Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

Paths of the Sea wrote: Besides his public defender, there are most assuredly qualified criminal defense attorneys in Pensacola who would gladly take the case. After all, they all say that everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense and that is what criminal defense attorneys are paid to do.
The prosecution is enjoying the interviews as Hovind hangs himself.
One problem will be that Kent wants "to tell the whole truth" which means he wants to treat the trial as a de novo rehearing of the first trial and the judge will certainly not stand for that. Kent will then claim a mistrial.

As for telling his story to Congress as he suggests in the current interview Kent is mistaken in thinking that his situation is of any interest to any other than us amused obsessives and a relatively small subset of YECs and conspiracy hypothecists. When Members discover Kent's new found enthusiasm for the abolition of prisons and their being replaced by public executions, the cat o'nine tails and the stoning of their own recalcitrant teenagers they may all decide to take the afternoon off for some non-urgent root canal work.

But I like Kent's straw poll of fellow residents. He asked them whether they would prefer a good thrashing to a prison term and they all confirmed that they would. They also agreed that corporal punishment would be a stronger deterrent than prison, the conclusion being that a lighter punishment would be a greater deterrent than a harsher one.

Kent needs to do a little more work on the logic of that one.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Samphire wrote:
One problem will be that Kent wants "to tell the whole truth"
which means he wants to treat the trial as a de novo rehearing
of the first trial and the judge will certainly not stand for that.

Kent will then claim a mistrial.
For all the ignorance of what is going as claimed by Kent Hovind, he seems to be very informed about how that is likely to play out and he's been repeatedly telling folks that the judge is not going to let him tell his stories.

It may not get that far because, despite Kent's claims about taking the stand, he very well may back out based upon his claims he was going to convicted anyway and the judge wasn't going to let him control the testimony.

If Kent takes the stand, it will be too late for him to back out when the judge might sustain the objection to Kent going "off topic". Kent will have committed himself to cross-examination and be quite stuck!

It could make a good show; having Kent submit to cross-examination, under oath!

Kent wouldn't do it in his previous criminal trial.
Kent wouldn't do it in his own U.S. Tax Court case.

Kent, are you really going to testify this time around?
Please make up your mind.

Otherwise, I think Congress would be more interested in having Jo Hovind testify before the mental health sub-committee regarding her life with a narcissistic sovereign citizen operating a criminal enterprise under cover of religion and how it was she let him send her to prison and be found liable for millions in personal income tax liabilities.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by notorial dissent »

Realistically here, what possible difference would/could even a really top notch attorney have done for Kent?

There is no way he could ever testify in his defense without self convicting, having a really good attorney isn't going to mitigate the evidence against him, and he pretty much self convicted with his own words as it was. A really good attorney might have saved Jo from her experiences, but again problematical, might have lessened Kent's sentence, but then again maybe not.

Kent was and is his own worst enemy.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

The latest from Peter J. Reilly on his Adventures Hovind!

http://activepassivitiesandothermoronic ... d-not.html

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

notorial dissent wrote:Realistically here, what possible difference would/could even a really top notch attorney have done for Kent?
Told him to:

1. shut up.

2. withdraw his tort suit against the very judge he will be coming up against next month.

3. read Quatloos.
Kent was and is his own worst enemy.
Not while that know-nothing, totally unqualified IRS stooge and satanist Robert Baty is around.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

From ... 7_14-08_00
This is Kent's 9th Thanksgiving in Prison and he has never had a meal with his 9-year old Grandson.
That's because the kid has the common sense to stay out of jail.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Posted this morning from Dan & Sam of God's Property Radio. ... 1_56-08_00

The apologies and discussion about Peter J. Reilly and me start about the 3:30 mark and that discussion runs to about the 11:00 minute mark when a 3rd party recorded sermon is played.

Dan & Sam pick up the relevant discussion again about the 37 minute mark and that continues until about the 48 minute mark when a closing song begins.

I posted a response to the God's Property Radio FaceBook page where the program was announced.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by JamesVincent »

Samphire wrote:From ... 7_14-08_00
This is Kent's 9th Thanksgiving in Prison and he has never had a meal with his 9-year old Grandson.
That's because the kid has the common sense to stay out of jail.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by JennyD »

JamesVincent wrote:
Samphire wrote:From ... 7_14-08_00
This is Kent's 9th Thanksgiving in Prison and he has never had a meal with his 9-year old Grandson.
That's because the kid has the common sense to stay out of jail.
We really need a like button or a thumbs up icon.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

From: Dan & Sam (God's Property Radio)
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Transcription by Robert Baty ... 1_56-08_00

(Begin at 3:30 mark)

Dan & Sam

We want to clear some things up.

First, let me address what's going on with the challenge from Kent Hovind to Peter Reilly that we issued.

First of all, we were in the heat of the moment when we issued that challenge.
Emotions were running a little bit high. We had just spoken with Kent for what, 2 hours.

I didn't have all my facts straight.

For one, I need to apologize to Peter because you weren't posting an article every day. I was exaggerating. I just didn't have all my facts. After looking more thoroughly at the articles I have a little bit of a different opinion of the situation than I did then.

So, I apologize; number 1, for my tone toward Peter Reilly. I think I just wasn't doing that in love.

I don't agree with Peter Reilly on a lot of different things. I do think it unfortunate that a lot of what he says is fairly negative towards Kent.

I do appreciate that someone is paying attention to Kent even if the bulk of it isn't positive.

I do want to point out about Peter's articles, even though we have two very different viewpoints on Kent.

From Peter's viewpoint and the way, his understanding, he is trying to be balanced and fair when addressing Kent. He really is. If you look at it from his perspective that is what he is trying to do.

Also, we want to say a little about, real quick, a Mr. Robert, is it Baty, he keeps posting on our stuff. He put us in contact with Peter, so thank you Robert for doing that. We appreciate that.

Robert also does not agree with our view on Kent. I'm sure we'll hear some comments from him on this. That's OK.

Robert, if you ever want to talk or have questions, write us at and we'll talk or if we don't have the answers for you we will put you in contact with someone who will answer your questions more thoroughly.

And on that note, when we issued that challenge we hadn't really talked about it and discussed it with anyone. We hadn't really thought about what we were doing with that challenge.

It's a fair challenge and it needs to move forward.

After we issued it we thought about it, we talked about it, and we were actually getting ready to set it up with Peter. I had spoken with Peter on the phone and actually with his tech people.

We sought some counsel from some friends of ours and we just thought, you know, whoever is going to do this needs to be someone who really understands what they are talking about.

And we didn't know who could do that, but we knew it wasn't us to facilitate it.

So, we emailed Peter and told him we didn't feel it was wise for us to move forward. Well the day after I sent that message God provided someone to do that...DocFog, or he goes by Ernie, will be facilitating that conversation between Kent and Peter Reilly, or I believe it may be Peter Reilly.

There is a chance that somebody else; Peter may be having someone else discuss things with Kent.

Peter and Ernie will be working that out.

Ernie has a very good grasp of Kent's legal situation and Kent's stance on things. So, if Peter has a question for the host Ernie will be able to handle that in a much more informed way than Sam and I can.

So, we are thankful for Ernie to be taking that over. We will be linking that to you when that takes place so you all can hear it. It should be very good. I am really looking forward to it. I actually hope it does happen. I want to see it happen. I think that it will. At the same time I am, like, it would have been kinda cool to do it ourselves, but this is definitely the better way to go about it.
It will provide a better balance and a more informed conversation than Sam and I could facilitate, we feel, so we hope you guys will be paying close attention and listening for that.
We know that a lot of you guys have been waiting for a response to Peter's blog and articles and, what we are getting at is we have been meaning to do this. We haven't had the time to put it out; for Sam and I to get together and do this.

So, we are sorry that the response was delayed everyone.
So, again, my apologies to Peter for not coming through earlier, for not being clear on everything, and I take back what I did say because I was not accurate in what I was saying. After reading your articles a little more in depth you have been pretty fair in some regards to Kent and I do appreciate the fact you are at least covering it. In the end, you bash Kent . I guess it is at least good to get some attention to the case because it does deserve some recognition. Dan and I are certainly on the opposite spectrum from where you are on a legal stance.

I think that pretty much wraps up what we've got to say.

(End at 10:25 mark)

(skip recorded 3rd party sermon)

(Begin at 37:25 mark)

Alright everyone, welcome back again.
Kent Hovind to me is a really big deal. And so I thought of Kent, and I thought, am I on Kent's side right now. Like, if Kent were to show up and just read the Sermon on the Mount, in front of me, would that be enough for me?

Like, am I just a Hovind supporter, or is Christ at the top?

To keep things in perspective, I would say, this fight that is going on legally with Kent and Paul J Hansen I feel, definitely, an allegiance to them. But, over them, I feel allegiance to Christ.

I do believe they are in the right. Like, I don't know about you, Dan.

I do agree. I think they are in the right. I think that the federal government is ignoring the law and the rules that they are subject to.

You guys are going to be hearing stuff in another coin-toss that is going to be coming up. A bunch more. These are things Sam and I didn't even know until about a week and a half ago.

And it blew our minds. You guys are going to listen to this and go "no way", it's not possible. Look into it. Yep, look into it; keep an open mind.

I can tell we are going to get more haters and trolls coming our way. If you are out there, and you wanna hate, look guys, we're not here to fight a war with you.

I wanna talk to you.
I wanna have an honest conversation with you.

You may not agree with what we say, with what we believe, that's fine, but be willing to hear us, to let us get you the answers or put you in touch with people who do have the answers.

If you are looking to fight just to fight, we are not interested in that. If you are actually looking for answers, please write us. We're looking to help.

If it comes down to "you're our enemy", "our adversary", we are going to try to come at this with love, because I think we are going to get a lot of heat from these coin-tosses that are coming up.

On the whole enemy thing, guys, you are not our enemy. No.
The people in government are deceived just like everyone else.
We don't have a problem with you guys.
We're looking to share the truth and help.
We're going to be talking about Kent Hovind, a brief history of who he is, his ministry, what his stance was legally before all this happened. Where he believes his legal standing was and how he did things. And then we are going to talk about the fruit we have seen from Kent.

We're also going to be talking about what our response should be to Kent. Whether or not you agree with him as a Christian, biblically, what should our response be? We're going to talk about that.

Keep and open mind and let the Lord lead you.

I think that pretty much wraps us up Sam, don't you think?

Yeah, I just wanna say for anybody out there with different opinions on this whole thing, I think it's just more important for Dan and I to keep you in our prayers.
You wanna just close on a little prayer here.
Alright, let's just close in a word of prayer here.
In addition to Paul and Kent Lord, I just want to lift up to you Peter Reilly and Robert Baty, just Lord, be with these gentlemen and work miracles in their lives; show them how real you are Lord. Soften their heart. Bring them home to you Lord. Lord, I just want to say thank you for the opportunity to speak with Kent, to become involved in his life in a small way Lord. You know from the beginning of this podcast you have laid it on Sam's and my hearts to reestablish the ministry of Kent Hovind. We thank you for the opportunity to be used, to be used in this way and for whatever little piece we have to play in it; we thank you that you have chosen us to be a part of it.

God, I pray that you would just bring the justice system to account. Lord, that you would bring in people that would force them to recognize the law and do what is just and true and to render a truthful verdict and to release Kent and Paul and Father I pray that Kent's original case is overturned, that you would provide through, for him, the reparations that need to be paid to him and to Jo. God, I pray that you would bless that ministry. Should you overturn that, Lord. Just reestablish Kent's ministry ten fold for you, Lord, and use it to reach so many people with the gospel of creation for your Son.

Father, I also want to lift up Peter and Robert. God, as Sam said, just soften their hearts, Lord. Show them your love, your truth. God, help them to see beyond what they are looking at..that you are there, you care, and that you came to this earth to, yes, save Kent Hovind and Sam and me, but you came to personally, intentionally to save THEM. God, just touch them with that truth, Lord, and shake the very foundation of their lives, Lord, that they might know you, Lord, in all of your glory.

(End at 47:20 mark)

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Samphire »

To Dan and Sam,
And it blew our minds. You guys are going to listen to this and go "no way", it's not possible. Look into it. Yep, look into it; keep an open mind.
No, don’t keep an open mind. Unlike Kent, start with an open mind and let the evidence lead you to a mature conclusion. Where Kent went wrong was starting with a closed mind and a conclusion and then seeking unqualified confirmatory advice from incompetent misfits whose views he already knew matched his own.

I do agree. I think they are in the right. I think that the federal government is ignoring the law and the rules that they are subject to.
Unlike Robert, you two dreamers do not seem to have studied any of the matters relating to Kent's bankruptcy trial, his federal trial or his tax trial. You do not seem to have read any of the relevant transcripts, the evidence, the witness statements or the judgments. You have not tested any of Kent's carefully selected and highly misleading claims he has made on your show or examined the quality, integrity and beliefs of any of those he has chosen to advise him on matters on which they are plainly utterly and wilfully ignorant.

Other than that, good work.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Was Hovind's 2006 Indictment Flawed?

What Peter J. Reilly has to say about that today: ... nt-flawed/

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by webhick »

So, I apologize; number 1, for my tone toward Peter Reilly. I think I just wasn't doing that in love.
So it'd be okay if you were dickish so long as it was done in love? I think I'm going to go into work tomorrow and verbally abuse someone and then gently lay a hand on their shoulder and emphatically state "Love hurts, bitch." I'd also like to make a parallel statement regarding spousal abuse, but I simply don't want to put in the effort.

My favorite sentiments regarding Peter:
I do think it unfortunate that a lot of what he says is fairly negative towards Kent.
From Peter's viewpoint and the way, his understanding, he is trying to be balanced and fair when addressing Kent. He really is. If you look at it from his perspective that is what he is trying to do.
After reading your articles a little more in depth you have been pretty fair in some regards to Kent and I do appreciate the fact you are at least covering it. In the end, you bash Kent .
He's fairly negative. He thinks he's trying to be fair. He is pretty fair sometimes. He bashes Kent.


Unless you bend over and kiss Kent's ass, Kent's buddies aren't going to see you as actually being fair, no matter how hard you try. You might as well open up the nuclear option there, Peter.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Might I humbly suggest, to "Dan & Sam", that they pray, not as they have been praying, but rather that they ask that Kent see that his head has been turned by wicked and foolish ways, and that he gain the strength to confess his errors and promise to abide by the law?

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

I didn't think so.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree withe Webhick here, the only way the "boys" at godspropertyradio are ever going to approve of anyone writing about their hero is if it is someone singing his undivided praises, and quite frankly it isn't going to happen.

The simple reason being, that anyone who actually looks at what Kent did and has done since will see it for what it is and not be swayed.

Kent has lied and prevaricated, and flat out obstructed at ever step of this farce, and the "boys" have fallen right in with him as far as his fantasy world is concerned. Nothing has changed, just a new selection of suckers to gull.
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by jg »

In regard to the twelve counts of the indictment for willfully failing to deduct and pay

federal income and withholding taxes for employees of Evangelism Enterprises in violation of

26 U.S.C. § 7202 the appeals court decision made this statement:
U.S. COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH CIRCUIT wrote: The government proved that Kent knew the tax laws required the collection

and payment of withholding taxes, but he refused to comply. Employees of

Evangelism Enterprises, peers, and legal counsel testified that Kent disputed the

authority of the Internal Revenue Service based on the separation of the church and

state, debated the interpretation and application of the withholding requirements,

and intentionally characterized Evangelism Enterprises as a “church” and his

employees as “missionaries” to avoid tax obligations. Kent had opined to attorney

David Gibbs that he was “smarter” than other church officials who had forfeited

real property after they refused to collect or pay withholding taxes. Although Kent

argued at trial that he was ignorant of the law and the Revenue Service failed to

identify a law that required him to collect and pay withholding taxes, the jury was

entitled to find that Kent knew about and deliberately violated the tax laws. See

United States v. Lankford, 955 F.2d 1545 , 1550 (11th Cir. 1992).
From ... t-e-hovind
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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Samphire wrote: two dreamers (Dan & Sam of God's Property Radio)
do not seem to have studied any of the matters relating
to Kent's bankruptcy trial, his federal trial or his tax trial.

You do not seem to have read any of the relevant transcripts,
the evidence, the witness statements or the judgments.

You have not tested any of Kent's carefully selected and highly
misleading claims he has made. on your show or examined the
quality, integrity and beliefs of any of those he has chosen to
advise him on matters on which they are plainly utterly and
wilfully ignorant.
It is somewhat strange that they seem to admit to their ignorance regarding the details of the Hovind cases, can't bring themselves to come out to me to discuss the details, and yet in typical, holier-than-thou fashion invite folks to come to them with questions for them to answer and if they don't have the answers they will find another Hovind apologist who will give them the answers Hovind wants distributed.

They don't want a "fair hearing", they want to do Hovind's bidding and present the Hovind spin in the context of an environment they control and without legitimate dissent.

Maybe Peter J Reilly will change that up a bit.
Maybe not.

We will see.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

The 2Peter3 folks just posted another interview with Kent by the controversial Steven Anderson; though it was streamed live on 11/28/2014. I don't think I noticed it earlier. ... XrwOgMhN5w

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Looks like it comes right out of the Hovind/Hansen playbook!

(1) Hansen's Petition

Excerpts transcribed by Robert Baty





Case No.: 8:14CV397

AT Federal District Court, Nebraska
111-South 18th Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

I, a man, Paul John Hansen,


Evan T Carpenter, a man,

Nature - I, a man, require "court of record".

Cause - Trespass, taking my property without authority.

Wrongdoer believe that U.S. District Court, Pensacola Divison, case..., indictment warrant has force and efect of law against I, prosecutor, and at the location of the arrest.

Wrongdoer believes I, prosecutor, is a United States person.

Wrongdoer believes said warrant is supported by verified claims evidenced in a court with jurisdiction over I, prosecutor, and upon the land where wrongdoer arrested me.

I require that wrongdoer verify all claims, beliefs, to act against me by said warrant. at arrest location, or return me.

I prosecute by right.

Paul John Hansen

I wish, I require, the Clerk of this court to:


5. The action is as "court of record", prosecuted as a right as I am a man of birth right where I was arrested, all without cost.


8. I require this action for my freedom from jail, for I am being held without law.

9. I require this action to proceed NOW.


(2) Order of the Court





Case No.: 8:14CV397



The above-captioned matter was provisionally filed on December 2, 2014.

However, due to certain technical defects, the Complaint cannot be further processed.

To assure further consideration of the Complaint, Plaintiff must correct the defect listed below.


Plaintiff has failed to include the $400.00 filing and administrative fees.

Plaintiff has the choice of either tendering the $400.00 fees to the Clerk of the Court or submitting a request to proceed in forma pauperis and an affidavit of poverty in support thereof.

If Plaintiff chooses to do the latter, the enclosed pauper’s forms should be completed and returned to this court.



Plaintiff is directed to correct the above-listed
technical defect in the Complaint within 30 days
of the date of this Memorandum and Order.


Failure to comply as directed will result in
dismissal of this case for want of prosecution.

DATED this 5th day of December, 2014.

s/ Joseph F. Bataillon
Senior United States District Judge

Footnote #1:

If Plaintiff is granted leave to proceed in forma
pauperis (“IFP”) in this matter, he will be allowed
to pay the court’s $350 filing fee in installments.

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Re: Kent Hovind Since Sept 2013

Post by notorial dissent »

Certainly reads like some of the stuff Kent has been doing, not to mention fairly illiterate as well. I will assume that Carpenter is the Federal Officer who took Hansen in to custody over the subpoena?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.