Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote:Meanwhile .. what's this all about, I mean what's the point of Lawful Rebellion if you can't get out of paying for stuff?
Bev Lloyd > ‎Practical Lawful Dissent.

Hi - my boyfriend has just received a pcn from NHS Business Services Authority for £100 - which he got because he received dental treatment and claimed exemption which he has had for the last 15 years or so. Reason he no longer qualifies for free dental treatment under the tax exemption certificate is because our daughter went to uni so we don't get child tax credits anymore. He was completely unaware of this so was a genuine mistake but they say there are no grounds for appeal. Any suggestions/advice please?
This is pure bullshit. When you go to the dentist and claim free treatment you are given a form to sign after ticking the appropriate box giving the reason you are exempt. He ticked the box for child tax credits when he must have known he was not receiving it.

David Robinson

Well if he's not under oath then he isn't standing so nothing I can suggest sorry.
Presumably then if he had been 'standing' he would've been entitled to fiddle the NHS for does it not say in ye Magna Carta "No man shall be forced nor coerced into paying unto ye dentist the right and proper fees for treatment of his choppers nor paying ye penalty charge when he doth get caught out"?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by NYGman »

JimUk1 wrote:
longdog wrote:
REALITY CHECK FOLKS!.....many people are also being covertly attacked by secret invisible weapons and I am one of those people. The high pitched whistling/buzzing in the back of my head is constant. It is torture, and I can sense that it is causing me to experience disorientation, memory loss, apathy and my eyesight is getting more blurred by the day.

But then one of the most common conditions in the developed world isn't anywhere near as exciting as secret ray-guns :snicker:
Sounds like all the symptoms of an ranting alcoholic if you ask me, Dave.

Keep out of the Spoons and off the whisky.
That explains everything, he seems to have lost all the his memories around rational thought, logic, and common sense. His loss of memory seems to also include the ability to forget all the times A61 has not worked, and the memory of inventing the other events has long since gone, leaving only the faded false memory of past victories, that weren't. At least we now have the answer.

As to the Cause, could be excesses of the drink, or he could have some serious mental/psychological issues, that are manifesting these symptoms. Could it be due to his medical condition, or side effects from other meds he is on... :cry:
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

The point of the PLD mot in Brum was to apply the exact science of distressing and distraining in order to assist David Robotham and his battle with the police going after his assets following a drug trafficking conviction.

Another total success then;
David Robotham
I'll keep this short as I have limited access to internet, as those who followed this will know, well so fat they seized my home and forced the sale and after taking the ridiculous "fine" 20 k they have retained the balance from sale and say they are'up lifting' the fine to take the full balance leaving me homeless and destitute,my marriage and family in ruins,I feeling very down at the moment but am still fighting them I know I haven't posted but I will when there is some useful( not bellyaching) info thanks for the thoughts I will post early next week for those that may help me through these barbarric treasonous times, also thanks for birthday wishes ,I haven't got a lot to celebrate at the moment ,I'm up for supporting the cause and believe me when I'm back on the horse I will be riding up front,peace brothers and sisters
Well that went well.

More seriously it is I have to say a tragedy to see someone lose not only house and home but suffer relationship breakdowns and all that will have gone with this. To have put his faith in Dreary Dave, his methods and beliefs and the doomed mission to lobby Sgt Khan of West Mids Police thinking this would be a guaranteed success is an equal tragedy. He'd have been better off getting proper representation.

Dreary himself offers this explanation as to what brought his namesake to this pass;
Hi folks...its David Robotham's Earthday today. For those of you who don't know David has been subjected to massive fraud and theft by the state, he was jailed for 18 months and they then stole his house.

Surely he did something so terrible that he must have deserved this right?....wrong! he grew 6 cannabis plants for his own use whilst in remission for cancer..
18 month in the jug and a £20,000+ POCA order just for six cannabis plants? Seems overly harsh if that's true, I'm not sure they are reporting the full facts.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by daveBeeston »

If i remember correctly (and haven't mixed him up with someone of the same name)he was jailed after admitting possessing cannabis and amphetamine with intent to supply.
It also wouldn't have done his case any good that he fled from police in a car while he was disqualified from driving.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I cannot see the connection between getting a parking ticket at a hospital and free dental care. Hospital parking charges apply to all, not just some patients.

The overall tone of the rant is a little worrying, it could be the precursor to some pointless but public destructive action by the frustrated Fuehrer as it becomes ever more apparent that whatever the theory, all is futility.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by MaritalArtist »

JimUk1 wrote:
longdog wrote:
REALITY CHECK FOLKS!.....many people are also being covertly attacked by secret invisible weapons and I am one of those people. The high pitched whistling/buzzing in the back of my head is constant. It is torture, and I can sense that it is causing me to experience disorientation, memory loss, apathy and my eyesight is getting more blurred by the day.
Sounds like a "Targeted Individual"

AKA Delusional disorder ... disorder#1
That's right, The Mascara Snake, fast and bulbous! Also, a tin teardrop!
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by hucknallred »

Good afternoon constitutional protectors....

The TV is full of programmes that enhance this desensitization, have you not noticed the amount of violent films, immoral sexual content in shows that promote naked dating as normal etc....we are degenerating mentally as a species.
For the benefit of our overseas friends, a naked dating show does exist over here.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Dr. Caligari »

MaritalArtist wrote:

Sounds like a "Targeted Individual"

AKA Delusional disorder ... disorder#1
I think the technical term is "loony."
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Convicted drug dealer Robotham speaks up on his birthday.
I'll keep this short as I have limited access to internet, as those who followed this will know, well so fat they seized my home and forced the sale and after taking the ridiculous "fine" 20 k they have retained the balance from sale and say they are'up lifting' the fine to take the full balance leaving me homeless and destitute,my marriage and family in ruins,I feeling very down at the moment but am still fighting them I know I haven't posted but I will when there is some useful( not bellyaching) info thanks for the thoughts I will post early next week for those that may help me through these barbarric treasonous times, also thanks for birthday wishes ,I haven't got a lot to celebrate at the moment ,I'm up for supporting the cause and believe me when I'm back on the horse I will be riding up front,peace brothers and sisters
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

hucknallred wrote:
Good afternoon constitutional protectors....

The TV is full of programmes that enhance this desensitization, have you not noticed the amount of violent films, immoral sexual content in shows that promote naked dating as normal etc....we are degenerating mentally as a species.
For the benefit of our overseas friends, a naked dating show does exist over here.
I'd loved to have watched the delightful Aina looking for love in the buff but all I got was this message;
This video requires Adobe Flash Player
To view this content you need to install or upgrade Adobe Flash Player
Given how the great majority of people must look naked perhaps my archaic computer was just looking out for my best interests.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Given how the great majority of people must look naked perhaps my archaic computer was just looking out for my best interests
This may be true for the majority of the beer soaked inhabitants of the real ale dives of Vancouver and the many layers of bulky clothing needed to survive the Canadian weather cannot help but confuse, but I feel you may be unduly pessimistic about the unwrapped population. The small number I have unwrapped personally have proved in general neither alarming nor remarkabky mis-shapen.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Seventh String »

MaritalArtist wrote:
JimUk1 wrote:
longdog wrote:
Sounds like a "Targeted Individual"

AKA Delusional disorder ... disorder#1
Shows the signs of pretty severe paranoia as well....
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

longdog wrote:
REALITY CHECK FOLKS!.....many people are also being covertly attacked by secret invisible weapons and I am one of those people. The high pitched whistling/buzzing in the back of my head is constant. It is torture, and I can sense that it is causing me to experience disorientation, memory loss, apathy and my eyesight is getting more blurred by the day.
Yes... It could be invisible weapons or of course it could just be high blood pressure. Headaches, tinnitus and blurred eyesight are all classic symptoms of hypertension... Been there, had that, started on the tablets... Blood pressure now well under control and all the symptoms gone.

But then one of the most common conditions in the developed world isn't anywhere near as exciting as secret ray-guns :snicker:
I know it's bad form to quote your own posts but I've just realised that it was Dismal Dave who posted that as I didn't realise 'Robbo' was David Robinson for some reason. Seriously... If there's anybody with posting rights on PLD they really should suggest he takes proper medical advice because he's showing all the signs of severe and possibly life endangering hypertension. He's made these complaints before.
Hypertension is rarely accompanied by symptoms, and its identification is usually through screening, or when seeking healthcare for an unrelated problem. Some with high blood pressure report headaches (particularly at the back of the head and in the morning), as well as lightheadedness, vertigo, tinnitus (buzzing or hissing in the ears), altered vision or fainting episodes. These symptoms, however, might be related to associated anxiety rather than the high blood pressure itself. ... d_symptoms
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Whilst we all bicker like the insane idiots that we have become over frankly insignificant bullshit...."

I couldn't have said it better myself. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:
Given how the great majority of people must look naked perhaps my archaic computer was just looking out for my best interests
This may be true for the majority of the beer soaked inhabitants of the real ale dives of Vancouver and the many layers of bulky clothing needed to survive the Canadian weather cannot help but confuse, but I feel you may be unduly pessimistic about the unwrapped population. The small number I have unwrapped personally have proved in general neither alarming nor remarkabky mis-shapen.
I find that comment grossly offensive to all Canadian beer swillers. We Canadians, unlike you British, know the value of good beer and do not just wantonly toss it all over ourselves. We buy it to drink, not to bathe. However, having more than a passing acquaintance with British plumbing, that might be a viable alternative back in Blighty.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by aesmith »

On Whitebait's Common Law Court Council Tax challenge, surely this must be too bonkers even for them ..
Janice Lello
I'm not giving my birth certificate details and anything else that asks for so much information, over Facebook or Online. Too many hackers and people stealing identities.
John Appleton
You make a false name etc
So let's play that fantasising for one microsecond that the Common Law Court has any substance ..
Council - "please pay your Council Tax Janice."
Janice - "No. See court order exempting someone with a different name"
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Hercule Parrot »

NYGman wrote:
JimUk1 wrote: Sounds like all the symptoms of an ranting alcoholic if you ask me, Dave.
Keep out of the Spoons and off the whisky.
That explains everything, he seems to have lost all the his memories around rational thought, logic, and common sense. His loss of memory seems to also include the ability to forget all the times A61 has not worked, and the memory of inventing the other events has long since gone, leaving only the faded false memory of past victories, that weren't. At least we now have the answer.

As to the Cause, could be excesses of the drink, or he could have some serious mental/psychological issues, that are manifesting these symptoms. Could it be due to his medical condition, or side effects from other meds he is on... :cry:
I think the other factor is age, and the alleged male menopause.

When a chap reaches his 50's, there is a process of reflection, including mourning and satisfaction. Many of our dreams and goals have not been achieved, and it is now too late. We will never be a soldier, a brave fireman or centre-forward for Spurs. We will never own the kind of car we've admired and coveted, or the house, yacht etc. We will never again whisper and giggle under the duvet with a slender, athletic 19yr old. So many doors are closed now, so many regrets arise. We feel older and weaker, our friends and peers are starting to die, and all around us the world has moved on. The rare exceptions who retain influence and potency (through wealth or performing talent for example) just rub salt in the wound. Richard Fucking Branson gets to play with supermodels and jetski's on his private luxury island, while I worry about my job security and sciatica.

And then on the other side of the ledger, there is what we have achieved. While dull and unremarkable by our boyhood dreams, most of us have done something with our lives. We have a few moments of real pride and satisfaction, times when we acted bravely or kindly etc. And usually a family, friendship group and career of some description. We didn't reach the heights of our profession, but we established a solid reputation. Our spouse is old and fat, but that relationship has grown into a deep and sustaining bond which transcends physical beauty. Our kids are making their own lives, perhaps grandchildren are appearing.

For most men, this stocktake ends reasonably well, giving peace of mind about our decline and mortality. We put our boyish dreams into context, we are satisfied with our lot. We feel liberated to pursue new goals and interests, without the fretting anxiety of our youth. But some men, like David Robinson, cannot achieve this. Their balance sheet is in deficit, and there's nothing they can now do about that. They feel angry, frightened and worthless, cheated by the world or by their own poor choices. Their remaining life does not offer hope or joy, they are overwhelmed by pessimism and mourning. They desperately try to turn the clock back, to salvage some meaning from their existence. For Robinson, his imagined potency as a revolutionary leader is the last throw of the dice. And he knows it is futile, but to admit that would be to admit his own insignificance and failure.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Hypertension is rarely accompanied by symptoms, and its identification is usually through screening, or when seeking healthcare for an unrelated problem. Some with high blood pressure report headaches (particularly at the back of the head and in the morning), as well as lightheadedness, vertigo, tinnitus (buzzing or hissing in the ears), altered vision or fainting episodes. These symptoms, however, might be related to associated anxiety rather than the high blood pressure itself. ... d_symptoms
Doesn't glaucoma give some of these symptoms too?
Or the tip of the alien mind probe broke off?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by grixit »

hucknallred wrote:
Good afternoon constitutional protectors....

The TV is full of programmes that enhance this desensitization, have you not noticed the amount of violent films, immoral sexual content in shows that promote naked dating as normal etc....we are degenerating mentally as a species.
For the benefit of our overseas friends, a naked dating show does exist over here.
We have it here in the US, along with some naked survival shows, but they're accompanied by a lot of strategic blurring.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by hucknallred »

For the benefit of our overseas friends, a naked dating show does exist over here.
grixit wrote: We have it here in the US, along with some naked survival shows, but they're accompanied by a lot of strategic blurring.
Some blurring would be good on our version. I have only watched for research purposes of course.