Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by mufc1959 »

hucknallred wrote:
I speak from experience here too. If these people have maintained the endowment premiums then the provider will have been writing to them for the last 10 years with updates on the performance of the policy & advising them to sort out a means of repaying the capital if there is a high risk of a shortfall. My £23k policy was taken out in 1988 & ended up about £5k short at maturity.

If, like the Crawfords someone decided to just not pay the premium, does the provider let the mortgage provider know? They are 2 completely different products after all. I still have my endowment policy paperwork & there is no mention of the building society that provided the mortgage.
Yes, that's correct, endowment providers were writing to people from about 2002 onwards about potential endowment shortfalls and encouraging them to take steps to address it. Some did, some didn't.

There's also a huge swathe of people who took out mortgages from 2005 that were interest-only without any repayment method. Lending standards were very different then and it's fair to say that most of those customers wouldn't qualify for an interest-only mortgage now. But the lenders are aware that they'll need to do something to help these customers - where they can, and where the customers are willing to engage in finding a solution.

If an endowment policy was assigned to the lender, then the lender would've been told if it was about to lapse. But from the late 80s onwards lenders stopped asking for policies to be assigned as it was just an extra faff of paperwork. Instead they just warned the customers that it was their responsibility to ensure there was a repayment vehicle in place.

The Crawfords' policy was assigned to B&B, because when the policy finally lapsed the £170-odd was paid into the mortgage account. If it hadn't been assigned, the cheque would've been sent to Tom and Sue. B&B also then offered to transfer the mortgage onto a repayment basis, which, as we know, Tom refused to do.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Forsyth »

YiamCross wrote:The smoking gun is more than fear of ridicule in the press. If lots of properties have to be repossessed then there's a risk that property prices will dive and all that property they have as security becomes worth, well, not quite nothing but it could prove problematical if the markets lose confidence in the banks. Much the same for the last 7 or 8 years, bending over backwards not to repossess properties, no way they want to dump hundreds or thousands of properties into a market which doesn't really want them. Chaos in the property market is the last thing they want.

Of course, as Tom and Sue have found out, if you try to take the piss they will make an example of you. It would be equally dangerous for the world to get the idea the banks are too frightened to repossess anyone's property.
Statistics from the Land Registry show a consistent decrease in the rate of repossessions since at least 2009, when it was around 2,500 properties a month, down to 583 a month currently. Despite that being a quite dramatic change I've noticed a belief in some quarters that the reverse is actually the case and that properties are being repossessed at a higher rate now than five years ago. Unfortunately, where the impact of a single event is high, there is a distinct tendency to ignore statistical and scientific sources in favour of anecdotal reports which confirm a persons own experience or beliefs.

Land Registry HPI Report September 2015
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by mufc1959 »

There's an article in today's Guardian that's right on point here. ... sial-loans
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by letissier14 »

Someone from EFOTB has created a TROLL PAGE called Reveal a Troll

Amanda is being her usual lovely intelligent self

They had previously released Bradley Knights address and are now starting on me and a woman called Donna. They think they have posted the postcode for Donna, but it is wrong. However, the fact remains they are posting peoples addresses/postcodes and in the case of Donna, she has a young son who has autism

Reveal a Troll added 3 new photos.
21 October at 23:24 · Edited ·

Lets play a little troll game???
Question (1)
GORDON bleu, who would live in a house like this MAY I ask, photo to come, here is a clue.
Photo 1 (George Formby when I am clearing windows)
Question (2)
What is the similarity between photo 2 and 3,
Please don't state the obvious (both are very greasy and make you sick and have similar names)
Continue M and D and make our day.....Full detailed information coming soon.

David Anthony Gardiner Troll or not unless it's eyè for an eye and this person has been revealing the addresses of others please think about families and children before disclosing anyone's address.
Like · Reply · 2 · 22 October at 01:15 · Edited

Amanda Pike
Amanda Pike
is this Donna? its not is it? OHMYGAWDDD if so? can anyone confirm this? as for addresses I don't like them being revealed but please understand this woman of all our trolls know what they are doing its not just us these people troll....If this is her the other thing you need to understand is this one is like a toretts troll. she has no off switch there is no line with her. Yesterday I hear she's hoping and praying the social services give me a not remotely joking. and this from a woman who openly admits she kept her own children in an extreamly bad domestic abuse relationship unsure emoticon She has taken a particular dislike to me. I suspect because not to long ago i genuinely offered her friendship because its clear she needs it and what with her home life shes like your ark atypical bully. she's being bullied herself so became the bully, maybe as an escape? but lets not forget that this isn't a child in school its a grown woman! we're probably her escape so i felt really sorry for her. I offered to meet up for a coffee....well turns out that didn't go down to well and since then if she can say something low she will!..... anything theres no line. shes a very disturbed lady the poor thing . I still feel sorry for her. but I also understand how others will not give her the pity I do so will only take so much. Im pretty sure theres plenty of folk here who see exactly what shes comes out with unsure emoticon and can tell you how awful she is. It must be dreadful to have so many people think so badly of you simply for the hate they give out. I get alot of shocked pms telling me about Donnas daily drivel. I guess when you're that horrid you are going to upset people. Little does she know that unlike her who liked the fact my toddlers picture was stolen and they (the trolls) put dad next to jimmy Saville and basically said dad was a paedophile (thats how pervertedly sick they can get) she laughed and laughed liking the image ohhh she had a right giggle about it, Imagine that a fellow mother liking such a thing its beggars belief ....when someone else who she'd upset got hold of her childs image they didnt say anything sick about the kids but were giving her a taste of her own medicine. For her and her childrens sake I removed it. But there's a BIG difference between us and thats that I am decent and everything morally she can only dream of being. I suspect its another reason she seems so jelouse unsure emoticon So you see when you go out of your way to hurt others theres a saying thats what goes around comes around so they are bringing it on themselves I think. Its a shame but part of me is past caring about them now unsure emoticon

Amanda Pike what comments? this guys posts keep going too i think?
Like · Reply · 22 October at 08:54

Garrick Purple I'll just leave this here....DY9 9BT
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 October at 15:29

Amanda Pike did anyone share this with the trolls at all? just wondering frown emoticon xmmmmmm
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs

Amanda Pike Garrick Purple omg i got sent a picture of ruth afew days ago. my god....wtaf! shes bloody horrendous! i forgot about her/it lol talk about old wrinkley baggy and ugly the gowells and eye bags....(yiammys got them too!) alone are hilarious. Had she not been so replusive online no one would say a word to her. word to the wise. orange is NOT you're colour love unsure emoticon
Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs

Gordon Letissier Post what you like smile emoticon quite sad that a family that has caused so much crap, lied and cost the tax payer a fortune all based on not paying their mortgage. post away wink emoticon
Like · Reply · 7 · 19 mins · Edited

James Pallister Irony impaired bunch of morons, bitching about trolling,wtf do you think this is?? Posting people's post codes?? pathetic.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Amanda Pike but its allllllllll okay for you lot to post addresses and stalk us and others bitching about us for hours on end rentlessly for over a year now. how sad you are!so get over it buttercups if you can't take it dont give it out. ive been reserved in my honest evaluation of you lot. its nothing compared to what you really are.
Like · Reply · 2 · 58 mins

Ruth Sherlock It's simply their mirrored images! LOL! heart emoticon Got to love them all, someone has to grin emoticon
Like · Reply · 57 mins
1 Reply

Gordon Letissier Post away Amanda. Because you're too stupid to realise that doing so can be considered as incitement if anything happens because of it. And to expose someone that person needs to have something to be exposed which makes your silly little witch hunt pointless. It only goes to show what you and your family are really about Great diversion tactic by the way.

Amanda Pike haha and all that from a guy thats become totally obsessed and infatuated with us joining in with a witch hunt of us you were one of the starters of. haha!! ive not posted any addresses unlike you lot of pointless lunatics. nor has this guy however what I have done is laugh at you all...yet again....for all getting in a tizz over this guys post and my comments when its no where near as bad as what you lot are doing so quite frankly along with your pointless opinons I couldn't give a rats ass. people clearly started looking into you because of how vile you are. so whos the stupid ones now. I get you'll be annoyed truly I do...but its just tough luck I suppose when you all choose to be a complete and utter twat! i think this guys bloody brilliant. you all get a taste of what you've been doing to others for far to long.
Like · Reply · 2 · 41 mins · Edited

Gordon Letissier Have I posted anyone's address? nope! Am I in a tizzy? Nope! Obsessed with you and your family? Nope! But I admit I have posted all your lies about your case on certain pages which are aimed at people with real debt issues and told many people to ignore your case as it is all based on lies and deceit. I'm glad you're having a laugh, good for you. Like I said previously, you keep on posting whatever you like.
Like · Reply · 2 · 30 mins · Edited
2 Replies · 26 mins

Gordon Letissier Let me think who is obsessed? ermmm who asked everyone on the eviction page for my address? Who asked people for my phone number? Who phoned me and had a go at me? Who created a troll page to give my personal details out? Not looking good for you Crawfrauds is it?
Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins
Gordon Letissier

Amanda Pike im not sure if your just incredibly THICK or enjoying what you're doing to us so much that you don't care what you say. We've not lied once. we've harmed nobody and above all you're a dick unsure emoticon you even have to come onto a page revealing the likes of you to try it on. So carry on fill your boots but don't start trying to stick up for yourself and your fellow loonies when what you're doing to innocent people is way worse. no one cares what you think. so naff off tubs peddle your crap elsewhere!

Gordon Letissier I'm not sticking up for anyone else, I'm a great big fat boy who can look after himself. As for thick? ermmm who has lost every single court case involving the house? Your dad is even banned for 2 years from making any claim in the high Court and county court because of his previous vexatious claims. If you want to have a proper discussion then that's fine but you really have to learn to stop your abuse of people.

You keep telling everyone that you have the proof that can blow all our claims out of the water, but you failed to produce them at any court case, which would of have been the time to show them.

I must be really thick because I know if I were in your position to prove beyond doubt that you had paid your mortgage off, I would post all the documents everywhere I possibly could. Just imagine the support you would have.

Truth is you didn't pay the mortgage off or the endowment and have no documents to prove it either.

Amanda Pike Oh jeeze you're dim. im not repeating myself and no im not answering your questions dummy you know why. you just seem to be under the illusion that if you keep spouting your crap people will start to listen. doesn't matter if they do to be fair but you're all going to be looking incredibly stupid grin emoticon plus so much of what you've said is hilarious.....What's lacking in your life May I ask that makes you so pathetic that you need to bully others what happened to you? so sad. im not replying to the likes of you scum any more. You've had enough of my time and as we all know your little balls will be in alot of pain right now from all my attention especially to for your own sake I'll stop now. I'm all for charity smile emoticon (ive heard how much you enjoy my reference to your little ginger balls so that one was for you tubs)
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by NG3 »

If it concerns you then you should report it.

FB has clear policy on publishing information about private individuals, and for Amanda that policy clearly states that it defines private individuals as people who have neither gained news attention nor the interest of the public, by way of their actions or public profession.

So your family doesn't count, but the people you're targeting do.

If you're genuinely concerned for your safety then obviously you should report it to the authorities.

Personally I think it's just rather pathetic posturing, but you have to act according to how you perceive it.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by #six »

Whilst there are no specific laws against doxing or attempted doxing it can be considered harrasment and thus potentially illegal. It would be quite funny if Amanda, like her father and brother, found herself in front of a judge. The crawfords certainly seem to relish run ins with the law.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Joinder »

I've been uncomfortable with people on here revealing addresses and even posting photos of homes, also the doctoring of pictures too.
It ends in tears, and is unnecessary and provocative, the video and comments of Amanda's dancing video being a case in point.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by YiamCross »

NG3 wrote:
FB has clear policy on publishing information about private individuals, and for Amanda that policy clearly states that it defines private individuals as people who have neither gained news attention nor the interest of the public, by way of their actions or public profession.

No it doesn't or if it does it never enforces it. I'm seriously considering an action against facebook who are culpable as publishers of threats and breaches of privacy when they fail to remove them in a reasonable time after being informed of the posts.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Daft Ada »

So happy I don't use Facebook.

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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by PeanutGallery »

YiamCross wrote:
NG3 wrote:
FB has clear policy on publishing information about private individuals, and for Amanda that policy clearly states that it defines private individuals as people who have neither gained news attention nor the interest of the public, by way of their actions or public profession.

No it doesn't or if it does it never enforces it. I'm seriously considering an action against facebook who are culpable as publishers of threats and breaches of privacy when they fail to remove them in a reasonable time after being informed of the posts.
I would suggest that you should consider sending a letter before action, threatening an injunction to have any postings made relating to you by Amanda Pike or any other in the Eviction Fraud of the Banks group deleted, I would get screengrabs of any offensive and intimidating content, and include it with the letter. Mail it to Facebook, 10 Brock Street, London UK, send it by normal post no need for recorded delivery but get a certificate of posting from the post office.

I would also take those screengrabs and report the matter to the police, state that it is making you feel concerned for the safety of your family. I would include the crime reference number and have that sent to Facebook as well.

One of the problems I have seen in relation to Facebook is that when something is reported to them, the staff member doesn't seem to understand the nature of the report, for instance a group I belong to in relation to employment rights was very recently spammed by people using images of bestiality and other pornographic materials. I tried to report the accounts of the spammers, except they would delete the post and by the time facebook came to look at it, their would be no evidence. So I took a screengrab and sent it with the report, only to find myself receiving a warning for sending the image of the porn I was trying to report to them.

As such I wouldn't use or recommend using Facebooks report functions, it's not fit for purpose the staff are poorly trained and managed and I am unsure if they have sufficient knowledge of various local laws. However sending a letter requesting that content be removed that has been posted with the intent of harassing you and your family or you will be forced to seek an injunction, should at the least garner a response and possibly the removal of the content, perhaps even the closure of the group.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by getoutofdebtfools »

YiamCross wrote:I'm seriously considering an action against facebook who are culpable as publishers of threats and breaches of privacy when they fail to remove them in a reasonable time after being informed of the posts.
Good luck with that Yiam. I wouldn't fancy your chances.

Amanda is lashing out because she still foolishly believes that her family were wronged. In truth they were, but by Taylor, Haining et al.

I too do not like the posting of personal details on forums or FB. Yes, it's good to know who you are dealing with but best left to PMs and emails. I have, through a good friend, access to tracing software and always trace people that I deal with, whether it's a business deal, a row online or an annoying phone call. You'd be surprised how quickly you stop recieving PPI calls when you phone the MD on his persoanl mobile/home phone :D
Last edited by getoutofdebtfools on Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh the irony of the Get Out Of Debt Free website :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now owned by a debt management company :brickwall: Bye bye Ceylon :haha:
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Hyrion »

I've been wondering about something.
mufc1959 wrote:There's an article in today's Guardian that's right on point here. ... sial-loans
article wrote:The pair, both teachers, pay around £490 into a mortgage Isa with Legal & General, which is designed to pay off the capital when their deal ends.
Do the U.K. interest-only mortgages prevent someone from making regular payments into the principal of their mortgage?

Why would someone want to pay good money into another business (which means part of their money goes to that business overhead costs) instead of paying directly into the principal?

I could understanding wanting to gain interest or other investment gains on the funds - but unless you've managed to get sufficiently higher rates in your "other" investments, you take a net loss.

I can also understand why someone would take out an interest only mortgage so they can get a home earlier. But when their income increases why don't they pay their extra money directly into the mortgage principal?

For example:

In the article, the teachers are paying 490 (let's assume each, per month) into what I'm guessing is a mortgage savings account. That works out to a total of 176,400 over the course of 15 years. Let's assume that the interest on the savings account is just enough to top it off to the 184,500 of the mortgage. Let's also assume (for discussion purposes) that the mortgage interest rate they are paying is 0.5% and it stays that way for the 15 years.
  • Total interest paid over 15 years = 184,500 * 0.5% * 15 = 13,837.50
Let's say the 980 per month went directly onto the principal of the mortgage along with the interest payment. Then the ongoing interest rate on the mortgage amount would decrease as the principal was paid. The math shows the mortgage being fully paid for in 5 months short of the 15 years with a total interest paid of 6,748.57.

So is there some kind of clause in the UK interest-only mortgages that prevents the borrowers from paying directly into the mortgage principal decreasing both that and their overall interest paid?

Edited to add: If the payments have been 490 per month and they were relying on signficant increases in the stock market to cover the difference between 490*12*15 = 88,200 and 184,500 ..... that's a risk level I'm nowhere near comfortable taking on such a serious investment as my home.
Last edited by Hyrion on Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Joinder wrote:I've been uncomfortable with people on here revealing addresses and even posting photos of homes, also the doctoring of pictures too.
It ends in tears, and is unnecessary and provocative, the video and comments of Amanda's dancing video being a case in point.
I think there's an important difference. We only post such things for research, interest or amusement. There is never any wish, intention or likelihood of someone going round to their house and putting their windows in. We are not a violent or criminal group, we do not deal in grudges, spite or hate.

But... I agree with you nonetheless. The subjects may still feel they've been exposed to harm or mockery, and an external observer might think we're just as bad as the Crawfraud Facebook Army Regiment Platoon Section.

So I think we should rein it in a bit. Some mockery of active FMOTL leaders is fine - they've chosen to put themselves on a pedestal. But family members shouldn't be assumed complicit in their folly. EG the recent discussion of Craig Crawford, where the consensus was to leave him be.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by mufc1959 »

Hyrion wrote:I've been wondering about something.
mufc1959 wrote:There's an article in today's Guardian that's right on point here. ... sial-loans
article wrote:The pair, both teachers, pay around £490 into a mortgage Isa with Legal & General, which is designed to pay off the capital when their deal ends.
Do the U.K. interest-only mortgages prevent someone from making regular payments into the principal of their mortgage?
It depends on the terms and conditions. In the UK mortgages usually run between 15-30 years, with most at 20 or 25 years. The mortgage will either be on a capital and interest (amortizing) repayment basis, or interest only, where the customer is expected to put in place some kind of repayment vehicle that will mature at the same time as the mortgage comes to its end.

To lure customers, lenders will offer the first few years - 2-5 years generally - on a concessionary rate that's either fixed for that period or that runs a set percentage over Bank of England base rate. A lot of people opt for a fixed rate so they're certain of how much they have to pay for the first few years. If rates go down, they're pissed off, but if they go up, they're laughing. At the end of the concessionary term, the mortgage reverts to the lender's standard variable rate. If the customers want to, and if they qualify for it, they can opt to fix the interest rate for another few years.

If you repay the mortgage during the concessionary period, you have to pay an early repayment charge, usually around 3% of the capital balance. This reflects the cost to the lender of repaying its own borrowing in the wider markets. So if you're on a concessionary interest rate product, there's generally some prohibition against making substantial overpayments, although most lenders will allow you to repay up to 10% of the capital in any one year without incurring an early repayment charge.

Once customers are on standard variable rate, there's usually no restriction on making overpayments, and so anyone who's got an interest-only mortgage on SVR with a shortfall should be making overpayments.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Jeffrey »

Let's not allow Amanda to rewrite history.

It was her own father that posted their family home address on Youtube a year ago in order to summon a mob in order to block the execution of a lawful court ordered eviction. We didn't post that.

In fact I'm struggling to think of anyone's address that we or the "trolls" have posted. It was the Crawford clan that posted Bamping's address, Bradley Knights', Mark Gillard, etc.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by letissier14 »

I've had threats in private messages, my details posted online by them, am aggressive phone call from Tom Crawford etc.

Have made a complaint to the police previously and have a police reference number, and have all the screenshots I need.

If this continues against me I shall go the police once more.

I have taken the precaution of installing cctv recently on my property.

I don't think Amanda realises that by posting all this shit, it is has the potential to incite an attack against someone, and I would firmly put the blame onto her
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by vampireLOREN »

Jeffrey wrote:Let's not allow Amanda to rewrite history.

It was her own father that posted their family home address on Youtube a year ago in order to summon a mob in order to block the execution of a lawful court ordered eviction. We didn't post that.

In fact I'm struggling to think of anyone's address that we or the "trolls" have posted. It was the Crawford clan that posted Bamping's address, Bradley Knights', Mark Gillard, etc.

Ummm apart from Jimmy's.......Mind you that was fine, just fine.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by NG3 »

Jeffrey wrote: In fact I'm struggling to think of anyone's address that we or the "trolls" have posted.
There's been a couple eg. Haining, but again I see that as fair use given it's quoted in the Nottingham Post in articles relevant to this matter.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by vampireLOREN »

Joinder wrote:I've been uncomfortable with people on here revealing addresses and even posting photos of homes, also the doctoring of pictures too.
It ends in tears, and is unnecessary and provocative, the video and comments of Amanda's dancing video being a case in point.

Now this I get uncomfortable with, I have suffered really Suffered by having been accused....falsely accused of being an Ex-Miner and now retired bailiff :violin: . Did I complain? not once , if you post daily mindless drivel and lies ...pour scorn on anyone who disagrees....I would suggest do not post videos of yourself online.
I am aware that Joinder has a soft spot for the 'larger' lady and perhaps he is being gallant? :whistle: , but I was pleased to see this nasty woman making herself look stupid ....for me it did end in tears....tears caused by laughter :haha:
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/16 Part 1 & 2

Post by Pox »

NG3 wrote:
Jeffrey wrote: In fact I'm struggling to think of anyone's address that we or the "trolls" have posted.
There's been a couple eg. Haining, but again I see that as fair use given it's quoted in the Nottingham Post in articles relevant to this matter.
Petula2020 (a poster and recent recruit on GOOFY who has the 'style' of Haining has just posted an address in Woking.) ... 0&start=30

Anyway, I agree that Haining is fair game as all Quatloos appears to have done is repeat what is in the public domain (as a result of his own actions)
Same with the Crawfords - as a result of their own actions.

I also agree that we should be a bit prudent though, it's OK to 'circulate' info but not to start the 'circulation' - we don't need to sink to the levels of some others and being superior beings on a higher moral and mental plain,should rise above it :lol: