Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:Does anybody else find it odd that the "Menard" line is off-center spaced slightly right of his handwritten "Robert A", and the date at the bottom and the date at the bottom is scratched out and handwritten?

I'm not familiar with these documents.
I'd guess that Menard is just sloppy. He'd taken the blank Statement of Claim form off the internet and filled it in himself. After printing it he realized he'd left his first name off so stuck it in by hand. He probably dated it incorrectly and again hand revised it. As long as it is filled out correctly the clerks at the Federal Court registry don't care how neat it is so I don't doubt it has been validly accepted. I've seen worse.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Is it just typical Menardian sloppiness that he is showing the back side of the magic document to his adoring public?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Those sneaky bastards that operate the Federal Court of Canada tried to pull a fast one on Menard but Dean Kory figured it out! Meads v Meads, all capital letters, vexatious litigant; it's like he can see the progress of the hearing before it is even held!
Dean Kory

The Statement of Claim makes mention of a "Legal Proceeding"...see what they did there?'s a bait and switch on jurisdiction right at the point of filing the claim. That's why the sneaky bastards provide you with template documents to fill out! The receipt for the filing fee will also have "Plaintiff v Defendant" the v signifies a controversy which changes the intent of your it also states that the case is filed under the "Courts of Justice Act" and with RULES of CIVIL PROCEDURE. Just a question...How can an ATTORNEY for the defence REPRESENT a client in a common law jurisdiction where the action is made by a man of flesh and blood but the RESPONDENT is a fictitious entity under seal of the Registrar General copyright property of the Crown? I'll put my money on it that the Attorney Generals Office will respond with an Intent to Defend where they will have changed the capacity of the parties on their documents with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and with a copy of Meads v Meads slandering and accusing Rob of being a frivolous and vexatious litigant!3 hrs · Like · 9
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

It seems Bobby is trying to keep himself relevant in the freeman cult by filing a legal action regarding the C3PO rather than the ACCP, as I had assumed.

The satisfied smile on his face in the Facebook picture in which he holds up his freeman paper work says it all. Bobby's in his element. . . pestering the courts. . .wearing his fez. . .getting that Facebook love.

I'd love to read the rest of the document and I will be interested in seeing how this turns out.

I have to wonder what the Fezzed One is driving at. According to him he has already been officially recognized as a peace officer. So why does he need to take the Queen to court over the C3PO?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Menard likes to excuse his zero for life freeman scheme batting average by saying he has from time to time "bitten of more than [he] can chew".

The truth is Bobby has a he-didn't-do-it right story about every freeman who's been sent to ruins after using his methods. Whether it's Steve Oft-Yahweh, Lance Thatcher, John Morkhunas or the Nanaimo four, none of the failures were Bobby's fault!

Now Bobby's looking for new marks in Montreal!

Internet movie producer, Steve Bates, Bobby's new sugar daddy, says Bobby is blameless unless somebody can name 10 people the Fezzed One has screwed over (I noted 7 above). Bates goes on to say that everybody who gave Menard money did so voluntarily. One assumes this means Bates thinks it's okay to scam 9 people as long as you can get them to willingly hand over the funds.

Isn't that the way all confidence games work?
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

After years of broken promises and false hope the dynamo Robert Menard has created an Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers (ACCP) Facebook group!

Mind you this is not a functioning ACCP, but merely what Bobby calls an "up and running" group. One suspects the group is so called so the gullible will be fooled into thinking there is some reason to join the group and start contributing their $250 memberships (up from the $125 fee of 3 years ago).

Bobby tries to add an air of legitimacy to the scam by refering to the zero progress made toward the implementation of the ACCP as "our endeavors".

One endeavor Bobby can engage in is to open the ACCP books and openly report the project's progress.

Don't hold your breath, freemen.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

To consolidate all the Minardian BS associated with this latest fandango in to one spot, just what is the ACCP supposed to be?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

Hold up, he created a Facebook group?

Such a monumental achievement, the entire process takes like 3 clicks.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:To consolidate all the Minardian BS associated with this latest fandango in to one spot, just what is the ACCP supposed to be?

Bobby claims, through his usual creative reading of statute, that Canadian banking law allows he and ACCP enrollees to create their own lines of credit out of thin air.

The association is supposed to issue debit cards which Menard says merchants and banks will be compelled to honor. Enrolling freemen are promised the availability of $2,500 a month worth of consumer goods for their monthly fee of $250. The freemen enrolling all be asked to give Menard access to their bank accounts along with the authority to withdraw $250 per month in fees.

I gasp at the thought!

Despite three years of hype and promises Menard has been unable to demonstrate the functionality of the ACCP and he has refused to publicly account for the status memberships he garnered years ago.

Years ago Bobby tried the scheme at a restaurant in what amounted to a sort of dine and dash. Bobby escaped prosecution because he ended up paying the check through an "escrow account". That's Menard jive for saying he went back to the restaurant and paid the bill after implying he was making the ACCP work. Menard used the fact that he didn't end up in jail over the incident as a sort of proof of the ACCP's effectiveness.

At the time Menard had a website touting the ACCP and an associate said to be helping in the ACCP's foundation. The associate publicly bailed out saying Bobby didn't have the ability to run the business.

The ACCP went bust. At one point Bobby even used grief over his father's death as an excuse for not being able to get the ACCP off the ground!

Speculation is that Bobby has run through his father's insurance money and needs to get something going. . .hence the revived ACCP which follows the growing freeman/sov penchant for pretending they can create wealth and prosperity out of freeman smoke and mirror theory.

Some have speculated that, in a sort of Ponzi game, Bobby might use the first round of ACCP memberships to pay off a couple of first adopter merchants (who might even be in on the game) and use the we-didn't-get-sent-to-jail line to make it seem the ACCP is working.

One can only speculate as to number of bank accounts Bobby might get access to before ACCP enrollees catch on to the fact the effort is not going as planned!
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Thank you, I had missed some of the details along the way, and now it actually makes much more sense, certainly in a conny crooked sort of way.

The thought of Bobby actually having access to someone's bank account is to put it mildly chilling, positively sends chills down my spine, but then there are a lot of really stupid trusting people out there, and the FOTL crowd seems to have an abundance of them, and none of them seem to have the learn from past experience gene either, so they just keep right on repeating the same stupid error over and over and over, which makes them prime sucker list members. The only saving possibility is that I can't see any reputable bank or association letting Menard have anything like a merchant account or access to debit cards, even Canadians aren't that good natured and trusting, are they???? At this juncture, I would find it hard to believe he could even get a bank account.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

I don't think Bobby is going to be able to manage to get the debit cards made up. The technology is too much for him and anybody with the sense and means to manufacture the cards would surely know you can't put electronic freeman gibberish on the stripes without running the risk of legal trouble.

Again, Bobby's plan is to somehow force banks and merchants to accept the ACCP. So, in theory Bobby has a sort of answer to the fact that Canadian banks and merchants will say "no way" at first. He says he and his freeman super heroes are going to make the powers that be tow the freeman line. . .all for just a $250 fee!

My advice to freeman lurkers considering a subscription is to require about 6-8 months of demonstrated ACCP success before to buy in.

To any already enrolled ACCP subscribers lurking here my advice is to bail out at the first excuse Menard gives you about the cards or the project not being ready and call the bank to stop payment. I suspect Menard will try to characterize the first several memberships as seed money he'll need to have to get the ACCP infrastructure together. But, I wouldn't buy the story if I were a subscriber.

I'd also suggest that a few freemen register themselves over at the WFS forum and have a discussion with the folks there about how Bobby treated them. I know at one point there were a lot of complaints about him being like an absentee landlord who only came around when he needed things.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is a safe bet that there is no way, at least in this reality, or any of thee ones I'm familiar with, anyone is going to give Bobby access to the banking interchange network, and there is NO way he can force the banks, or anyone else for that matter, to let him use the networks, so, just more Minardian BS
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

The irony is that Robert Menard, who has so often bragged about not having a bank account, a social insurance number (that proved to be a lie), or two dimes to rub together, now wants access to the bank accounts and the hard earned cash of others.

Sadly, Menard wants access to other people's money based on the Ponzi promise that he can provide them with a ten fold increase in their investment. . .a yield he, himself, can't achieve.

Anybody can tell a story and start a Facebook group. But Menard has, for years, promised prosperity he can't provide.

It's time for Menard to deliver.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Here is Menard's statement of claim in the only format I can pass it on to you at the moment, a poor quality cut and paste of a PDF. I'm not going to bother dressing it up in a neater format because I should have the pdf up on Media Fire shortly. You can get the gist of it from the gibberish version I've posted below.

The heart of it is here;
1. The plaintiff claims: The Crown and all agents thereof have a duty to officially recognize as holding peace officer status those members of the public who are employed by other members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace, or employed for the service and execution of civil process. It Is claimed that failure to do so may needlessly cause confusion, conflict and breaches to the public peace. Therefore, on behalf of the people of Canada and the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers, said recognition Is hereby demanded.

Relief Sought
1- Judicial recognition as peace officers for those members of the public who have made oath to preserve and maintain the public peace and have entered Into contract with a member or members of the public to do so.

2- Judicial recognition of the Plaintiff as a peace officer as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada.

The plaintiff proposes that this action be tried at Montreal City, Quebec, Canada.
ThIs is an attempt by Menard to obtain a declaration from the Federal Court that he is a real peace officer in charge of a real peace (read police) force. He's using his bizarro interpretation of the relevant criminal code provisions and arguing that private non-governmental contracts can generate public peace officer status. He wants the court to order the Federal government to recognize this status.

So Rob, why are you doing this and why now? Is it a desperate attempt to do an end run around the criminal charges you are facing as a result of that little fracas in Toronto? The charges in Toronto Police file number 2014-2947747?

It turns out that Rob has not been entirely forthcoming on what actually happened in Toronto at the police stop, portions of which he shared with us in this video.

The narrative I have on what happened is that;

-Menard was stopped in a traffic stop and called 911.
-He showed off his C3P0 badge to the police and claimed to be a peace officer. This resulted in his arrest. Menard actually produced proper identification on arrest, signed his release documents in a conventional manner. He is currently on bail.
-The video and stop evidence was sufficient that the Crown decided to lay a personating a police officer charge (Criminal Code, s 130). That’s a hybrid offence so it could be prosecuted on indictment (5 years) or as a summary conviction offence (6 months).

Well sorry Rob but this won't help you. I'm guessing that the Federal Court of Canada will treat this like the nonsense it is and strike it because;

a) Menard lacks standing in the court because It is a reference question without a basis for Menard to be particularly prejudiced.

b) The Federal Court does not have the jurisdiction to address it. There is no alleged wrongdoing by a federal body, or the federal government. This is not a judicial review of a Federal tribunal. As I understand it the Federal Court can only pass judgment on a federal law if the law breaches the provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the law is outside the juridiction of the federal government of Canada. Menard is not arguing that either of these occured.

c) This is a collateral attack on an Ontario Court of Justice proceeding and so Menard should instead be making his application there.

So Menard doesn't have to fret about whether or not the Federal Court will try the issue in Montreal since they won't be hearing it anywhere.

And, if this really was within the jurisdiction of the Federal court of Canada, do you really think the court is going to give the green light to your gang of thugs and idiots to become quasi-police officers with the power to arrest people based on your bullshit interpretation of the laws? I'd suggest you read the Nanaimo Three discussion for an idea how this is going to play out.

Court Fiie #: 1-L\3-\f;'
Ro/oe1 t A Menard
(Acting for The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers)
Her Majesty the Queen
~ JAtM 3 2015 '
I MARTl .. l!~Mi!2 CAJON!.AUt.1
cf aim made against yau fs set out In the following pages.
IF YOU WISH TO DEFEND THIS PROCEEDING, you or a solicitor acting for you are
required to prepare a statement of defence In Form 171 B prescribed by the Federal Courts Rules
. serve It on the plaintiff's solicitor or, where the plalnUff does not have a solicitor, serve It on the
plaintiff, and file It, with proof of service, at a local office of this Court, WITHIN 30 DAYS after this
statement of claim Is served on you, If you are served within Canada.
If you are served In the United States of America, the period for serving and filing your
statement of defence Is forty days. If you are served outside Canada and the United States of
America, the period for serving and filing your statement of defence Is sixty days.
Coples of the Federal Court Rules Information concerning the local offices of the Court
and other necessary lnfonnatlon may be obtained on request to the Admlnlslrator of this Court at
Ottawa (telephone 613-992-4238) or at any local office.
IF YOU FAIL TO DEFEND THIS PROCEEDING, judgment may be given against you in
your absence and without further notice to you.
7&ot Vt1.lfr f31 ~01$
_1' I 1 Pliir 19, ~
--- Registly Officer
Address of local office:, ________ _
TO: The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OHB


1. The plaintiff' claims: The Crown and all agents thereof have a duty to officially
recognize as holding peace officer status those members of the public who are employed by
other members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace, or employed for the
service and execution of civil process. It Is claimed that failure to do so may needlessly cause
confusion, conflict and breaches to the public peace. Therefore, on behalf of the people of
Canada and the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers, said recognition Is hereby

Statement of Facts:

1) The Criminal Code of Canada Includes within It's definition of peace officer the term 'or other
persons employed to preserve and maintain the public peace or for the service and execution
of civil process.'

2) We claim that the term 'other persons' Includes members of the public.
3) We claim that members of the public can presently easily employ other members of the public as process servers for the service and execution of civil process and that it is their right to do so.

4) We claim that right extends to employing members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace.

5) We clalm the public has a vested Interest In preserving and malntalng the public peace and therefore a right to employ directly other members of the pubUc for that purpose.

6) The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers Is composed of members of the public, lawfully employed by other members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace.

7) Membership requires the making of a public oath to preserve and maintain the public peace, and the entering Into of a valid lawful contract to do so with a sponsoring member of the pubHc. ·

8) The purpose and goal of the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers ls to bridge the growing gap between the constabulary and the public thus diminishing the llkeMhood of violence; to ensure activists and those who seek social change act with respect to the public peace; and to grant greater credibility to those who must testify concerning the actions of the police.

Relief Sought

1- Judicial recognition as peace officers for those members of the public who have made oath to
preserve and maintain the public peace and have entered Into contract with a member or
members of the pubUc to do so.

2- Judicial recognition of 1he Plaintiff as a peace officer as defined by the Criminal Code of

The plaintiff proposes that this action be tried at Montreal City, Quebec, Canada.
'{Slgtlatiire of plaintiff}

Robert Menard::I
5\L\ \..\S\ J l'{ o \
Oshawa Ontario
SOR/2004-283, s. 35
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

I'm actually kind of disappointment that he would lie to this degree.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by littleFred »

It's a logical extension of the (false) SovCit contention the public servants need to do as we individual people decide, and we can't have granted them powers that we individuals don't have ourselves. Therefore, we can demand the same powers as police officers.

Heck, did I just imply that SovCits can be logical? Sorry about that.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Here's the link to the Statement of Claim as filed by Rob rather than the version botched up by me; ... 0Claim.pdf
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: The narrative I have on what happened is that;

-Menard was stopped in a traffic stop and called 911.
-He showed off his C3P0 badge to the police and claimed to be a peace officer. This resulted in his arrest. Menard actually produced proper identification on arrest, signed his release documents in a conventional manner. He is currently on bail.
-The video and stop evidence was sufficient that the Crown decided to lay a personating a police officer charge (Criminal Code, s 130). That’s a hybrid offence so it could be prosecuted on indictment (5 years) or as a summary conviction offence (6 months).
Oh, this is so rich. . .Bobby lied out his arse about the June traffic stop. He got himself arrested but in the comments section of his YouTube told everybody that a simple traffic ticket was issued and he and the driver of the car just drove away.

Upon his arrest Mr. I-Ain't-Got-No-Stinking-Government-I.D. coughed up his government issued ear tags like a good little plantation slave.

The Crown now has the Great Fezeed One on the hook for impersonating a police officer. If convicted Robby the Phony Bobby faces 6 months to 5 years in the big house!

Thank you, Burnaby49! Thank you very much!
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Burnaby49 »

Oh, this is so rich. . .Bobby lied out his arse about the June traffic stop. He got himself arrested but in the comments section of his YouTube told everybody that a simple traffic ticket was issued and he and the driver of the car just drove away.

Upon his arrest Mr. I-Ain't-Got-No-Stinking-Government-I.D. coughed up his government issued ear tags like a good little plantation slave.

The Crown now has the Great Fezeed One on the hook for impersonating a police officer. If convicted Robby the Phony Bobby faces 6 months to 5 years in the big house!

Thank you, Burnaby49! Thank you very much!
I spread happiness wherever I go. However I doubt the Chief will be glad to see me at his contempt of court hearing and Charles Norman Holmes was pretty curt with me at Michael Millar's tax evasion hearing (haven't posted that one yet). Ok, so maybe there are mixed opinions about me.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by bmxninja357 »

in a bag of mixed nuts there is always one kind or another that isnt your favorite.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....