Introducing RuSA's new "Republic News Network"!
This replaces the Thursday calls. It also bounces Robert Z., the longtime (irritating) moderator who often expanded his role from host to executive gatekeeper on the calls.
"Welcome to the Launch of the Republic News Network. On each broadcast we will be joined by guests to speak about the news of the day in the Republic and out. Our focus will be information, education, updates and recruitment. Each week we will be updated by a spokesman/woman from each branch of our Republic government."
More in this email:
This email also contains the RuSA disclaimer:
"The People of the free states in Union ("People") do not now, nor have we ever supported any intent of over-throwing the UNITED STATES municipal corporation acting as a government. The People are not "Sovereign Citizens" as defined by the UNITED STATES and Homeland Security. We are peaceful, non-violent and advocate peaceful, non-violent methods to restore and maintain a lawful, constitutional republican form of governance (i.e. we would never advocate or take part in the kidnapping of, or violence against any public official; nor do we affiliate with any hate groups; nor would we participate in any terrorist attack against the U.S. corporate government or any public or private official.) We love our fellow man, America, its People and the Republic for which our flag stands. We observe the greatest commandment, namely, that we love God and Love our fellow man. We believe that the rule of law should be applied justly and equally to all, both small and great without regard to race, gender, color, financial status, handicap, or religious affiliation. We show tolerance and respect to corporate law enforcement officers even when these officers, through lack of knowledge, may violate or infringe upon our un-a-lien-able guaranteed liberties. We are not tax protesters or the like. We believe in conducting our commerce and the business of Republic governance in the open, not in secret meetings. We hold that the People intend to research actual Law as well as applicable case Law. We intend on attending as many seminars, meetings and lectures as possible given by law professors, lawyers and the like in order to learn the proper interpretation of law. We are willing to assist any local, state or national leaders, such as governors, congressmen, senators or representatives in coming to a clearer understanding of their constitutional duties and obligations to the American People."
Well, if they declare in writing they won't overthrow the U.S. government nor "advocate or take part in the kidnapping of, or violence against any public official," that's good enough for me!
And, of course, if they deny they're sovcitz, it must be true!
Just like when birthers say they aren't birthers and racists deny they're racists.