Love That Putin!

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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by BBFlatt »

So did the clones replace the shape-shifting aliens? Are they human clones or clones of the s.s. aliens? I just can't keep up anymore.
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by The Observer »

Neither. While there are Illuminati projects that use human clones, none of that has replaced the shape-shifiting reptilians that currently manage the Illuminati. For obvious reasons, there are policy guidelines in place that do not allow for cloning of shape-shifting aliens, nor creating human clones with shape-shifting abilities.

The article that was mentioned above, however, was a result of when one of Deep Knight's clone laboratories exploded and ended up releasing about 143,000 clones. A round up of the clones revealed that nearly all of these clones were of supermodels, except for eight that appeared to be clones of Orly Taitz dressed in rather revealing lingerie.
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote: A round up of the clones revealed that nearly all of these clones were of supermodels, except for eight that appeared to be clones of Orly Taitz dressed in rather revealing lingerie.
Thanks a bunch! Now, I have to head for my local Illuminati HQ for a mind-purge to rid myself of this horrible image.
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:.... except for eight that appeared to be clones of Orly Taitz dressed in rather revealing lingerie.
Don't forget the pancakes, the pancakes are very very important with the Orly clones.
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly posted this yesterday

Ha-ha, Spaniards show Obama as a balerina girl and Putin as a boy, a cabalero with a big package
Posted on | March 18, 2015


Strange, she still complains about the pancake paintings even after 5 years, but Obama Ballerina is OK. It's almost like she's a hypocrite. One of her posts on the subject, copying a great Mother Jones article.

New Revelation. Painter Dan Lacey admits he was paid to paint horrible pictures of Taitz. See an article below from Mother Jones magazine. Watergate started with a money trail. Now we have a money trail in ObamaFraudGate. Help me trace the money trail to it’s origins.

Posted on | May 18, 2010 | No Comments

The Birther Queen Bee and the Painted Pancake

— By Stephanie Mencimer

| Tue May. 18, 2010 3:00 AM PDT

Orly Taitz, the queen bee of the birther movement, sounds distraught. “I’m going through hell,” she says. The California dentist-lawyer had called to tell me about what she says is a campaign to scare her family so that she’ll abandon her quest to become California’s next Secretary of State. She says she’s endured death threats and an attempt to tamper with her car. But this time, she says, her opponents have gone too far. The final straw? An elaborate oil painting of a nude Taitz, legs splayed, giving birth to… a pancake.

First, a little back-story. For two years, Taitz has been demanding that California’s secretary of state request more evidence that President Obama is truly an American-born citizen. In March, she got herself on the ballot to run for the job in the Republican primary. But since declaring her candidacy, Taitz says that Obama supporters have been targeting her children—she has two in high school and one in college—via their Facebook pages with disturbing messages and images of their mother.

Exihibit A, says Taitz, is a series of paintings of her by Dan Lacey, the so-called “pancake painter,” who achieved minor celebrity during the 2008 presidential race for his numerous depictions of a naked, muscular Obama perched atop a unicorn. He’s also painted Sarah Palin, John McCain and Mother Theresa, among other famous figures, with a pile of pancakes atop their heads.

But Taitz doesn’t feel flattered to be in such company. She maintains that the painting titled Orly Taitz, Pancake Birther actually portrays her holding a placenta rather than a pancake. “This is really despicable,” she says, theorizing that one of her many political enemies put Lacey up to the work. But she says she’s more concerned about the effect the paintings are having on her children.

For his part, Lacey quips, “I thought all of these were rather sweet paintings of her giving birth so I don’t know why her family would be upset. Perhaps her children now suspect that they are actually pancakes.” He confirms that some of the original Taitz paintings were commissioned (though he won’t say by who). But most of them, he says, were his own inspiration. Lacey listed the paintings on eBay, where one sold for about $200. “Orly remains a popular auction subject,” he explains, “though not quite as popular as Michael Jackson.”famously litigious dentist has not sued Lacey, saying she fears that doing so would only bring him more publicity. But she has used the paintings in a legal filing against someone else: her opponent in the GOP primary for secretary of state, Damon Dunn. In March, Taitz sent a criminal complaint to the Orange County registrar of voters accusing Dunn of voter fraud and demanding an investigation into alleged intimidation aimed at her and her children. Taitz observes in the complaint that Dunn, a former NFL player, had never voted until nine months before deciding to run for the state’s top elections position. She also accuses him of having been registered a Democrat in Florida until just a few months before he declared his candidacy in the Republican primary—a fact his campaign has conceded.

Taitz believes Dunn’s campaign is merely one cog in a larger conspiracy to keep her out of office. Her letter to the registrar includes a reference to the Lacey paintings and emails sent to her kids:

These e-mails were clearly sent with the intent to cause severe emotional distress to my children and to me and with an attempt to harass my whole family, and to intimidate me into dropping out of the race for the Attorney General [sic]. While the e-mail was signed as coming from Damon Dunn, I actually don’t believe that Mr. Dunn personally sent these e-mails. I believe these e-mails were sent by his supporters or by supporters of Mr. Obama, as I currently have an active legal action in the Washington DC Taitz v Obama 10-cv-151-RCV.

One of the Facebook messages allegedly sent to Taitz’s children came from someone pretending to be Dunn. It said:

Will you be visiting your mum in jail after she’s sent there for approving of, publishing and encouraging her supporters to issue death threats against the family members (little children) of federal court judges in order to intimidate and coerce them into ruling in her favor?

Another, which went to her husband, read:

Is there some reason her family (ie you) haven’t put her into some form of treatment centre for her full blown paranoid delusional state at this point?

In her complaint against Dunn, Taitz also mentions voicemail messages that have been left on her cell phone and offers to submit them to law enforcement for verification. She says one caller told her that, “the best thing you can do for America, is slid [sic] your wrists, you fucking bitch.”

This isn’t the first time Taitz has complained of harassment. In December, in one of her many lawsuits challenging Obama’s legitimacy, she insisted that someone had tampered with her car (she included an explanatory drawing).

But for all the vilification that Taitz describes, she’s keeping her eyes on the prize. If she prevails in her bid for office, she’ll become the gatekeeper for the entire California elections system, meaning that Obama will have to go through her to get his name on the presidential ballot in 2012. And Taitz is emphatic about her intentions if she wins. She writes, “If I become Secretary of State, I will demand proper original vital records from Obama.” Pancakes or no pancakes.
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, March 29, 2015


by Dr. Kevin Barrett

Why is the whole Western foreign policy establishment so afraid of Putin?
Because Putin is standing up against Western aggression – not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria and Iran. Ongoing Western attempts to destabilize these and other countries are just the most recent examples of a decades-old pattern of aggression. The long-term goal: Total destruction of traditional nations and values, and the creation of a New World Order global dictatorship.
... The CIA’s 1965 Indonesia coup was one of the biggest holocausts in history. According to Princeton history professor Bradley Simpson, as cited by the Jakarta Globe: “The US and British governments did everything in their power to ensure that the Indonesian army would carry out the mass killings” of more than one million people following the coup against Sukarno. Most of the victims were tortured before they were murdered. The list of names of people to be tortured and murdered was provided by the CIA to their hired Indonesian thugs. While this was going on, five-year-old Barrack Obama was living in Indonesia with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro, who was working for the American mass murderers.
That’s right: Obama’s stepfather was a holocaust perpetrator.
In short, the New World Order – a shadowy group of global banking oligarchs bent on establishing a one-world dictatorship – is trying to overthrow every leader on earth who resists. Russian President Putin is resisting. That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him names.
It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God.
According to Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones, the 1979 Iranian Revolution was the opening salvo of a global backlash against secularism’s destruction of traditional values. Like the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan (driven by Americans’ disgust with the so-called sexual revolution) and the rise of Poland’s Solidarity movement (which opposed communist atheism), the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran was a landmark event signaling an end to the 20th-century wave of militant secularism and atheism – and a revival of traditional religion.
President Putin enjoys overwhelming popularity in Russia due to his defense of traditional religious values. In his State of the Nation address last December, Putin said: “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values… Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.”
Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists. Anyone who doubts this should run the name “Lt. Col. Michael Aquino” through a search engine. Aquino, an avowed Satanist and credibly-accused mass child abuser, was rewarded for his crimes against children with an appointment as Chief of Psychological Warfare for the US military. (For background on the satanic international banking elite, and its near-total control of Western institutions, read Nick Bryant’s book The Franklin Scandal alongside the work of Canadian scholar Henry Makow.)
Putin is stopping New World Order “creative destruction” in Syria and Ukraine. He is part of a growing coalition opposing the NWO – not just religious traditionalists, but also progressive anti-globalization forces, including Hugo Chavez inspired anti-imperialists in Latin America.
We are facing an epic struggle between those who espouse sacred values such as justice and decency versus those who wish to destroy all values.

God bless President Putin, who is putting the fear of God into the New World Order.”

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:16 PM

Sure the "total destruction of traditional nations and values" has been our goal, this is a time-tested mission statement that scored well in focus groups. Our "shadowy group of global banking oligarchs bent on establishing a one-world dictatorship" isn't the most popular secret organization on the planet by coincidence, we've worked hard at staying #1 and are proud of it! As for President Reagan getting voted in due to "Americans’ disgust with the so-called sexual revolution," that was my bad - what can I say except that I was younger and had raging hormones.

Anonymous March 29, 2015 at 1:01 PM

I hate when people use the term: "Fear of God." No one should fear God. God is unconditional love, and he/she does not judge anyone. This concept of, fear of God, is all about control and man made, to make people fear that: "God's gonna get ya for that!"
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, October 7, 2016





Posted by Olive Oyl at 2:08:00 AM 0 comments
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Deep Knight »

So, Vlad the Rad Putin is 64, OR IS HE???


On social networks are circulating pictures from 1920. and in 1941. for which some people claim that they are pictures of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

‘In fact, supporters of the thesis that Putin is almighty and immortal, have launched a story that their president is a mythical creature that resides on our planet for hundreds, if not thousands of years.’

Some also believe that Putin is Vlad the Impaler, who was born in 1431 and is better known as Dracula.


No wonder this photoshopping is bad, they guy doing it is centuries old, and you know how they are at adapting to modern software.
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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Gregg »

No no no...Vlad the Impaler was a champion Battlebot from a Comedy Central show, built by Grant Imuhara who later got famous on Mythbusters.
This picture is actually another of his battlebots, but in some Mythbuster episodes Vlad is seen in the background on a shelf or workbench occassionally.

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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:This picture is actually another of his battlebots

According to Google, this is an actual photo of "Vlad the Impaler." Looks kinda like the copy machine at work. However, I have confirmed that the historic Vlad also used "Loctite" as his heraldic motto, from the Latin "Loco Titillare" or "tickle instead" in English. If only he had taken this advice and tickled instead of impaled, today he would be thought of as the historic inspiration for Bozo instead of Dracula. A lesson for us all.


P.S. I went to the "new" high school in my town, which used the name "The Knights" for their football team. Lacking a historic football hero, they made up a fictitious one, "Ronald McKnight." This worked until the late 60's when McDonalds started using Ronald McDonald, which until that time had been only used locally elsewhere, in TV ads. The crosstown #1-rated high school mockingly brought signs with his picture to the big game, and Mr. McKnight was never heard of again. Ironically, in a big upset, my school won this game and went to the state championship, where they lost to a team named "The Farmers." For the next few months "Farmer" was commonly used as an expletive, so much so its use was banned by the school administration.

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Re: Love That Putin!

Post by Deep Knight »

More evidence!

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