Casper's Call to Action

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by The Observer »

Well, the constant unloading and loading of packets, of moving them out of the warehouse only to be moving them back in has to be a conspiracy to fund the pockets of the Teamsters Union. Not that I object to this conspiracy existing - I just want to know about it so I can coordinate it along with all of the other conspiracies.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Thule wrote:
Lambkin wrote: Hey, I got my share of the forty zeroes! You got left out? Don't you believe?
I got a tiny fraction, just about enough to build a full-scale model of earth, in solid gold. So I'm not worried about 2012 or CERN anymore, I got my own planet. We're talking bling on an astronomical scale here:D
Imagine a father-son conversation, some years after the packies are delivered, which goes something like this:

Son: You mean that that gold stuff used to be worth something?

Dad: Yes, son -- when I was a boy, gold was worth hundreds and thousands of dollars an ounce. Now, thanks to the delivery of the prosperity packets, it's so common that we use it in our household plumbing. You know -- we used to joke about being so rich that you could afford a solid-gold toilet. Now, gold is so worthless that everyone has one; and that's why the water pipes in our house are made of gold, as well.

Son: Aw, gee. I wish that I could go back in time to before the prosperity packets were delivered and take my toy soldiers with me and sell them....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by fortinbras »

So far all I got out of it were the zeros. I'm waiting for other integers.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Well, the constant unloading and loading of packets, of moving them out of the warehouse only to be moving them back in has to be a conspiracy to fund the pockets of the Teamsters Union.

Very clever of you reading between the lines between the lines, but remember, those who know too much will DIE HORRIBLY WITHIN THE HOUR. The good news is the people in charge of ultimately sanctioning you are also the ones in charge of announcing NESARA and delivering the packies, so it may not be exactly "within the hour."
The Observer wrote:Not that I object to this conspiracy existing - I just want to know about it so I can coordinate it along with all of the other conspiracies.
So you're that "The Observer!" I suggest scheduling it between putting microchips in everyone's behind and Donny and Marie's comeback tour.
Pottapaug1938 wrote: Dad: Yes, son -- when I was a boy, gold was worth hundreds and thousands of dollars an ounce. Now, thanks to the delivery of the prosperity packets, it's so common that we use it in our household plumbing. You know -- we used to joke about being so rich that you could afford a solid-gold toilet. Now, gold is so worthless that everyone has one; and that's why the water pipes in our house are made of gold, as well.
We here at NWO Central DO have solid gold toilets, not because we've gotten our prosperity packies but because we're so filthy rich from our evil deeds. Sounds good until you sit on one early in the morning and realize how COLD that metal is. Then there's the gold color, which makes it looks like someone took a pee and didn't flush and the wife yells at you. Take my advice and pave your driveway with it instead.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper the friendly ghost,
the friendliest ghost you know.
Though grown-ups might look at him with fright,
the children all love him so.

Casper the friendly ghost, he couldn't be bad or mean.
He'll romp and play, sing and dance all day,
the friendliest ghost you've seen.

He always says "Hello," and he's really glad to meet-cha.
Where - ever he may go he's kind to ev'ry living creature.
Grown-ups don't understand why children love him the most,
But kids all know he loves them so, Casper the friendly ghost.


* When Government imposes fees, fines or Taxes upon Business as OBAMA is currently proposing to do on the Banks it is We The People who will pay these cost as Businesses simply pass it on to their customers. This will be true for Government imposed increased Health Care Cost, Cap and Trade Taxes or any other Government mandated expense on Business as they use Businesses as a tax collector so that it becomes less visible to the people.

* The most insidious and invisible tax of all is called inflation. It is also caused by Government and Monetary Authorities and is a "taking" from the people with malice aforethought.

* U.S. Homes Sales in '09 were 23% lower than the "crash year" of '08 (NAR). Home values are now falling again (WSJ).

* Our Political Disaster is causing and leading our Economic Disaster. Government is bankrupting the country in the attempt to save itself. Congress is increasing the "debt ceiling" another two trillion right now. A reputable financial newsletter says the Fed is buying 80% of Treasury Debt at the weekly auctions in contradiction of Bernake's public statements ("we are not monetizing the debt"). Japan must borrow 428B this year, Italy 127B, the U.S. 1.3T, most other countries likewise. Where? Thin Air. Can you say PONZI?

* Bankruptcies in U.S. up 32% '09 over '08 in spite of "gonna chase you forever" changes in bankruptcy laws.

* Corporate Tax Receipts were down 55% for the year ended Sept. 30...

* The Incorporated Supreme Court Branch of the Incorporated U.S. Government says Corporations have the same Free Speech Rights (campaign contributions) as individuals. Baloney. It's been a long time since I last agreed with the Liberals.

* And, while I'm here in this strange place (agreeing with Liberals) Michelle Obama spoke to the Joint Armed Services Wife's Association luncheon Tuesday with a point by point presentation of Government initiatives to help Military Families. Outstanding.

* Speaking of Global Warming, the Sea Ice off the coast of China is 14" thick and covers the largest area in 40 years.

* After spending 1.9T his first year in office and increasing the budget 24% OBAMA will now freeze 17% of the budget at the increased levels for three years. Hail to Chief foolemfast. And often.

* After giving the banks Trillions plus unlimited "free" money from the Fed and absorbing their toxic assets on behalf of the taxpayers OBAMA will now "fine" the banks 90B over ten years. What a joke. Forty percent of the American people swallow this silliness and ask old foolemfast for more.

* Catch a Terrorist, quiz him quick (50 minutes) and lawyer him up to shut him up? What else could explain this level of stupidity? Or is it Treason? Who appointed this IDIOT Eric Holder Attorney General? On yes, I remember.

* Overnight Hillary says she will never again run for President and does not want a second term as Secretary of State. Whatdayathink? "Pants on the ground"?

* Five million homeowners are 90 or more days late with mortgage payments.
* The derivatives are still there. Hundreds of Trillions worth. The banks are not marking anything to market which is longhand for FRAUD.

* Several months ago OBAMA used the MAYO CLINIC SYSTEM as an example of how Obamacare would work successfully. This week MAYO announced they lost 840M last year and will no longer accept Medicare Patients. All Presidents lie. OBAMA is in a class all by himself.

* Never forget, our Country's secret Military technology has been given to China by Clinton/Obama in return for temporary debt relief.

* Thirty nine (39) turns out to be the number of Social Security Numbers issued to Obama and Aliases.

* The Investment Banks (Wall Street) which became Commercial Banks with the help of the bribed Politicians, in order to skirt various laws, have gone right back to their previous "casino banking operations" which caused the crash of '08. GREED again on the march. Disaster waits in the bushes as before.

* Loading our failures onto the backs of our children and grandchildren is beyond immoral, it is Un-American and just plain chicken s___.

* Losses in Stock Markets amounted to approximately 25T. We now have a Government sponsored/induced recovery approaching 50%. What happens when the monopoly money stops flowing? What happens to the value of your money if it does not stop flowing?

* What could be more sad than watching the interviews with farmers in California, now broke on the land their families farmed for generations, now have their water supplies cut off by Government Bureaucrats who desperately want to get their hands on your health care.

* OBAMA, as a pawn of Greenspan, Bernake, Geithner, Paulson, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the Illuminati has chosen continuous unlimited credit expansion which will continue until you hear the siren wale "Thare She Blows". This decision buys the insiders time for another round or two of hundreds of Billions of bonuses.

* Have you noticed that OBAMA is on television every day? Often twice each day and many many times three times a day? Never in history. This man is truly in love with himself.

* Unemployment funds in 25 States are broke with many others on the brink. Pension Funds are 3.2T underfunded with no way to recover.

* After Massachusetts OBAMA's "pivot" was immediate. Suddenly he is a fiscal conservative, calls for investment in plants and equipment, a REPUBLICAN no less singing from the Republican Hymnal night and day. For the kool aid crowd its business as usual, more mighty fine ideas from the Messiah. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear it is a con-mans hypocrisy on display as never before. 43% of the American people say in a poll conducted recently they would vote for Obama in an election held tomorrow. God help us.

* STORY continues to sell "on the books trading" from London with tax accruals as appropriate. I say B.S.. There is no equity or justice in any system which allows exorbitant overnight profits for the financial elite while the average person works night and day to make a living. It is the trading itself which is a scam, not the location from where it is done.

* Be sure to read the post from "The Director" regarding the OITC. How very interesting.

* Suddenly Volker stands with OBAMA. It's about time. Summers, et al "under the bus"? Has Obama gotten religion? Is he going to declare himself a Republican? Or is it just part of the "pivot" for public consumption? ( Volker stands for decoupling Proprietary Trading, Hedge Funds and Private Equity from depository institutions, a very good thing). Obama's policies are failing, he knows that and he is looking for a "savior" of his own. He is hoping to pull off a 'Bill Clinton' pretending to have changed his stripes after he and his agenda were soundly rejected in Massachusetts, a political earthquake.

* What the Financial Sector has done, in Partnership with the Fed, Treasury and bribed Politicians is nothing short of Sedition. Treason. And now they are doing it all over again. Did you see Geithner and Paulson both testify this week (House) they had nothing to do with the 180B to AIG and the subsequent diversion of taxpayer funds to Goldman, UBS and others? What a joke. The only way to get away with this level of B.S. and corruption is to be sure you are testifying to a bribed audience or a bunch of stupid Congressmen.

* To Ft Hood now for the service for 13 murdered military personel. All on the stage saluting or hand over heart except one. Guess who. ( starts with an O).

* 30 Billion Square Feet empty Commercial Buildings in CHINA. Government orders banks to stop lending. England and the U.S. flat broke. Still they fight the new to preserve themselves in power.

* Be safe, Buy Food then Gold and Silver.

* All is well. Big changes coming. Open drapes.

casper 1-28-10
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Deep Knight »

The situation is way beyond intense. It's future tense.


Overnight the packs again ended up back in D.C.

After more than a hundred lawsuits were filed yesterday in the Supreme Court by the Countries and others OBAMA and the COURT are saying this morning they will never be delivered. He goes on to say, his words not ours, "if necessary the recipients will be taken out". He has ordered HLS, FBI, CIA, and Military to stop deliveries.

The World Court has ordered deliveries today and the packs are supposed to leave D.C. momentarily.

The Supreme Court is being BLACKMAILED by BUSH and says that under the circumstances they can do nothing, that they have no choice but to "go along".

The FBI and the Military are supposed to protect the American people, it is Illegal for the CIA to operate inside the U.S. and HLS and Obama are at each others throats right now. The World Court says these are International Packages, they will be delivered and no one is to interfere.

The situation is way beyond intense. WE now wait to see which way the ball bounces next.

casper 1-29-10 #1

p.s. The Military NOW says they will do nothing to harm any American Citizen.
The Supreme Court NOW says "We control the media in this Country, we own them, they will do as they are told and none of the Info/Intell regarding this Court will be published"......
The packs have NOW left D.C.......
"Follow the Money"

Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by ClemIsBack »

"if necessary the recipients will be taken out"
I believe it. This would explain a lot. I believe that when they
attempted deliveries years ago, Casper was shot in the head.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by The Observer »

Casper wrote:The Supreme Court NOW says "We control the media in this Country, we own them, they will do as they are told and none of the Info/Intell regarding this Court will be published"......
Dear Deep Knight:

The above quote is even more confusing than the other stuff that you kindly explained. If the Supreme Court controls the media, then why didn't they stop all those embarrassing stories about Nancy Reagan's astrology sessions, Bush I not being familiar with grocery scanners, Clinton's escapade with Monica, anything to do with Bush II, and the recent Obama fiascos? Not to mention keeping Scalia and Ginsburg's flirting with each other in chambers? I mean, if you have that much power to control the image and reputation of our government, why waste it on the never-ending packet delivery?

Furthermore, the government is the worst keeper of secrets - you would be better off giving Kitty Kelley state secrets. The Watergate affair should be a prime example of how our government can't keep anything under wraps. So why are we able to keep the deliveries off not only the front pages of the nation's newspapers, but also the back pages, the sports pages, the classifieds and the comic sections? Everyone knows there is at least one Jimmy-Olson-wanna-be hoping to be the next Geraldo Rivera and exposing the deepest, darkest conspiracy.


The Ever Confused Minion.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by The Observer »

ClemIsBack wrote:
"if necessary the recipients will be taken out"
I believe it. This would explain a lot. I believe that when they
attempted deliveries years ago, Casper was shot in the head.
Oh, I thought it meant that they would be taken out to Denny's.

Which, on second thought, may not be unlike getting shot in the head.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Casper wrote:The Supreme Court NOW says "We control the media in this Country, we own them, they will do as they are told and none of the Info/Intell regarding this Court will be published"......
Dear Deep Knight:

The above quote is even more confusing than the other stuff that you kindly explained. If the Supreme Court controls the media, then why didn't they stop all those embarrassing stories about Nancy Reagan's astrology sessions, Bush I not being familiar with grocery scanners, Clinton's escapade with Monica, anything to do with Bush II, and the recent Obama fiascos? Not to mention keeping Scalia and Ginsburg's flirting with each other in chambers? I mean, if you have that much power to control the image and reputation of our government, why waste it on the never-ending packet delivery?

Furthermore, the government is the worst keeper of secrets - you would be better off giving Kitty Kelley state secrets. The Watergate affair should be a prime example of how our government can't keep anything under wraps. So why are we able to keep the deliveries off not only the front pages of the nation's newspapers, but also the back pages, the sports pages, the classifieds and the comic sections? Everyone knows there is at least one Jimmy-Olson-wanna-be hoping to be the next Geraldo Rivera and exposing the deepest, darkest conspiracy.


The Ever Confused Minion.
Why confuse a thoroughly deranged mind with facts?
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Thule »

Deep Knight wrote: We here at NWO Central DO have solid gold toilets, not because we've gotten our prosperity packies but because we're so filthy rich from our evil deeds. Sounds good until you sit on one early in the morning and realize how COLD that metal is.
Here's little NWO housekeeping tip. Have a couple of your interns charged with keeping the toilet warm at all time. I prefer the ones that have been zombiefied with the swine-flu vaccine.

I've installed a little alarm with a remote control. So when nature calls, I can signal the mindless drones that it's time to get up, sanitize the seat, pop open a cold beer and prepare a selection of interesting magazines for me. Or you can just hook up a heating element to keep the whole ting at a suitable temperature.

All this, and more, in the next NWO Living.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Deep Knight »

We must stop the fiat money gang. Take anyone who drives a Fiat and has money out and shoot them. I know it sound draconian, but have you ever driven one of those things?


Yesterday the news said the packs were leaving D.C. at 9 a.m. for delivery yesterday. WE didn't buy it and found that between seven and ten trades were being attempted and the packs were still in the Supreme Court.

From the Countries and the High Courts of the Countries news came that four World Court Judges who were responsible had been rounded up and taken to the Hague, the Trading Problem had been solved and Bundesbank, from where the trades were initiated, was being closed. The four Judges involved are from England, France, Germany and Italy. They then said the packs were out from D.C. for delivery starting this morning.

This morning WE found the packs still in the Supreme Court and four attempted trades in the works this time from Bank of America and Barclays. The same four World Court Judges were involved proving that they were not taken to the Hague and some of the Countries and their High Courts were out and out LYING.

Today, Sunday, 2:30 p.m. the packs were still at the Supreme Court even as these Countries claimed still another release had been given and the packs were moving toward us albeit slowly, "we are following the packs" and deliveries will begin at 6 P.M. tonight. More abominable LIES.

Today. 6:30 P.M. the packs are still in the Supreme Court. These World Court Judges and several Countries are "on the take". Four are obvious, WE are working to verify three more plus several of the "High Court" Officials in the Countries.. Nine more trades are lined up and will be attempted tonight.

From Europe WE are informed that in view of this latest sabotage someone(s) are now preparing to come forward with additional damning evidence about the Supreme Court and the World Court so keep your eyes and ears open for that.

The lawsuits which were moved to the World Court but also remained in the Supreme Court, were to result in rulings from both Courts today between 3 and 6 P.M. EST. No word on that at this time.

Those messengers who continue to sing zippidy do dah zippidy de ay day after day are apparently still unaware that "second rail" activity overrides all the readiness of "first rail" preparedness as it always has.

These attempted trades are being used as a stalling tactic. The bad guys are well aware they will be caught and stopped and should one slip through the funds will be seized. So what is their purpose, what is the real game going on here?

They are using ultra high speed computers to try and break into the accounts overseas. All accounts, not just ours. They thought this endeavor would have already succeeded by now but additional "locks" and security have been placed on the accounts and so far they have failed to break into them.

Second, the goal was/is, once into any account to stop the disbursements associated with that account which stops the deliveries which stops implementation of the Gold Standard.

And so, you see, nothing has really changed. It is the Fiat Monopoly Money Gang still doing every conceivable thing to stop the new and preserve themselves in power and hold onto their Fraudulent Financial Playpen and the fictitious values of "assets" associated therewith.

If "the good guys" had done just one half of what they said they were going to do this would be over and these additional complications would not be happening.

The packs are once again supposed to go out tonight but as we have all learned, on the planes and beyond the City Limits is no guarantee of delivery.

More when possible but only if necessary.

casper 1-31-10
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Deep Knight »


The packs were returned to the Supreme Court this morning by the carriers.

What happens next WE have not a clue.

casper 2-1-10

No, Casper knows what happens next quite well. He will say they're going out, "head's up," "open the curtains," and "make sure the drapes match the carpet." Then they get pulled back once again. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. The closest Casper & Wendy get to intimate relations.

Watch for movement by The Chring and groundhogs tomorrow.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

They pull the packies in, they send the packies out, they pull the packies in and they shake them all about....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:They pull the packies in, they send the packies out, they pull the packies in and they shake them all about....
I don't want a packie that's been handled by somany different people, I want a new one! :cry:
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:They pull the packies in, they send the packies out, they pull the packies in and they shake them all about....
I don't want a packie that's been handled by somany different people, I want a new one! :cry:
Well, I'm sure that Casper et al. will be happy to arrange a virgin packie for you. After All, he's so powerful and has been fighting for us so long and hard :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: that getting a fresh packie for you will be easy.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Well, I'm sure that Casper et al. will be happy to arrange a virgin packie for you. After All, he's so powerful and has been fighting for us so long and hard :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: that getting a fresh packie for you will be easy.
Casper's is the only virgin package, that is to say, he's the only one who's ever handled it. No one else would touch it, not even Fed Ex. He's tried to get Wendy to take it in and out a couple of times, even claiming there were orders from the World Court, but she took one look at his package and didn't want anything to do with it. In fact, she slapped him and called him fresh! I don't think that means he can arrange for a fresh packie. You've heard of "fiat money?" Well, Casper has a fiat package, in the "substitute for the real thing with no value in and of itself" sense. And an old pro like Wendy has sufficient experience to tell at a glance without having to inspect the engraving marks.

P.S. The Groundhog Day Take the Country Back assault by Casper's shock troops went well in that nobody showed up. More as this story develops. And by the way, Casper saw his shadow, so 6 more weeks of Winter.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Thule »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Dad: Yes, son -- when I was a boy, gold was worth hundreds and thousands of dollars an ounce. Now, thanks to the delivery of the prosperity packets, it's so common that we use it in our household plumbing.
Obviously "Dad" hasn't listened to the goldbugs. Dontcherknow that gold is the magic metal, it is immune to the effects of supply and demand and will always increase in value.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Thule wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote: Dad: Yes, son -- when I was a boy, gold was worth hundreds and thousands of dollars an ounce. Now, thanks to the delivery of the prosperity packets, it's so common that we use it in our household plumbing.
Obviously "Dad" hasn't listened to the goldbugs. Dontcherknow that gold is the magic metal, it is immune to the effects of supply and demand and will always increase in value.
Silly me. I thought that, if gold was as common as gravel, after the packies are delivered (and I Believe In Fairi -- er, Delivery Of The Prosperity Packages), the price per ounce might be a teensy bit below the current price....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper's Call to Action

Post by Thule »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Silly me. I thought that, if gold was as common as gravel, after the packies are delivered (and I Believe In Fairi -- er, Delivery Of The Prosperity Packages), the price per ounce might be a teensy bit below the current price....
Maybe slightly, but there will be mansions and monkey butlers for all.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.