been encouraged - as long as the subject was actually responsible for the things for which that we are mocking them. Picking out innocent bystanders or people who may have only gotten toe-deep into the koolade barrel before pulling out should not be receiving the same abuse as the likes of a Menard or Belanger. And I would agree that if a person is in this postion because of mental illness, then we should be aiming our pitchforks at the person who led this victim into their current problems.

This also means that we should not drag a guru's family into the conversation just to embarrass them; their personal family issues, sordid as they may be, in most cases should have no nexus to what their idiot relative is doing. That is not to say that we cannot comment on what negative impact the guru's actions is or may be causing relatives, but we should not be going out of our way to be identifying them - we have edited posts that have done that sort of thing in the past. If the family is hip deep in the tax scamming mess with their relative becasue they have publicy supported their scammer son/husband/father, then they are fair game. As an example, we took Chief Sino to task because it was revealed that there were issues over him not making child support payments. He complained that we were dragging his family into our forum. It was pointed out that we had not identified his family, and all that we were commenting on was his behavior toward his family, and not about his family.
webhick wrote:I believe the official term for us is Quatloosians.
Darn it, all this time I had been thinking our term was "Quat-Hipsters."
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Lambkin »

Famspear wrote:
webhick wrote:...I believe the official term for us is Quatloosians.....
We need a glossary, or something....


Ah! I have it.....

Quatloosian – noun - a person who is a regular contributor to the Quatloos forum.

Quatloosistic – adjective – having a characteristic typical of the Quatloos forum, or typical of Quatloosians generally.

Quatloostopedia – noun - An encyclopedia about Quatloos (assuming that such an encyclopedia were to be created).

Quatloosticrat – noun - somebody who works as a bureaucrat in the Quatloos office. Wherever that is.

Quatloostiquette – noun - an attractive woman, after whom all male Quatloosians lust.....


Quatloostician – noun - a person who collects statistics about Quatloos

Quatloostiferous, Quatloosiferian, Quatloo-stih-mah-dah-wah-dih-tarianism – ummm, I have no idea, really.

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Famspear »

Lambkin wrote:Do not forget your offering to Quetzlquatloos, the angry god of Quatloosia and devourer of sovereign universes.

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:. . . Menard hasn't really done anything worth discussing, the occasional Facebook rant isn't really notable.

. . .Meanwhile Menard clearly can read the tea leaves and tell that the authorities are clearly cracking down on them.

. . .go rewatch Menards CBC interview, nearly everything Menard says you won't get in trouble for doing, Clifford is currently in jail facing charges over.

I think his retreat to Facebook is just a recognition that he can't walk the walk without ending up in jail like Dean and the Nainamo gang. It's also a recognition that the guru gravy train, which as far as we can tell wasn't ever that lucrative for Menard, is itself over. . .
When you add into the mix Menard's undocumented, improbable tall tales of success, his outright lies, his refusal to account for funds donated for his projects (freeman valley, C3PO, ACCP) as well as his drunken/stoned YouTubes the poor sod has lost lots of credibility in the freeman sub-culture.

In retrospect Menard's claims that he waved off traffic officers, shamed beat cops into letting him drink in public and, using freeman practices, otherwise ruled the roost remind one of boasts told by 10 year old who carries condoms in his wallet to impress his classmates.

Cop Out Clock Update: It has been 12 days since Robert Menard received an offer to join the discussion on the Qualtoos Forum. So far there is no word whether Mr. Menard has accepted the offer.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: Ok, on to my posting. Notwithstanding our neglect Menard has mentioned us on glowing terms! At least I view his comments as praise. His latest Facebook posting says;
Robert Menard shared a link.
April 1 · Edited ... icle_id=82
Something tells me this guy has met the RANDIOTS and QUATLOOSERS....
Great article. If you want to see this mindset in action check out the RANDI Forum or Quatloos. Such hate filled, angry arrogant attitudes. But now I have a better understanding about why.
Although I'm at a bit of a loss as to why Menard calls we hate filled, angry, arrogant (Thanks Rob!) Quatlosers "Quatloosers". What got loose?
We should not pat ourselves on the back too much for getting into Bobby's head.

Individuals with narcissistic personality problems don't respond well to criticism. Hence the solid debunkings Menard has received here and on the Ickies and Randi forums have stuck in his little ole noggin and aren't likely to be ignored anymore than are the childhood slights that fueled his narcissism in the first place.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

He seeks out attention. With JREF largely ignoring him after the creation of the Dean thread and the drop of Jargon Buster from the roster, he's latched onto Quatloosia as a source of attention. He doesn't have any content to discuss, so he needs to point his sheeple to "the enemy" to distract them from certain realities, such as the idea that he only talks and doesn't actually do anything.

Note him for his inaction or his victims (such as Lance Thatcher), but otherwise I'd say let him drop into obscurity.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by grixit »

webhick wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Although I'm at a bit of a loss as to why Menard calls we hate filled, angry, arrogant (Thanks Rob!) Quatlosers "Quatloosers". What got loose?
I believe the official term for us is Quatloosians. The TP crowd calls us Quatlosers because "loser" is in it, Quatloosers I guess could be an alternate way to refer to us since Quatloos is spelled with two o's. I don't know why some of the newer members here have taken our official name to be Quatlosers.
Traditionally, a quatloser has been someone who comes here and tries to argue their irrational positions, while a quatloosian is one of the regulars. It is actually possible to be both, but quatlosers tend to finally leave, then claim victory elsewhere. One of the most long term of the double-qs was a sometime guru whose name i won't mention, be the last time i did that he suddenly showed up for the first time in 5 years.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LightinDarkness »

I always thought Menard was smarter than your average freeman (not that this is saying much). What I mean by that is I am not entirely sure he believes his own BS, because as evidenced by his (lack of) action he mostly seems to be doing this for (1) the attention and (2) any money he can get out of marks by scamming them to do freeman gibberish documents (he also used to use his freeman status to run seminars in the past, which was another source of revenue).

I have followed Menard for a very long time, and was among the first to debunk him on David Icke's freeman site before all the skeptics got banned over there. I was also the first to make a Freeman on the Land thread on the JREF, if I may toot my horn (I know quatloos way precedes me on these matters, but it was new on the JREF in the 2007-2008 time frame). I am more and more convinced that hes just a conman, no different than any of the other such individuals that peddle gibberish documents (Heather Tucci-Jarraf) or stuff like the mythical dinar RV (TNT Tony).

Most telling is that since he bowed to the government and gave his dad's insurance company his ID number (he always claimed he didn't a Canadian SIN number and made a big deal about not giving it to the insurance company), hes been collecting from his dads policy and living the good life. Of course, the good life in the context of a guy who after his military career was homeless or jumped from couch to touch for most of his life doesn't say much, but the point is as long as hes living off his father's money I suspect we'll see very little of him beyond facebook rants.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Menard always inferred a future of freedom and abundance awaited him and his followers.

It turns out Menard promised a lot, make a good show of it all sometimes, but never did anything or delivered on a single promise.

Cop Out Clock Update: It has been 13 days since Robert Menard received an offer to join the discussion on the Quatloos Forum. So far there is no word whether Mr. Menard has accepted the offer.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

From Menard's Facebook page:

"If I tell you the name of a woman I once dated, does that mean we are still dating? If I tell you what I ate yesterday, does that mean I am still eating it now? If I tell you what my SIN used to be, does that mean I still have a SIN?"


One wonders if Bobby is explaining away the use of his SIN to get his daddy's insurance money?

If that's the case he's demonstrating a sophistic, after the fact, white wash of a cowardly sell out.

Having seen and read the many haughty, pseudo-legal lectures Menard has delivered to freemen I don't recall him ever telling them they could receive benefits by telling someone what their SINs "used to be".

Could it be Menard coughed up his SIN like a good little citizen? Then, having lost his poise in the face of questioning over the matter, invented a self-serving ruse in a pathetic attempt to explain away his hypocrisy?

How about a full explanation, Bobby? Don't whine that it's a private matter, ole son. You made it a public matter when you blabbed about it on your Facebook page!

Freemen, if you can't get the truth from Bobby about this I'd suggest you make him buy the beers and weed until he coughs up the truth.
Last edited by arayder on Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect Bobby will do what he always does when presented with an unfortunate, inconvenient, and inescapable truth, lie about it and pretend it never happened.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote:Darn it, all this time I had been thinking our term was "Quat-Hipsters."
We also have Quatfloosies IIRC.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I suspect Bobby will do what he always does when presented with an unfortunate, inconvenient, and inescapable truth, lie about it and pretend it never happened.

I can see a "Who's on First" thing between Menard and the insurance company.


Insurance Company: We'll need your SIN number to process the pay out of your father's policy.

Bobby: It used to be 123-45-6789.

Insurance Company: Used to be? Did you change it?

Bobby: No, I canceled it along with my contract with the government.

Insurance Company: We don't need to know about any contract work you do for the government. We just need your SIN.

Bobby: It used to be 123-45-6789.

Insurance Company: So you don't have a SIN?

Bobby: I did, once. It was 123-45-6789.

Insurance Company: Look, you can't get the pay out until we get your accurate number.

Bobby: Well, realizing you are a corporate stooge forced by the powers that be to put down that information I hereby authorize you to fill that blank space on your form with 123-45-6789.

Insurance Company: So that's your SIN?

Bobby: It was. I canceled it.

Insurance Company: Okay one more time. . .you can't get the pay out until we get your accurate and current number.

Is 123-45-6789 your current SIN, or not.

Bobby: Under protest and duress, as a right of necessity, I say (meekly) yes. . . .

How soon do I get the check?

Insurance Company: In about ten days. i point out you may need your SIN to cash or deposit the check.

Bobby: Oh. . .

Cop Out Clock Update: It has been 14 days since Robert Menard received an offer to join the discussion on the Quatloos Forum. So far Mr. Menard has not accepted the offer.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Menard asked:
If I tell you what my SIN used to be, does that mean I still have a SIN?
Indeed it does, Bobby Boy, indeed it does.
Do you require any more assistance?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:Menard asked:
If I tell you what my SIN used to be, does that mean I still have a SIN?
Indeed it does, Bobby Boy, indeed it does.
Do you require any more assistance?
More obfuscation from Menard's Facebook page:

I guess I should not be surprised that those who eschew logic and reason would be incapable of understanding basic grammatical concepts like tense. As in 'past tense'. So here is a little refresher for those who frequent a certain forum and are unfamiliar with present and past tense.

There are two tenses in English – past and present.

The past tense in English is used:

- to talk about the past
- to talk about hypotheses – things that are imagined rather than true.
- for politeness.

Hope that helps!


Well, Bobby, it does help to confirm that you can't be straight about anything, with anyone.

But, the question at hand is whether or not you went back on your word and betrayed your honor by using your SIN to cash in on your daddy's insurance policy.

The question is whether or not you tucked your little rodent tail between your legs and did exactly what you lectured your minions they need never do and used your SIN to cash in on the hard earned benefits provided by the only working man in your nuclear family.

Bobby, it is consistent with your narcissistic personality that you think you can pull the wool over your follower's eyes by referring to your SIN number in the past tense while you use it in real time.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Oh, Bobby, why you just be a man for once and register here and do your talking face to face, so to speak?

The question of your honor is still on the table.