The Restore America Plan

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:DeepKnight picked that up from GrassCity forum. Grass City is a bulletin board for ... (gasp) smokers of the killer weed. Most of the posters on that bulletin board seem to have trouble finishing their paragraphs. Tells us more about DeepKnight than we needed to know.
I got the link from Rebel4Liberty's post, and AM NOT the poster listed as "WackyWeederNeeder." Also, I resent you implying that I have trouble finishing my.
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

OK, I have to admit I'm not a follower of the NESARA / RAP threads but to avoid having to devote hours to researching this, my only real question is:

Who is selling what to whom?

I can understand hoaxes for political and entertainment purposes and I understand scams and the economics behind them, but it would seem this melange of goofiness is economically self-defeating.

Maybe I'm just not up to speed with what passes for entertainment. :thinking:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by fortinbras »

Good point. I haven't seen RAP shaking the tambourine for money (and, of course, they claim to control literally tons of gold), although I expect some of the localized grand juries and others might ask people to chip in for coffee and donuts.

I think the real motivating factor behind RAP is ego, and fantasies of leading and commanding great swarms of troops capable of toppling the US govt. These fantasies seem to have morphed into delusions and paranoia. Shades of Emperor Norton.

DeepKnight, you're a very good sport and we love you.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:OK, I have to admit I'm not a follower of the NESARA / RAP threads but to avoid having to devote hours to researching this, my only real question is:

Who is selling what to whom?

I can understand hoaxes for political and entertainment purposes and I understand scams and the economics behind them, but it would seem this melange of goofiness is economically self-defeating.

Maybe I'm just not up to speed with what passes for entertainment. :thinking:

Well from what I've seen from NESARA it seems like it's all about "donations".

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

For all you restore America plan haters, if this isn't real than this afternoon won't happen. But if it is real, expect big headlines. I guess we will all find out in the next few hours.
Yes, we did find out in the next few hours. I've seen septic tanks less full of it than you. Can you not remember from hour to hour what bald assertions you have made?
Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

bmielke wrote: Well from what I've seen from NESARA it seems like it's all about "donations".
From the RAP-NESARA forum.

Monday, June 14, 2010
Donations Commentary
I wish to thank all those considerate enough to have donated to this blog. I still have not responded personally to some as I is snowed under or over whelmed with present activities.

What can I say or do to show my appreciation?

I am going through the same tough times like many here and I can fully appreciated what they have done.

I have decided to put ALL those who are donating on the "Prosperity Donations List".
And they WILL be accorded the same blessing they have to my family.

The prosperity list of over 500 is being divided into 4 groups. Those who have donated to this blog will be in the first group.

GOD Bless You And Yours,

John MacHaffie
Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:16 AM
Anonymous said...
could you tell us what the other groups represent?

group #1 Prosperity Donations List
group #2 ??
group #3 ??
group #4 ??

June 14, 2010 6:37 AM
John MacHaffie said...
With over 500 and still counting. The breakdown represents 'manageable numbers' which I can process.

The first and second group will be for the Really Needy Ones. Those that are homeless, farmers, financial and medical issues, etc.

The third and fourth group will be sorted by date received.

This is a Big Task and my focus will be on this for the next few days.

June 14, 2010 6:54 AM
rrobin said...
Thank you for your blog and all your rapid updates, John. I have just sent $100.00 via PayPal.
I hope that helps at least in a small way.
You know who I am from all my E mails.

June 14, 2010 7:11 AM
Anonymous said...
Dear John, I just want to make a suggestion. Is there a way you can set up a ChipIn like Rayelan has? That way you can set your goal for the month and readers and contributors will see how it's going. We have no idea out here what your needs are and with so many around us needing....imo that may be why the low donation rate. God Bless you and yours for your hard work.

June 14, 2010 7:34 AM
John MacHaffie said...
I tried the ChipIn widget as an experiment but it was too much of a distraction from the blog and I removed it.

Hopefully in the near future the "donations required" will be extinct!

June 14, 2010 7:40 AM
Anonymous said...
I sent you my name an email for the prosperity list. You did say to explain our circumstances *which are dire). Does that mean I'll be placed far down the list??

June 14, 2010 4:47 PM
John MacHaffie said...
It means you be placed on the TOP of the list.

Helping the "Dire Needy" is what it is all about!

Guess what?

YOUR LOVING LORD does Love You And Yours.

June 14, 2010 5:37 PM
Anonymous said...
no what I meant to say is that I didn't explain my circumstances. Only sent my name and email...sorry, I mistyped my previous message.

June 15, 2010 7:29 AM
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
RAP Press Release - Just a Thought
Submitted by D - Thanks

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

RAP Press Release - Just a Thought
I was thinking that perhaps the delayed press release has something to do with the fact that Congress goes on vacation August 1st and will not be in session during this time. That would put them out on this coming Monday for a month. For those who have ever been involved in a major (or even a minor) event know that timing is everything. Just because "we the people" want it now doesn't meant that "now" is the best time for it. Only God in his wisdom knows when the perfect time is for something to happen. To do something prematurely can be as dangerous and damaging as a baby being born prematurely. My daughter is expecting her first baby - my first grandchild. For seven months I have been eagerly waiting for this child. Even though at first there was not much evidence of it, and certainly not that I could see, I had to wait patiently while doing what I could to make preparations. I have seen an image of the baby on ultrasound and she is beautiful but that image will be nothing compared to the real thing when she finally arrives and I can hold her, smell her, touch her and enjoy her. Even then it will not be only the smell of roses. There will be some sleepless nights, smelly diapers, spit up and all the rest that goes along with it. I know from experience, however, that the end result and joy of having her will overide the negative parts. God has a set time for her birth - -too early and she will not be quite ready to survive in her new world. It will cause her and those who will enjoy her many problems that could have been avoided has she waited to be born at the right time.

There is a set time for RAP as well, We all feel the uncomfortableness of this "baby" - the new republic that is being birthed but if we do not make sure that all the important functions are in place and operating correctly, that her systems are developed enough to handle the real world she is being born into there could be untold and UNNECESSARY problems that could cause her great harm and even death. What a shame that would be for those of us who eagerly await her entrance. Being pregnant is hard at the end, uncomfortable and very frustrating. There can be a number of "false starts" to the actual birth with all of the ups and downs of emotions thinking this is it and then nothing and then back to waiting again. No matter how long or frustrating the process IT WILL HAPPEN. The labor will begin, the baby will be born and the announcement will go out. The question is ARE WE REALLY READY for all the changes this will bring?

I do not know TT or any of the people involved in RAP but I do know God. While I am waiting eagerly for the birth announcement I can pray that these "midwives" or "birth doctors" will have the wisdom they need to bring the baby through a safe delivery. She has enemies that do not want her to live; who for whatever reason, will do all they can to abort the birth or destroy her. She will need to be protected and defended. God is not looking for perfect people to do what needs to be done, he is looking for willing people, faithful people. Some times he even uses asses if they are all that is available. (Numbers 22:22-34)

The point is that this is God's plan and his baby and he will use who he wants and it will be done in his time and in his way.

Our job is to cooperate with the plan, be vigilant to stand against the enemy, pray, be willing to do what he askes of us, and be faithful in what ever he calls us to do. It is the willing/faithful, not the perfect, he is looking for.

What a wonderful time in history we are living! What a baby that is about to be born! Are you ready??

Grandmom to be

http://rappressrelease-justathought.blo ... ought.html
Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:29 AM

Anonymous said...

July 27, 2010 10:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Well, here's one excuse for the announcements not happening. Anybody have any more!

July 27, 2010 10:59 AM
billcrutchfield said...
We have the easy part of just wanting it to happen, not the hard part and the dangerous part like the Elders have. Can't we just be patient and supportive instead of bitching.
God Bless them and guide them to get it done no matter when it is.

July 27, 2010 11:04 AM
Jackie Smith said...
Good info here folks if you are willing to open your eyes……send this far and wide….. ... em-part-1/ ... em-part-2/

. . . and our corrupt defacto government?

Are you ready for a REAL change?

July 27, 2010 11:11 AM
Anonymous said...
Sounds like just another of a long string of excuses for delaying the supposed restoration. It's always "just around the corner", "next week", "be patient", etc. etc. etc.

July 27, 2010 11:12 AM
Jackie Smith said...
BTW.....this is a wonderful post.....I love the analogy! God Bless you whoever wrote this and congratulations Grandmom to be! :)

July 27, 2010 11:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Congress going on break with any luck while they are gone the RAP interim Government will be enacted and when they try to return they will find locked doors!

July 27, 2010 11:42 AM
Anonymous said...
What an absolutely fantastic analogy. Amen... She is going to be a beautiful site once she arives. Thank God for a mothers prospective!!!

July 27, 2010 11:53 AM
Jackie Smith said...
Back to the Articles by Ron Holland….July 24, 2010 ... icles.html

July 27, 2010 12:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I would think that congress being on vacation would be a perfect time to announce RAP and complete the governmental personal changes. It wouldn't be disrupting anything, at least in congress.

July 27, 2010 12:18 PM
"Follow the Money"

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Harvester »

Well, I've heard the announcement/orders will come on Obuma's birfday. :mrgreen:
[re-insert redacted link here]
Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Harvester wrote:Well, I've heard the announcement/orders will come on Obuma's birfday. :mrgreen:
[re-insert redacted link here]
Is this from the same source that told you things were absolutely sure to happen before July 9th? Because if it is, I think you should get a new source. As for "public sources," they all said "a press release within 3 days of July 21st." What do you think we can conclude from the fact that it's 7 days later and there hasn't been one?
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Harvester wrote:Well, I've heard the announcement/orders will come on Obuma's birfday. :mrgreen:
[re-insert redacted link here]
Our president's birthday is tomorrow, August 4th. Any guesses as to whether there will be a RAP announcement then?
[re-redact inserted link there]
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, so we were told by Harvester that we would hear something in the MSM by Independence day. It’s been a month since, and there’s nothing. MacHaffie’s RAP-NESARA website is posting every day but ignoring the silence from RAP. Instead they have articles like this one:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Restore America Plan - Corporate Government vs. Lawful Government
Executive Summary – We came across another group who have been filling the uninhabited offices in the State of Colorado for some time. They seem to hold lawful elections. The website is here:
Some of their concepts seem to be similar to Restore America Plan especially inhabiting the vacant government offices.
Here is their statement about a “Republic” which is very good.
A Republic, by definition, has two principle elements,
First, it is controlled by Law, therefore it does not control Law.
Second, it recognizes the private independent sovereign nature of each person (man or woman) of competent age and capacity, therefore a Republic must be representative in its nature.
A Republic recognizes Law is unchangeable, or at least that it can only be changed by a higher source than government. In a Republic the concept of “collective sovereignty” cannot exist, except with recognition that the State or nation, as a body of sovereigns, can speak through one elected voice; though that one voice can never lawfully interfere with the private rights of the individual sovereigns.
“A Constitutional Republic” is a government created and controlled, at least, by the Law of a Constitution. The Constitution of the United States of America was, in Law, foundationally based on the Bible, the Magna Carta, and The Declaration of Independence. Those documents recognize man’s sovereignty, the divine nature of man’s creation and man’s divine right to Life, Liberty, Property, and the pursuit of happiness.
They have some beliefs which differ from those of many sovereigns:
We are not going to debate their position but it is a good read to see what they say. These are not stupid people. These people have been around since the 1990's. We think RAP is different because of the military support RAP has.
Anyway we thought it would be interesting for you to see other groups and what they have been up to. We will strive to bring you information on other sovereign groups from time to time.

Discuss this article and more in our Forum! Click Here! ... nment.html
Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:42 AM 0 comments

And what sort of things are in their “mythology” section?

Patriot Mythology
This is a WARNING! Regardless of how much you have done or how good it sounded while you did it. A large portion of the information flying around the patriot and tax protest communities is false, baseless or worse. Don't believe anybody, just because they sound good. That's right we are saying not to believe us or anyone else just because you see or hear the words. Yon need evidence; at least the quality necessary for production in court.

To reveal most of the mythology we simply follow the admonition from Foundational Law (the Bible), “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” KJV, 2 Corinthians 13:1

With that admonition it would seem wise to do your own research, not trusting hearsay from any source. Let the two or three witnesses be factual records of Law and History that are each verifiable by a variety of substantial sources. This is one of the reasons we always say don’t believe us or anyone else on such matters. Do your own research and prove the truth for your self. We always feel such research is best done with the assistance of prayer made with a sincere heart and real intent asking the Father for guidance to know the truth. To discern the truth: First, pray for guidance; Second, study—when you hear something that sounds good, do your own research, repeat the research done by your source, get several actual source records of Law and History that confirm the accuracy of your opinions; Third, pray again asking if what you have discovered is not true. Only when you have an answer and you understand the truth for your self by your own experience—take action.

Myth 21:
The Nonsensical Imaginary Act — NESARA:
We have been hearing a lot about the alleged National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act of 2000 (NESARA), though its story is shrouded with clandestine secrecy. People keep asking us about it, wondering if it is real. In almost every case they sound like if it is true it would be a wonderful thing.

We are amazed at that reaction.

When we first heard about it we noted the apparent fraud of NESARA in the first two elements reported to us:
First, though Congress can hold closed sessions, neither The United States of America’s Congress nor Corp. U.S.’ Congress were ever given authority to act in secret; to the contrary, the nature of their authority requires their acts must be public; and,
Second, can you truly imagine that Bill Clinton or George Bush would sign an Act that would effectively put them in prison, likely for the rest of their lives; can you imagine that of Congress? Can you even imagine that any of these people would voluntarily give up their positions of power and profit, let alone the allegation that they would admit their personal involvement in a treasonous fraud upon the public? We cannot. We find the suggestion of such a thing is ludicrous.

Their website alleges that it will be announced by May 5th, 2004 of course through February and March they were saying that it would be announced by March 22nd, 2004, so their lies continue. Their e-mail deliveres a, “NESARA Announcement” regarding a case allegedly before the World Court. Certainly people must realize the World Court has no authority over The United States of America. To give it such authority would be the downfall of our nation. It would mean that court has authority over the sovereign nature of this nation of sovereigns and over our personal and individual sovereignty — Only God has that authority (many are foolish enough to believe they can privately contract away their sovereignty, of course they will eventually learn the fallacy of that when they account for it before their maker).

We have done the research. Though there is a lot of talk about NESARA, there are no facts. The allegation of its existence implies authorities that do not exist. Their web site alleges that it:

“Provides forgiveness of credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt as remedy for bank and government frauds”, Which is their way of saying that they will abolish private contractual obligations (bank contracts), which means dishonor and violation of law; the Constitution secures against such interference with contracts [such interference would constitute government control over private property and private contracts—which is Communism]; no thanks!
“Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government”, which would create a virtually unlimited sales tax, which is exactly what the Boston Tea Party was all about. Such a sales tax would make every business transaction or contract controllable by Corp. U.S. and spell death rattle to free enterprise; no thanks!
“Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System, which absorbs the Federal Reserve, and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency”; which would initiate a government owned banking system, which Andrew Jackson claimed unconstitutional and rightfully abolished [the Federal Reserve System is the interface between Corp. U.S. (a private foreign corporation) and the private banking industry, it is not government owned, operated or controlled (contrary to popular opinion — read the Acts, they tell the story)]; no thanks!
“Restores Constitutional Law”; but in its allegations and existence it violates our Constitution for the United States of America in many ways, so the question is, “What Constitution’s Law”, Red China, the USSR and Hitler’s Germany all have or had Constitutions, each claiming to be Republics;
“Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days”; in violation of our Constitutions. By requiring the resignation of Corp. U.S.’ President, Cabinet and Congress, for the replacement of an appointed body of delegates, to rule over their new regime until new elections under their new system can be held. How can anyone be fooled by such overt threat of takeover by a pre-selected few with 4 months time to destroy us — Forgive me but that promise of NESARA alone should be enough to scare our entire nation — A pre-selected Oligarchy under the appointment authority allegedly ordered by the World Court! — Wake up!!! Can you not smell the impending disaster in the wake? It’s ludicrous!
We need go no further — Dear Father in Heaven, we thank thee for making us aware of such a disastrous plot. We ask for Thy help to keep us free from such an abomination against our nation, its people and its Constitution with the Republic it secured, may we educate ourselves with the truth and find that Republic again we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Amen.

The allegations of the NESARA web page’s, too good to be true, “Benefits” and the bogus alleged “History” pages are staggering! The underlining message adds to the threat shown above, a secret regime operated under the threat of death sponsoring “controlled elections” (like USSR—VoteScam on steroids), oh yes and let us not forget the pipe dream of more benefits, real money—free for the taking, world peace, world prosperity, and free energy!

Look out the pied piper is back. For a long time we have noted that the our nation has been targeted for Communist takeover either politically or by compelling a revolution by the people. The current form of governance here is that of a Fascistic Oligarchy (dictatorial government controlled business operated by a controlling body). All it would take to push it into Communism is some way of taking over private property. NESARA does it. We hope the people will end this myth and remove it with the truth. You can help referring people to this website and helping people learn about a real solution to restoring our nation. We can reseat our original jurisdiction government.

We hope people will wake up before the ride is over and discover the truth before it is too late. Reading about NESARA is the scariest thing I have ever read. This gives a whole new meaning to the terms: Secret Combinations and Gadianton Robbers. May we survive them.
Wikipedia wrote:In the Latter Day Saint movement, a secret combination is a secret society of "people bound together by oaths to carry out the evil purposes of the group."[1] Secret combinations were first discussed in the Book of Mormon, published in 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr. The most notable example of a secret combination is the Gadianton robbers, a conspiracy throughout much of the Book of Mormon narrative. The Gadianton robbers, according to the Book of Mormon, were a secret criminal organization in ancient America.
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Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »


Posted By: Seawitch <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 26-Jul-2010 14:37:57 FROM ANOTHER READER:

Tim Turner scares the HELL out of me with his plans for America.... he and his Executive Committee, "SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVIL"... Think about this! They gave directions to the grand juries to select 13 people from each state, 13 X 50 = 650, then the Executive Committee selects 16 members to the presidency and cabinet. ADD 650 and 16. .....EQUALS 666..
And J. T. Turner claims to be a Christian?? WHOA! Something is not RIGHT with this picture.

What Path is he leading the sheeple down? These sheeple of Turner's... are putative grand juries who DO NOT protect 'due process', they're desecreting their Oath along with mindless groupies (behind the scenes) to LOCKOUT the duly selected jurors from the VOTE. "JURY" RIGGING THE VOTE in their favor.

TURNER'S minions DO NOT LIKE people who think for themselves; know the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG. Who HAVE COMMON SENSE, who will not be intimidated, who DO NOT BARE FALSE WITNESS, who stand up. Those who are the authentic PATRIOTS, cannot be BOUGHT, BELIEVE in the Constitution and see through their bullshit as they HIDE behind 'THE MINISTRY' to spread DECEIT. WE ARE NOT SHEEPLE!


Have a good day!

A Free-Thinking Reader

"Free Thinking" reader seems a bit too free thinking, as in "pulling numbers out of the air." Nowhere in the RAP materials do they give sizes for their Grand Juries nor for some executive council. Of course, if they used different numbers, it wouldn't come out to 666, and where would be the fun in that?
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Cathulhu »

If you're going to "bare the false witness" at least use a stripper pole.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything...

Did the governors resign?

Do we have a new president?

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Brandybuck »

bmielke wrote:Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything...

Did the governors resign?

Do we have a new president?
Yes, the governor's did resign and we do have a new president. Unfortunately the False Rulers have ignored the law yet again and continue behaving as before. The Genyuine Unelected Masters who we proclaim as Troo are being shunned. This is so frustrating. Perhaps we made a subtle error in our red-scribbled filings.

Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by bmielke »

Brandybuck wrote:
bmielke wrote:Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything...

Did the governors resign?

Do we have a new president?
Yes, the governor's did resign and we do have a new president. Unfortunately the False Rulers have ignored the law yet again and continue behaving as before. The Genyuine Unelected Masters who we proclaim as Troo are being shunned. This is so frustrating. Perhaps we made a subtle error in our red-scribbled filings.
That's what I thought.
Deep Knight
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

You figure that if RAP's Tim Turner is announcing that he's president, it would be in the news. Well, here it is!

Release the hidden entertainer in you
Northwich Guardian
8:20am Sunday 8th August 2010

VISITORS to Anderton Boat Lift are being given the chance to unleash the hidden entertainer in them. The boat lift will be hosting a free ‘circusology’ extravaganza in August. The events run from 11am to 4pm on August 11, 18 and 25, when families will be able to try out their circus skills, including plate spinning, juggling, stilt walking and uni-cycling. Tim Turner, boat lift manager, said: “Everyone has an inner entertainer waiting to be set loose. Our circusology days will provide the ideal platform for people to realise their potential in a safe and fun environment.”

Sure, that's not what it says, but if you read between the lines...
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Restore American Plan - Restore America Plan (RAP) Update 08/09/10
Submitted by Honest American --- Thanks

Introduction – What we are going to do is provide bits and pieces of verifiable information we pick up along with deductive reasoning and logic to take a look at Restore America Plan and its progress. We do not put a lot of stock into leaked insider information. We have no way of knowing who is real and who is not. We have no way of knowing if the information passed on by someone is real or not. So we listen to this information as we become aware of it, but just put it in the black box for future reference.
We have become aware of the fact that RAP has some enemies other than the de facto government. Some of these enemies are more vocal than others. There are people out there who wish RAP to fail. Why is a good question, isn't it? If RAP fails that leaves us with the de facto government with all their ominous plans for us. If you wish to see the country restored it is not that important who does it, in my humble opinion.
RAP and the Military – First let's catch our breath and take a look at the whole enchilada here. RAP has the military support. The military is a massive organization. The military has a massive intelligence network. They engage in counter intelligence and collection of positive intelligence. Because the National Guard is under the military in the de facto government the military runs domestic intel operations to stay on top of events that may affect the national guard. In the old days this was called the CIC or counter intelligence corps. This has become Military Intelligence. They interface with all the Homeland Security, FBI type agencies going to the briefings, etc. My point is the military is powerful and has tentacles that reach out everywhere in the world. So the military is exercising caution. This is understandable.
Once the military publicly announces it is supporting RAP the bridge is burned, there is no going back. This can explain their anxious behavior and wanting certain persons removed in the past. The military is going to expect and demand on certain concessions or they will not play ball. This is their right. Thus comes secrecy into the picture. They can always go out and select a different group if they want to. If they pulled from RAP I think you would see arrests or at least a breaking up of RAP and disbanding the interim government. So there is going to be some deal making to keep the military happy.
It was made clear to me that the military is clearly for a constitutional government and common law. On this they are not deviating. Yeah. It appears the military wishes to have the real government reinhabited leaving the federal corporation to run out of money and go away. They need to avoid any semblance of a military coup to keep people as calm as calm can be under the circumstances. Think about this one for a minute. They are apparently working with Rodney of rayservers and Rod Class on talkshoe, to file the judicial notice on all the executives, Supreme Court, members of Congress etc as well as the Hague Court that the federal corporation is illegal and the real government is going to be reinhabited. It also cites numerous violations of law. The de facto government failed to answer. So now the military has judicial notice and possibly a decision from the Hague that has not been publicized to support their position.
The military also has a constitutional government to report to in place of the federal corporation. Thus the 50 grand juries to vote the interim government into office. This was probably the most important function of the grand juries so far. So you can see one aspect of this was to enable the military to avoid things looking like a coup and it really is reinhabiting the vacated offices. So this is one complexity that few fail to take into account. We get mixed reports of the grand juries being trained, not trained etc. We think there is some variance as to the degree of training they got. It does seem that they had phone conference training for some months. RAP has a lot of international dimensions behind it. The grand juries are one small but necessary cog in the wheel necessary to set up a constitutional interim government. Without the interim government that was no lawful body to receive the funding and without the funding well nothing will go forward. I do expect the grand juries will move forward and do their job but this may be more on a state level, they are after all designated by state. I am not expecting a lot of witch hunt trials of the de facto government officials past or present.
What is a Constitutional Starting Government – This is a good question. We are hitting the reset button and booting up a new government. How does one do this anyway? Some have correctly stated that Ben Franklin was the first postmaster and he was appointed. He had a lot of power and this would be a good start BUT there is a problem. Ben Franklin was appointed into the position by the Congress. Whoops so we need to have a de jure congress to appoint a postmaster. Two points for Rap here since they are starting with a de jeur congress. Anyway if there was another way to appoint a Postmaster which possibly there is although we are not aware of any other route, think what would happen. People would say bad things about whoever this postmaster was. His background would be questioned as would his motives, faith, integrity and many would say who the heck is he and why him. See what I mean. A John Doe Postmaster or Tim Turner President gets you to the same place – division which is going to be unavoidable, just hope it to be minimal. People have not learned to be in unity yet. This will come but it is not there now. A house divided unto itself will not stand, a bible quote folks. The sovereigns need to try for more unity. They have common goals, don't they? The cast of players in the interim government cannot possibly be that important. The bad guys are the de facto government not Turner and the interim government.
Unconstitutional Government Agencies – I have heard talk of a continuing Homeland Security, FBI, etc. These are not constitutional agencies, agreed. Why? Well the power to enforce laws inside the states by the fed is usurped, clearly and there is no debating here. So why would they do this?
First let me say I expect that these agencies over time will be legitimatized which should mean incorporated into the states government to a good extent but hear me out. There are a lot of problems facing the new government. Many will not like the change. It is estimated that there are really 20 to 30 million illegal aliens in the USA. They will need to go and go fast, like real fast. This is trouble waiting to happen. Mexico will take a bad hit under RAP, even to the point of collapsing. Every month billions of dollars are sent to Mexico by illegal workers. Mexico makes even more from sales of narcotics into the nation. This develops drug addicts, criminals, prostitutes that spread disease and immorality, and supports organized crime from foreign lands. These illegal workers use the social support systems of the country. Pay no taxes, use the hospitals, schools, etc and have anti-american principles. They would like to merge the USA with Mexico at the expense of we the people. They need dealing with and fast. This is one area where the federal law enforcement agents come in. They do have the lawful power to control immigration.
Perhaps they are going to put them to work on this monumental task which will take some time, this is not a 90 day project. There are also several million gang members in the country which need breaking up, incarceration and deportation. These gangs combined with the millions of illegal aliens are a major potentially violent threat to the republic. Also let us not forget the de facto government has left the border open. They have tunnels with reinforced concrete large enough to drive large trucks through. This means muslim terrorists have infiltrated into the land. They may decide it is time to start trouble as well. Sure this is correctly the job of the state militias, but these militias need to be staffed up and the members trained. There are a handful of active state militias with little staffing. They need funding, training, equipment etc. The military will probably be only too happy to help with training and equipment, but folks there is a serious vulnerability during the transition. It can take easily one year (probably 18 months) to get serious militias trained and in place. Someone is going to have to close the borders during this time and thus you have the federal police. How can they close the borders lawfully to illegal traffic?
Remember they have lawful constitutional jurisdiction over the following: customs which includes smuggling to avoid such importation tariffs, immigration, armed foreign armies invading to pillage, plunder, murder, rob, kidnap etc. An army can be a small band of criminals that are trained, equipped, paid etc by a larger army of criminals. This is plain and simple an enemy invasion. Then they can enforce piracy laws when our friendly neighbors hijack vessels private or public. They can police international ports and international borders. The fed can also enforce laws pertaining to treason as in terrorists looking to destroy, kill etc. to destabilize the government. The fed can also protect lawful federal installations like military bases. So there can be a pretty constitutional deployment of these federal law enforcement people unlike the way they are being used by the de facto government.
Remember the gangs, real sleeper terrorists and millions of illegal aliens are a real big time threat to the newly inhabited republic as well as to you and your families. Bear in mind the de facto government is doing close to nothing to stop these evil people destroying the nation. These people will not like the restoration of the republic because they will lose big time. Like it or not RAP has been thrust into politics and compromises will be necessary in order to get the interim government off the ground and get it running well enough for elections in six months. Things will take time. When you think about the de facto government with their 70% combined taxes, stripping of freedoms, unjust courts, a congress that repeatedly sells out the people, police tasering people freely, millions in prison for victimless crimes, unhealthy vaccines, GMO food, wars fought for oil going to the elite, and now an unqualified muslim president of the corporation posing as a legitimate president it is a wonder how anyone can go against RAP since if RAP fails we are stuck with the de facto government.
What About the Sheriff – Well the sheriff is a high office the chief law enforcement officer of the county jurisdiction BUT is the sheriff of a county that is incorporated really the sheriff or is that office not really inhabited. I think these offices of the sheriff needs to be reinhabited myself. These city, county and state corporations can be thought of as related to the federal corporation. So relying on the sheriffs to enforce the law and protect we the people is going to require reinhabiting the office of the sheriff and not going through the county corporations since they are de facto not de jure offices. See the problems get thick when you get into them, don't they? See why RAP takes longer than we would like. There is no “Interim Government for Dummies” book out there, it has to be worked out in depth all for the first time. To make it more complicated it has gone international as well affecting numerous nations.
RAP Funding – Let us safely assume Turner did not find the trillions needed in a cabbage patch. Deals were made, concessions made etc. Hey guys such is the real world. You want the money and a peaceful change or the alternatives? The de facto is a horrible choice and the alternatives can be devastating beyond compromises. The USD is the big reserve currency out there. If this goes to seed completely as it is headed now, then the world economic systems will collapse. Not like what we have seen, much worse. Sure the stupidity was trusting the private bankers and their puppet governments. They took the worthless dollars and using anonymous structures like corporations, trusts and foundations bought hard assets to ensure their trillions of wealth for generations. Some of this might be recoverable, some probably not.
There are a lot of nations who are sick and tired of the de facto government. China is the obvious one with 300 nuclear missiles in Taiwan pointed at it. I would say the Russian Federation is also sick of the de facto government. The de facto government are war mongers. In times of war money gets spent big time and thus the bankers get richer as the national debt soars. They are long past caring about millions of dead people. I am sure they think it is funny that they can con people so well to the point of having them die for senseless wars designed to increase their wealth at the expense of those doing the fighting.
Timing was an issue with the funding. Money of this size cannot sit around waiting, it needs to be deployed in some way. So again things needed to get done in a timely manner. The de facto government was scared of we the people and would do anything to put you down further and harder. Look at how they try to get your guns taken away. They get your money, control your health care, schools, freedoms, kangaroo courts, elections, etc. Getting rid of them is worth a lot of concessions especially if when the smoke has cleared you are left with a constitutional government and common law. From everything we know this is firmly going to be the case.
If RAP is Real Why Don't We See Signs of It – Well let's take a look at this. The Clintons throw their daughter a wedding. Probably spent many millions on the secret service plus local police costs. Nobility in a word. Michelle Obama takes a vacation in Spain with her entourage, one of many vacations. Again millions and millions spent on the secret service. Barry Sotero playing golf and running around on TV. Well on the other hand Tim Turner does talk shows as the President of the Republic. Rap executive council members like Rod do the same. State coordinators also do the same. These people have jobs and go to work every day openly. Now bear in mind Tim Turner has an interim government set up and is walking around free as interim President of the USA. So both sides are acting as if nothing is wrong, yet one of them has to be wrong.
The fact that the RAP folks are free causes me to think the military is really with them asides from what people I trust say. I would expect the de facto government is trying to negotiate their way out of trials and punishments. This can explain the Clintons getting the wedding done before the embarrassments come. Michelle can be living it up on the corporations money while she can, in other words squeezing all she can out of it. Her fifteen minutes of fame so to speak before she goes into obscurity.
Am I expecting trials? Not many, maybe very few. Once trials start it would go on for years. I think there will be confessions that are sealed, resignations, agreements to never emerge into public life and forfeiture of ill gotten gains. There would be a lot of secrets at risk if there were trials or prison sentences. Many others would be implicated and this could go on for ten years at great cost. Public attention would be drawn to them and they are accomplished liars and crooks. The trials would be televised and the people would have their heads filled with all sorts of garbage spouting forth from the mouths of these professional liars and con men.
Probably things will move on to restoring the republic and preparing for the elections in six months. I would say about six weeks after the republic takes over election campaigns will start. The first six weeks will largely be educational as people crave all sorts of knowledge. Questions will concern foreclosures, credit bureaus, ongoing court cases, political prisoners in jail, victimless crimes, new id cards, firearm laws, taxes, passports, international travel, business practices, banking practices, gold backed currency, and I could keep going. After this there will come campaigning for the elections to come in a few short months. There will be no campaign advocating going back to the bankster democracy in that this would be contrary to the constitution. New parties will emerge. Perhaps Turner will run or maybe not, who knows? I suppose there will be some trials but I am not expecting a witch hunt. I expect a serious reeducation campaign for those in police service. They will learn the correct way and what can happen to them under common law if they start tasering the elderly people in bed. I expect some will resign, some will mess up and wind up in a common law court in front of a real jury not restrained by the prosecutor or judge. A few of those trials and the police and government workers absorbed into the new government will straighten up fast. Most will get reeducated and go with the constitution. Anyway I doubt the country will dedicate itself to trials, there are more important tasks at hand.
Mainstream Media Talking Heads – It amazes me how many people look to the mass media for a confirmation of RAP or lack thereof as a sign of RAP not being real. The mainstream media is a pure psych ops program. What finished off the de facto government is the internet with real freedom of speech. All the mainstream talking heads do is follow the psych ops program. That would be to keep telling you what is wrong, it is getting worse on varying fronts and never ever even hinting at a way to fix it other than going from democrats to republicans or vice versa. This is all done in the name of democracy not in the name of a republic. Some of the late night talking heads make jokes about how we have no constitution any more like why don't we sell ours since we do not use it anymore. This makes the people think there is no hope and despair sets in.
There is a sense of hopelessness, resistance is futile. There is nothing you can do. It is going to keep getting worse and worse so just suck it up as best you can. That is the message of the mainstream media. It works. Look how many people say RAP can't work. They get there from the psych ops. Resistance is futile. Nothing will work. It is too late. It is hopeless. You are delusional if you think you can change it. Do you see it? I avoid watching the mainstream media, it is brainwashing.
Another trick they use is to get the people involved in sports, the lives of celebrities, dance contests, talent contests, watching movies 3D or otherwise, sitcoms etc. These are distractions to keep you occupied while they drag you further and further into bondage, it keeps you asleep so to speak. This is all done by design with intent. I am not saying being a football fan or baseball fan is wrong. I enjoy going to game too. When it gets obsessive with talk shows dealing with the sporting events and the sports stars being treated as demi-gods on TV then it crosses the line into something else. We could also talk about the gambling associated with sporting events.
Hollywood works with the de facto government closely. The messages conveyed in the movies and TV shows are designed to suit the de facto government and their handlers. They do not portray useful morals, truthfulness, honesty, or any values that a culture needs to survive. Their themes are drugs, alcohol, immorality, sex, violence, corruption, revenge and they knock people with faith in God who follow the bible. Other religions are portrayed favorably, just not Christians. In Hollywood the police practically always win. Ever notice that? This is unrealistic in that there is a massive amount of unsolved and unpunished crimes. The theme is resistance is futile.
The mainstream media knows all about RAP. They are not going to discuss it. Why? My gosh the people will then get educated, see a way out of the oppression and cling to RAP and all of a sudden RAP would have millions and millions of supporters screaming throw the bums out right now. The mainstream media does not care about the people, just their handlers. Give them a big paycheck and they will tell the people anything they are told to pass on. When the federal corporation tries to destabilize a nation what do they go after? The Newspapers, TV and Radio stations. They use their funny money to buy media control one way or the other. Look at the mainstream media as federal corporation advertising and psych ops. Never go to them for a confirmation of anything. They are the personification of disinformation.
Why those Grand Jurors – Well RAP was trying to be secretive yet at the same time they had to raise some 1350 people (approx.). The solution was they operated with a presence in sovereign circles. They had to do this to get grand jurors and the members of the interim government. Some resent not being involved. Ok how the heck could RAP get all involved. They couldn't, could they? Remember RAP is just one component of a larger international picture that is not appearing on forums, blogs, phone in talk shows, forums, websites etc. This is real secrecy. People getting unauthorized press releases etc is not about the vital intel.
RAP is the tip of the iceberg that you see. What is under the water line out of site is the bigger picture. Vital intel concerns itself with the source of funding for instance, other nations involved, international courts proceedings that are conducted in closed chambers not open court and so forth. People do not understand the depth and magnitude of this move. For instance how do they deal with the stock and commodity markets around the world when the announcement is made to avoid collapsing the markets? What about currency exchange rates going off the charts when the FRN becomes a US Treasury Gold Certificate redeemable in gold at the treasury? This causes the people to get hung on all the wrong things.
The RAP you see if a small portion of what is happening. Remember the return to the constitution and common law is real and has never been discarded. The interim government is only in for six months. If you ask me that is too short, I would say 12-18 months but no they want this to be a very brief period. This lends credence to their true motives which is to get the reboot going and then let we the people have an honest paper ballot supervised election. I say let RAP have a chance and support them. Don't get hung up on the little things, get the reboot going and enjoy the constitutional government with all the prosperity and freedoms that will come with it.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:28 AM

OK, but where's the 3-week-late announcement?
"Follow the Money"
Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Re: The Restore America Plan

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Well, this very, very, very long walk on a short pier needs to come to a close.

The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three