Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

At 4044r Kevin mentioned that it is one sided and he had been slandered. I hope Kevin Kumar will defend his side here in quatloos instead of being in hiding. He once had phoned us but he used the name Ty Griffith. During that time, I already read about Ty Griffith being Kevin Kumar and we had refused talking to him as we already had watched him on you tube with that crazy music and crazy outfit. Who would like to talk business with a clown?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

rmsimmons wrote:
At 4044r Kevin mentioned that it is one sided and he had been slandered. I hope Kevin Kumar will defend his side here in quatloos instead of being in hiding. He once had phoned us but he used the name Ty Griffith. During that time, I already read about Ty Griffith being Kevin Kumar and we had refused talking to him as we already had watched him on you tube with that crazy music and crazy outfit. Who would like to talk business with a clown?
The way the script runs, if you have been scammed by Derek, you aren't allowed to criticize Kumar and vise versa. Some of the emails I received from Kumar were all to the effect of "why are you slandering me?. you never met me, and so on". That being said, they are part of the same scam, but with clearly defined roles to play. Derek does the initial customer approach to foreclosed on homeowners and handles the rent to own portion of the scam. If they wish to sell their home they're passed off to Kumar.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

eric wrote:The way the script runs, if you have been scammed by Derek, you aren't allowed to criticize Kumar and vise versa. Some of the emails I received from Kumar were all to the effect of "why are you slandering me?. you never met me, and so on". That being said, they are part of the same scam, but with clearly defined roles to play. Derek does the initial customer approach to foreclosed on homeowners and handles the rent to own portion of the scam. If they wish to sell their home they're passed off to Kumar.

In my involvement with them, Derek was the initial contact and claimed his role was simply the human rights activist. Kumar was the finance guy for me to discuss rent-to-own or sale of my home. I started to notice how the two of them would switch roles frequently: Kumar ranting about human rights being violated, and Derek discussing finance with me. It seems to me that as they are getting more and more exposed for their scams, and as their numbers dwindle, they are unable to maintain their self-defined roles. In particular, when a victim asks questions they don't want to answer, that is when they go off-script and switch roles.

And once again, for good measure:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »


I just googled "ispeedprivatelending" and the link to the discussion about this on the Quatloos forum now appears below some of their links to their website,! :snicker:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

enid wrote:SUCCESS!

I just googled "ispeedprivatelending" and the link to the discussion about this on the Quatloos forum now appears below some of their links to their website,! :snicker:
Good Stuff!! I checked myself on a "virgin" search (google uses smart searching so that previous searches are used to focus subsequent searches) and this discussion came up fourth down on the list.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

eric wrote:
enid wrote:SUCCESS!

I just googled "ispeedprivatelending" and the link to the discussion about this on the Quatloos forum now appears below some of their links to their website,! :snicker:
Good Stuff!! I checked myself on a "virgin" search (google uses smart searching so that previous searches are used to focus subsequent searches) and this discussion came up fourth down on the list.
This just made my day! :whistle:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

enid wrote: In my involvement with them, Derek was the initial contact and claimed his role was simply the human rights activist. Kumar was the finance guy for me to discuss rent-to-own or sale of my home. I started to notice how the two of them would switch roles frequently: Kumar ranting about human rights being violated, and Derek discussing finance with me. It seems to me that as they are getting more and more exposed for their scams, and as their numbers dwindle, they are unable to maintain their self-defined roles. In particular, when a victim asks questions they don't want to answer, that is when they go off-script and switch roles.
True, I don't have experience with them when there are just the two of them. Previously they've always had one or more intermediaries, Manji was the most prominent and survived the longest working for them. They're actively trying to recruit new ones, Kumar in particular has been trying the hardest. There is that youtube ad asking for someone to read their scripts for them, and sometimes it has been through personal contact by Kumar. BTW, that's how the "group of 18 or so" has acquired some of the information about them. I am aware that I am revealing some of our illuminati sources and I'm doing it purposely. :mouthshut: Sometimes prospective candidates, like all serious job applicants, research the potential employer and then pass on information when they discover that the employer sounds a little fishy. :snicker:
Maybe I should pass on a few names to them as prospective candidates - I come from a long line of horse traders and car salesmen, and even know some vacuum cleaner guys. :snicker: - Serious aside, I'm not kidding about the horses, as a little known historical tidbit, the very first Budweiser horses were Canadian and from a family breed line.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

Interesting historical tidbit, Eric!

I hope that this discussion will rouse Derek and Kumar and they'll resurface and start posting here again. I love entertainment! :snicker:

Yes, Kumar is very actively trying to recruit more minions. He was very pushy about recruiting me at one point, but I had no interest. Both he and Derek tried to convince me that I could make a great living being a "human rights activist" and assisting others facing foreclosure, charging $500 (I believe that is the number he said) for my "assistance". :roll:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

enid wrote:Interesting historical tidbit, Eric
I used to ride those horses bareback as a small boy....
enid wrote:Yes, Kumar is very actively trying to recruit more minions. He was very pushy about recruiting me at one point, but I had no interest. Both he and Derek tried to convince me that I could make a great living being a "human rights activist" and assisting others facing foreclosure, charging $500 (I believe that is the number he said) for my "assistance". :roll:
He was lowballing you. Guys such as Manji and Elliot were promised two thousand a week. Of course that was in their heyday....
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks » ... port-.html ... nt-orders/

Now comes up with links to this forum for me.

Derek Ryan Johnson and Kevin Kumar with his wife Laurel Cinnamon have a new web site selling the same old scam. Calgary Alberta RECA and accredited by the Real estate Council of Canada are all related to this group. With operations and home base in Vernon BC. is all part of the human rights violations. Good thing we have our own activists working on this. Adult bullying must be stopped. ... 7284037373 ... 7284037373

This story is about one of the most amazing events in Canadian History and is happened present day.

This story may sound unbelievable.

But, it is all true.

I am the only person in Canada who is barred from using the Canadian Court System (Court of Queens Bench / Provincial Courts).

My ongoing battles with Alberta Foreclosure Lawyers and the Real Estate Council of Alberta are the reason and this is the unbelievable result.

Who else in Canada is barred from using the Canadian Court system?

Nobody... But me.

Why do the judges, foreclosure lawyers and banks want to silence me?

The Derek Johnson story begins in 2007 when I began my involvement in real estate, buying and selling homes for profit like many Canadian small business people seeking business opportunities in the real estate industry. I networked myself with many professionals in the industry who were involved in financing, and providing all the tools and resources one must need to do business.

After five years of building a thriving business I became involved in developing a For-Sale-By-Owner Commission FREE system for all Canadians to benefit from with a group of senior real estate professionals coming from Realtor, mortgage broker, and investor backgrounds.

This revolutionary system would allow the average Canadian to sell their home commission FREE and not lose tens of thousands of dollars in equity to Realtor commissions. This system would allow a Canadian property owner to market their homes and get maximum exposure combined with maximum profits.

One day, a quasi "official looking" email is sent from a company called RECA, (Real Estate Council of Alberta) who is demanding confidential company information of mine and particulars to reveal my personal company financials and business model. They were apparently "investigating a complaint" of some sort and were representing themselves as some sort of governing body in the industry.

I immediately started asking questions and inquiring into whom this group of people were and what would give them the authority to make any sort of demands regarding my personal business. What I found out was that there exists a "self governing" agency that governs Realtors and Mortgage brokers in the Province of Alberta and they were wanting to make an attempt to govern me, a private person buying and selling property using offer to purchase contracts and not MLS Listing agreements which is what the Realtors use to list homes on their internet database.

I asked many questions of them which they refused to answer and in response only received demands of providing confidential information that pertains to my personal business (such as bank accounts, business transactions) which any normal Canadian business person would never reveal to a third party company that is not a government agency.

It became soon very obvious that they were simply a competitor wanting to shut down my business because I was competing with the Realtors and attracting attention based on the success of my business.

It was obvious that they were attempting to bully me into paying for their "license" and become a Realtor which is something I had never aspired to be.

In the process of asking them questions, they soon became belligerent and sending imitation court documents to try and call me into their office which is not a court but a tribunal where they can administer fine and penalties to their employees they have under contract (Realtors / Mortgage Brokers).

When I had discovered that RECA (Real Estate Council of Alberta) was in fact a competitor of mine, and trying to deceive me into believing they had authority over me like a government agency I began asking more questions regarding what gave them a right to intrude on my personal business.

Their lead "investigator" Tricia Hickey proceeded with treating me as though I was somehow in her jurisdiction and continued a campaign of harassment and intimidation using imitation court documents that looked like real Court of Queens Bench, or Provincial Court of Alberta Court documents yet they were not. They were simply fake legal documents meant to imitate what a real court process would look like with applications calling me into their office so they could make demands regarding my personal business dealings.

After consulting others in the industry I became immediately aware of why this was happening !

My personal involvement with creating Canada's first and only For-Sale-By-Owner Commission FREE system that would make the MLS System obsolete. I had been working on this system for over 5 years with other senior real estate people in the industry via and this was a major concern from internal sources at the Real Estate Council of Alberta. ... y-ab-71994
FREELIST BBB warning included here

They were becoming increasing aware of our market presence and realizing that we were taking a large part of Calgary's business away from the Realtors after obtaining hundreds of people coming to list their homes Commission FREE on the website and buying into the revolutionary cutting edge concepts.

After many years of harassment and RECA even going as far as obtaining a court "order" (according to their company) to cease and desist the business, their campaign resulted in the mainstream media being tricked into believing that there were people including myself "posing as Realtors" in an attempt to shut down the business and slander the Commission FREE system available to all Canadians.

After enduring 3 year of slander and harassment in the real estate community launching this system, there was no doubt that I had to get involved in protecting my interests and others who were dealing with this same company posing as a government agency.

I had found that others were being harassed and bullied out of the real estate market by this corrupt pretend government agency and were dealing with the same issues.

The Real Estate Council of Alberta went as far as attempting to extort money from family members of mine on the title of a home that was in the middle of a sale (that was not even mine), attempting to steal $65,000 in equity from the proceeds of the sale.

RECA was unsuccessful in their extortion attempts but they continue to feature my name on their website to this day and continue a campaign of harassment and slander even going as far as obtaining an order preventing myself from contacting their office and board of directors who are responsible for their actions.

I made hundreds of phone calls and sent hundreds of emails and was met with silence.

They refused to communicate with me for 3 years and this was the result of my unwillingness to leave the industry and continue to stand up for my rights as a Canadian business person buying and selling real estate and being the number one competitor to them for years !

I sued RECA, the lawyers as well as the judges who were instrumental in stonewalling me and allowing for justice to take place within our Canadian Court System.

They effectively barred me from acting as a plaintiff or defendant in their system, not allowing me to file paperwork in either capacity. They would not allow me a hearing unless I could come up with a $150,000.00 non refundable deposit made to their company (Court of Queens Bench) in the event that I would have to pay for services in the event that I would not win the lawsuit - even though I was suing the employees of the Court itself !

This was an obvious conflict of interest but was never made public until now !

By being barred from using the Canadian Courts this means that the employees at the courts general filing are not allowed to accept paperwork from me no matter whether I am making a claim or defending myself in a court action.

That means I am not able to effectively defend myself in a court action, depriving me of my rights as a Canadian citizen.

This introduction is for the extortion racket called the Real Estate Council of Alberta, the lawyers who are paid to support them and continue to perpetuate lies and deception, the two media reporters who were tricked into believing that you have to be a Realtor to buy and sell real estate, the zombie lawyers, judges and the lost souls on quatloos who were tricked by the lawyers, and those that are seeking the real truth into what is happening in the business underbelly of the Real Estate Industry in Canada.

Most of all, this is for the Canadian people to understand what is really happening in the most important industry we still control.

The Realtor / MLS System has been monopolizing the Canadian real estate market since 1967.

They are in breach of competition and monopoly laws as they presently exist in Canada and will continue to do so as long as the Canadian people allow them to get away with it.

The Real Estate Lawyers are being controlled by the Canadian Banks and not allowing due process nor is the Courts whom are in collusion with the Banks as their biggest client.

Enforcing and Extending Vexatious Litigant Orders

He also relied on the fact that 1158997 Alberta Inc and Derek Johnson’s related companies had begun these actions in contravention of previous court orders declaring them to be vexatious litigants (at para 102). Justice LoVecchio also granted the application to declare as vexatious litigants the three other numbered companies which had been plaintiffs in the actions and which were controlled by Johnson: 1673793 Alberta Ltd, 1691482 Alberta Inc, and 1660112 Alberta Ltd.

Five individuals who had not instituted or conducted any of the proceedings, and who therefore could not be declared to be vexatious litigants under subsection 23.1(1) of the Judicature Act, were found to have been “associated with a person against whom an order under subsection (1) is made” and therefore declared to be vexatious litigants under subsection 23.1(4). Justice LoVecchio declared three of those individuals to be vexatious litigants because they were directors of the three numbered companies which were plaintiffs and which “purchased” the homes from 1158997 Alberta Inc and therefore they associated with parties to the action declared to be vexatious litigants: Sarabjit Singh Sarin , the sole director and voting shareholder of 1673793 Alberta Ltd; Jason Mizzoni, who filed the Notice of Appeal of the order removing Master Laycock and the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta as defendants in one of the three actions on behalf of 1691482 Alberta Inc; and Ajay K. Aneja, the sole director and shareholder of 1660112 Alberta Ltd. “Ty Griffiths”, identified in each action as an agent for all of the corporate plaintiffs was declared to be a vexatious litigant if he actually exists (at paras 105-106). As Ty Griffiths was not present at the hearings, it was not clear that Ty Griffiths is a real person as opposed to, say, a pseudonym for Derek Johnson. However, as the person the corporate plaintiffs named as their agent, he was associated with entities named as vexatious litigants under subsection 23.1(1). Finally, Evanna Ellis, who appeared on the first day of the hearing of the Special Chambers Application and said she was the agent for Ty Griffiths, was also declared to be a vexatious litigant. Justice LoVecchio stated (at para 108) that she was “by extension” an individual associated with a person against whom an order under subsection (1) is made.
Last edited by Derek Johnson Sucks on Sun Aug 02, 2015 3:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

The only person in Canada barred from the courts? I beg to differ. There are all kinds of vexatious litigants out there.

I don't see where the problem is in any case. He can have the King's Bench bar everybody but himself then have it overrule Queens's Bench.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Burnaby49 wrote:The only person in Canada barred from the courts? I beg to differ. There are all kinds of vexatious litigants out there.

I don't see where the problem is in any case. He can have the King's Bench bar everybody but himself then have it overrule Queens's Bench.

Well you know that scum bag Derek Johnson likes to tell stories that help him continue his scam.
It serves his interest to make these claims. Its getting harder for him to hide from him self though.
Mainly thanks to this forum. Many people tell me this FORUM is how they found info about the fraud.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rogfulton »

"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Llwellyn »

oh woe is me.. is all that big ramble was..

Derek is not banned/barred whatever colloquialism you want to choose.. from filing a court action anywhere in Canada, Alberta include.. BUT, if he does wish to file something, the former judge that he dealt with, must first APPROVE.. why is this.. to simply stop the lil lad from crying wolf and filing more nonsensical and useless paperwork, consuming the time of various departments.. all on the taxpayers dime. - so, simply put, to save money and time - Like I said, he CAN file.. and use the Court of Alberta etc.. BUT, he has to actually file something that A) makes sense, and B) is a viable action/cause... the judge, or assigned person will then peruse it, and confirm, passing it on to the next stage.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

Derek and Kumar wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and slapped them in their faces. :lol:

And again for good measure:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

After Derek Johnsons blog got featured here at quatloos, it appears that the blog mysteriously disappeared!( Ty Griffith as we all know is Kevin Kumar must have nothing to do with Derek Johnson as Derek is bad for his business. Few times , he addressed Derek as the infamous Derek Johnson on the text message of one of his "supposed" victim. Or could it be some trouble in paradise?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

rmsimmons wrote: Ty Griffith as we all know is Kevin Kumar must have nothing to do with Derek Johnson as Derek is bad for his business. Few times , he addressed Derek as the infamous Derek Johnson on the text message of one of his "supposed" victim. Or could it be some trouble in paradise?
As his victims know, Kumar is very careful about hiding his social presence and on the surface his business appears legitimate, but on the edges. Even if you go through web sites such as privatesectoract and hotjusticerealitytv there is Ty Griffiths but no mention of Derek and Manji now, they all have been stripped out. Derek however is perfectly blatant on his sites and when he was posting here that his business is dodgy, but there is no link to Ty/Kumar. They may still be associates, I suspect Kumar, now that he has been outed, wants to give the impression that he's just another businessman with some OPCA leanings.
After all, I was receiving emails from Kumar to the gist of "Why are you slandering me, I never met you".
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

Once again, Want to keep the link to this forum near the top of any Google search for their newly-named website :snicker:
Last edited by enid on Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

December 11, 2014: RECA obtained a Court of Queen’s Bench Injunction against Derek Johnson, aka John Davis, ordering him to cease and desist trading in real estate and dealing in mortgages without a license, and to pay $2,500 in costs. The Court also ordered Mr. Johnson to take down his website, and (Joe Rhealestate), and to remove his YouTube and Kijiji postings from those sites. These two sites have since been removed from the internet. It is believed Mr. Johnson continues to be involved in Kijiji postings. The Court Injunction also applies to Mr. Johnson’s associates. ... port-.html
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:December 11, 2014: RECA obtained a Court of Queen’s Bench Injunction against Derek Johnson, aka John Davis, ordering him to cease and desist trading in real estate and dealing in mortgages without a license, and to pay $2,500 in costs. It is believed Mr. Johnson continues to be involved in Kijiji postings. The Court Injunction also applies to Mr. Johnson’s associates.
OK, now I got it why Kumar is trying to publicly disassociate himself from Johnson. Previously someone like Manji would work closely with both of them, but to the victim they would present themselves as Derek plus Manji, or Kumar plus Manji. Recent reports from victims indicate that there are just the two of them right now working literally hand in glove and they are franticly trying to recruit more help. :whistle: