Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Most of these FMOTL youtube recordings remind me of this:
but considering it's Deano this may be more appropriate:

On a more serious note. Dean is staying in what in Canada is often called a "working man's residence". They're usually clean, economical, offer in-room supplies so you can prepare a basic meal after a hard day at the job site, and are nearly always family owned. Their target market is the transient worker who needs a place to stay for a month or so and whose room charges just get billed back to his employer. I spent ten years on the road and in smaller towns would always try to get into one of these - living in hotels when you are working rather than on a vacation has significant issues. ("Thank you Sir for coming back again, your usual room, ground floor close to an entrance, work table and extra power outlets, equipment dolly, large quantities of coffee, and real milk in the fridge). :D

That all being said, these places also are a target for those on welfare or working minimum wage who cannot afford a place of their own. In many jurisdictions in Canada the owner will demand that their rent be sent direct to them but the government workers often screw up and are late with the cheque. Another problem is a bit of a gray area that Dean is trying to take advantage of - as a long term resident does the Landlord and Tenant Act apply or the Innkeeper's Act? He may have some grounds for his arguments. BTW, ignore the police presence during his interactions. With a problem tenant or hotel guest it is often advised that you request the assistance of the constabulary if only to act as an official witness.
Aside - when my arch nemesis, Derek Johnson viewtopic.php?f=48&t=10455 was evicted from a residence somehow the police witness managed to produce a Derek-sized bend in a garage door. I've met the officer involved and he must have been holding back.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Skullduggery's afoot!!!
Dean Kory
I woke up this morning to find that someone has moved this set of stairs from it's usual place beneath a utility access to directly below my bedroom window!
Dean Kory The Police and others that work in the system, social workers, street advocates ect. here in Port Alberni, are ALL well aware of these issues that I'm having to deal with and exposing...unfortunately it wasn't until AFTER I moved in here that they even began to tell me about how messed up this landlord is. He has a history of this type of abuse. Many stories about him ripping people off and taking advantage of anyone on disability and/or assistance and no one has done a thing to stop him...I believe the R.C.M.P. have been acting party to these offences, acting as his personal thugs to remove people and throw them to the street under the guise of being "Legal" through the "Hotel Keepers Act."
Dean Kory He brought 2 "Peace Officers" to my door and straight out lied to them about our financial contract... and the Officers began to use intimidation tactics in an attempt to force me to leave. When I offered to show evidence of the landlord's lies and a copy of the original contract, the Officers took the papers from my hand and walked away even against my objection to them taking my property and evidence that they made copies of and returned to me hours later. WHY the hell didn't they arrest the landlord for obstruct?...and for the landlord to later threaten me again to pay him more monies ($4700.00) or sign a new contract or he would throw me to the street, WHY, when I called police to report this EXTORTION. didn't he get arrested for that?...How many angles will they let him try to extort me?...
And apparently more private informations are coming!
Dean Kory I'm going to speak to the Justice of the Peace on Mon. and file against BOTH PARTIES, the Police and Landlord, for extortion
And a financial claim;
Dean Kory I shouldn't have to set up an elaborate security system when I rent a room...The Department of Social Development and Poverty Reduction only provides me with $690.00 a month...I pay to the landlord $600.00 and that leaves me with $90.00 to live on for the month...maybe I'll invoice both the Ministry and the Landlord for security services? lol! the very least I'm billing the Landlord and Social Development for costs already incurred.
Dean was innocently led into all this unawares;
Dean Kory The Police and others that work in the system, social workers, street advocates ect. here in Port Alberni, are ALL well aware of these issues that I'm having to deal with and exposing...unfortunately it wasn't until AFTER I moved in here that they even began to tell me about how messed up this landlord is. He has a history of this type of abuse. Many stories about him ripping people off and taking advantage of anyone on disability and/or assistance and no one has done a thing to stop him...I believe the R.C.M.P. have been acting party to these offences, acting as his personal thugs to remove people and throw them to the street under the guise of being "Legal" through the "Hotel Keepers Act."
$3 a day is all he gets after paying rent? Maybe he should think about getting a job. Then a lament that no matter how far he runs his problems just follow him. It's like the police have a nation-wide vendetta against him!
Dean Kory In the not so distant past, I was accused of, charged with and corruptly convicted of threatening Court Officials as a result of facebook posts I made saying that I would "defend myself against officers who had violently attacked ME unlawfully" AS IS MY RIGHT! ..this happened immediately following a court appearance/attendance where I challenged jurisdiction and posted an audio recording of the Judge violating my rights...

Those Officers in Ontario were acting as nothing but violent thugs and now the R.C.M.P. here in B.C. are proving to me to be the same.

Although the RCMP are a federally mandated police service they all still swear an oath/affirmation to Her Majesty as ["Police Constables Under Common Law"]...

So, when some piece of shit landlord(in the presence of and witnessed by 2 Peace Officers), fabricates and constructs information and evidence, clearly lies to police to influence them to forcefully remove a man from his home,..and I produce hard copy evidence of the original contract that backs up the truth, those officers made the WRONG choice, picked sides and are now interfering with a contract, breaching their oath/promise and acting party to the offence of this piece of shit landlord's extortion attempt
But Dean knows his rights!
Dean Kory Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides everyone in Canada with protection against unreasonable search and seizure. This right provides Canadians with their primary source of constitutionally enforced privacy rights against unreasonable intrusion from the state.
This is section 8;
8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.
I'd say it's a stretch to say that it includes privacy rights or protection from "unreasonable" intrusion from the state. I'm not aware of any court decision that's gone that far.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Chaos »

so this was a lie? shocking!

Landlord came back to me without the police in tow and conceded...I get to stay out my contract till the end of the month with the option to switch to a less expensive single room with no more issues and we shook on it!
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

On a more serious note. Dean is staying in what in Canada is often called a "working man's residence". They're usually clean, economical, offer in-room supplies so you can prepare a basic meal after a hard day at the job site, and are nearly always family owned.
As far as I can tell it's just a standard low-rent motel. Check the Alberni Inn on Google Streetview. A document Dean posted confirmed that this is where he is staying.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I did give that video a few minutes attention, but then went back to my Magnum Opus. "Best upskirt flashes in Xena, Warrior Princess, the Compilation" which I feel will be a greater legacy for society.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean meets an acquaintance:
Dean Kory
I went into the office of the Ministry of Social Development yesterday (after filing a report at the R.C.M.P. detachment against the landlord for extortion)...
and guess who showed up in line behind me?...
YEP!.. That's the landlord's Daddy sitting there with his ticket number waiting to be seen!...
Guess what he has in that big envelope of his...
Yes again!..The very rent cheque for February that the landlord said to the Police he had never received and that never came in the mail.
This slime bag was trying to cash it and ran into a little problem when the bank told him it had been cancelled by a stop payment put in place by the Ministry.
I was sitting close enough to the wicket to even see the cheque he was showing the worker.
I could over hear their conversation.
I was seen by a worker shortly after, I asked about him and this cheque, the Office confirmed that he was in possession of the all elusive February Cheque.
Time for me to go have my morning coffee with Madame Justice and get a few things straightened out!
Dean's landlord owns a gas station almost across the street from Dean's motel. If reports are accurate he's girding himself for battle;
Dean Kory ...and around the same time, my friend Donny was at the gas station these people own and he saw the landlord behind the counter with many "Law Books" specifically The Landlord and Tenant Act, and paperwork strewn all around him, studying like crazy...most likely trying to find some new angle to come at me with!
Dean Kory He tried to sit on the "PAY DIRECT" rent cheque just to create an excuse to have 2 armed men intimidate me and forcefully remove me from my home under "The Hotel Keepers Act"...I don't owe him shit!...except now a costly few days in Court!
Then Dean decides to get some professional protection!
Dean Kory
Forced by circumstances caused by the landlord, I have had to hire private security (The ONLY Man I trust!) my Brother.
His first official order of business was to remove the staircase from beneath my bedroom window.
I will be invoicing the property owner for all costs incurred.
"Daddy's Home!" - Darcy Kory
Dean Kory
My Brother, acting in his official capacity as my body/security guard, has been instructed and fully informed, agreed under contract and understood, to protect my property/rights and body/life under my CLAIM of RIGHT even against someone with the authority to take it as per ...The Criminal Code of Canada; "Defence with claim of right
39. (1) Every one who is in peaceable possession of personal property under a claim of right, and every one acting under his authority, is protected from criminal responsibility for defending that possession, even against a person entitled by law to possession of it, if he uses no more force than is necessary.
Defence without claim of right
(2) Every one who is in peaceable possession of personal property, but does not claim it as of right or does not act under the authority of a person who claims it as of right, is not justified or protected from criminal responsibility for defending his possession against a person who is entitled by law to possession of it.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 39."
With that done, on to the offensive!

Dean Kory
The 2 R.C.M.P. Officers that showed up with the landlord that demanded that I show them my evidence and documents and then stole them to make copies will also be invoiced for forcing police services on me against my will for amount of $50,000.00 as per my fee schedule. Non Negotiable



[W]HEREAS YOU, being a PUBLIC SERVANT and/or an OFFICER for a PUBLIC TRUST, and/or A GOVERNMENT AGENT/OFFICIAL, do not have the RIGHT, and/or AUTHORITY, to attach SURETY and/or JOINDER, to any NAME DERIVED FROM A PUBLIC DOCUMENT, and attach such NAME and/or JOINDER to ME, and


I, THEREFORE, ACCEPT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE, and respectfully GIVE NOTICE that I in fact, waive ALL benefits of the NAME CHANGE (M.G.L. P II, T III, S 210], and as such, I MUST DECLINE any such benefits [being offered by you] to such name as presumed, as to the best of my knowledge none exist.

If I and/or ANY such other parties who(m) act(ing) in my interest, have caused YOU to believe that my PRIVATE NAME is derived from ANY PUBLIC DOCUMENT, then that would be a MISTAKE. Please forgive me.

ANY public request for PRIVATE information is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1974. As ALL use for such must be FULLY disclosed* PRIOR TO the dissemination of ANY such request.

Notice to Agent IS Notice to Principal
cc: Attorney General

*Full disclosure is properly required to lawfully attempt to contract with any party capable thereof.
Any less is deceit against the meeting of the minds rendering any such obligation to contract illegitimate.
ab initio (from the beginning)
And Dean helpfully provided this ID to show where the $50,000 fee schedule amount is recorded.

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Dean Kory
I was seen by a worker shortly after, I asked about him and this cheque, the Office confirmed that he was in possession of the all elusive February Cheque.
Really? The clerk discussed a transaction and information that has nothing to do with Dean? That would get you disciplined or sacked in the UK.
Also, hasn't the landlord got the right just to throw someone out of their hotel? It's not a tenancy of a "home" or similar where I'd expect there to be consumer protection laws.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

As eric wrote;
That all being said, these places also are a target for those on welfare or working minimum wage who cannot afford a place of their own. In many jurisdictions in Canada the owner will demand that their rent be sent direct to them but the government workers often screw up and are late with the cheque. Another problem is a bit of a gray area that Dean is trying to take advantage of - as a long term resident does the Landlord and Tenant Act apply or the Innkeeper's Act? He may have some grounds for his arguments.
If the Landlord and Tenant Act applies to him he has a lot of rights in British Columbia. One is that eviction is a pain in the ass. Wife and I owned a small rental apartment for years, recently sold. Always had excellent tenants but we sold because I figured our luck couldn't last and the paper frequently had horror stories of bad tenants that couldn't be evicted.
Really? The clerk discussed a transaction and information that has nothing to do with Dean? That would get you disciplined or sacked in the UK.
Same here. I can't see a Ministry of Social Development staff member babbling to Dean about another client. I take Dean's stories with some skepticism.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by grixit »

Well hurrah for Securibro on the job! He removed those threatening stairs that might allow someone to reach Dean's window-- assuming that person was 7 feet tall.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:Well hurrah for Securibro on the job! He removed those threatening stairs that might allow someone to reach Dean's window-- assuming that person was 7 feet tall.
Because I hate you all I gave you that teaser without reproducing the entire fascinating sequence of five photographs that show Darcy picking the steps up, walking about twenty feet with them then putting them down. The excitement is palpable. You'll curse me on your deathbeds "THAT BASTARD, why didn't he show us the other four photographs? WHY?"

I also left out the shots of Dean's landlord sitting glumly in his chair waiting for his turn at the Ministry of Social Development.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean will soon be rolling in money! He just posted this on Facebook;


A Statement of Claim filed in the Federal Court of Canada demanding that the Queen either stop the UNLAWFUL TRESPASS against his life, liberty and / or property. If not she owes him $500,000. Money in the bank! Except . . . this was filed in 2015 and the Queen, via the government of Canada, is still harassing him and he obviously hasn't been awarded the $500,000.

Scott has a good question;
Scott McDowell Hi Dean. I'm glad to see you're still posting and waking people up. Can you tell us what the result or response has been since you sent this in 2 years ago?
Dean hasn't gotten around to answering that one yet. In other news Dean's still having landlord problems;
Dean Kory
The landlord's Dad just came to my door with his cell cam rolling and peacefully presented me with this...

But Dean has a plan!
Dean Kory I'm a calm dude but this level of stubborn ignorance is starting to cause me to think about a much more aggressive plan to live alone in the forest, SOON! lol!
As always, the usual helpful advice;
Dany Bamforth Dean next time go through a quality rental agency. Landlords are unreasonable much of the time.
But, strangely, Dean is apparently giving up although he has said repeatedly that he has his landlord on the ropes;
Dean Kory He's an old man and this is his desperate greedy attempt...I feel sad for him and I will leave at the end of the month respectfully... hopefully without them being asses about it every day till I'm gone.
Then an entirely pleasant police visit!
Dean Kory
Just had a pleasant RCMP Officer come to my door and he quickly stated he was not here in relation to any of the resent issues...He needs me to come to the detachment for an interview about a statement I gave detectives in Ontario a few years back about a rape that happened at a trailer park I lived in and I witnessed all the people involved and their movements in and out of the park and the site...anything I can do for that poor girl, she was so innocent and I could just ----------- the dudes up that did this. Maybe I'll get the chance if the Crown wants to fly me to the Court proceedings...This world is crazy cruel and some people are just soooo messed up! FUCK!
One of his followers doesn't understand the speed of justice here in Canada;
Wikum Sandy A few years back ? Wtf ?
Dean Kory The wheels of Justice turn slowly in the higher Court when they are trying to get it done right...not like the quick firing squad hearings, probation and fines in Statute Court.
But, then, paranoia;
Jonelle Veritas Do you trust him? Sounds suspicious, like they may try to frame you.

Zoe Smith I agree, why now? Why all of a sudden?

Dean Kory I know, I know, I have nothing to do with the sex crime other than knowing who was there and timelines of movement and witness to conversations before and after...maybe this is how the RCMP keeps me from filing and dealing with the issues here?...I have power of attorney back and forth with a tight circle here so this tactic wont slow or stop my court proceedings.
Dean seems to pack more drama into every random day of his life than I see in a year.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean's gone silent! Normally he's an obsessive FB poster. When he has nothing to say he compulsively reposts his prior posts, some from years ago. He last posted February 27th with nine posts, all just reposts, most from 2016. Since then, nothing. His last posting discussing his personal situation was this on February 25;
Dean Kory The R.C.M.P. showed up at my door again with the landlord banging on my door. The landlord put his key in the lock and tried to enter and our dog started to bark...guess these cops had no actual authority to enter cuz they didn't force entry and shoot the dog, they just went the R.C.M.P. are clearly acting "Parties to offence"...Time to file.
As in, I assume, file lawsuits against the police. Then the batch of reposts on the 27th. However the comments from the reposts are enlightening about how much real chance his followers think he has to actually change anything.

First this proposing direct action;
QiHiyealthanoolth TimoyKin KanMethqa Hey Dean Kory I have so much respect for you...and you are a fighter!!! You are most difinately in the right!!! There needs to be a line know I look at how they are on you to crumbel and because you most definately know what is shaken!!!! Don't allow them to coral you with there b.s. can keep you down!!! Tell them all how it really is through the web, radio taik show , media!! Watch em back off !! Just don't go where they have full control of you!!! Realize this is thier last attempt to shut you up !!!
That's right, watch them back off when Dean rants even more than he's doing now! He's been telling "them all how it really is throughg the web" for years. Net result? Abject total failure. A conclusion not lost on one of his followers.
Darby Gallagher Ya those are great talking points, but whoever has the guns makes the rules. So unless you are going to focus on organizing people; you're energy spent as a lone warrior against a battalion of dragons is futile. Work smart not hard, sort of thing.

Darby Gallagher I guarantee, if you posed a meaningful threat on your own, we would never hear from you again. The fact that you are years into this, and still yelling as a voice in the wildnerness means by default, you are not a meaningful threat. 1 stick is weak. 3 tied together much more powerful. Enroll people to an idea that they can believe, passionately, and a small number of people can change the world. I do not believe a lone warrior against an army can do ANYTHING.

Darby Gallagher You'll notice I have never said anything you have ever said is actually wrong. Being "right" has nothing to do with be victorious.
But Darby, unlike most of Kory's followers, has a constructive suggestion!
Darby Gallagher Then I recommend you go to some country in the british commonwealth thats in the tropics, and have all the same fights. But IN THE TROPICS. You can live in hammock on the beach and eat coconuts, bananas, and mangoes

Sounds sweet! But, a nitpicking question. How is Kory, dead broke and living on welfare, with a criminal record and, I assume, without a passport, going to be allowed into any of the potential tropical paradises? Darby seems to think Kory has a open-arm welcome wherever he wants to go.

Then more words of encouragement from Darby;
Darby Gallagher I hope 10 years from now you haven't aged 25 years, because being right doesn't mean you'll win. Do you really want to fight every day for whatevers left of your life. I'm not saying you are wrong to do what you do, I'm asking you to consider the quaility of your life. Are you happy/realized battling around every corner. Is there a balance that can be had from picking your battles? Do you believe you will beat "them"? Do you think they can afford for you to "win"? I find your stuff to be invaluable, and you to be a phenominal resource, but when you have nothing recognizable as a "life", whats the point? On the other hand, if you are enjoying the fight, then by all means. Art of War by Sun Tzu says, only start a battle you know you can win. I hope you recognize that I have great admiration for you, and that this comment is rooted in caring about you, and you having a life for yourself. (I have to tell myself all these things everyday)
Paul Fiorio, mentioned elsewhere on Quatloos (mainly here viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9579) seems to have given up;
Paul Fiola I've often wrestled with this dilemma, it just hurts my soul to go along to get along. I feel like I'm shoveling coal on the hell fires. Contributing to the evil that so hurts me.
I did over ten years hard battle, I am back 'on the books' and complying because the only battle I've won are the ones where I had others standing with me. Standing alone I lost. So many leave us standing alone out of fear.
But not Dean!
Grow some balls people! it's just business...learn the rules! Stop doubting and be real and stand as a MAN!

- Dean
Then total silence from February 7th until yesterday when he did a single share of somebody else's post without commenting. It's very uncharacteristic for Dean to be off the air this long. Even if he has absolutely nothing to say he at least has manic bursts of reposts. The last time I remember a gap like this it turned out he'd been in jail. So a few guesses. First he said in a prior post that he planned to voluntarily leave the Alberni Inn at the end of February. His landlord seemed to be trying to speed that up and I'm guessing that he's finally out. However he hasn't, at any point in the past month or so, noted any potential replacement accommodation. As I previously reported he recently tried to get into the Warmland House homeless shelter in Duncan and was blocked from even going in the building by the RCMP. He's burned so many bridges on Vancouver Island (tossed out of Victoria, Qualicum Beach, Nanaimo, Tofino, Duncan and hanging by a thread in Port Alberni) that he might well face a very tough challenge getting new accomodation anywhere on the island. So here are the possibilities;

1 - Best case - He's given up on Vancouver Island and heading back to Ontario. Or at least somewhere outside of British Columbia.

3 - He's in jail. Perhaps as a result of a confrontation with the RCMP.

4 - He's scrabbling to find accomodation anywhere on Vancouver Island.

5 - He's moving to the mainland. Hopefully not Burnaby.

So all I can do is wait, with baited breath, for the next exciting installment of Dean's Excellent Adventure.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Deano is dumbern' a rock to start with, so that limits options. I think at this point he had burned all his bridges so it isn't likely he's going backward. Based on his winning and oh so pleasant personality, I'm betting on jail.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Because of Dean's almost continuous trials and tribulations with the Canadian legal system it's surprisingly simple to find out where he is, as long as he stays in British Columbia. Remember that private information that he and his brother swore out against the RCMP for kidnapping and forcible confinement that he was so proud of? In Nanaimo Court yesterday it was the typical Dean crash and burn: (from BC courts online):
Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
84336-1 1 08-Feb-2018 CCC - 507.1(1) Hearing to determine process-other than in 507(1) KORY, DEAN Russell
Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
84336-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 07-Mar-2018
Summary of the codes means that the Crown directed a stay of proceedings and CCC 507(1) is the statute setting out the process for private prosecutions. Here's the BC Crown's guide to the procedure for those interested: ... utions.pdf

I'm eagerly waiting for Dean's spin on this just so soon as he can find some free wi-fi and the next welfare cheques come out so that he can buy some time for his phone. Even though he promised to fight eviction to the bitter end he had allready started cozying up to his previous sworn enemy - the Sally Ann to find alternative accomodation:
Dean Kory
February 22 at 4:28am ·
I stopped in at the Salvation Army the other day. They were putting on a lunch and a movie, a short film on Jesus with community meet and greet. I was introduced to the Pastor and as it turns out, he used to work at Collins Bay Penitentiary back in the late 70's...He's such a wonderful man and I enjoyed our talk...wish more people were like him.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

As I noted in a prior posting in this discussion Dean's private prosecutions have absolutely no hope of being heard because the public prosecutor's office has to approve them. If the Crown refuses to approve charges they are, as you showed, stayed. Given that the Crown seems to be constantly prosecuting Dean or his brother for one thing or another why would they authorize his private prosecutions against the public officials acting against him to continue? Yet Dean continues to believe in the magic of these idiotic filings. He seems to truly believe that he has the right to file criminal charges against anyone he wants by filing Private Informations against them for totally unsubstantiated crimes he imagines them to have committed. I doubt his current loss will diminish his efforts in the slightest.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

How remiss of Me! Dean has hit the big 50 and I failed to post about it here wishing him a happy birthday. Happy Birthday Dean! The big day was March 10 but no word from Dean about it, he's still MIA. He hasn't made a posting about his current situation since this February 25th posting;
Dean Kory The R.C.M.P. showed up at my door again with the landlord banging on my door. The landlord put his key in the lock and tried to enter and our dog started to bark...guess these cops had no actual authority to enter cuz they didn't force entry and shoot the dog, they just went the R.C.M.P. are clearly acting "Parties to offence"...Time to file.
Very, very unusual for him to go almost a month with virtually no posts. I suspect he's in dire straights. He and his brother seem short of funds. Dean posted this on his FB page March 10th;
2000 Cadillac STS
Nanaimo, British Columbia

My Brother is selling his 2000 Cadillac STS
$8000.00 - OBO
116,000 km
What a beauty she is to ride!

Even his fans were skeptical about the price;
Ken Scott r u on drugs? 8k ??? i do not think you will get that
But he at least got a counter-offer even if for only half of what they asked for it;
Greg Hopkins I will start the bid at 4000
That may also end the bidding since nobody else seems interested.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

That car is not worth much over 2000 if you take into account the dog hairs and smell, the crap that's been in it and the fact that you will spend the first few months of ownership getting stopped by the po-po because of the history of the previous owner.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Chaos »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:15 am That car is not worth much over 2000 if you take into account the dog hairs and smell, the crap that's been in it and the fact that you will spend the first few months of ownership getting stopped by the po-po because of the history of the previous owner.

and that's if there actually is nothing wrong with it. can't afford a place to live put can afford to maintain a cadillac?
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

It would be somewhat more than the amounts in the Blue Book because the book numbers are in American dollars. The range in Canadian dollars is $2,900 to $4,075. So Dean is asking at least twice the actual value and the bid, if it is indeed a real bid, is at the top of the Blue Book range.

I'm assuming that Darcy did not mention the Caddy to the welfare people.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by bmxninja357 »

Chaos wrote: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:18 pm and that's if there actually is nothing wrong with it. can't afford a place to live put can afford to maintain a cadillac?
Those are a crap car. If it has the northstar engine i would pay scrap value.

I refuse to believe any maintenance has been performed. He isnt that rich or gifted.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....