Deliveries Yesterday

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Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

From near and far, from high and low, from lost and confused, from Casper's behind to his ear, deliveries today, er, yesterday.

casper 9-17-09

Another Targeted Message


As you know, the news has never ever been stronger saying deliveries today.
From near and far, from high and low, deliveries today.


casper 9-17-09
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Yeah -- but the deliveries will come from places like pizzerias, Chinese restaurants, or grocery stores; and the "certain packs" are cigarette packs, back packs, and the like. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Yeah -- but the deliveries will come from places like pizzerias, Chinese restaurants, or grocery stores; and the "certain packs" are cigarette packs, back packs, and the like. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Nope, those aren't the packs, that would be silly. The "deliveries" are from his local liquor store and the "packs" Casper is talking about are 6-packs of cheep beer. They had cut him off for not paying his tab, but someone at the World Court vouched for him so now they're delivering again.
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper gets back to us. >>>>Behold<<<< the greatest LIAR this nation has ever known.

casper 9-18-09

The ABC story du jour for the last 48 hours centers around various releases supposedly given and arrest. Lots of arrest. Big names such as BUSH SENIOR, KEN LEWIS, GEITHNER, eight at HLS, JOHN ROBERTS and four others, additional B.of A. executives, etc.. Having worked on this overnight Thursday it is our opinion it did not happen, that it was a diversion to cover what was actually going on.

RUSSIA, WE hear, has been instrumental in blocking deliveries yesterday and today and in one way or another DR. LEE continued to be involved. LEE, OBAMA and RUSSIA sabotaged deliveries. In return, OBAMA dropped the defensive missile shield in Europe sending our European "Allies" such as Czechoslovakia and Poland into such a rage they would not even accept calls today from Hillary Clinton. This was OBAMA'S payoff to RUSSIA for its assistance in blocking deliveries. Yet to be determined is whether RUSSIA will now withdraw their demands for a new and different World Reserve Currency and join OBAMA in his fight to preserve the Federal Reserve. You are aware of course that OBAMA has announced BERNAKE's reappointment five months in advance of the need to do so and his demands that CONGRESS dramatically increase the FED'S powers by giving them regulatory control of all financial institutions in the United States, not just Fed Res Banks. Any remaining questions as to who OBAMA works for? RUSSIA also immediately dropped a twenty something billion lawsuit against MELLON BANK/NEW YORK and settled for legal fees of 14M.

OBAMA'S announcement today occurred on the 70th anniversary of Russia's invasion of POLAND, an additional slap in the face to our "allies". PUTIN likely demanded the public announcement immediately if he was to block deliveries immediately. The corruption and the TREASON of our current PRESIDENT exceeds anything gone before in American History and that includes Woodrow Wilson who gave us the Fed Res in 1913.

Dr. TSAI CHENG LEE, a name that will live in infamy for all eternity in CHINESE AND AMERICAN HISTORY made a deal with OBAMA for Trillions of $$ in return for his efforts to steal all the funds from all the programs for OBAMA and the CORPORATION. He was caught and, WE hear, is being dealt with severely in CHINA right now.

WE are hearing rumors from CHINA and D.C. that CHINA has today informed "The Ruler Of The World" that after this month they will no longer fund U.S. Social Security Payments as they have been doing for some time. The reason, says CHINA, WE hear, is because OBAMA has unnecessarily devastated our country financially.

CHINA, the good ones, are dealing with LEE, RUSSIA and OBAMA now. WE expect the packs which were still in D.C. mid day to move now subject to whatever the TREASONOUS SNAKES in D.C. may do overnight.

OBAMA has been on television every day this week, will be on the Sunday news programs and Letterman Monday night.

>>>BEHOLD<<< the greatest TRAITOR this nation has ever known.

casper 9-18-09

p.s. WE hear provision has been made under the NEW for Social Security Recipients.

p.p.s. The latest thefts far exceeded the 15B mentioned in STORY'S latest update. All has been recovered.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by ClemIsBack »

CASPER UPDATE: September 19, 2009
casper 9-19-09

I have heard that LEE, OBAMA, and RUSSIA have authorized the use of nuclear weapons throughout the entire world. I hear that every continent on this planet will be nuked by 5pm EST. After 5pm I may not be sending out any more updates but I'll try. Those of you are sick of my ridiculous stories may have to endure a few more. Sorry.

As we wait for the total destruction of our planet DR. TSAI CHENG LEE can be seen hanging upside down by his toenails in the middle of Tiananmen Square.

LEE got himself caught but all the other culprits, OBAMA, PUTIN, and MEDVEDEV have already left Earth at warp 9 and are on their way to Mars, which we all know has been inhabited by earthlings for many years. For those who don't know, I and Jimmy Hoffa, delivered the Genesis Project to Mars back in July of 75'. All those rusty brown photos of Mars are fake. Jimmy and I set up the Genesis machine. Everything is green. The planet supports life. Jimmy decided to stay. So now you know.

If the voices return before 5pm EST I'll have another update for you.

stardate 9-19-09
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

A flurry from the fuzzy ghost. Hold onto your hats, well, those of you who wear hats at the computer...

casper 9-20-09 #1

Overnight OBAMA has again reneged on his agreements and ordered the packs held in D.C.. The Military has double crossed the world as well and followed his orders again.

OBAMA'S is demanding all funds be returned to Treasury, the tax receipts be turned over to him personally and is continuing to take the position CHINA is bluffing and saying they will return the funds by Monday morning and he is going to show them "who rules the world".
He continues to tell his allies he will have vast resources next week, proposed source of funds unknown.

CHINA says this is a fight he can not win and continues to order deliveries today.
There are more moves of the Chess Pieces than WE can report here. This appears to us a creditor/debtor showdown with the creditor holding all the aces as well as World Court backing.

It is interesting is it not, that OBAMA and the CORPORATION are struggling to stop deliveries, announcements, honest banking, the Constitution and exposures while the creditors and the world struggle to return these things to the American people?

The stakes are extremely high and most if not all chips are in the pot.
Along with you WE await the outcome.

casper 9-20-09

p.s. OBAMA is also stating there will never be any announcements and there will be no return to the Constitution.

Casper's never had enough chips to get in the game, much less have them in the pot. And there's no reason to await the outcome, it's always the same. But, dont' worry, there's more!

casper 9-20-09 #2

Difficult to understand whats been going on WE hear you saying to yourself? Maybe this will help.

OBAMA and LEE intended to seize all funds in all programs with LEE providing the codes to OBAMA. When that was blocked LEE moved approximately 5T to RUSSIA for transfer to OBAMA through RUSSIA.
OBAMA drops the Missile shield in return for RUSSIA'S cooperation.
This was the source of new liquidity OBAMA was bragging about last night.
LEE was to get his back plus Trillions more from the theft of our funds.

CHINA blocked the funds going to OBAMA through RUSSIA and had, shall we say, "a talk" with RUSSIA.

All packs are moving and the orders are to deliver today.
WE await the outcome.

casper 9-20-09 #2

It doesn't surprise me that many of Casper's readers talk to themselves. But who cares when deliveries will be today by The Special Sunday Mail Delivery Service!

casper 9-20-09 #3

The packs did not leave D.C. as ordered. OBAMA simply had them moved from one place to another in the Pentagon.

The fur has been flying all day partially as a result of our last two updates. In D.C, in Europe and in China. LEE is trying to blame everything on his "assistant". The world is having a big horse laugh over that one. PUTIN is squirming big time, trying to explain Russia's betrayal of the rest of the world. Obama is in another rage screaming at White House personnel that "what happens in Vegas (White House) stays in Vegas. He can't figure out who is ratting him out. He apparently thinks he is the only one who knows how to bribe people. In summary, the rats in the sack are chewing on each other.

The confrontation is continuing with Obama and China the major players and Russia put in her place after the 5T was confiscated. It was suggested to Obama that he should be forthcoming with his resignation papers if he wishes to avoid charges of TREASON. "You can't charge me" says he, "besides, the House and the Senate will never go along with it because they are just as guilty as I am". He continues to insist the funds he moved out of Treasury (see previous updates) was his to do with as he pleased as he is "the ruler of this country".

Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ear. If you knew one tenth of what this man has done and what he has said and continues to say you would rise up tonight and demand he be committed to a Mental Institution before daybreak. It is that bad.

Much of what he has done will be exposed with the announcements. His actions REQUIRE consequences.

WE anticipate deliveries tomorrow and suggest you should too.

casper 9-19-09 #3

I anticipate Casper being committed to a Mental Institution before daybreak tomorrow and suggest you should too. As for rats in the sack, Deep Knight prefers rich young heiresses and hot supermodels. You might think such love trysts only in my imagination, but they're a hell of a lot more likely than anything Casper is claiming.

We await the outcome.
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

News from Rama and Tara, who are still in Hawaii with Mark Huber but are returning on Sunday. Reading between the lines of what they've posted this summer, they apparently gave some level of assurances that if they got to visit Hawaii they would force ascension and such, and somebody bankrolled them. So this is it, the last week for them to make good.

News from Huber Intel on the equinox 9/21 & 9/22

Documenting the Opening of the Solar Portal will be done by video camera, other
cameras and tape recorders. You will have involvements from (9/21/09) 9AM to
9:09 PM when the ships arrive.
The work will complete at noon on 9/22/09. There
will be 9 motherships in Peru. It's very important to be centered in the heart.
There will be a Big Show. It will start and spread with the 12 rays across the
planet and there will be motherships decloaking over all major countries.
origins will be represented: Venus, Orion, Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius,
Arcturus, etc.

You heard it, a date written in stone (although it doesn't give a time zone for this time, let's be generous and assume Hawaii time which is later than almost anywhere else - so the ships arrive by midnight PDT, 1:00 AM tomorrow MDT, 2:00 AM CDT and 3:00 AM EDT).
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by fortinbras »

Casper's "announcements" seem to be nothing more than daily excuses, lamer and lamer, for the non-appearance of bazillions of dollars. If he owed money to a loan shark and gave excuses like that, he'd be fish food. I seriously wonder (1) how many people still pay attention to him, and (2) if anyone has over-extended themselves or is otherwise counting on the disbursements that never happen.

The creepiest part of Casper's recurring excuses is that all the blame is put on Obama, over and over again. Casper's (imagined) audience now believes that it is Obama and nobody else who stands between them and untold riches. In essence, Casper is putting a price on Obama's head and if he still has any true believers, one of them might actually try to snuff the Prez in expectation of the NESARA trillions. I think this is beyond tacky and goes to the pathologically criminal.
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

More details...
BREAKING NEWS: Kumaras Return with Decloaking
Posted by admin On September - 20 - 2009
Breaking News Update: Mark Huber/BethTrutwin

The following report is of such importance that we delayed it until we could verify details with Sanat Kumara. Beth/Mark met him along with Ashtar and Cdr Soltec–in charge of all earth communications–aboard the New Jerusalem yesterday. We are well aware of how other reports were misunderstood on another occasion. We present this information as the best available, while directly in their presence. Some details are still in the field of potentials and will be reported later. Ashtar will be talking to us all on the 9/22 CC with Susan Leland. He will clarify these matters at that time. Be assured that this is of the highest importance to each and all upon, within or above this planet. This historical event will commence at 9:09PM on 9/21 and will continue until Noon on 9/22, in the Lake Titicaca area of Peru & border of Bolivia.

Here is the latest report from A-Team Members in Peru, headed by Madame X. The prior two reports[9/16 & 9/17] on the Equinox Event, were posted on our Yahoo Group: MarkHuber_GRT_Intel.

When it was considered to take a few people to Qoa Island, the Portal opening is so big, the energy will be so strong, you would combust. The site was changed and you were moved a safe distance away. Later, a group of you will go there. The Diamond Heart, the Cosmic Heart of the Earth Mother, Gaia. The Diamond heart is opening to the eternal flame, Source Flame, brought by the Kumaras.

Master, Keeper-Guardian, of Qoa-The Eternal Flame of Life needs to be integrated into the physical bodies first or this high energy could sicken or destroy all attuned present. What do we have to do now? Physical relocation to another nearby site at the 13,000′-14,000′ elevation has been chosen and is already known to your group.

Sanat Kumara’s Starship is coming. The fleet represents 9 Different Commands–Directed by Sanat Kumara– who must enter first, then the others can follow.

Sanat Kumara and Twin Flame:Lady Venus- will come down and contact (Madame X’s group) For whole A-Team. On September 21st, the Starships Will appear over the Peruvian Andes and they will Open a path for all the Kumaras-The Highest Beings need to come down through the Qoa Portal first. This is a Huge Celebration of Life-All these Ships will be entering the Earth Dimension and decloak.

They represent 12 Rays and 12 entrances or gateways…bringing the Solar Golden Energy of the Holy Kumaras. A-Team Ground units will form a pyramid from Peru, Kauai, Kona-HI, Santa Fe-NM and the Central US. This will activate a completely new timeline of Gaia’s Golden Star.

Our group has decoded the old solar disk and taken the ancient energy which will be replaced with a pure new golden disk which we will encode for the new cycle.

Each of us is a Kumara from Earth. We will have more upgrades and we will be in position to do many things, including Invisibility; walking through walls. All of the higher gifts. America, Sourthern France, South Africa and many Shamanic groups are now working in Peru.

We are coding the new solar disks for humanity’s use on Terra Nova. All need to be engraved on the new solar disk.

We are starting from zeropoint.

Each A-Team member should be in their assigned positions. Documenting the Opening of the Solar Portal will be done by video camera, other cameras and tape recorders. You will have involvements from 9AM to 9:09 PM when the ships arrive. The work will complete at noon on 9/22/09. There will be 9 motherships in Peru. It’s very important to be centered in the heart. There will be a Big Show. It will start and spread with the 12 rays across the planet and there will be motherships decloaking over all major countries. 12 origins will be represented: Venus, Orion, Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Arcturus, etc.


9/19/09 Sanat Kumara Explains Ascension and the Decloakings during the Equinox, beginning at 9:09PM on 9/21, and ending at Noon on 9/22/09. A few remote site landings may occur, but NO MASSIVE landings will take place until 7-10 days, after arrests and NESARA’s Announcement occur.

Sanat Kumara…speaks to Beth/Mark…aboard the New Jerusalem on 9/19…with Ashtar and Soltec present:

The Fall Equinox will see decloakings of the Kumara Mother Ships in the Portals in Peru.
The A-Team will be there to witness and film this event.
The Egyptians called it Djed, our connection to the Galaxy and the Mayans called it Xibalba Portal,
The Gateway to the OtherWorld. Opening this portal, reestablishing this Love-Light Connection has been attempted and failed 6 times before.
This time we do it with love, this time we remember and we are successful.

When we open the portal, the Galaxy GateWay, we re-establish our Divine Extra-Terrestrial heritage. We arrive on Terra Nova - New Earth.

The Equinox is the great balancing point. It is when we walk through the Solar Disc and the Ancestors of Ra and The Ancestors of Light come together to Balance the Earth and Flood it with Love, Flood it with Light.

Xibalba originated on Orion. There was a period of time when the Lyra Humans lived on a Planet which orbited Sirius. Sirius Humans continued to remain in etheric bodies. The Kumaras decided to remain incarnate in bodies and moved to a constellation in Orion where there were Reptilian Humans. It was Sanat Kumara, the Heirarch of Venus, who led this group to Orion. The Kumaras are all Hybrids. They did this, so they would remain incarnate and combine the DNA of all 12 races. In time, each one of the Kumaras has incarnated into one of the 12 races of man and this formed the 13th. We are the 13th. We have learned through this experience, it is not the race that defines a person, but their Soul. It was a compassionate act of love to combine all the races of human. By doing this, it brings peace. Each One can see there is a part of them in everyone else; We Are All One. The Council of Kumaras have kept the lineage of the Anandas. All of the Kumaras have remained incarnate. They realized that only by entering Earth in incarnate body form, are they able to help ascend other incarnate realms. This time it is necessary to ascend Earth by living a 3D life and coming through that experience. The reptilians and humans must now integrate and must do this through peace. The time for peace is now. We on Earth are being given the chance to chose love, or leave to Herculobus. This is a parallel Planet which is pristine and carries on the reptilian way of life. If One choses peace, through love, compassion, and Oneness, they will ascend with Earth. There is no judgment, it is time now for Earth to ascend, and each Soul has a choice.

This Fall Equinox marks the time when the Kumaras have been successful in bringing Peace to Earth. The Children of the Sun, the Kumaras, place the Solar Disc of Peru, into the new Matrix Hologram of Earth. It is recoded to Terra Nova with the One Race - the 13. This Solar Disc will be attuned to the Ships decloaking. This will send light out across the 12 rays until they span the sky all over Earth. Synchronistically, Mother Ships all over the World will decloak. The Ancestors of Ra and the Ancestors of Light ascend into the 13th.

Sanat Kumara works with Lord Maitreya (The Path of Love) and St Germain (The Path of Ascension) in a separate group who work with Earth intelligence and secret service. Their headquarters is a large building in Shamballa on the etheric planes next to the Hall of Records. This is where supercomputers keep records on every incarnate Soul living on Earth. It is here King of Swords receives his intel, directed through the Ships computers. It is through these records Sanat Kumara decides if someone incarnate on Earth is able to be recruited by the King of Swords to carry out the Plan of Masters. This is the sequential flow Lord Ashtar speaks about. This plan includes arrests, announcements and mass landings. It is through these supercomputers that subversives of the Plan of Masters are viewed and followed and the KOS agents deal with them. It is those working with KOS who now, after the equinox, will have cloaks of invisibility, be able to teleport and have remote viewing capabilities.

The Brotherhood of Light, The Lords of Flame; Sanat Kumara-Shamballa’s Flame- St Germain-Freedoms Flame-the Violet Flame, Sanatka-The Power of God-the Blue Flame in our Heart, Sa Ananda Kumara-Illuminations Flame-Golden Flame of Gods Illumination, Sa Na Tana-Keeper of the Immaculate Concept, the God Blueprint for the Body, Sanat Sujata-Pure Consciousness-Kapila Kumara-Truth’s Flame. 144,000 came from Venus with Sanat Kumara,and are ascended masters, showing the way to ascension. Two of these are, Gautama Buddha, an Open Doorway to Shamballa, Sanat Kumara’s Disciple, and his love is an example to opening the heart for ascension. Serapis Bey, just one of the ascended masters, who came with Sanat Kumara from Venus, has an office in the paw of the Great Sphinx, he says the path of love is the path of ascension.

It is time now, at the Fall Equinox, for The Kumaras, in their Ships, to come down through the Portals. This is a Huge Celebration of Life-All the Ships will be entering Earth. This is the Solar Portal, in Peru, where Gaia and Vywamus are en-lightened, raised in Ascension. This is The Sentinel Event Necessary to kick off decloakings and then will be followed [No Dates,No Nukes] by arrests, mass landings all over Earth. We will remember our extraterrestrial heritage. The arrests remove the last of the dark ones who have chosen not to ascend. Until they are removed from Earth, we cannot move forward with the next sequential step of announcements.

Announcements means we receive our packets and these equalize injustice and bring us into our freedom. They free our Souls to be the CoCreative Force with All That Is. Survival will no longer be an issue. We will be the One Race. With this comes our Family Reunions, our Twin Flame Reunions, and the One Race return to Earth: mass landings, joy, love, fulfillment of the Plan of Masters. So It is Said, So It is Done.
~Sanat Kumara
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper's back, and apparently not tuned into the Ashtar thing Mark Huber is talking about above. Strange, one would think this was common knowledge...

casper 9-21-09

There were rumors and rumblings last night OBAMA had been given until noon today to resign, then WE heard it was extended till 6p.m. tonight.

WE now hear the Supreme Court and the World Court have today ruled that OBAMA is to be charged with 36 counts of theft, embezzlement, fraud, etc. including TREASON, a Capital Offense. And, that we will return to the Constitution and Article III Courts at midnight tonight. And, that the Corporation is dissolved and no longer exists.
WE hear that OBAMA has been notified he is no longer President.

WE hear OBAMA told both Courts to kiss his ass and that he would claim its all about race.

WE hear the Supreme Court will make announcements tomorrow.

casper 9-21-09
"Follow the Money"

Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by ClemIsBack »

WE hear that OBAMA has been notified he is no longer President.
WE hear that the voices :twisted: haunt Casper every day at 8am, 12 noon, and 5pm.

Coincidentally, Casper participates in drinking games at Bog Bob's Bar at 8am, 12 noon, and 5pm.
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
casper 9-21-09

WE now hear the Supreme Court and the World Court have today ruled that OBAMA is to be charged with 36 counts of theft, embezzlement, fraud, etc. including TREASON, a Capital Offense.
casper 9-21-09
WE hear that Casper :P has never bothered (among MANY other things) to peruse Section 3 of Article III of the Constitution....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

First Contact is Here! Those UFOs are decloaked over Peru as I type, and I have pictorial proof!

The first UFO to appear landed on a deck of fine hardwood that Lord Rama and Lady Tara had prepared


Imagine our surprise when Commander Soltec emerged with a message of unresponsive love


Next came his twin flame, Lady Master Rxtyzwq


These were followed by many other flying saucers landing amongst the colorful Peruvian houses that dot the countryside near Lake Titicaca.


More as the announcement nears...
"Follow the Money"

Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Brandybuck »

Deep Knight wrote:And, that the Corporation is dissolved and no longer exists.
So I can stop writing me name in Sanskrit now?
notorial dissent
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by notorial dissent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: WE hear that Casper :P has never bothered (among MANY other things) to peruse Section 3 of Article III of the Constitution....
Much less the charter for the Wold Court.....maybe now he can finally get all those parking tickets fixed.....
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

Brandybuck wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:And, that the Corporation is dissolved and no longer exists.
So I can stop writing me name in Sanskrit now?
In Sanskrit your name would come from 3 words:

Bran - meaning "eternal"
Dee - meaning "desire"
Buck - meaning an "edible nut"

Or at least that's the best I can do without my home library for reference. Am I close?
"Follow the Money"

Re: Tara and Rama

Post by ramada »

Looks like Mr. and Mrs. A have been back from Hi for some time. Rumor has it they are hold up in a remote location in the N Georgia Mtns., in a constant state of euphoria. Waiting and eating. NESARA or Bust!
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Re: Tara and Rama

Post by Deep Knight »

ramada wrote:Looks like Mr. and Mrs. A have been back from Hi for some time. Rumor has it they are hold up in a remote location in the N Georgia Mtns., in a constant state of euphoria. Waiting and eating. NESARA or Bust!
We would like to hear any inside poop on Lord Rama and Lady Tara, a.k.a Mr. & Mrs. "A" (Lord Ari and Lady Ava), a.k.a. Ram and Tara Berkowitz. They have given us endless hours of delight. I'm waiting for the "fallout from naming dates" for what's supposed to have been happening the last 2 days.
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by texino »

Deep Knight said:
Lake Titicaca
He said Titi and caca heh heh heh heh ( the Bevis and Butthead laugh)

Sorry for being silly, but it's getting hard to go any place else right now...)
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Re: Deliveries Yesterday

Post by Deep Knight »

Well, it's past time we heard something of the earth-shaking events Lord Rama promised, but all we have on the GRT-Intel site is this:
Equinox Sunspots!
Posted by admin On September - 22 - 2009

NEW SUNSPOTS: In a year when the sun has been utterly blank 80% of the time, the sudden emergence of two large sunspots in a single day is a noteworthy event. Today is such a day. NASA satellites and amateur astronomers are monitoring a pair of growing sunspots, both apparently members of long-overdue Solar Cycle 24. The emergence of these active regions is not enough to end the deepest solar minimum in nearly a hundred years, but they do represent a significant uptick in solar activity.

SUNSPOT UPDATE: A second sunspot is emerging to join the one reported below: SOHO image. This is the first time in more than a year that two relatively-large sunspots have shared the Earth-facing side of the sun.

SUNSPOT 1026: One sunspot is not enough to end the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century, but you’ve got to start somewhere. “Finally, a new sunspot!” says Paul Maxson who sends this picture from his observatory in Surprise, Arizona:

Sunspot 1026 emerged yesterday to break a string of 19 consecutive spotless days. It’s about as wide as Earth, which makes it an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has measured the spot’s magnetic polarity and identified it as a member of new Solar Cycle 24. Could this be a harbinger of more to come? (Apparently so.) Stay tuned.

More images: from Pete Lawrence of Selsey, West Sussex, UK; from Michał Nyklewicz of Poland; from Athanasios Georgiou of Filyro, Greece; from Jan Koeman of Kloetinge, The Netherlands; from Peter Paice of Belfast, Northern Ireland; from Emiel Veldhuis of Zwolle, the Netherlands; from Alan Friedman of Buffalo, NY; from Eva Vidovic of Stojnci, Slovenia; from A.Cote, W. Frame and John Stetson of South Portland, Maine.
Not quite what we were led to expect. On the associated forum ( ) there's not much except some videos posted of clouds over the ocean taken from Hawaii, and we're told that everyone in the know knew these were hiding Cloudship UFOs. Uh huh.

For a site that has "accountability" at the top of their masthead, they don't have much, do they?
"Follow the Money"