Allen Boisjoli is back!

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Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Unfortunately here in British Columbia, my home province.

The last Allen Boisjoli video I reviewed was from August 13, 2020. Here’s the link;

But don’t bother checking it, you’ll just get this;
This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s community guidelines
No surprise at all given the contents, which I went through in great detail here;


A demented barely coherent rant. Then he went to the United States (he has dual citizenship) and I thought we were done with him. I was wrong, he’s back! But not in Alberta, a place I thought would be the natural home for a covid-denying anti-vaccine, anti-masker. He’s here in British Columbia in Cranbrook, a small town at the south-eastern end of the province.

He posted his latest video on July 17th but it took me until now to notice.

He’s no more solvent than he was when he left Canada about two years ago. He’s living in a 40 year old run-down Winnebago because he can’t afford rent and he’s currently fixing it up. Just the absolute minimum expenses to keep the motor running and numerous other urgent problems, like a water leak coming out under the chassis. He can’t afford to fill the propane tank or gas it up which indicates the level of repairs he can finance if he runs into any bigger problems. He just bought it without any detailed examination and he’s still running through the basic checks normally done before buying. Apparently the previous owner stiffed the storage fee where it was kept and Allen had to get it out immediately. So Allen wants us all to dig into our wallets to give him a financial boost.

He said that “although I don’t have to” he wants to get it registered and insured. No idea why he thinks he doesn’t have to register and insure since both are required by law in British Columbia, a fact he acknowledged by saying he doesn’t want to give the authorities a reason to tow him. Towing would be the least of his problems if he’s caught driving without insurance (which he would be pretty quickly given he’s driving what sounds like a wreck). When picked up his motor home would be immediately impounded and he’d be charged with driving without insurance. As that fountain of information, Google, says;
What happens if you get caught driving without insurance in BC?
After a hearing or trial on a charge of driving without insurance, if you are found guilty, the court can fine you any amount from $300 to $2,000 (instead of the usual $598 fine). The court can prohibit you from driving for a certain time.
He got a bit defiant and said he’s going to put his “private plates” on. He thinks this is ok in B.C. This may be the reason he’s moved here. He said that Alberta was (in my phraseology) getting too hard-ass in going after him about his sovereign bullshit and he thinks that British Columbia police will be more sympathetic to his idiotic beliefs. He said that if he tried his fake plates in Alberta the police, “shotgun cowboys” who don’t care about the law and do what they want, would impound his van even though they know that they’d lose in court. But he thinks, for unexplained reasons, that B.C. police will leave him alone. He may have picked the wrong place to try for sympathy. Cranbrook is policed by the RCMP, an organization not known for kind and gentle treatment of morons yammering that the laws don’t apply to them. British Columbia is serious about cars being registered and insured and they’re not going to cut him any slack if he pulls his private plates stunt.

I got confused about whether he was talking about B.C. or Alberta, I think B.C., when he started on about retribution if the police take his van. He’ll beat them in court and make them pay him for the inconvenience. Then the ‘but’ . . . . but he’d rather avoid all that and get the proper insurance. In other words he’s a forelock tugging little law abiding citizen just like me. But, a spark of rebellion, he’ll sign under duress and tell them he knows he doesn’t need it. He said he’s made a couple of petitions to the Minister of Transport asking for a letter of marque “so the cops don’t bother me” but he hasn’t replied yet. So Allen is going nuclear by sending a follow-up notice. But, for the moment, he need $350 for a license and three months insurance so “please, please donate to me”. He’s under doctor’s orders to get a low-stress job in a low-stress area or his pancreatitis is going to kill him.

He’s a grandfather! His 18 year old daughter just had a baby. So she somehow now understands his relentless craziness better, it’s really unconditional love!

Then back to his $2,000 mobile home. He says bugs to work out, it has “a few screws missing”. Hey, just like the guy you see in the van's bathroom mirror! If it has one. He showed us a shot of the van. Have to say it’s a lot of vehicle for a couple of grand, looks like a small bus. He went through a list of problems while showing us around the exterior. It seemed a lot to me but I know nothing about vehicles. He did an interior tour which I skipped by because it was giving me vertigo. He was trying to take horizontal shots but it came out vertical and he was spinning the phone around everywhere and I couldn’t make any sense out of it.

Then wild ramblings how he’s going to paint his semi-bus in camouflage and park out in the bush where nobody will find him. He could hide in the bush for a month once he’s got the propane tank filled, the various water leaks fixed, and other problems rectified.

Then he said he had 45 days before he started school. I’ve no idea what that’s about but from the July 17th date to now means he’s a student again next week. He wanted to find an apartment or house before then because he needs high-speed internet to take his classes. Somewhat tricky when you’re dead broke. Then a legacy for his daughter! He said if he finds a place he thinks she will move with her baby to Cranbrook and she can stay in his falling-apart, dysfunctional Winnebago. While he's in intermittent phone contact with his his daughter she seems strangely unenthusiastic about his plans for her to come to Cranbrook. So, in true Allen style, more fantasies. He speculated how, if he rented an entire house, she could keep her independence by living in a basement suite. Maybe he should reflect for a moment on how he can’t afford to even fill the propane tank. Then he did! He said he needed $500 in donation to cover his current necessary expenses including filling the tank. If any of you are so inclined he gave an email address to send it to.

Last few minutes were garbled. Said he had a job but didn’t say what, some tale about going to Creston B.C. first but stabbed in the back by heartless landlord and nowhere else to stay in Creston. so he came to Cranbrook to store his stuff but took a week to find storage. He ended with a pointless ramble about an unrelated tale regarding how, somewhere, at some unspecified past time, a U-Haul rental company had tried to overcharge him on mileage and gas. That segued to his current woes how his one week U-Haul rental to Creston had extended for weeks because he had no place to store whatever he was hauling around and he ended getting billed for $3,000.

One plus, no wild ravings or incoherent conspiracy ranting. This video was as calm and logical as Allen gets.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by eric »

This is all sounding very much like your friend Dean Kory. Moves to BC for some unspecified opportunity that falls through. Musings about living in the bush in an rv that requires 5 K$ worth of work or he can scrap it for a negative scrap value of about 1 K$ or more (serious).
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Actually Dean had no specific opportunities here, at least that I'm aware of. As far as I can tell he came to B.C. because of some outstanding minor criminal charges in Ontario. Assault, theft, something along those lines. Essentially he'd burned all of his bridges in Ontario, nothing to stay for, and was heading far enough west that the Ontario police wouldn't bother trying to extradite him. His first destination was Port Alberni but only because the friends he got a ride from were going there. The only 'plan' he seemed to have was to apply for welfare and he did that immediately on arrival. His ending up in that hobo jungle at Qualicum Beach wasn't planned, just the vagaries of chance.

Given the magnitude of repairs required for Boisjoli's van I doubt, even with repairs done mostly with his own time, that he's going to get it safely roadworthy again. He bought it without a detailed inspection and there's probably a lot of unpleasant discoveries still ahead of him.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:02 pm Given the magnitude of repairs required for Boisjoli's van I doubt, even with repairs done mostly with his own time, that he's going to get it safely roadworthy again. He bought it without a detailed inspection and there's probably a lot of unpleasant discoveries still ahead of him.
He got took on the vehicle since he paid 2 K$ for it. Rural Alberta, and that's an Alberta vehicle by the sticker on it, is full of ones in similar condition, usually parked somewhere back behind the barn or corner of a field. Quick glance, just the obvious expensive stuff - new head gasket on the motor, flakey electrical and plumbing, new gray water tank required, leaks = mold, and so on. Minimum of 5 K$ work required on the known stuff. Now here's the fun part - it has a negative scrap value so he's stuck with the problem, see parked in fields above. Disposal of that thing is $270 special handling plus 125$ per 1000 pounds. rough guesstimate he would have to pay somebody an even thousand to take it off his hands.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've been sporadically trying to check up on my old sovereign targets who've not been mentioned recently on Quatloos. I updated Glenn Fearn and Paraclete Belanger to find that both seem to have tipped over the edge in respect to their dwindling holds on sanity. I also did a quick check on Chief Rock Sino General to find that he's at least pursuing a non-sovereign activity, his career as an indigenous rapper. So I thought, since it's been a year since the last posting on this thread, that I'd see what I could find out about Allen's recent activities.

At that time Allen had just bought a wreck of a second-hand (maybe third-hand) motor home but was stranded in Cranbrook, British Columbia. The vehicle needed registration and extensive repairs, none of which he could afford because, as usual, he was broke. So he made a plea to his assumed hoards of followers for financial assistance.

Since then, nothing, no follow up video, no Face book postings. I have to assume that his pleas for funding ended up where most sovereign funding pleas have gone, absolutely nowhere. No idea if he's still in British Columbia, back in Alberta, or in the United States. But there is this clue, he seems to be trying for a career as an investment consultant and asset manager!

The webpage is undated but it says he's in Cranbrook so it must have been done be in the last year. He seems to be shooting for a very specific subset of potential clients given his sales pitch;
NOT "in" a fiction of law, legal fiction, abstract idea, mental construct, or any other imaginary fantasy realm which only exist as an expressed idea “spelled” on paper and in the back of your mind, defined by imaginary borders scribbled on a map, populated by fictions of law! i.e. ens legis or persona ficta In some imaginary political/religious/economic subdivision such as a district, state, province, dominion, territory, nation, possession, corporate municipality, federal zone, economic zone, country, trading post, or any other ancillary; nor an abode, enclave, domicile, dwelling, residence, et al. presumed or assumed; implied or expressed.

NOT subject to, do NOT have a belief in, will NOT comply with, am NOT in accordance about, NOT in agreement upon the jurisdiction of; Canada Corp, The Hudson's Bay Co, BNA Co, British N America Ltd, UK Ltd, The Virginia Co, Crown Corp, Queen, Regina, Her Majesty, Commonwealth, United States Inc, USA Inc, District of Columbia, Luscious Trust, Luscious Holdings, Corp. Trust Co. of America, United States Corporation Company, United Nations Corp, IMF Ltd, World Bank Inc, City of London, Vatican City, Pope, Pontiff, Vicar, Rome, SPQR, nor any derivatives, attachments, agents/agencies, possessions or subsidiaries thereof; disclosed or undisclosed, released or unreleased, attached or unattached.

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I clicked on the "View my photos" tab and all that's there is a large number of pictures of his carpentry work, not quite the appropriate sales pitch for a financial adviser.

And that's about all that I've been able to come up with.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by wserra »

The guy can use a thesaurus. Gotta give him that.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by Resume »

the mind is competent . . .
Umm . . .
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by JamesVincent »

So he admits that he doesn't actually work anywhere since every place on this planet is inside a border of one form or another. Even the Arctic and Antarctic are divided into spheres of influence if memory serves. Since he's presumably still in Canada, and I'm pretty certain Canada likes it borders, he can't work there anyway by his own admission.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli is back!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Resume wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:07 pm
the mind is competent . . .
Umm . . .
More like "constipated."
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