where's my 5 Mullah Facepalm?
Dear Freeman,
The year 2012 is the year of the True Jubilee. The Jubilee means redistributing all the wealth of the nation among its citizens. The wealth of the nation includes its land and money. In this case, the Jubilee also means removing the un-Lawful monarch and all un-Lawful legislation.
Please, watch "The True Jubilee 2012" for more information. The video can be easily found with a search engine.
Please, print the flyers at 2012jubilee.info and distribute them.
Please, spread this message and the video to everyone you know in the UK.
Definition of Jubilee?
ju·bi·lee (jb-l, jb-l)
a. A specially celebrated anniversary, especially a 50th anniversary.
b. The celebration of such an anniversary.
2. A season or an occasion of joyful celebration.
3. Jubilation; rejoicing.
4. often Jubilee Bible In the Hebrew Scriptures, a year of rest to be observed by the Israelites every 50th year, during which slaves were to be set free, alienated property restored to the former owners, and the lands left untilled.
5. often Jubilee Roman Catholic Church A year during which plenary indulgence may be obtained by the performance of certain pious acts.
Number 4 is about the closest to what the email is saying but you appear to have to be an Israelite, plus it doesn't mention the government doing anything. I suppose I'm going to have to look for this rubbish and watch it.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self