My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Red Cedar PM
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Red Cedar PM »

Recap of Truthseeker's posting career at Quatloos! in 5 seconds:

Truthseeker: The income tax doesn't apply to me or any private sector workers!

Quatloos!: Yes it does, see these citations to statutes and case law...

Truthseeker: You're all communists!!!
"Pride cometh before thy fall."

--Dantonio 11:03:07
Grixit wrote:Hey Diller: forget terms like "wages", "income", "derived from", "received", etc. If you did something, and got paid for it, you owe tax.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Red Cedar PM wrote:Recap of Truthseeker's posting career at Quatloos! in 5 seconds:

Truthseeker: The income tax doesn't apply to me or any private sector workers!

Quatloos!: Yes it does, see these citations to statutes and case law...

Truthseeker: You're all communists!!!
You're too generous, Red. I wouldn't have wasted the other four seconds.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Duke2Earl »

What actually happened is that Fantasyseeker 67 is a relatively new convert to the "truth" as described on one of the bullcrap "You don't have to pay income taxes" sites. All he really knows about it is what he has read on selected sites on the internet ...which everyone knows is the total and complete truth.... even though that "truth" contradicts both common sense and what 99.9% of the world knows and indeed is actually contrary to the law. But our Fantasyseeker 67 knows better than the rest of the world and he is part of the elite squad that knows that everything in the world has all been designed specially to try to deceive him. After all, The Matrix movies are the "truth," don't 'ya know?

He probably got into some sort of conversation with another soon to be inmate from his new friends on the internet and someone told him about Quatloos... you know, those evil bastards who are the tools of the oppressors. Well now, our new convert, Fantasyseeker 67 who is armed by the sword of truth and an enormous amount of bullcrap he really doesn't understand believes that the goodness of his cause can not only sustain him in the lion's den but the obvious worth of the crap he has swallowed will allow him to prevail much as Daniel did in the bible. So quite probably, on a dare from what passes as his new friends, on he comes.

Once here, he is shown that you don't carry much water with naked assertions of alleged facts not in evidence. Further, that when it comes down to it he knows absolutely nothing about court cases or legal research or court procedure or indeed what the hell he is allegedly talking about. In fact, all he can do is cut and paste crap from the tax protester sites that he doesn't really understand other than it says he is being ripped off...even though it doesn't explain why other than the final defense of the crybaby..."But, it's just not fair." And he is is shocked... shocked that everyone here just didn't bow down in awe to his superior intellect that he cut and pasted from elsewhere. Surely, (don't call me Shirley) when we saw the magic words of the prophet Hendricks we would all cower in fear and tear our hair and flee in disarray. I mean, once he read the magic words that he really didn't understand except that it meant he was being ripped off he was transformed, so everyone must surely (I told you about that) agree and bow to the power of the "truth" revealed.

Well, I guess it didn't work out quite that way. When faced by a barrage of cites (as opposed to sites) and actual law as opposed to imagined law, he could not respond and fell prey to the four letter anglo-saxonism. And as we speak he is probably lurking and cursing about how unfair all is and saying not very flattering things about our ancestry and personal habits. What really shows that he is new at this is that he hasn't mastered the form. What he should have done is dash in... make his unsupported assertions... wait out the barrage of exactly why he is wrong and then dash in again, deny everything that was said no matter whether it was true or not... declare victory loudly and then leave forever in a blaze of imagined glory. Think of it as similar to running the bulls at Pamplona. But I'm sure with a bit of practice, he'll get the idea.
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Imalawman »

its just like a TP to drop in with confidence, leave pissed off and without any arguments left.

Its almost like there's a set of published rules for when an argument is soundly defeated with facts (in order of priority):

1. Call them unpatriotic.
2. Call them communists.
3. Call them Satanists.
4. Get very pissed off and start cursing
5. Silence.

Its a shame they don't start with "re-examine factual and legal presuppositions"
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Re: My Challenge to truthseeker 67

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Imalawman wrote:its just like a TP to drop in with confidence, leave pissed off and without any arguments left.

Its almost like there's a set of published rules for when an argument is soundly defeated with facts (in order of priority):

1. Call them unpatriotic.
2. Call them communists.
3. Call them Satanists.
4. Get very pissed off and start cursing
5. Silence.

Its a shame they don't start with "re-examine factual and legal presuppositions"
I'd add another rule for Truthshirker 67 and friends:

6. Return to the warm bosom of websites devoted to The Real Truth, where evil Quatloosian facts are kept away from the True Believers.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools