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notorial dissent
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

vampireLOREN wrote: ...... is it cruel to laugh? I just want to enjoy .
People who make public spectacle/fools of themselves and then go the extra mile and publish it on youtuby have no grounds for complaint when people inevitably point and laugh. :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

For some strange reason they seem to think that what they say in court is of the highest relevance and importance, while what the Judge says is pretty much just waffle to be ignored. They also take any court appearance that doesn't end in them being taken down to the cells for a spot of thinking about what you did wrong time is a good result. This encouragement from idiots to plumb greater depths of idiocy likely won't end well for them.

This wasn't a good result for Jimmy, first off the Judge knew who he was, using the Jane Doe stuff isn't going to alter the simple fact that Jimmy handed himself in using the name James Wyld. The Judge seemed to know that Jimmy was trying some sooper speshul fresh from the interwebs defence and rather generously has given him the chance to get some proper advice on how to deal with this to try and stop him digging the hole a bit deeper.

Jimmy won't do that. We know it, but then we know him a little better than the judge or even his insolvency practitioner. For some reason they seem to think that by hiding the name, Jimmy can cheat his way out of his liabilities. He can't. If that loophole ever existed (it didn't) it would have been closed by the state. If Jimmy doesn't attend the next court hearing, chances are he will wind up being arrested again and brought back into court.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

jimmy does not seem to understand that a judge asks questions, not answer them.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Skeleton »

For me it is the general wringing of hands and the wails of I didn't do anything wrong that are simply stunning in their stupidity. Jimmy moans they can't do this because I did not get the letters, even though it was of his doing with his pathetic mail buddy scheme that he did not. It is any excuse with Jimmy, he sounds really upset that their is a one year old baby in the house when the police visit, he repeats his horror twice that the Police could come looking for someone in a house that has a baby in it, but totally fails to recognise that the Police went banging on doors looking for him, because he moved one way and re-directed his mail another.

Jimmy to me has changed of late, he to me just used to be just a fool with whacky ideas who was full of the freeman bullshit. Now as others have mentioned he seems to revel in the fact Quantam, RobSwift and others get a hard on every time he posts more of his crap on GOODF. That along with his nasty habit of lying and leading others down the same rabbit hole he is now in make him somewhat less palatable. It has got to the stage with one-cell where I hope he does lose the lot, in the hope others learn from his many mistakes.

Will he turn up for the next hearing? I don't think he will, Jimmy does not like Court or the Police, it scared the crap out of him, he is a coward and will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to face the consequences of his actions.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
notorial dissent
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by notorial dissent »

Jimmy suffers from the delusion that he is smarter than everyone else.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Skeleton wrote: It has got to the stage with one-cell where I hope he does lose the lot, in the hope others learn from his many mistakes.
The problem is the GOOFs will refuse to believe that One Cell has made a single mistake. They will put jimmy's inevitable failure down to the court acting "fraudulently". jimmy did everything right but the court refused to follow the true law. That is how ignorant they are.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by littleFred »

Throughout the hearing, Jimmy attempts the "I'm too stupid to understand" card. He deliberately mis-repeats the oath, than starts the "Jane Doe" stupidity.

From 7m 30s, the judge says he is happy to call Jimmy "Jane Doe", but he is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that he is the person known as James Wyld. And the case rolls on, overriding Jimmy's protestations.

We've seen this many times on forums and websites; FOTLers who pretend they don't understand anything, even simple words like "you" and "is".

Like so much else in their world, it is merely a delaying tactic. It bought Jimmy a few minutes more in the court, after 18 hours in a cell. It cost him any sympathy, any leeway the judge might have been inclined to give him.

The GOOFers say, "It would have been worse if Jimmy had given his name."

No. Jimmy spent time in a cell because, as the judge said, he hadn't turned up for various hearings concerning his bankruptcy. The judge repeatedly asks Jimmy if he would turn up for the next hearing. Jimmy answers by asking more stupid questions about his female alter-ego. The judge warns him about further contempt.

The judge didn't toss him back in jail, so this is seen as a GOOFy victory. If he was banged up for 21 days, that would also be a victory as it would be less than a month. Whatever happens is a GOOFy victory.

Stupidity is like a disease. It takes hold, then gets worse and worse. Jimmy is stupid enough to think that if he pretends he's even more stupid, this will get him out of trouble.

In a similar fashion, Peter Smith pretends he was stupid enough to hand the keys to his crooked business to a crook. That Peter, who is a scam artist selling a worthless product that gives false hope, stupidly trusted a fellow scam artist.

SalliNae echoes the stupidity:
SalliNae wrote:Remember, when a Courts do anything, they essentially do it to pieces of paper but bodies attach themselves to such. In this instance, the body would not attach to the name. Jane is the Crown and she was there as a witness....to call Jane in contempt of Court would be to call themselves......think of Jane as a giant mirror.....in that room she was representing the City of London.
Was the City of London banged up for 18 hours? Or a piece of paper? No, it was the flesh and bone human, locked up for being stupid.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

SalliNae wrote:
Remember, when a Courts do anything, they essentially do it to pieces of paper but bodies attach themselves to such. In this instance, the body would not attach to the name. Jane is the Crown and she was there as a witness....to call Jane in contempt of Court would be to call themselves......think of Jane as a giant mirror.....in that room she was representing the City of London.
Surely anyone who spouts such nonsense must have some kind of mental disorder?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by YiamCross »

rumpelstilzchen wrote: Surely anyone who spouts such nonsense must have some kind of mental disorder?
Sadly I'm coming to believe that's true of pretty much everyone who falls under the spell of FOTL woo. PoE is hardly an inspiring example of sanity. Colon, the Crawfords, pretty much all of the regular posters on GOOFY, Baron David what's his name, Dave Witcher, the whole lot of them seem to be more than a sandwich short of a picnic and demonstrate a remarkable ability to find and prey on others with similar disabilities. Guy Taylor I'm not sure of, I think he's perfectly well aware of what he's about and why, he just doesn't have the brain to make any money out of it but maybe this time next year he'll be a miwioniare (shades of Del Boy for those across the pond who might want to google the reference, except that Taylor is far from a harmless chancer).

This, I suppose, is the price we must pay for care in the community. It doesn't show up on anyone's budget so the government can't be accused of spending but there is a very real price to pay in financial terms and, sadly, a heavy toll of human misery.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

It's eye watering madness on that thread of Jimmy's over on Goofy, now some clown's told him to quote Dueteronomy, just copy the 10 commandments from the St. James bible. Put the case number at the top of the page ( not your name, never your name) and file it with the Court and walk away, scott free, right !! :shock:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... sTnxHrfWK1
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by hucknallred »

AndyPandy wrote:It's eye watering madness on that thread of Jimmy's over on Goofy, now some clown's told him to quote Dueteronomy,
Which can only lead to this sketch.

Hercule Parrot
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Utterly mental, most of them. I don't think that applies to One-Cell Jimmy though. He's just a greedy scammer who will seize on any opportunity to dishonestly profit himself.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

hucknallred wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:It's eye watering madness on that thread of Jimmy's over on Goofy, now some clown's told him to quote Dueteronomy,
Which can only lead to this sketch.

The best thing is.... he's fallen for it !

Re: Jimmyw - police come for me at 1am
Postby jimmyw » Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:00 am

Well lets see.... i will be taking the documents mentioned, to the court today... lets test the theory and put it on yootube.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by PeanutGallery »

Perhaps someone should point out to the court that when Mr Wyld last appeared he had an accomplice shoot a video and then posted it onto YouTube using his own account?

Does anyone know which court he is due at?
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

PeanutGallery wrote:Perhaps someone should point out to the court that when Mr Wyld last appeared he had an accomplice shoot a video and then posted it onto YouTube using his own account?

Does anyone know which court he is due at?
I would imagine Kirklees Magistrates
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

Well the bankruptcy is now moving a pace with the appointment of a trustee, looks like they'll be a meeting on 10th March to divy up the spoils between Receiver, Trustee and their Solicitors :Axe:

Appointment of Trustees
In the Halifax County Court

No 60 of 2015

James Robert Wyld

In Bankruptcy

Date of Bankruptcy Order: 27 October 2015

Bankrupt's Residential Address at the date of the Bankruptcy Order: 42 Harriet Street, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 2BU.

Bankrupt's Date of Birth: 31/05/1974

Bankrupt's Occupation: N/K

Christopher Charles Garwood (IP Number 5829) of Wilkin Chapman LLP, The Hall, Lairgate, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 8HL was appointed Trustee in Bankruptcy of JAMES ROBERT WYLD on the 30 October 2015 by the Secretary of State. The Trustee in Bankruptcy has convened a meeting of the creditors of the Bankrupt to take place at the offices of Wilkin Chapman LLP, The Hall, Lairgate, Beverley HU17 8HL at 11:00am on the 10 March 2016 for the purposes of fixing the basis of the remuneration of the Trustee in Bankruptcy and that of his agents and solicitors.

Note: To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the Trustee in Bankruptcy at his postal address, not later than 12:00 noon on the business day before the date fixed for the meeting, a proof of debt (if not previously lodged in the proceedings) and (if the creditor is not attending in person) a proxy.

Note: A meeting will not be summoned for the purposes of establishing a creditor's committee but the Trustee will summon a meeting if requested to do so by a creditor of the Bankrupt and the request is made with the concurrence of not less than one-tenth in value of the Bankrupt's creditors (including the creditor making the request). Such a request must be made in writing to the Trustee.

Further details: Tel: 01482 398392. Alternative contact: Debbie Garrett

Christopher Charles Garwood , Trustee

4 February 2016

Signed RDF Document
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by mufc1959 »

AndyPandy wrote:It's eye watering madness on that thread of Jimmy's over on Goofy, now some clown's told him to quote Dueteronomy, just copy the 10 commandments from the St. James bible. Put the case number at the top of the page ( not your name, never your name) and file it with the Court and walk away, scott free, right !! :shock:

http://getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/viewt ... sTnxHrfWK1
Jimmy was also told to print off the "CRSS" document from Kate of Gaia's page, which I have uploaded for youhere. I read about three lines of it before I thought my head would asplode, so I'm sure this means it's written in such powerful legalese that Jimmy will not only be released from his bankruptcy, but will be showered with untold riches as compensation for his unlawful detention, the 'prison stretch' in 'solitary confinement' (i.e. a night in the police cells) and the harassment he's been subjected to by state agencies.

https://www.docdroid.net/P1wEzCr/invoca ... s.pdf.html
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by AndyPandy »

mufc1959 wrote:I read about three lines of it before I thought my head would asplode

https://www.docdroid.net/P1wEzCr/invoca ... s.pdf.html
Not quite sure which part of your anatomy you're referring to when you said 'head would asplode' :shock: but I do know what you mean, I particularly liked the bit about being 'kidnapped by Caesarian' !! :snicker:
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Like all good footle documents it starts with the word "whereas", contains a bit of Latin and refers to Black's Law Dictionary so I can only conclude that it's bound to work.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: jimmywx11

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

jimmy wrote in his thread:
For example...when i was in court the judge just said well - you look like the picture in jamie wiles passport... and just went ahead with proceedings (probably unlawfull and illegal i know but you can't ever trust them). it is all about the name i'm certain of it. just keep your LEGAL name OFF their systems and you will be right.
Is that right? Lose The Name Jimmy has got a passport? Really? What a plonker.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.